1: /*
   2:  * Copyright (c) 1982 Regents of the University of California.
   3:  * All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
   4:  * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
   5:  */
   7: #ifndef lint
   8: static char sccsid[] = "@(#)assizetab.c	5.1 (Berkeley) 4/30/85";
   9: #endif not lint
  11: #ifdef AS
  12: #include <stdio.h>
  13: #include "as.h"
  14: #include "assyms.h"
  16: /*
  17:  *	Convert loader reference types (plus PCREL) to bytes and lg bytes
  18:  */
  19: int reflen[] = {    /* {LEN*+PCREL} ==> number of bytes */
  20:     0,  0,
  21:     1,  1,  /* LEN1,	LEN1 + PCREL */
  22:     2,  2,  /* LEN2,	LEN2 + PCREL */
  23:     4,  4,  /* LEN4,	LEN2 + PCREL */
  24:     8,  8,  /* LEN8,	LEN2 + PCREL */
  25:     16, 16  /* LEN16,	LEN16 + PCREL */
  26: };
  27: int lgreflen[] = {  /* {LEN*+PCREL} ==> number of bytes */
  28:     -1, -1,
  29:     0,  0,  /* LEN1,	LEN1 + PCREL */
  30:     1,  1,  /* LEN2,	LEN2 + PCREL */
  31:     2,  2,  /* LEN4,	LEN2 + PCREL */
  32:     3,  3,  /* LEN8,	LEN2 + PCREL */
  33:     4,  4   /* LEN16,	LEN16 + PCREL */
  34: };
  36: /*
  37:  *	Convert sizes to loader reference types and type flags
  38:  */
  39: /*0	1	2	3	4	5	6	7	8*/
  40: /*
  41:  *	Convert {1,2,4,8} into {LEN1, LEN2, LEN4, LEN8}
  42:  */
  43: int len124[] = {
  44:     0,  LEN1,   /* 0 */
  45:     LEN2,   0,  /* 2 */
  46:     LEN4,   0,  /* 4 */
  47:     0,  0,  /* 6 */
  48:     LEN8,   0,  /* 8 */
  49:     0,  0,  /* 10 */
  50:     0,  0,  /* 12 */
  51:     0,  0,  /* 14 */
  52:     LEN16,  0   /* 16 */
  53: };
  54: /*
  55:  *	Convert {1,2,4,8} into {bits to construct operands}
  56:  */
  57: char    mod124[] = {
  58:     0,  0x00,   /* 0 */
  59:     0x20,   0,  /* 2 */
  60:     0x40,   0,  /* 4 */
  61:     0,  0,  /* 6 */
  62:     0,  0,  /* 8 */
  63:     0,  0,  /* 10 */
  64:     0,  0,  /* 12 */
  65:     0,  0,  /* 14 */
  66:     0,  0   /* 16 */
  67: };
  68: /*
  69:  *	{1,2,4,8} into {TYPB, TYPW, TYPL, TYPQ}
  70:  */
  71: int type_124[] = {
  72:     0,  TYPB,   /* 0 */
  73:     TYPW,   0,  /* 2 */
  74:     TYPL,   0,  /* 4 */
  75:     0,  0,  /* 6 */
  76:     TYPQ,   0,  /* 8 */
  77:     0,  0,  /* 10 */
  78:     0,  0,  /* 12 */
  79:     0,  0,  /* 14 */
  80:     TYPO,   0   /* 16 */
  81: };
  82: #endif AS
  83: /*
  84:  *	Convert TYP[BWLQOFDGH] into {1 if relocation not OK}
  85:  */
  86: int ty_NORELOC[] = {
  87:     0,  /* TYPB */
  88:     0,  /* TYPW */
  89:     0,  /* TYPL */
  90:     1,  /* TYPQ */
  91:     1,  /* TYPO */
  92:     1,  /* TYPF */
  93:     1,  /* TYPD */
  94:     1,  /* TYPG */
  95:     1,  /* TYPH */
  96:     1   /* TYPNONE */
  97: };
  98: #ifndef ADB
  99: /*
 100:  *	Convert TYP[BWLQOFDGH] into {1 if a floating point number}
 101:  */
 102: int ty_float[] = {
 103:     0,  /* TYPB */
 104:     0,  /* TYPW */
 105:     0,  /* TYPL */
 106:     0,  /* TYPQ */
 107:     0,  /* TYPO */
 108:     1,  /* TYPF */
 109:     1,  /* TYPD */
 110:     1,  /* TYPG */
 111:     1,  /* TYPH */
 112:     0   /* TYPNONE */
 113: };
 114: #endif
 115: #ifdef AS
 116: /*
 117:  *	Convert TYP[BWLQOFDGH] into {LEN1 ... LEN16}
 118:  */
 119: int ty_LEN[] = {
 120:     LEN1,   /* TYPB */
 121:     LEN2,   /* TYPW */
 122:     LEN4,   /* TYPL */
 123:     LEN8,   /* TYPQ */
 124:     LEN16,  /* TYPO */
 125:     LEN4,   /* TYPF */
 126:     LEN8,   /* TYPD */
 127:     LEN8,   /* TYPG */
 128:     LEN16,  /* TYPH */
 129:     0   /* TYPNONE */
 130: };
 131: #endif AS
 132: /*
 133:  *	Convert TYP[BWLQOFDGH] into {1 ... 16}
 134:  */
 135: int ty_nbyte[] = {
 136:     1,  /* TYPB */
 137:     2,  /* TYPW */
 138:     4,  /* TYPL */
 139:     8,  /* TYPQ */
 140:     16, /* TYPO */
 141:     4,  /* TYPF */
 142:     8,  /* TYPD */
 143:     8,  /* TYPG */
 144:     16, /* TYPH */
 145:     0   /* TYPNONE */
 146: };
 147: #ifndef ADB
 148: /*
 149:  *	Convert TYP[BWLQOFDGH] into lg{1 ... 16}
 150:  */
 151: int ty_nlg[] = {
 152:     0,  /* TYPB */
 153:     1,  /* TYPW */
 154:     2,  /* TYPL */
 155:     3,  /* TYPQ */
 156:     4,  /* TYPO */
 157:     2,  /* TYPF */
 158:     3,  /* TYPD */
 159:     3,  /* TYPG */
 160:     4,  /* TYPH */
 161:     -1  /* TYPNONE */
 162: };
 163: /*
 164:  *	Convert TYP[BWLQOFDGH] into strings
 165:  */
 166: char    *ty_string[] = {
 167:     "byte",     /* TYPB */
 168:     "word",     /* TYPW */
 169:     "long",     /* TYPL */
 170:     "quad",     /* TYPQ */
 171:     "octa",     /* TYPO */
 172:     "f_float",  /* TYPF */
 173:     "d_float",  /* TYPD */
 174:     "g_float",  /* TYPG */
 175:     "h_float",  /* TYPH */
 176:     "unpackd",  /* TYPUNPACKED */
 177:     "??snark??" /* TYPNONE */
 178: };
 179: #endif

Defined variables

len124 defined in line 43; never used
lgreflen defined in line 27; never used
mod124 defined in line 57; used 2 times
reflen defined in line 19; never used
sccsid defined in line 8; never used
ty_LEN defined in line 119; never used
ty_NORELOC defined in line 86; used 1 times
ty_nlg defined in line 151; used 1 times
ty_string defined in line 166; used 9 times
type_124 defined in line 71; used 2 times
Last modified: 1985-04-30
Generated: 2016-12-26
Generated by src2html V0.67
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