/* * Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution. */ #ifndef lint static char sccsid[] = "@(#)dumpmain.c 5.4 (Berkeley) 5/28/86"; #endif not lint #include "dump.h" int notify = 0; /* notify operator flag */ int blockswritten = 0; /* number of blocks written on current tape */ int tapeno = 0; /* current tape number */ int density = 0; /* density in bytes/0.1" */ int ntrec = NTREC; /* # tape blocks in each tape record */ int cartridge = 0; /* Assume non-cartridge tape */ #ifdef RDUMP char *host; #endif int anydskipped; /* set true in mark() if any directories are skipped */ /* this lets us avoid map pass 2 in some cases */ main(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { char *arg; int bflag = 0, i; float fetapes; register struct fstab *dt; time(&(spcl.c_date)); tsize = 0; /* Default later, based on 'c' option for cart tapes */ tape = TAPE; disk = DISK; increm = NINCREM; temp = TEMP; if (TP_BSIZE / DEV_BSIZE == 0 || TP_BSIZE % DEV_BSIZE != 0) { msg("TP_BSIZE must be a multiple of DEV_BSIZE\n"); dumpabort(); } incno = '9'; uflag = 0; arg = "u"; if(argc > 1) { argv++; argc--; arg = *argv; if (*arg == '-') argc++; } while(*arg) switch (*arg++) { case 'w': lastdump('w'); /* tell us only what has to be done */ exit(0); break; case 'W': /* what to do */ lastdump('W'); /* tell us the current state of what has been done */ exit(0); /* do nothing else */ break; case 'f': /* output file */ if(argc > 1) { argv++; argc--; tape = *argv; } break; case 'd': /* density, in bits per inch */ if (argc > 1) { argv++; argc--; density = atoi(*argv) / 10; if (density >= 625 && !bflag) ntrec = HIGHDENSITYTREC; } break; case 's': /* tape size, feet */ if(argc > 1) { argv++; argc--; tsize = atol(*argv); tsize *= 12L*10L; } break; case 'b': /* blocks per tape write */ if(argc > 1) { argv++; argc--; bflag++; ntrec = atol(*argv); } break; case 'c': /* Tape is cart. not 9-track */ cartridge++; break; case '0': /* dump level */ case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': incno = arg[-1]; break; case 'u': /* update /etc/dumpdates */ uflag++; break; case 'n': /* notify operators */ notify++; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "bad key '%c%'\n", arg[-1]); Exit(X_ABORT); } if(argc > 1) { argv++; argc--; disk = *argv; } if (strcmp(tape, "-") == 0) { pipeout++; tape = "standard output"; } /* * Determine how to default tape size and density * * density tape size * 9-track 1600 bpi (160 bytes/.1") 2300 ft. * 9-track 6250 bpi (625 bytes/.1") 2300 ft. * cartridge 8000 bpi (100 bytes/.1") 1700 ft. (450*4 - slop) */ if (density == 0) density = cartridge ? 100 : 160; if (tsize == 0) tsize = cartridge ? 1700L*120L : 2300L*120L; #ifdef RDUMP { char *index(); host = tape; tape = index(host, ':'); if (tape == 0) { msg("need keyletter ``f'' and device ``host:tape''\n"); exit(1); } *tape++ = 0; if (rmthost(host) == 0) exit(X_ABORT); } setuid(getuid()); /* rmthost() is the only reason to be setuid */ #endif if (signal(SIGHUP, sighup) == SIG_IGN) signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN); if (signal(SIGTRAP, sigtrap) == SIG_IGN) signal(SIGTRAP, SIG_IGN); if (signal(SIGFPE, sigfpe) == SIG_IGN) signal(SIGFPE, SIG_IGN); if (signal(SIGBUS, sigbus) == SIG_IGN) signal(SIGBUS, SIG_IGN); if (signal(SIGSEGV, sigsegv) == SIG_IGN) signal(SIGSEGV, SIG_IGN); if (signal(SIGTERM, sigterm) == SIG_IGN) signal(SIGTERM, SIG_IGN); if (signal(SIGINT, interrupt) == SIG_IGN) signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); set_operators(); /* /etc/group snarfed */ getfstab(); /* /etc/fstab snarfed */ /* * disk can be either the full special file name, * the suffix of the special file name, * the special name missing the leading '/', * the file system name with or without the leading '/'. */ dt = fstabsearch(disk); if (dt != 0) disk = rawname(dt->fs_spec); getitime(); /* /etc/dumpdates snarfed */ msg("Date of this level %c dump: %s\n", incno, prdate(spcl.c_date)); msg("Date of last level %c dump: %s\n", lastincno, prdate(spcl.c_ddate)); msg("Dumping %s ", disk); if (dt != 0) msgtail("(%s) ", dt->fs_file); #ifdef RDUMP msgtail("to %s on host %s\n", tape, host); #else msgtail("to %s\n", tape); #endif fi = open(disk, 0); if (fi < 0) { msg("Cannot open %s\n", disk); Exit(X_ABORT); } esize = 0; sblock = (struct fs *)buf; sync(); bread(SBLOCK, sblock, SBSIZE); if (sblock->fs_magic != FS_MAGIC) { msg("bad sblock magic number\n"); dumpabort(); } msiz = roundup(howmany(sblock->fs_ipg * sblock->fs_ncg, NBBY), TP_BSIZE); clrmap = (char *)calloc(msiz, sizeof(char)); dirmap = (char *)calloc(msiz, sizeof(char)); nodmap = (char *)calloc(msiz, sizeof(char)); anydskipped = 0; msg("mapping (Pass I) [regular files]\n"); pass(mark, (char *)NULL); /* mark updates esize */ if (anydskipped) { do { msg("mapping (Pass II) [directories]\n"); nadded = 0; pass(add, dirmap); } while(nadded); } else /* keep the operators happy */ msg("mapping (Pass II) [directories]\n"); bmapest(clrmap); bmapest(nodmap); if (cartridge) { /* Estimate number of tapes, assuming streaming stops at the end of each block written, and not in mid-block. Assume no erroneous blocks; this can be compensated for with an artificially low tape size. */ fetapes = ( esize /* blocks */ * TP_BSIZE /* bytes/block */ * (1.0/density) /* 0.1" / byte */ + esize /* blocks */ * (1.0/ntrec) /* streaming-stops per block */ * 15.48 /* 0.1" / streaming-stop */ ) * (1.0 / tsize ); /* tape / 0.1" */ } else { /* Estimate number of tapes, for old fashioned 9-track tape */ int tenthsperirg = (density == 625) ? 3 : 7; fetapes = ( esize /* blocks */ * TP_BSIZE /* bytes / block */ * (1.0/density) /* 0.1" / byte */ + esize /* blocks */ * (1.0/ntrec) /* IRG's / block */ * tenthsperirg /* 0.1" / IRG */ ) * (1.0 / tsize ); /* tape / 0.1" */ } etapes = fetapes; /* truncating assignment */ etapes++; /* count the nodemap on each additional tape */ for (i = 1; i < etapes; i++) bmapest(nodmap); esize += i + 10; /* headers + 10 trailer blocks */ msg("estimated %ld tape blocks on %3.2f tape(s).\n", esize, fetapes); alloctape(); /* Allocate tape buffer */ otape(); /* bitmap is the first to tape write */ time(&(tstart_writing)); bitmap(clrmap, TS_CLRI); msg("dumping (Pass III) [directories]\n"); pass(dirdump, dirmap); msg("dumping (Pass IV) [regular files]\n"); pass(dump, nodmap); spcl.c_type = TS_END; #ifndef RDUMP for(i=0; i