/* * Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution. */ #ifndef lint char copyright[] = "@(#) Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California.\n\ All rights reserved.\n"; #endif not lint #ifndef lint static char sccsid[] = "@(#)implog.c 5.5 (Berkeley) 5/30/86"; #endif not lint #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define IMPLEADERS #include #define min(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b)) u_char buf[1024]; int showdata = 1; int showcontents = 0; int rawheader = 0; int follow = 0; int link = -1; int host = -1; int imp = -1; int packettype = -1; extern int errno; int log; char *logfile = "/usr/adm/implog"; /* * Socket address, internet style, with * unused space taken by timestamp and packet * size. */ struct sockstamp { short sin_family; u_short sin_port; struct in_addr sin_addr; time_t sin_time; int sin_cc; }; struct sockstamp from; main(argc, argv) char *argv[]; { struct stat b; int size; char *cp; int hostfrom, impfrom; argc--, argv++; while (argc > 0 && argv[0][0] == '-') { if (strcmp(*argv, "-D") == 0) { showdata = 0; argv++, argc--; continue; } if (strcmp(*argv, "-f") == 0) { follow++; argv++, argc--; continue; } if (strcmp(*argv, "-c") == 0) { showcontents++; argv++, argc--; continue; } if (strcmp(*argv, "-r") == 0) { rawheader++; argv++, argc--; continue; } if (strcmp(*argv, "-l") == 0) { argc--, argv++; if (argc > 0) { link = atoi(*argv); argc--, argv++; } else link = IMPLINK_IP; continue; } if (strcmp(*argv, "-h") == 0) { argc--, argv++; if (argc < 1) { printf("-h: missing host #\n"); exit(2); } host = atoi(*argv); argv++, argc--; continue; } if (strcmp(*argv, "-i") == 0) { argc--, argv++; if (argc < 1) { printf("-i: missing imp #\n"); exit(2); } imp = atoi(*argv); argv++, argc--; continue; } if (strcmp(*argv, "-t") == 0) { argc--, argv++;; if (argc < 1) { printf("-t: missing packet type\n"); exit(2); } packettype = atoi(*argv); argv++, argc--;; continue; } printf("usage: implog [ -D ] [ -c ] [ -f ] [ -r ] [-h #] [-i #] [ -t # ] [-l [#]] [logfile]\n"); exit(2); } if (argc > 0) logfile = argv[0]; log = open(logfile, 0); if (log < 0) { perror(logfile); exit(1); } fstat(log, &b); size = b.st_size; again: while (read(log, (char *)&from, sizeof(from)) == sizeof(from)) { if (from.sin_family == 0) { printf("restarted: %.24s\n", ctime(&from.sin_time)); continue; } if (host >= 0) { long addr = ntohs(from.sin_addr.s_addr); if (IN_CLASSA(addr)) { hostfrom = ((addr>>16) & 0xFF); impfrom = addr & 0xFF; } else if (IN_CLASSB(addr)) { hostfrom = ((addr>>8) & 0xFF); impfrom = addr & 0xFF; } else { hostfrom = ((addr>>4) & 0xF); impfrom = addr & 0xF; } } if (host >= 0 && hostfrom != host) { lseek(log, from.sin_cc, 1); continue; } if (imp >= 0 && impfrom != imp) { lseek(log, from.sin_cc, 1); continue; } process(log, &from); } while (follow) { fflush(stdout); sleep(5); fstat(log, &b); if (b.st_size > size) { size = b.st_size; goto again; } } } int impdata(), impbadleader(), impdown(), impnoop(); int imprfnm(), impincomplete(), imphostdead(), imphostunreach(); int impbaddata(), impreset(), impretry(), impnotify(), imptrying(); int impready(), impundef(); struct messages { u_char m_type; /* type of message */ int (*m_func)(); /* routine to process message */ } mtypes[] = { { IMPTYPE_DATA, impdata }, { IMPTYPE_BADLEADER, impbadleader }, { IMPTYPE_DOWN, impdown }, { IMPTYPE_NOOP, impnoop }, { IMPTYPE_RFNM, imprfnm }, { IMPTYPE_INCOMPLETE, impincomplete }, { IMPTYPE_HOSTDEAD, imphostdead }, { IMPTYPE_HOSTUNREACH, imphostunreach }, { IMPTYPE_BADDATA, impbaddata }, { IMPTYPE_RESET, impreset }, { IMPTYPE_RETRY, impretry }, { IMPTYPE_NOTIFY, impnotify }, { IMPTYPE_TRYING, imptrying }, { IMPTYPE_READY, impready }, { -1, impundef } }; /* * Print a packet. */ process(l, f) int l; struct sockstamp *f; { register struct messages *mp; struct imp_leader *ip; int (*fn)(); if (read(l, (char *)buf, f->sin_cc) != f->sin_cc) { perror("read"); return; } ip = (struct imp_leader *)buf; ip->il_imp = ntohs(ip->il_imp); if (ip->il_format != IMP_NFF) fn = impundef; else { for (mp = mtypes; mp->m_type != -1; mp++) if (mp->m_type == ip->il_mtype) break; fn = mp->m_func; } if (ip->il_mtype == IMPTYPE_DATA) { if (link >= 0 && ip->il_link != link) return; if (!showdata) return; } if (packettype >= 0 && ip->il_mtype != packettype) return; printf("%.24s: ", ctime(&f->sin_time)); if (f->sin_cc < sizeof(struct control_leader)) printf("(truncated header, %d bytes): ", f->sin_cc); (*fn)(ip, f->sin_cc); if (rawheader && fn != impundef) { putchar('\t'); impundef(ip, f->sin_cc); } } impdata(ip, cc) register struct imp_leader *ip; { printf("il_link); printf(" len=%d bytes>\n", ntohs((u_short)ip->il_length) >> 3); if (showcontents) { register u_char *cp = ((u_char *)ip) + sizeof(*ip); register int i; i = (ntohs(ip->il_length) >> 3) - sizeof(struct imp_leader); cc = min(i, cc); printf("data: (%d bytes)", cc); for (i = 0; i < cc; i++, cp++) { if (i % 25 == 0) printf("\n"); printf("%02x ", *cp); } putchar('\n'); } } char *badleader[] = { "error flip-flop set", "message < 80 bits", "illegal type field", "opposite leader type" }; impbadleader(ip) register struct imp_leader *ip; { printf("bad leader: "); if (ip->il_subtype > IMPLEADER_OPPOSITE) printf("%x\n", ip->il_subtype); else printf("%s\n", badleader[ip->il_subtype]); } char *down[] = { "in 30 secs", "for hardware pm", "for software reload", "for emergency restart" }; impdown(ip) register struct imp_leader *ip; { int tdown, tbackup; printf("imp going down %s", down[ip->il_link & IMP_DMASK]); tdown = ((ip->il_link >> 2) & 0xf) * 5; if (ip->il_link & IMP_DMASK) printf(" in %d minutes", tdown); tbackup = ip->il_subtype * 5; printf(": back up "); if (tbackup) printf("%d minutes\n", tbackup); else printf("immediately\n"); } impnoop(ip) register struct imp_leader *ip; { printf("noop: host %d, imp %d\n", ip->il_host, (u_short)ip->il_imp); } imprfnm(ip) register struct imp_leader *ip; { printf("rfnm: htype=%x, source=%d/%d, link=", ip->il_htype, ip->il_host, ip->il_imp); if (ip->il_link == IMPLINK_IP) printf("ip,"); else printf("%d,", ip->il_link); printf(" subtype=%x\n", ip->il_subtype); } char *hostdead[] = { "#0", "ready-line negated", "tardy receiving messages", "ncc doesn't know host", "imp software won't allow messages", "host down for scheduled pm", "host down for hardware work", "host down for software work", "host down for emergency restart", "host down because of power outage", "host stopped at a breakpoint", "host down due to hardware failure", "host not scheduled to be up", "#13", "#14", "host in the process of coming up" }; imphostdead(ip) register struct imp_leader *ip; { printf("host %d/%d dead: ", ip->il_host, ip->il_imp); if (ip->il_link & IMP_DMASK) printf("down %s, ", down[ip->il_link & IMP_DMASK]); if (ip->il_subtype <= IMPHOST_COMINGUP) printf("%s\n", hostdead[ip->il_subtype]); else printf("subtype=%x\n", ip->il_subtype); } char *hostunreach[] = { "destination imp can't be reached", "destination host isn't up", "host doesn't support long leader", "communication is prohibited" }; imphostunreach(ip) register struct imp_leader *ip; { printf("host %d/%d unreachable: ", ip->il_host, ip->il_imp); if (ip->il_subtype <= IMPREACH_PROHIBITED) printf("%s\n", hostunreach[ip->il_subtype]); else printf("subtype=%x\n", ip->il_subtype); } impbaddata(ip) register struct imp_leader *ip; { printf("error in data: htype=%x, source=%d/%d, link=", ip->il_htype, ip->il_host, ip->il_imp); if (ip->il_link == IMPLINK_IP) printf("ip, "); else printf("%d, ", ip->il_link); printf("subtype=%x\n", ip->il_subtype); } char *incomplete[] = { "host didn't take data fast enough", "message was too long", "message transmission time > 15 seconds", "imp/circuit failure", "no resources within 15 seconds", "source imp i/o failure during receipt" }; impincomplete(ip) register struct imp_leader *ip; { printf("incomplete: htype=%x, source=%d/%d, link=", ip->il_htype, ip->il_host, ip->il_imp); if (ip->il_link == IMPLINK_IP) printf("ip,"); else printf("%d,", ip->il_link); if (ip->il_subtype <= IMPCOMPLETE_IMPIO) printf(" %s\n", incomplete[ip->il_subtype]); else printf(" subtype=%x\n", ip->il_subtype); } impreset(ip) register struct imp_leader *ip; { printf("reset complete\n"); } char *retry[] = { "imp buffer wasn't available", "connection block unavailable" }; impretry(ip) register struct imp_leader *ip; { printf("refused, try again: "); if (ip->il_subtype <= IMPRETRY_BLOCK) printf("%s\n", retry[ip->il_subtype]); else printf("subtype=%x\n", ip->il_subtype); } char *notify[] = { "#0", "#1", "connection not available", "reassembly space not available at destination", "message number not available", "transaction block for message not available" }; impnotify(ip) register struct imp_leader *ip; { printf("refused, will notify: "); if (ip->il_subtype <= 5) printf("%s\n", notify[ip->il_subtype]); else printf("subtype=%x\n", ip->il_subtype); } imptrying(ip) register struct imp_leader *ip; { printf("refused, still trying\n"); } impready(ip) register struct imp_leader *ip; { printf("ready\n"); } impundef(ip, len) register struct imp_leader *ip; { printf("il_link, ip->il_link); printf(" subtype=%x", ip->il_subtype); if (len >= sizeof(struct imp_leader) && ip->il_length) printf(" len=%d bytes", ntohs((u_short)ip->il_length) >> 3); printf(">\n"); }