MAN(1) MAN(1) NAME man - find manual information by keywords; print out the manual SYNOPSIS man [ - ] [ -M _p_a_t_h ] [ section ] title ... man -k keyword ... man -f file ... DESCRIPTION _M_a_n is a program which gives information from the programmers manual. It can be asked for one line descriptions of commands specified by name, or for all commands whose description contains any of a set of keywords. It can also provide on-line access to the sections of the printed manual. When given the option -k and a set of keywords, _m_a_n prints out a one line synopsis of each manual sections whose listing in the table of contents contains one of those keywords. When given the option -f and a list of file names, _m_a_n attempts to locate manual sections related to those files, printing out the table of contents lines for those sections. When neither -k nor -f is specified, _m_a_n formats a specified set of manual pages. If a section specifier is given _m_a_n looks in the that section of the manual for the given _t_i_t_l_e_s_. _S_e_c_t_i_o_n is either an Ara‐ bic section number (3 for instance), or one of the words ‘‘new,’’ ‘‘local,’’ ‘‘old,’’ or ‘‘public.’’ A section number may be followed by a single letter classifier (for instance, 1g, indicating a graphics program in section 1). If _s_e_c_t_i_o_n is omitted, _m_a_n searches all sec‐ tions of the manual, giving preference to commands over subroutines in system libraries, and printing the first section it finds, if any. If the standard output is a teletype, or if the flag - is given, _m_a_n pipes its output through _m_o_r_e(1) with the option -s to crush out use‐ less blank lines and to stop after each page on the screen. Hit a space to continue, a control-D to scroll 11 more lines when the output stops. Normally _m_a_n checks in a standard location for manual information (/usr/man). This can be changed by supplying a search path (a la the shell) with the -M flag. The search path is a colon (‘:’) separated list of directories in which manual subdirectories may be found; e.g. ‘‘/usr/local:/usr/man’’. If the environment variable ‘MANPATH’ is set, its value is used for the default path. If a search path is supplied with the -k or -f options, it must be specified first. _M_a_n will look for the manual page in either of two forms, the nroff source or preformatted pages. If either version is available, the man‐ ual page will be displayed. If the preformatted version is available, and it has a more recent modify time than the nroff source, it will be promptly displayed. Otherwise, the manual page will be formatted with nroff and displayed. If the user has permission, the formatted manual page will be deposited in the proper place, so that later invocations of man will not need to format the page again. FILES /usr/man standard manual area /usr/man/man?/* directories containing source for manuals /usr/man/cat?/* directories containing preformatted pages /usr/man/whatis keyword database SEE ALSO apropos(1), more(1), whereis(1), catman(8) BUGS The manual is supposed to be reproducible either on the phototypesetter or on a typewriter. However, on a typewriter some information is nec‐ essarily lost. 4th Berkeley Distribution May 9, 1986 MAN(1)