1: #ifndef lint
   2: static char sccsid[] = "@(#)db_dump.c	4.3 (Berkeley) 5/30/86";
   3: #endif
   5: /*
   6:  * Copyright (c) 1986 Regents of the University of California
   7:  *	All Rights Reserved
   8:  */
  10: #include <sys/types.h>
  11: #include <sys/time.h>
  12: #include <netinet/in.h>
  13: #include <netdb.h>
  14: #include <stdio.h>
  15: #include <syslog.h>
  16: #include <arpa/nameser.h>
  17: #include "ns.h"
  18: #include "db.h"
  20: extern  char *p_type(), *p_class();
  22: #ifdef DUMPFILE
  23: char    *dumpfile = DUMPFILE;
  24: #else
  25: char    *dumpfile = "/usr/tmp/named_dump.db";
  26: #endif
  28: /*
  29:  * Dump current data base in a format similar to RFC 883.
  30:  */
  32: doadump()
  33: {
  34:     FILE    *fp;
  36: #ifdef DEBUG
  37:     if (debug >= 3)
  38:         fprintf(ddt,"doadump()\n");
  39: #endif
  41:     if ((fp = fopen(dumpfile, "w")) == NULL)
  42:         return;
  43:     fprintf(fp, "$ORIGIN .\n");
  44:     if (hashtab != NULL)
  45:         db_dump(hashtab, fp);
  46:     (void) fclose(fp);
  47: }
  49: db_dump(htp, fp)
  50:     struct hashbuf *htp;
  51:     FILE *fp;
  52: {
  53:     register struct databuf *dp;
  54:     register struct namebuf *np;
  55:     struct namebuf **npp, **nppend;
  56:     char dname[MAXDNAME];
  57:     long n;
  58:     u_long addr;
  59:     u_short i;
  60:     int j;
  61:     char *cp;
  62:     char *proto;
  63:     extern char *inet_ntoa(), *p_protocal(), *p_service();
  66:     npp = htp->h_tab;
  67:     nppend = npp + htp->h_size;
  68:     while (npp < nppend) {
  69:         for (np = *npp++; np != NULL; np = np->n_next) {
  70:         if (np->n_data == NULL)
  71:             continue;
  72:         fprintf(fp, "%s\t", np->n_dname);
  73:         if (strlen(np->n_dname) < 8)
  74:             (void) putc('\t', fp);
  75:         for (dp = np->n_data; dp != NULL; dp = dp->d_next) {
  76:             if (dp != np->n_data)
  77:                 fprintf(fp, "\t\t");
  78:             if (dp->d_zone == 0) {
  79:                 if (gettimeofday(&tt, (struct timezone *)0) < 0)
  80:                     syslog(LOG_ERR, "gettimeofday: %m");
  81:                 if ((n = dp->d_ttl - tt.tv_sec) >= 0)
  82:                     fprintf(fp, "%d\t", n);
  83:             } else if (dp->d_ttl > zones[dp->d_zone].z_minimum)
  84:                 fprintf(fp, "%d\t", dp->d_ttl);
  85:             fprintf(fp, "%s\t%s\t", p_class(dp->d_class),
  86:                 p_type(dp->d_type));
  87:             cp = dp->d_data;
  88:             /*
  89: 			 * Print type specific data
  90: 			 */
  91:             switch (dp->d_type) {
  92:             case T_A:
  93:                 switch (dp->d_class) {
  94:                 case C_IN:
  95:                     n = htonl(getlong(cp));
  96:                     fprintf(fp, "%s\n",
  97:                        inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr *)&n));
  98:                     break;
  99:                 }
 100:                 break;
 101:             case T_CNAME:
 102:             case T_MB:
 103:             case T_MG:
 104:             case T_MR:
 105:             case T_NS:
 106:             case T_PTR:
 107:                 if (cp[0] == '\0')
 108:                     fprintf(fp, ".\n");
 109:                 else
 110:                     fprintf(fp, "%s.\n", cp);
 111:                 break;
 113:             case T_HINFO:
 114:                 if (n = *cp++) {
 115:                     fprintf(fp, "%.*s", n, cp);
 116:                     cp += n;
 117:                 } else
 118:                     fprintf(fp, "\"\"");
 119:                 if (n = *cp++)
 120:                     fprintf(fp, " %.*s", n, cp);
 121:                 else
 122:                     fprintf(fp, "\"\"");
 123:                 (void) putc('\n', fp);
 124:                 break;
 126:             case T_SOA:
 127:                 fprintf(fp, "%s", cp);
 128:                 cp += strlen(cp) + 1;
 129:                 fprintf(fp, " %s\n", cp);
 130:                 cp += strlen(cp) + 1;
 131:                 fprintf(fp, "\t\t%d", getlong(cp));
 132:                 cp += sizeof(u_long);
 133:                 fprintf(fp, " %d", getlong(cp));
 134:                 cp += sizeof(u_long);
 135:                 fprintf(fp, " %d", getlong(cp));
 136:                 cp += sizeof(u_long);
 137:                 fprintf(fp, " %d", getlong(cp));
 138:                 cp += sizeof(u_long);
 139:                 fprintf(fp, " %d\n", getlong(cp));
 140:                 break;
 142:             case T_MX:
 143:                 fprintf(fp,"%d", getshort(cp));
 144:                 cp += sizeof(u_short);
 145:                 fprintf(fp," %s\n", cp);
 146:                 break;
 149:             case T_UINFO:
 150:                 fprintf(fp, "%s\n", cp);
 151:                 break;
 153:             case T_UID:
 154:             case T_GID:
 155:                 if (dp->d_size == sizeof(u_long)) {
 156:                     fprintf(fp, "%d\n", getlong(cp));
 157:                     cp += sizeof(u_long);
 158:                 }
 159:                 break;
 161:             case T_WKS:
 162:                 addr = htonl(getlong(cp));
 163:                 fprintf(fp,"%s ",
 164:                     inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr *)&addr));
 165:                 cp += sizeof(u_long);
 166:                 proto = p_protocal(*cp); /* protocal */
 167:                 cp += sizeof(char);
 168:                 fprintf(fp, "%s ", proto);
 169:                 i = 0;
 170:                 while(cp < dp->d_data + dp->d_size) {
 171:                     j = *cp++;
 172:                     do {
 173:                         if(j & 0200)
 174:                             fprintf(fp," %s",
 175:                                p_service(i, proto));
 176:                         j <<= 1;
 177:                     } while(++i & 07);
 178:                 }
 179:                 fprintf(fp,"\n");
 180:                 break;
 182:             default:
 183:                 fprintf(fp, "???\n", cp);
 184:             }
 185:         }
 186:         }
 187:     }
 188:     npp = htp->h_tab;
 189:     nppend = npp + htp->h_size;
 190:     while (npp < nppend) {
 191:         for (np = *npp++; np != NULL; np = np->n_next) {
 192:         if (np->n_hash == NULL)
 193:             continue;
 194:         getname(np, dname, sizeof(dname));
 195:         fprintf(fp, "$ORIGIN %s.\n", dname);
 196:         db_dump(np->n_hash, fp);
 197:         }
 198:     }
 199: }
 201: /*  These next two routines will be moveing to res_debug.c */
 202: /* They are currently here for ease of distributing the WKS record fix */
 203: char *
 204: p_protocal(num)
 205: int num;
 206: {
 207:     struct protoent *pp;
 208:     pp = getprotobynumber(num);
 209:     if(pp == 0)
 210:         return("???");
 211:     return(pp->p_name);
 212: }
 214: char *
 215: p_service(port, proto)
 216: u_short port;
 217: char *proto;
 218: {
 219:     struct servent *ss;
 220:     ss = getservbyport((int)htons(port), proto);
 221:     if(ss == 0)
 222:         return("???");
 223:     return(ss->s_name);
 224: }

Defined functions

db_dump defined in line 49; used 2 times
doadump defined in line 32; used 3 times
p_protocal defined in line 203; used 2 times
p_service defined in line 214; used 2 times

Defined variables

dumpfile defined in line 25; used 1 times
  • in line 41
sccsid defined in line 2; never used
Last modified: 1986-05-30
Generated: 2016-12-26
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