   2: static char sccsid[] = "	backgammon.c	4.1	82/10/24	";
   4: /*
   5: **	The game of Backgammon
   6: */
   8: #include    <stdio.h>
  10: #define WHITE       0
  11: #define BROWN       1
  12: #define NIL     (-1)
  13: #define MAXGMOV     10
  14: #define MAXIMOVES   1000
  15: #define RULES       "/usr/games/lib/backrules"
  17: char    level;      /*'b'=beginner, 'i'=intermediate, 'e'=expert*/
  19: int die1;
  20: int die2;
  21: int i;
  22: int j;
  23: int l;
  24: int m;
  25: int pflg = 1;
  26: int nobroll = 0;
  27: int count;
  28: int imoves;
  29: int goodmoves[MAXGMOV];
  30: int probmoves[MAXGMOV];
  32: int brown[] = {     /* brown position table */
  33:     0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5,
  34:     0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
  35:     0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
  36: };
  38: int white[] = {     /* white position table */
  39:     0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5,
  40:     0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
  41:     0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
  42: };
  44: int probability[] = {
  45:     0, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,
  46:     06, 05, 04, 03, 02, 01
  47: };
  49: struct  {
  50:     int pos[4];
  51:     int mov[4];
  52: } moves[MAXIMOVES];
  54: main()
  55: {
  56:     int go[5], tvec[2];
  57:     int k, n, pid, ret, rpid, t;
  58:     char    s[100];
  60:     srand(time(0));
  61:     go[5] = NIL;
  62:     fprintf(stdout, "Instructions? ");
  63:     gets(s);
  64:     if(*s == 'y')
  65:         instructions();
  66:     putchar('\n');
  67:     fprintf(stdout, "Opponent's level: b - beginner,\n");
  68:     fprintf(stdout, "i - intermediate, e - expert? ");
  69:     level='e';
  70:     gets(s);
  71:     if(*s == 'b')
  72:         level = 'b';
  73:     else if(*s == 'i')
  74:         level = 'i';
  75:     putchar('\n');
  76:     fprintf(stdout, "You will play brown.\n\n");
  77:     fprintf(stdout, "Would you like to roll your own dice? ");
  78:     gets(s);
  79:     putchar('\n');
  80:     if(*s == 'y')
  81:         nobroll = 1;
  82:     fprintf(stdout, "Would you like to go first? ");
  83:     gets(s);
  84:     putchar('\n');
  85:     if(*s == 'y')
  86:         goto nowhmove;
  87: whitesmv:
  88:     roll(WHITE);
  89:     fprintf(stdout, "white rolls %d, %d\n", die1, die2);
  90:     fprintf(stdout, "white's move is:");
  91:     if(nextmove(white, brown) == NIL)
  92:         goto nowhmove;
  93:     if(piececount(white, 0, 24) == 0){
  94:         fprintf(stdout, "White wins");
  95:         if(piececount(brown, 0, 6) != 0)
  96:             fprintf(stdout, " with a Backgammon!\n");
  97:         else if (piececount(brown, 0, 24) == 24)
  98:             fprintf(stdout, " with a Gammon.\n");
  99:         else
 100:             fprintf(stdout, ".\n");
 101:         exit(0);
 102:     }
 103: nowhmove:
 104:     if(pflg)
 105:         prtbrd();
 106:     roll(BROWN);
 107: retry:
 108:     fprintf(stdout, "\nYour roll is %d  %d\n", die1, die2);
 109:     fprintf(stdout, "Move? ");
 110:     gets(s);
 111:     switch(*s) {
 112:         case '\0':          /* empty line */
 113:             fprintf(stdout, "Brown's move skipped.\n");
 114:             goto whitesmv;
 116:         case 'b':           /* how many beared off? */
 117:             fprintf(stdout, "Brown:   %d\n", piececount(brown, 0, 24) - 15);
 118:             fprintf(stdout, "White:   %d\n", piececount(white, 0, 24) - 15);
 119:             goto retry;
 121:         case 'p':           /* print board */
 122:             prtbrd();
 123:             goto retry;
 125:         case 's':           /* stop auto printing of board */
 126:             pflg = 0;
 127:             goto retry;
 129:         case 'r':           /* resume auto printing */
 130:             pflg = 1;
 131:             goto retry;
 133:         case 'm':           /* print possible moves */
 134:             pmoves();
 135:             goto retry;
 137:         case 'q':           /* i give up */
 138:             exit(0);
 140:         case '!':           /* escape to Shell */
 141:             if(s[1] != '\0')
 142:                 system(s+1);
 143:             else if((pid = fork()) == 0) {
 144:                 execl("/bin/sh", "sh", "-", 0);
 145:                 fprintf(stderr, "back: cannot exec /bin/sh!\n");
 146:                 exit(2);
 147:             }
 148:             while((rpid = wait(&ret)) != pid && rpid != -1)
 149:                 ;
 150:             goto retry;
 152:         case '?':           /* well, what can i do? */
 153:             fprintf(stdout, "<newline>	skip this move\n");
 154:             fprintf(stdout, "b		number beared off\n");
 155:             fprintf(stdout, "p		print board\n");
 156:             fprintf(stdout, "q		quit\n");
 157:             fprintf(stdout, "r		resume auto print of board\n");
 158:             fprintf(stdout, "s		stop auto print of board\n");
 159:             fprintf(stdout, "!		escape to Shell\n");
 160:             goto retry;
 161:     }
 162:     n = sscanf(s,"%d%d%d%d%d",&go[0],&go[1],&go[2],&go[3],&go[4]);
 163:     if((die1 != die2 && n > 2) || n > 4){
 164:         fprintf(stdout, "Too many moves.\n");
 165:         goto retry;
 166:     }
 167:     go[n] = NIL;
 168:     if(*s=='-'){
 169:         go[0]= -go[0];
 170:         t=die1;
 171:         die1=die2;
 172:         die2=t;
 173:     }
 174:     for(k = 0; k < n; k++){
 175:         if(0 <= go[k] && go[k] <= 24)
 176:             continue;
 177:         else{
 178:             fprintf(stdout, "Move %d illegal.\n", go[k]);
 179:             goto retry;
 180:         }
 181:     }
 182:     if(play(brown, white, go))
 183:         goto retry;
 184:     if(piececount(brown, 0, 24) == 0){
 185:         fprintf(stdout, "Brown wins");
 186:         if(piececount(white, 0, 6) != 0)
 187:             fprintf(stdout, " with a Backgammon.\n");
 188:         else if(piececount(white, 0, 24) == 24)
 189:             fprintf(stdout, " with a gammon.\n");
 190:         else
 191:             fprintf(stdout, ".\n");
 192:         exit(0);
 193:     }
 194:     goto whitesmv;
 195: }
 197: play(player,playee,pos)
 198: int *player,*playee,pos[];
 199: {
 200:     int k, n, die, ipos;
 202:     for(k=0; k < player[0]; k++){  /*blots on player[0] must be moved first*/
 203:         if(pos[k] == NIL)
 204:             break;
 205:         if(pos[k] != 0){
 206:             fprintf(stdout, "Stone on bar must be moved first.\n");
 207:             return(NIL);
 208:         }
 209:     }
 210:     for(k = 0; (ipos=pos[k]) != NIL; k++){
 211:         die = k?die2:die1;
 212:         n = 25-ipos-die;
 213:         if(player[ipos] == 0)
 214:             goto badmove;
 215:         if(n > 0 && playee[n] >= 2)
 216:             goto badmove;
 217:         if(n <= 0){
 218:             if(piececount(player,0,18) != 0)
 219:                 goto badmove;
 220:             if((ipos+die) != 25 && piececount(player,19,24-die)!=0)
 221:                 goto badmove;
 222:         }
 223:         player[ipos]--;
 224:         player[ipos+die]++;
 225:     }
 226:     for(k = 0; pos[k] != NIL; k++){
 227:         die = k?die2:die1;
 228:         n = 25-pos[k]-die;
 229:         if(n>0 && playee[n]==1){
 230:             playee[n]=0;
 231:             playee[0]++;
 232:         }
 233:     }
 234:     return(0);
 236: badmove:
 237:     fprintf(stdout, "Move %d illegal.\n", ipos);
 238:     while(k--){
 239:         die=k?die2:die1;
 240:         player[pos[k]]++;
 241:         player[pos[k]+die]--;
 242:     }
 243:     return(NIL);
 244: }
 245: nextmove(player,playee)
 246: int *player,*playee;
 247: {
 248:     int k;
 250:     imoves=0;
 251:     movegen(player,playee);
 252:     if(die1!=die2){
 253:         k=die1;
 254:         die1=die2;
 255:         die2=k;
 256:         movegen(player,playee);
 257:     }
 258:     if(imoves==0){
 259:         fprintf(stdout, "no move possible.\n");
 260:         return(NIL);
 261:     }
 262:     k=strategy(player,playee);      /*select kth possible move*/
 263:     prtmov(k);
 264:     update(player,playee,k);
 265:     return(0);
 266: }
 267: prtmov(k)
 268: int k;
 269: {
 270:     int n;
 272:     if(k == NIL)
 273:         fprintf(stdout, "No move possible\n");
 274:     else for(n = 0; n < 4; n++){
 275:         if(moves[k].pos[n] == NIL)
 276:             break;
 277:         fprintf(stdout, "    %d, %d",25-moves[k].pos[n],moves[k].mov[n]);
 278:     }
 279:     fprintf(stdout, "\n");
 280: }
 281: update(player,playee,k)
 282: int *player,*playee,k;
 283: {
 284:     int n,t;
 286:     for(n = 0; n < 4; n++){
 287:         if(moves[k].pos[n] == NIL)
 288:             break;
 289:         player[moves[k].pos[n]]--;
 290:         player[moves[k].pos[n]+moves[k].mov[n]]++;
 291:         t=25-moves[k].pos[n]-moves[k].mov[n];
 292:         if(t>0 && playee[t]==1){
 293:             playee[0]++;
 294:             playee[t]--;
 295:         }
 296:     }
 297: }
 298: piececount(player,startrow,endrow)
 299: int *player,startrow,endrow;
 300: {
 301:     int sum;
 303:     sum=0;
 304:     while(startrow <= endrow)
 305:         sum += player[startrow++];
 306:     return(sum);
 307: }
 308: pmoves()
 309: {
 310:     int i1, i2;
 312:     fprintf(stdout, "Possible moves are:\n");
 313:     for(i1 = 0; i1 < imoves; i1++){
 314:         fprintf(stdout, "\n%d",i1);
 315:          for (i2 = 0; i2<4; i2++){
 316:             if(moves[i1].pos[i2] == NIL)
 317:                 break;
 318:             fprintf(stdout, "%d, %d",moves[i1].pos[i2],moves[i1].mov[i2]);
 319:         }
 320:     }
 321:     fprintf(stdout, "\n");
 322: }
 324: roll(who)
 325: {
 326:     register n;
 327:     char     s[10];
 329:     if(who == BROWN && nobroll) {
 330:         fprintf(stdout, "Roll? ");
 331:         gets(s);
 332:         n = sscanf(s, "%d%d", &die1, &die2);
 333:         if(n != 2 || die1 < 1 || die1 > 6 || die2 < 1 || die2 > 6)
 334:             fprintf(stdout, "Illegal - I'll do it!\n");
 335:         else
 336:             return;
 337:     }
 338:     die1 = ((rand()>>8) % 6) + 1;
 339:     die2 = ((rand()>>8) % 6) + 1;
 340: }
 342: movegen(mover,movee)
 343: int *mover,*movee;
 344: {
 345:     int k;
 347:     for(i = 0; i <= 24; i++){
 348:         count = 0;
 349:         if(mover[i] == 0)
 350:             continue;
 351:         if((k=25-i-die1) > 0 && movee[k] >= 2)
 352:             if(mover[0] > 0)
 353:                 break;
 354:         else
 355:             continue;
 356:         if(k <= 0){
 357:             if(piececount(mover, 0, 18) != 0)
 358:                 break;
 359:             if((i+die1) != 25 && piececount(mover,19,i-1) != 0)
 360:                 break;
 361:         }
 362:         mover[i]--;
 363:         mover[i+die1]++;
 364:         count = 1;
 365:         for(j = 0; j <= 24; j++){
 366:             if(mover[j]==0)
 367:                 continue;
 368:             if((k=25-j-die2) > 0 && movee[k] >= 2)
 369:                 if(mover[0] > 0)
 370:                     break;
 371:             else
 372:                 continue;
 373:             if(k <= 0){
 374:                 if(piececount(mover,0,18) != 0)
 375:                     break;
 376:                 if((j+die2) != 25 && piececount(mover,19,j-1) != 0)
 377:                     break;
 378:             }
 379:             mover[j]--;
 380:             mover[j+die2]++;
 381:             count = 2;
 382:             if(die1 != die2){
 383:                 moverecord(mover);
 384:                 if(mover[0] > 0)
 385:                     break;
 386:                 else
 387:                     continue;
 388:             }
 389:             for(l = 0; l <= 24; l++){
 390:                 if(mover[l] == 0)
 391:                     continue;
 392:                 if((k=25-l-die1) > 0 && movee[k] >= 2)
 393:                     if(mover[0] > 0)
 394:                         break;
 395:                 else
 396:                     continue;
 397:                 if(k <= 0){
 398:                     if(piececount(mover, 0, 18) != 0)
 399:                         break;
 400:                     if((l+die2) != 25 && piececount(mover,19,l-1) != 0)
 401:                         break;
 402:                 }
 403:                 mover[l]--;
 404:                 mover[l+die1]++;
 405:                 count=3;
 406:                 for(m=0;m<=24;m++){
 407:                     if(mover[m]==0)
 408:                         continue;
 409:                     if((k=25-m-die1) >= 0 && movee[k] >= 2)
 410:                         if(mover[0] > 0)
 411:                             break;
 412:                     else
 413:                         continue;
 414:                     if(k <= 0){
 415:                         if(piececount(mover,0,18) != 0)
 416:                             break;
 417:                         if((m+die2) != 25 && piececount(mover,19,m-1) != 0)
 418:                             break;
 419:                     }
 420:                     count=4;
 421:                     moverecord(mover);
 422:                     if(mover[0] > 0)
 423:                         break;
 424:                 }
 425:                 if(count == 3)
 426:                     moverecord(mover);
 427:                 else{
 428:                     mover[l]++;
 429:                     mover[l+die1]--;
 430:                 }
 431:                 if(mover[0] > 0)
 432:                     break;
 433:             }
 434:             if(count == 2)
 435:                 moverecord(mover);
 436:             else{
 437:                 mover[j]++;
 438:                 mover[j+die1]--;
 439:             }
 440:             if(mover[0] > 0)
 441:                 break;
 442:         }
 443:         if(count == 1)
 444:             moverecord(mover);
 445:         else{
 446:             mover[i]++;
 447:             mover[i+die1]--;
 448:         }
 449:         if(mover[0] > 0)
 450:             break;
 451:     }
 452: }
 453: moverecord(mover)
 454: int *mover;
 455: {
 456:     int t;
 458:     if(imoves < MAXIMOVES) {
 459:         for(t = 0; t <= 3; t++)
 460:             moves[imoves].pos[t] = NIL;
 461:         switch(count) {
 462:         case 4:
 463:             moves[imoves].pos[3]=m;
 464:             moves[imoves].mov[3]=die1;
 466:         case 3:
 467:             moves[imoves].pos[2]=l;
 468:             moves[imoves].mov[2]=die1;
 470:         case 2:
 471:             moves[imoves].pos[1]=j;
 472:             moves[imoves].mov[1]=die2;
 474:         case 1:
 475:             moves[imoves].pos[0]=i;
 476:             moves[imoves].mov[0]=die1;
 477:             imoves++;
 478:         }
 479:     }
 480:     switch(count) {
 481:     case 4:
 482:         break;
 484:     case 3:
 485:         mover[l]++;
 486:         mover[l+die1]--;
 487:         break;
 489:     case 2:
 490:         mover[j]++;
 491:         mover[j+die2]--;
 492:         break;
 494:     case 1:
 495:         mover[i]++;
 496:         mover[i+die1]--;
 497:     }
 498: }
 500: strategy(player,playee)
 501: int *player,*playee;
 502: {
 503:     int k, n, nn, bestval, moveval, prob;
 505:     n = 0;
 506:     if(imoves == 0)
 507:         return(NIL);
 508:     goodmoves[0] = NIL;
 509:     bestval = -32000;
 510:     for(k = 0; k < imoves; k++){
 511:         if((moveval=eval(player,playee,k,&prob)) < bestval)
 512:             continue;
 513:         if(moveval > bestval){
 514:             bestval = moveval;
 515:             n = 0;
 516:         }
 517:         if(n<MAXGMOV){
 518:             goodmoves[n]=k;
 519:             probmoves[n++]=prob;
 520:         }
 521:     }
 522:     if(level=='e' && n>1){
 523:         nn=n;
 524:         n=0;
 525:         prob=32000;
 526:         for(k = 0; k < nn; k++){
 527:             if((moveval=probmoves[k]) > prob)
 528:                 continue;
 529:             if(moveval<prob){
 530:                 prob=moveval;
 531:                 n=0;
 532:             }
 533:             goodmoves[n]=goodmoves[k];
 534:             probmoves[n++]=probmoves[k];
 535:         }
 536:     }
 537:     return(goodmoves[(rand()>>4)%n]);
 538: }
 540: eval(player,playee,k,prob)
 541: int *player,*playee,k,*prob;
 542: {
 543:     int newtry[31], newother[31], *r, *q, *p, n, sum, first;
 544:     int ii, lastwhite, lastbrown;
 546:     *prob = sum = 0;
 547:     r = player+25;
 548:     p = newtry;
 549:     q = newother;
 550:     while(player<r){
 551:         *p++= *player++;
 552:         *q++= *playee++;
 553:     }
 554:     q=newtry+31;
 555:     for(p = newtry+25; p < q; p++)      /* zero out spaces for hit pieces */
 556:         *p = 0;
 557:     for(n = 0; n < 4; n++){
 558:         if(moves[k].pos[n] == NIL)
 559:             break;
 560:         newtry[moves[k].pos[n]]--;
 561:         newtry[ii=moves[k].pos[n]+moves[k].mov[n]]++;
 562:         if(ii<25 && newother[25-ii]==1){
 563:             newother[25-ii]=0;
 564:             newother[0]++;
 565:             if(ii<=15 && level=='e')        /* hit if near other's home */
 566:                 sum++;
 567:         }
 568:     }
 569:     for(lastbrown = 0; newother[lastbrown] == 0; lastbrown++);
 570:         ;
 571:     for(lastwhite = 0; newtry[lastwhite] == 0; lastwhite++)
 572:         ;
 573:     lastwhite = 25-lastwhite;
 574:     if(lastwhite<=6 && lastwhite<lastbrown)
 575:         sum=1000;
 576:                                     /* experts running game. */
 577:                                     /* first priority is to */
 578:                                     /* get all pieces into */
 579:                                     /* white's home */
 580:     if(lastwhite<lastbrown && level=='e' && lastwhite>6) {
 581:         for(sum = 1000; lastwhite > 6; lastwhite--)
 582:             sum = sum-lastwhite*newtry[25-lastwhite];
 583:     }
 584:     for(first = 0; first < 25; first++)
 585:         if(newother[first] != 0)        /*find other's first piece*/
 586:             break;
 587:     q = newtry+25;
 588:     for(p = newtry+1; p < q;)           /* blocked points are good */
 589:         if(*p++ > 1)
 590:             sum++;
 591:     if(first > 5) {                 /* only stress removing pieces if */
 592:                             /* homeboard cannot be hit */
 593:         q = newtry+31;
 594:         p=newtry+25;
 595:         for(n = 6; p < q; n--)
 596:             sum += *p++ * n;            /*remove pieces, but just barely*/
 597:     }
 598:     if(level != 'b'){
 599:         r = newtry+25-first;    /*singles past this point can't be hit*/
 600:         for(p = newtry+7; p < r; )
 601:             if(*p++ == 1)       /*singles are bad after 1st 6 points if they can be hit*/
 602:                 sum--;
 603:         q = newtry+3;
 604:         for(p = newtry; p < q; )       /*bad to be on 1st three points*/
 605:             sum -= *p++;
 606:     }
 608:     for(n = 1; n <= 4; n++)
 609:         *prob += n*getprob(newtry,newother,6*n-5,6*n);
 610:     return(sum);
 611: }
 612: instructions()
 613: {
 614:     register fd, r;
 615:     char     buf[BUFSIZ];
 617:     if((fd = open(RULES, 0)) < 0) {
 618:         fprintf(stderr, "back: cannot open %s\n", RULES);
 619:         return;
 620:     }
 621:     while(r = read(fd, buf, BUFSIZ))
 622:         write(1, buf, r);
 623: }
 625: getprob(player,playee,start,finish)
 626: int *player,*playee,start,finish;
 627: {           /*returns the probability (times 102) that any
 628: 			  pieces belonging to 'player' and lying between
 629: 			  his points 'start' and 'finish' will be hit
 630: 			  by a piece belonging to playee
 631: 			*/
 632:     int k, n, sum;
 634:     sum = 0;
 635:     for(; start <= finish; start++){
 636:         if(player[start] == 1){
 637:             for(k = 1; k <= 12; k++){
 638:                 if((n=25-start-k) < 0)
 639:                     break;
 640:                 if(playee[n] != 0)
 641:                     sum += probability[k];
 642:             }
 643:         }
 644:     }
 645:     return(sum);
 646: }
 647: prtbrd()
 648: {
 649:     int k;
 650:     static char undersc[]="______________________________________________________";
 652:     fprintf(stdout, "White's Home\n%s\r",undersc);
 653:     for(k = 1; k <= 6; k++)
 654:         fprintf(stdout, "%4d",k);
 655:     fprintf(stdout, "    ");
 656:     for(k = 7; k <= 12; k++)
 657:         fprintf(stdout, "%4d",k);
 658:     putchar('\n');
 659:     numline(brown, white, 1, 6);
 660:     fprintf(stdout, "    ");
 661:     numline(brown, white, 7, 12);
 662:     putchar('\n');
 663:     colorline(brown, 'B', white, 'W', 1, 6);
 664:     fprintf(stdout, "    ");
 665:     colorline(brown, 'B', white, 'W', 7, 12);
 666:     putchar('\n');
 667:     if(white[0] != 0)
 668:         fprintf(stdout, "%28dW\n",white[0]);
 669:     else
 670:         putchar('\n');
 671:     if(brown[0] != 0)
 672:         fprintf(stdout, "%28dB\n", brown[0]);
 673:     else
 674:         putchar('\n');
 675:     colorline(white, 'W', brown, 'B', 1, 6);
 676:     fprintf(stdout, "    ");
 677:     colorline(white, 'W', brown, 'B', 7, 12);
 678:     fprintf(stdout, "\n%s\r",undersc);
 679:     numline(white, brown, 1, 6);
 680:     fprintf(stdout, "    ");
 681:     numline(white, brown, 7, 12);
 682:     putchar('\n');
 683:     for(k = 24; k >= 19; k--)
 684:         fprintf(stdout, "%4d",k);
 685:     fprintf(stdout, "    ");
 686:     for(k = 18; k >= 13; k--)
 687:         fprintf(stdout, "%4d",k);
 688:     fprintf(stdout, "\nBrown's Home\n\n\n\n\n");
 689: }
 690: numline(upcol,downcol,start,fin)
 691: int *upcol,*downcol,start,fin;
 692: {
 693:     int k, n;
 695:     for(k = start; k <= fin; k++){
 696:         if((n = upcol[k]) != 0 || (n = downcol[25-k]) != 0)
 697:             fprintf(stdout, "%4d", n);
 698:         else
 699:             fprintf(stdout, "    ");
 700:     }
 701: }
 702: colorline(upcol,c1,downcol,c2,start,fin)
 703: int *upcol,*downcol,start,fin;
 704: char c1,c2;
 705: {
 706:     int k;
 707:     char    c;
 709:     for(k = start; k <= fin; k++){
 710:         c = ' ';
 711:         if(upcol[k] != 0)
 712:             c = c1;
 713:         if(downcol[25-k] != 0)
 714:             c = c2;
 715:         fprintf(stdout, "   %c",c);
 716:     }
 717: }

Defined functions

colorline defined in line 702; used 4 times
eval defined in line 540; used 1 times
getprob defined in line 625; used 1 times
instructions defined in line 612; used 1 times
  • in line 65
main defined in line 54; never used
movegen defined in line 342; used 2 times
moverecord defined in line 453; used 5 times
nextmove defined in line 245; used 1 times
  • in line 91
numline defined in line 690; used 4 times
piececount defined in line 298; used 18 times
play defined in line 197; used 1 times
pmoves defined in line 308; used 1 times
prtbrd defined in line 647; used 2 times
prtmov defined in line 267; used 1 times
roll defined in line 324; used 2 times
strategy defined in line 500; used 1 times
update defined in line 281; used 1 times

Defined variables

brown defined in line 32; used 16 times
count defined in line 27; used 10 times
die1 defined in line 19; used 30 times
die2 defined in line 20; used 23 times
goodmoves defined in line 29; used 5 times
i defined in line 21; used 14 times
imoves defined in line 28; used 16 times
j defined in line 22; used 14 times
l defined in line 23; used 14 times
level defined in line 17; used 7 times
m defined in line 24; used 8 times
nobroll defined in line 26; used 2 times
pflg defined in line 25; used 3 times
probability defined in line 44; used 1 times
probmoves defined in line 30; used 4 times
sccsid defined in line 2; never used
white defined in line 38; used 16 times

Defined macros

BROWN defined in line 11; used 2 times
MAXGMOV defined in line 13; used 3 times
MAXIMOVES defined in line 14; used 2 times
NIL defined in line 12; used 17 times
RULES defined in line 15; used 2 times
WHITE defined in line 10; used 1 times
  • in line 88
Last modified: 1982-10-25
Generated: 2016-12-26
Generated by src2html V0.67
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