# include "monop.ext" static char *perc[] = { "10%", "ten percent", "%", "$200", "200", 0 }; inc_tax() { /* collect income tax */ reg int worth, com_num; com_num = getinp("Do you wish to lose 10%% of your total worth or $200? ", perc); worth = cur_p->money + prop_worth(cur_p); printf("You were worth $%d", worth); worth /= 10; if (com_num > 2) { if (worth < 200) printf(". Good try, but not quite.\n"); else if (worth > 200) lucky(".\nGood guess. "); cur_p->money -= 200; } else { printf(", so you pay $%d", worth); if (worth > 200) printf(" OUCH!!!!.\n"); else if (worth < 200) lucky("\nGood guess. "); cur_p->money -= worth; } if (worth == 200) lucky("\nIt makes no difference! "); } goto_jail() { /* move player to jail */ cur_p->loc = JAIL; } lux_tax() { /* landing on luxury tax */ printf("You lose $75\n"); cur_p->money -= 75; } cc() { /* draw community chest card */ get_card(&CC_D); } chance() { /* draw chance card */ get_card(&CH_D); }