1: /*
   2:  *******************************************************************************
   3:  *
   4:  *  debug.c --
   5:  *
   6:  *	Routines to print out packets received from a name server query.
   7:  *
   8:  *      Modified version of 4.3BSD BIND res_debug.c 5.6 9/14/85
   9:  *
  10:  *	Copyright (c) 1985 Regents of the University of California.
  11:  *	All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
  12:  *	specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
  13:  *
  14:  *******************************************************************************
  15:  */
  17: #ifndef lint
  18: static char sccsid[] = "@(#)debug.c	5.3 (Berkeley) 3/31/86";
  19: #endif not lint
  21: #include <sys/types.h>
  22: #include <netinet/in.h>
  23: #include <stdio.h>
  24: #include <arpa/nameser.h>
  25: #include <resolv.h>
  26: #include "res.h"
  28: extern char ctime();
  30: /*
  31:  *  Imported from res_debug.c
  32:  */
  33: extern char *rcodes[];
  34: extern char *opcodes[];
  36: /*
  37:  *  Used to highlight the start of a record when printing it.
  38:  */
  39: #define INDENT "->  "
  43: /*
  44:  * Print the contents of a query.
  45:  * This is intended to be primarily a debugging routine.
  46:  */
  48: Print_query(msg, eom, printHeader)
  49:     char *msg, *eom;
  50:     int printHeader;
  51: {
  52:     Fprint_query(msg, eom, printHeader,stdout);
  53: }
  55: Fprint_query(msg, eom, printHeader,file)
  56:     char *msg, *eom;
  57:     int printHeader;
  58:     FILE *file;
  59: {
  60:     register char *cp;
  61:     register HEADER *hp;
  62:     register int n;
  63:     short class;
  64:     short type;
  66:     /*
  67: 	 * Print header fields.
  68: 	 */
  69:     hp = (HEADER *)msg;
  70:     cp = msg + sizeof(HEADER);
  71:     if (printHeader || (_res.options & RES_DEBUG2)) {
  72:         fprintf(file,"HEADER:\n");
  73:         fprintf(file,"\topcode = %s", opcodes[hp->opcode]);
  74:         fprintf(file,", id = %d", ntohs(hp->id));
  75:         fprintf(file,", rcode = %s\n", rcodes[hp->rcode]);
  76:         fprintf(file,"\theader flags: ");
  77:         if (hp->qr) {
  78:             fprintf(file," response");
  79:         } else {
  80:             fprintf(file," query");
  81:         }
  82:         if (hp->aa)
  83:             fprintf(file,", auth. answer");
  84:         if (hp->tc)
  85:             fprintf(file,", truncation");
  86:         if (hp->rd)
  87:             fprintf(file,", want recursion");
  88:         if (hp->ra)
  89:             fprintf(file,", recursion avail.");
  90:         if (hp->pr)
  91:             fprintf(file,", primary");
  92:         fprintf(file,"\n\tquestions = %d", ntohs(hp->qdcount));
  93:         fprintf(file,",  answers = %d", ntohs(hp->ancount));
  94:         fprintf(file,",  n.s. = %d", ntohs(hp->nscount));
  95:         fprintf(file,",  additional = %d\n\n", ntohs(hp->arcount));
  96:     }
  98:     /*
  99: 	 * Print question records.
 100: 	 */
 101:     if (n = ntohs(hp->qdcount)) {
 102:         fprintf(file,"QUESTIONS:\n");
 103:         while (--n >= 0) {
 104:             fprintf(file,"\t");
 105:             cp = Print_cdname(cp, msg, eom, file);
 106:             if (cp == NULL)
 107:                 return;
 108:             type = getshort(cp);
 109:             cp += sizeof(u_short);
 110:             class = getshort(cp);
 111:             cp += sizeof(u_short);
 112:             fprintf(file,", type = %s", p_type(type));
 113:             fprintf(file,", class = %s\n", p_class(class));
 114:         }
 115:     }
 116:     /*
 117: 	 * Print authoritative answer records
 118: 	 */
 119:     if (n = ntohs(hp->ancount)) {
 120:         fprintf(file,"ANSWERS:\n");
 121:         while (--n >= 0) {
 122:             fprintf(file, INDENT);
 123:             cp = Print_rr(cp, msg, eom, file);
 124:             if (cp == NULL)
 125:                 return;
 126:         }
 127:     }
 128:     /*
 129: 	 * print name server records
 130: 	 */
 131:     if (n = ntohs(hp->nscount)) {
 132:         fprintf(file,"NAME SERVERS:\n");
 133:         while (--n >= 0) {
 134:             fprintf(file, INDENT);
 135:             cp = Print_rr(cp, msg, eom, file);
 136:             if (cp == NULL)
 137:                 return;
 138:         }
 139:     }
 140:     /*
 141: 	 * print additional records
 142: 	 */
 143:     if (n = ntohs(hp->arcount)) {
 144:         fprintf(file,"ADDITIONAL RECORDS:\n");
 145:         while (--n >= 0) {
 146:             fprintf(file, INDENT);
 147:             cp = Print_rr(cp, msg, eom, file);
 148:             if (cp == NULL)
 149:                 return;
 150:         }
 151:     }
 152:     fprintf(file,"\n");
 154: }
 157: char *
 158: Print_cdname_sub(cp, msg, eom, file, format)
 159:     char *cp, *msg, *eom;
 160:     FILE *file;
 161:     int format;
 162: {
 163:     int n;
 164:     char name[MAXDNAME];
 165:     extern char *strcpy();
 167:     if ((n = dn_expand(msg, eom, cp, name, sizeof(name))) < 0)
 168:         return (NULL);
 169:     if (name[0] == '\0') {
 170:         (void) strcpy(name, "(root)");
 171:     }
 172:     if (format) {
 173:         fprintf(file, "%-30s", name);
 174:     } else {
 175:         fputs(name, file);
 176:     }
 177:     return (cp + n);
 178: }
 180: char *
 181: Print_cdname(cp, msg, eom, file)
 182:     char *cp, *msg, *eom;
 183:     FILE *file;
 184: {
 185:     return(Print_cdname_sub(cp, msg, eom, file, 0));
 186: }
 188: char *
 189: Print_cdname2(cp, msg, eom, file)
 190:     char *cp, *msg, *eom;
 191:     FILE *file;
 192: {
 193:     return(Print_cdname_sub(cp, msg, eom, file, 1));
 194: }
 196: /*
 197:  * Print resource record fields in human readable form.
 198:  */
 199: char *
 200: Print_rr(cp, msg, eom, file)
 201:     char *cp, *msg, *eom;
 202:     FILE *file;
 203: {
 204:     int type, class, dlen, n, c;
 205:     long ttl;
 206:     struct in_addr inaddr;
 207:     char *cp1;
 209:     if ((cp = Print_cdname(cp, msg, eom, file)) == NULL)
 210:         return (NULL);          /* compression error */
 212:     type = getshort(cp);
 213:     cp += sizeof(u_short);
 214:     class = getshort(cp);
 215:     cp += sizeof(u_short);
 216:     ttl = getlong(cp);
 217:     cp += sizeof(u_long);
 218:     dlen = getshort(cp);
 219:     cp += sizeof(u_short);
 221:     if (_res.options & RES_DEBUG2) {
 222:         fprintf(file,"\n\ttype = %s, class = %s, ttl = %u, dlen = %d",
 223:             p_type(type), p_class(class), ttl, dlen);
 224:         fprintf(file,"\n");
 225:     }
 227:     cp1 = cp;
 229:     /*
 230: 	 * Print type specific data, if appropriate
 231: 	 */
 232:     switch (type) {
 233:     case T_A:
 234:         switch (class) {
 235:         case C_IN:
 236:             bcopy(cp, (char *)&inaddr, sizeof(inaddr));
 237:             if (dlen == 4) {
 238:                 fprintf(file,"\tinet address = %s\n",
 239:                     inet_ntoa(inaddr));
 240:                 cp += dlen;
 241:             } else if (dlen == 7) {
 242:                 fprintf(file,"\tinet address = %s",
 243:                     inet_ntoa(inaddr));
 244:                 fprintf(file,", protocol = %d", cp[4]);
 245:                 fprintf(file,", port = %d\n",
 246:                     (cp[5] << 8) + cp[6]);
 247:                 cp += dlen;
 248:             }
 249:             break;
 250:         }
 251:         break;
 253:     case T_CNAME:
 254:         fprintf(file,"\tcanonical name = ");
 255:         cp = Print_cdname(cp, msg, eom, file);
 256:         fprintf(file,"\n");
 257:         break;
 259:     case T_MX:
 260:         fprintf(file,"\tpreference = %d",getshort(cp));
 261:         cp += sizeof(u_short);
 262:         fprintf(file,", mail exchanger = ");
 263:         cp = Print_cdname(cp,msg, eom, file);
 264:         fprintf(file,"\n");
 265:         break;
 267:     case T_MG:
 268:     case T_MB:
 269:     case T_MR:
 270:     case T_NS:
 271:     case T_PTR:
 272:         fprintf(file,"\tserver name = ");
 273:         cp = Print_cdname(cp, msg, eom, file);
 274:         fprintf(file,"\n");
 275:         break;
 277:     case T_HINFO:
 278:         if (n = *cp++) {
 279:             fprintf(file,"\tCPU=%.*s", n, cp);
 280:             cp += n;
 281:         }
 282:         if (n = *cp++) {
 283:             fprintf(file,"\tOS=%.*s\n", n, cp);
 284:             cp += n;
 285:         }
 286:         break;
 288:     case T_SOA:
 289:         fprintf(file,"\torigin = ");
 290:         cp = Print_cdname(cp, msg, eom, file);
 291:         fprintf(file,"\n\tmail addr = ");
 292:         cp = Print_cdname(cp, msg, eom, file);
 293:         fprintf(file,"\n\tserial=%ld", getlong(cp));
 294:         cp += sizeof(u_long);
 295:         fprintf(file,", refresh=%ld", getlong(cp));
 296:         cp += sizeof(u_long);
 297:         fprintf(file,", retry=%ld", getlong(cp));
 298:         cp += sizeof(u_long);
 299:         fprintf(file,", expire=%ld", getlong(cp));
 300:         cp += sizeof(u_long);
 301:         fprintf(file,", min=%ld\n", getlong(cp));
 302:         cp += sizeof(u_long);
 303:         break;
 305:     case T_MINFO:
 306:         fprintf(file,"\trequests = ");
 307:         cp = Print_cdname(cp, msg, eom, file);
 308:         fprintf(file,"\n\terrors = ");
 309:         cp = Print_cdname(cp, msg, eom, file);
 310:         break;
 312:     case T_UINFO:
 313:         fprintf(file,"\t%s\n", cp);
 314:         cp += dlen;
 315:         break;
 317:     case T_UID:
 318:     case T_GID:
 319:         if (dlen == 4) {
 320:             fprintf(file,"\t%ld\n", getlong(cp));
 321:             cp += sizeof(int);
 322:         }
 323:         break;
 325:     case T_WKS:
 326:         if (dlen < sizeof(u_long) + 1)
 327:             break;
 328:         bcopy(cp, (char *)&inaddr, sizeof(inaddr));
 329:         cp += sizeof(u_long);
 330:         fprintf(file,"\tinet address = %s, protocol = %d\n\t",
 331:             inet_ntoa(inaddr), *cp++);
 332:         n = 0;
 333:         while (cp < cp1 + dlen) {
 334:             c = *cp++;
 335:             do {
 336:                 if (c & 0200)
 337:                     fprintf(file," %d", n);
 338:                 c <<= 1;
 339:             } while (++n & 07);
 340:         }
 341:         putc('\n',file);
 342:         break;
 344:     case T_NULL:
 345:         break;
 347:     default:
 348:         fprintf(file,"\t???\n");
 349:         cp += dlen;
 350:     }
 351:     if (cp != cp1 + dlen)
 352:         fprintf(file,"packet size error (%#x != %#x)\n", cp, cp1+dlen);
 353:     return (cp);
 354: }

Defined functions

Fprint_query defined in line 55; used 1 times
  • in line 52
Print_cdname defined in line 180; used 10 times
Print_cdname_sub defined in line 157; used 2 times

Defined variables

sccsid defined in line 18; never used

Defined macros

INDENT defined in line 39; used 3 times
Last modified: 1986-04-01
Generated: 2016-12-26
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