1: /*
   2:  * Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California.
   3:  * All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
   4:  * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
   5:  */
   7: #ifndef lint
   8: static char sccsid[] = "@(#)fancy.c	5.1 (Berkeley) 5/29/85";
   9: #endif not lint
  11: #include "back.h"
  13: char    PC;         /* padding character */
  14: char    *BC;            /* backspace sequence */
  15: char    *CD;            /* clear to end of screen sequence */
  16: char    *CE;            /* clear to end of line sequence */
  17: char    *CL;            /* clear screen sequence */
  18: char    *CM;            /* cursor movement instructions */
  19: char    *HO;            /* home cursor sequence */
  20: char    *MC;            /* column cursor movement map */
  21: char    *ML;            /* row cursor movement map */
  22: char    *ND;            /* forward cursor sequence */
  23: char    *UP;            /* up cursor sequence */
  25: int lHO;            /* length of HO */
  26: int lBC;            /* length of BC */
  27: int lND;            /* length of ND */
  28: int lUP;            /* length of UP */
  29: int CO;         /* number of columns */
  30: int LI;         /* number of lines */
  31: int *linect;        /* array of lengths of lines on screen
  32: 				   (the actual screen is not stored) */
  34:                 /* two letter codes */
  35: char    tcap[] = "bccdceclcmhomcmlndup";
  36:                 /* corresponding strings */
  37: char    **tstr[] = { &BC, &CD, &CE, &CL, &CM, &HO, &MC, &ML, &ND, &UP };
  39: int buffnum;        /* pointer to output buffer */
  41: char    tbuf[1024];     /* buffer for decoded termcap entries */
  43: int oldb[] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
  45: int oldr;
  46: int oldw;
  47:                         /* "real" cursor positions, so
  48: 						 * it knows when to reposition.
  49: 						 * These are -1 if curr and curc
  50: 						 * are accurate */
  51: int realr;
  52: int realc;
  54: fboard ()  {
  55:     register int    i, j, l;
  57:     curmove (0,0);              /* do top line */
  58:     for (i = 0; i < 53; i++)
  59:         fancyc ('_');
  61:     curmove (15,0);             /* do botttom line */
  62:     for (i = 0; i < 53; i++)
  63:         fancyc ('_');
  65:     l = 1;                  /* do vertical lines */
  66:     for (i = 52; i > -1; i -= 28)  {
  67:         curmove ( (l == 1? 1: 15) ,i);
  68:         fancyc ('|');
  69:         for (j = 0; j < 14; j++)  {
  70:             curmove (curr+l,curc-1);
  71:             fancyc ('|');
  72:         }
  73:         if (i == 24)
  74:             i += 32;
  75:         l = -l;             /* alternate directions */
  76:     }
  78:     curmove (2,1);              /* label positions 13-18 */
  79:     for (i = 13; i < 18; i++)  {
  80:         fancyc ('1');
  81:         fancyc ((i % 10)+'0');
  82:         curmove (curr,curc+2);
  83:     }
  84:     fancyc ('1');
  85:     fancyc ('8');
  87:     curmove (2,29);             /* label positions 19-24 */
  88:     fancyc ('1');
  89:     fancyc ('9');
  90:     for (i = 20; i < 25; i++)  {
  91:         curmove (curr,curc+2);
  92:         fancyc ('2');
  93:         fancyc ((i % 10)+'0');
  94:     }
  96:     curmove (14,1);             /* label positions 12-7 */
  97:     fancyc ('1');
  98:     fancyc ('2');
  99:     for (i = 11; i > 6; i--)  {
 100:         curmove (curr,curc+2);
 101:         fancyc (i > 9? '1': ' ');
 102:         fancyc ((i % 10)+'0');
 103:     }
 105:     curmove (14,30);            /* label positions 6-1 */
 106:     fancyc ('6');
 107:     for (i = 5; i > 0; i--) {
 108:         curmove (curr,curc+3);
 109:         fancyc (i+'0');
 110:     }
 112:     for (i = 12; i > 6; i--)        /* print positions 12-7 */
 113:         if (board[i])
 114:             bsect (board[i],13,1+4*(12-i),-1);
 116:     if (board[0])               /* print red men on bar */
 117:         bsect (board[0],13,25,-1);
 119:     for (i = 6; i > 0; i--)         /* print positions 6-1 */
 120:         if (board[i])
 121:             bsect (board[i],13,29+4*(6-i),-1);
 123:     l = (off[1] < 0? off[1]+15: off[1]);    /* print white's home */
 124:     bsect (l,3,54,1);
 126:     curmove (8,25);             /* print the word BAR */
 127:     fancyc ('B');
 128:     fancyc ('A');
 129:     fancyc ('R');
 131:     for (i = 13; i < 19; i++)       /* print positions 13-18 */
 132:         if (board[i])
 133:             bsect (board[i],3,1+4*(i-13),1);
 135:     if (board[25])              /* print white's men on bar */
 136:         bsect (board[25],3,25,1);
 138:     for (i = 19; i < 25; i++)       /* print positions 19-24 */
 139:         if (board[i])
 140:             bsect (board[i],3,29+4*(i-19),1);
 142:     l = (off[0] < 0? off[0]+15: off[0]);    /* print red's home */
 143:     bsect (-l,13,54,-1);
 145:     for (i = 0; i < 26; i++)        /* save board position
 146: 						 * for refresh later */
 147:         oldb[i] = board[i];
 148:     oldr = (off[1] < 0? off[1]+15: off[1]);
 149:     oldw = -(off[0] < 0? off[0]+15: off[0]);
 150: }
 152: /*
 153:  * bsect (b,rpos,cpos,cnext)
 154:  *	Print the contents of a board position.  "b" has the value of the
 155:  * position, "rpos" is the row to start printing, "cpos" is the column to
 156:  * start printing, and "cnext" is positive if the position starts at the top
 157:  * and negative if it starts at the bottom.  The value of "cpos" is checked
 158:  * to see if the position is a player's home, since those are printed
 159:  * differently.
 160:  */
 162: bsect (b,rpos,cpos,cnext)
 163: int b;                  /* contents of position */
 164: int rpos;                   /* row of position */
 165: int cpos;                   /* column of position */
 166: int cnext;                  /* direction of position */
 168: {
 169:     register int    j;          /* index */
 170:     register int    n;          /* number of men on position */
 171:     register int    bct;            /* counter */
 172:     int     k;          /* index */
 173:     char        pc;         /* color of men on position */
 175:     n = abs(b);             /* initialize n and pc */
 176:     pc = (b > 0? 'r': 'w');
 178:     if (n < 6 && cpos < 54)         /* position cursor at start */
 179:         curmove (rpos,cpos+1);
 180:     else
 181:         curmove (rpos,cpos);
 183:     for (j = 0; j < 5; j++)  {      /* print position row by row */
 185:         for (k = 0; k < 15; k += 5)     /* print men */
 186:             if (n > j+k)
 187:                 fancyc (pc);
 189:         if (j < 4)  {               /* figure how far to
 190: 							 * back up for next
 191: 							 * row */
 192:             if (n < 6)  {           /* stop if none left */
 193:                 if (j+1 == n)
 194:                     break;
 195:                 bct = 1;        /* single column */
 196:             } else  {
 197:                 if (n < 11)  {      /* two columns */
 198:                     if (cpos == 54)  {  /* home pos */
 199:                         if (j+5 >= n)
 200:                             bct = 1;
 201:                         else
 202:                             bct = 2;
 203:                     }
 204:                     if (cpos < 54)  {   /* not home */
 205:                         if (j+6 >= n)
 206:                             bct = 1;
 207:                         else
 208:                             bct = 2;
 209:                     }
 210:                 } else  {       /* three columns */
 211:                     if (j+10 >= n)
 212:                         bct = 2;
 213:                     else
 214:                         bct = 3;
 215:                 }
 216:             }
 217:             curmove (curr+cnext,curc-bct);  /* reposition cursor */
 218:         }
 219:     }
 220: }
 222: refresh()  {
 223:     register int    i, r, c;
 225:     r = curr;               /* save current position */
 226:     c = curc;
 228:     for (i = 12; i > 6; i--)        /* fix positions 12-7 */
 229:         if (board[i] != oldb[i])  {
 230:             fixpos (oldb[i],board[i],13,1+(12-i)*4,-1);
 231:             oldb[i] = board[i];
 232:         }
 234:     if (board[0] != oldb[0])  {     /* fix red men on bar */
 235:         fixpos (oldb[0],board[0],13,25,-1);
 236:         oldb[0] = board[0];
 237:     }
 239:     for (i = 6; i > 0; i--)         /* fix positions 6-1 */
 240:         if (board[i] != oldb[i])  {
 241:             fixpos (oldb[i],board[i],13,29+(6-i)*4,-1);
 242:             oldb[i] = board[i];
 243:         }
 245:     i = -(off[0] < 0? off[0]+15: off[0]);   /* fix white's home */
 246:     if (oldw != i)  {
 247:         fixpos (oldw,i,13,54,-1);
 248:         oldw = i;
 249:     }
 251:     for (i = 13; i < 19; i++)       /* fix positions 13-18 */
 252:         if (board[i] != oldb[i])  {
 253:             fixpos (oldb[i],board[i],3,1+(i-13)*4,1);
 254:             oldb[i] = board[i];
 255:         }
 257:     if (board[25] != oldb[25])  {       /* fix white men on bar */
 258:         fixpos (oldb[25],board[25],3,25,1);
 259:         oldb[25] = board[25];
 260:     }
 262:     for (i = 19; i < 25; i++)       /* fix positions 19-24 */
 263:         if (board[i] != oldb[i])  {
 264:             fixpos (oldb[i],board[i],3,29+(i-19)*4,1);
 265:             oldb[i] = board[i];
 266:         }
 268:     i = (off[1] < 0? off[1]+15: off[1]);    /* fix red's home */
 269:     if (oldr != i)  {
 270:         fixpos (oldr,i,3,54,1);
 271:         oldr = i;
 272:     }
 274:     curmove (r,c);              /* return to saved position */
 275:     newpos();
 276:     buflush();
 277: }
 279: fixpos (old,new,r,c,inc)
 280: int old, new, r, c, inc;
 282: {
 283:     register int    o, n, nv;
 284:     int     ov, nc;
 285:     char        col;
 287:     if (old*new >= 0)  {
 288:         ov = abs(old);
 289:         nv = abs(new);
 290:         col = (old+new > 0? 'r': 'w');
 291:         o = (ov-1)/5;
 292:         n = (nv-1)/5;
 293:         if (o == n)  {
 294:             if (o == 2)
 295:                 nc = c+2;
 296:             if (o == 1)
 297:                 nc = c < 54? c: c+1;
 298:             if (o == 0)
 299:                 nc = c < 54? c+1: c;
 300:             if (ov > nv)
 301:                 fixcol (r+inc*(nv-n*5),nc,abs(ov-nv),' ',inc);
 302:             else
 303:                 fixcol (r+inc*(ov-o*5),nc,abs(ov-nv),col,inc);
 304:             return;
 305:         } else  {
 306:             if (c < 54)  {
 307:                 if (o+n == 1)  {
 308:                     if (n)  {
 309:                         fixcol (r,c,abs(nv-5),col,inc);
 310:                         if (ov != 5)
 311:                             fixcol (r+inc*ov,c+1,abs(ov-5),col,inc);
 312:                     } else  {
 313:                         fixcol (r,c,abs(ov-5),' ',inc);
 314:                         if (nv != 5)
 315:                             fixcol (r+inc*nv,c+1,abs(nv-5),' ',inc);
 316:                     }
 317:                     return;
 318:                 }
 319:                 if (n == 2)  {
 320:                     if (ov != 10)
 321:                         fixcol (r+inc*(ov-5),c,abs(ov-10),col,inc);
 322:                     fixcol (r,c+2,abs(nv-10),col,inc);
 323:                 } else  {
 324:                     if (nv != 10)
 325:                         fixcol (r+inc*(nv-5),c,abs(nv-10),' ',inc);
 326:                     fixcol (r,c+2,abs(ov-10),' ',inc);
 327:                 }
 328:                 return;
 329:             }
 330:             if (n > o)  {
 331:                 fixcol (r+inc*(ov%5),c+o,abs(5*n-ov),col,inc);
 332:                 if (nv != 5*n)
 333:                     fixcol (r,c+n,abs(5*n-nv),col,inc);
 334:             } else  {
 335:                 fixcol (r+inc*(nv%5),c+n,abs(5*n-nv),' ',inc);
 336:                 if (ov != 5*o)
 337:                     fixcol (r,c+o,abs(5*o-ov),' ',inc);
 338:             }
 339:             return;
 340:         }
 341:     }
 342:     nv = abs(new);
 343:     fixcol (r,c+1,nv,new > 0? 'r': 'w',inc);
 344:     if (abs(old) <= abs(new))
 345:         return;
 346:     fixcol (r+inc*new,c+1,abs(old+new),' ',inc);
 347: }
 349: fixcol (r,c,l,ch,inc)
 350: register int    l, ch;
 351: int     r, c, inc;
 353: {
 354:     register int    i;
 356:     curmove (r,c);
 357:     fancyc (ch);
 358:     for (i = 1; i < l; i++)  {
 359:         curmove (curr+inc,curc-1);
 360:         fancyc (ch);
 361:     }
 362: }
 364: curmove (r,c)
 365: register int    r, c;
 367: {
 368:     if (curr == r && curc == c)
 369:         return;
 370:     if (realr == -1)  {
 371:         realr = curr;
 372:         realc = curc;
 373:     }
 374:     curr = r;
 375:     curc = c;
 376: }
 378: newpos ()  {
 379:     register int    r;      /* destination row */
 380:     register int    c;      /* destination column */
 381:     register int    mode = -1;  /* mode of movement */
 383:     int count = 1000;       /* character count */
 384:     int i;          /* index */
 385:     int j;          /* index */
 386:     int n;          /* temporary variable */
 387:     char    *m;         /* string containing CM movement */
 388:     int addbuf();       /* add a char to the output buffer */
 391:     if (realr == -1)        /* see if already there */
 392:         return;
 394:     r = curr;           /* set current and dest. positions */
 395:     c = curc;
 396:     curr = realr;
 397:     curc = realc;
 399:                     /* double check position */
 400:     if (curr == r && curc == c)  {
 401:         realr = realc = -1;
 402:         return;
 403:     }
 405:     if (CM)  {          /* try CM to get there */
 406:         mode = 0;
 407:         m = tgoto (CM,c,r);
 408:         count = strlen (m);
 409:     }
 411:                     /* try HO and local movement */
 412:     if (HO && (n = r+c*lND+lHO) < count)  {
 413:         mode = 1;
 414:         count = n;
 415:     }
 417:                     /* try various LF combinations */
 418:     if (r >= curr)  {
 419:                         /* CR, LF, and ND */
 420:         if ((n = (r-curr)+c*lND+1) < count)  {
 421:             mode = 2;
 422:             count = n;
 423:         }
 424:                         /* LF, ND */
 425:         if (c >= curc && (n = (r-curr)+(c-curc)*lND) < count)  {
 426:             mode = 3;
 427:             count = n;
 428:         }
 429:                         /* LF, BS */
 430:         if (c < curc && (n = (r-curr)+(curc-c)*lBC) < count)  {
 431:             mode = 4;
 432:             count = n;
 433:         }
 434:     }
 436:                     /* try corresponding UP combinations */
 437:     if (r < curr)  {
 438:                         /* CR, UP, and ND */
 439:         if ((n = (curr-r)*lUP+c*lND+1) < count)  {
 440:             mode = 5;
 441:             count = n;
 442:         }
 443:                         /* UP and ND */
 444:         if (c >= curc && (n = (curr-r)*lUP+(c-curc)*lND) < count)  {
 445:             mode = 6;
 446:             count = n;
 447:         }
 448:                         /* UP and BS */
 449:         if (c < curc && (n = (curr-r)*lUP+(curc-c)*lBC) < count)  {
 450:             mode = 7;
 451:             count = n;
 452:         }
 453:     }
 455:                         /* space over */
 456:     if (curr == r && c > curc && linect[r] < curc && c-curc < count)
 457:         mode = 8;
 459:     switch (mode)  {
 461:     case -1:                /* error! */
 462:         write (2,"\r\nInternal cursor error.\r\n",26);
 463:         getout();
 465:                         /* direct cursor motion */
 466:     case  0:
 467:         tputs (m,abs(curr-r),addbuf);
 468:         break;
 470:                         /* relative to "home" */
 471:     case  1:
 472:         tputs (HO,r,addbuf);
 473:         for (i = 0; i < r; i++)
 474:             addbuf ('\012');
 475:         for (i = 0; i < c; i++)
 476:             tputs (ND,1,addbuf);
 477:         break;
 479:                         /* CR and down and over */
 480:     case  2:
 481:         addbuf ('\015');
 482:         for (i = 0; i < r-curr; i++)
 483:             addbuf ('\012');
 484:         for (i = 0; i < c; i++)
 485:             tputs (ND,1,addbuf);
 486:         break;
 488:                         /* down and over */
 489:     case  3:
 490:         for (i = 0; i < r-curr; i++)
 491:             addbuf ('\012');
 492:         for (i = 0; i < c-curc; i++)
 493:             tputs (ND,1,addbuf);
 494:         break;
 496:                         /* down and back */
 497:     case  4:
 498:         for (i = 0; i < r-curr; i++)
 499:             addbuf ('\012');
 500:         for (i = 0; i < curc-c; i++)
 501:             addbuf ('\010');
 502:         break;
 504:                         /* CR and up and over */
 505:     case  5:
 506:         addbuf ('\015');
 507:         for (i = 0; i < curr-r; i++)
 508:             tputs (UP,1,addbuf);
 509:         for (i = 0; i < c; i++)
 510:             tputs (ND,1,addbuf);
 511:         break;
 513:                         /* up and over */
 514:     case  6:
 515:         for (i = 0; i < curr-r; i++)
 516:             tputs (UP,1,addbuf);
 517:         for (i = 0; i < c-curc; i++)
 518:             tputs (ND,1,addbuf);
 519:         break;
 521:                         /* up and back */
 522:     case  7:
 523:         for (i = 0; i < curr-r; i++)
 524:             tputs (UP,1,addbuf);
 525:         for (i = 0; i < curc-c; i++)  {
 526:             if (BC)
 527:                 tputs (BC,1,addbuf);
 528:             else
 529:                 addbuf ('\010');
 530:         }
 531:         break;
 533:                         /* safe space */
 534:     case  8:
 535:         for (i = 0; i < c-curc; i++)
 536:             addbuf (' ');
 537:     }
 539:                         /* fix positions */
 540:     curr = r;
 541:     curc = c;
 542:     realr = -1;
 543:     realc = -1;
 544: }
 546: clear ()  {
 547:     register int    i;
 548:     int     addbuff();
 550:                     /* double space if can't clear */
 551:     if (CL == 0)  {
 552:         writel ("\n\n");
 553:         return;
 554:     }
 556:     curr = curc = 0;        /* fix position markers */
 557:     realr = realc = -1;
 558:     for (i = 0; i < 24; i++)    /* clear line counts */
 559:         linect[i] = -1;
 560:     buffnum = -1;           /* ignore leftover buffer contents */
 561:     tputs (CL,CO,addbuf);       /* put CL in buffer */
 562: }
 564: tos ()  {               /* home cursor */
 565:     curmove (0,0);
 566: }
 568: fancyc (c)
 569: register char   c;          /* character to output */
 570: {
 571:     register int    sp;     /* counts spaces in a tab */
 573:     if (c == '\007')  {     /* bells go in blindly */
 574:         addbuf (c);
 575:         return;
 576:     }
 578:                     /* process tabs, use spaces if the
 579: 					 * the tab should be erasing things,
 580: 					 * otherwise use cursor movement
 581: 					 * routines.  Note this does not use
 582: 					 * hardware tabs at all. */
 583:     if (c == '\t')  {
 584:         sp = (curc+8) & (~ 7);      /* compute spaces */
 585:                         /* check line length */
 586:         if (linect[curr] >= curc || sp < 4)  {
 587:             for (; sp > curc; sp--)
 588:                 addbuf (' ');
 589:             curc = sp;      /* fix curc */
 590:         } else
 591:             curmove (curr,sp);
 592:         return;
 593:     }
 595:                     /* do newline be calling newline */
 596:     if (c == '\n')  {
 597:         newline();
 598:         return;
 599:     }
 601:                     /* ignore any other control chars */
 602:     if (c < ' ')
 603:         return;
 605:                     /* if an erasing space or non-space,
 606: 					 * just add it to buffer.  Otherwise
 607: 					 * use cursor movement routine, so that
 608: 					 * multiple spaces will be grouped
 609: 					 * together */
 610:     if (c > ' ' || linect[curr] >= curc)  {
 611:         newpos ();          /* make sure position correct */
 612:         addbuf (c);         /* add character to buffer */
 613:                         /* fix line length */
 614:         if (c == ' ' && linect[curr] == curc)
 615:             linect[curr]--;
 616:         else if (linect[curr] < curc)
 617:             linect[curr] = curc;
 618:         curc++;             /* fix curc */
 619:     } else
 620:                     /* use cursor movement routine */
 621:         curmove (curr,curc+1);
 622: }
 624: clend()  {
 625:     register int    i;
 626:     register char   *s;
 627:     int     addbuf();
 630:     if (CD)  {
 631:         tputs (CD,CO-curr,addbuf);
 632:         for (i = curr; i < LI; i++)
 633:             linect[i] = -1;
 634:         return;
 635:     }
 637:     curmove (i = curr,0);
 638:     cline();
 639:     while (curr < LI-1)  {
 640:         curmove (curr+1,0);
 641:         if (linect[curr] > -1)
 642:             cline ();
 643:     }
 644:     curmove (i,0);
 645: }
 647: cline ()  {
 648:     register int    i;
 649:     register int    c;
 650:     register char   *s;
 651:     int     addbuf();
 653:     if (curc > linect[curr])
 654:         return;
 655:     newpos ();
 656:     if (CE)  {
 657:         tputs (CE,1,addbuf);
 658:         linect[curr] = curc-1;
 659:     } else  {
 660:         c = curc-1;
 661:         while (linect[curr] > c)  {
 662:             addbuf (' ');
 663:             curc++;
 664:             linect[curr]--;
 665:         }
 666:         curmove (curr,c+1);
 667:     }
 668: }
 670: newline ()  {
 671:     cline();
 672:     if (curr == LI-1)
 673:         curmove (begscr,0);
 674:     else
 675:         curmove (curr+1,0);
 676: }
 678: getcaps (s)
 679: register char   *s;
 681: {
 682:     register char   *code;      /* two letter code */
 683:     register char   ***cap;     /* pointer to cap string */
 684:     char        *bufp;      /* pointer to cap buffer */
 685:     char        tentry[1024];   /* temporary uncoded caps buffer */
 687:     tgetent (tentry,s);     /* get uncoded termcap entry */
 689:     LI = tgetnum ("li");        /* get number of lines */
 690:     if (LI == -1)
 691:         LI = 12;
 692:     CO = tgetnum ("co");        /* get number of columns */
 693:     if (CO == -1)
 694:         CO = 65;
 696:     bufp = tbuf;            /* get padding character */
 697:     tgetstr ("pc",&bufp);
 698:     if (bufp != tbuf)
 699:         PC = *tbuf;
 700:     else
 701:         PC = 0;
 703:     bufp = tbuf;            /* get string entries */
 704:     cap = tstr;
 705:     for (code = tcap; *code; code += 2)
 706:         **cap++ = tgetstr (code,&bufp);
 708:                     /* get pertinent lengths */
 709:     if (HO)
 710:         lHO = strlen (HO);
 711:     if (BC)
 712:         lBC = strlen (BC);
 713:     else
 714:         lBC = 1;
 715:     if (UP)
 716:         lUP = strlen (UP);
 717:     if (ND)
 718:         lND = strlen (ND);
 719:     if (LI < 24 || CO < 72 || !(CL && UP && ND))
 720:         return (0);
 721:     linect = calloc (LI+1,sizeof(int));
 722:     return (1);
 723: }

Defined functions

bsect defined in line 162; used 8 times
fancyc defined in line 568; used 25 times
fboard defined in line 54; used 1 times
fixcol defined in line 349; used 16 times
fixpos defined in line 279; used 8 times
newline defined in line 670; used 1 times
newpos defined in line 378; used 5 times
tos defined in line 564; never used

Defined variables

BC defined in line 14; used 5 times
CD defined in line 15; used 3 times
CE defined in line 16; used 3 times
CL defined in line 17; used 4 times
CM defined in line 18; used 3 times
CO defined in line 29; used 6 times
HO defined in line 19; used 5 times
LI defined in line 30; used 8 times
MC defined in line 20; used 1 times
  • in line 37
ML defined in line 21; used 1 times
  • in line 37
ND defined in line 22; used 9 times
PC defined in line 13; used 2 times
UP defined in line 23; used 7 times
buffnum defined in line 39; used 1 times
lBC defined in line 26; used 4 times
lHO defined in line 25; used 2 times
lND defined in line 27; used 6 times
lUP defined in line 28; used 4 times
linect defined in line 31; used 15 times
oldb defined in line 43; used 19 times
oldr defined in line 45; used 4 times
oldw defined in line 46; used 4 times
realc defined in line 52; used 5 times
realr defined in line 51; used 7 times
sccsid defined in line 8; never used
tbuf defined in line 41; used 4 times
tcap defined in line 35; used 1 times
tstr defined in line 37; used 1 times
Last modified: 1985-05-29
Generated: 2016-12-26
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