SCCS/s.version.c: D 8.7 86/01/31 12:53:33 ingres 17 16 00000/00000/00016 Real 4.3 distribution - jaa D 8.6 85/12/08 18:49:08 ingres 16 15 00000/00000/00016 massive code clean up + SUN support - PDP support - jaa D 8.5 85/05/12 17:16:41 ingres 15 14 00000/00000/00016 In processing integrity constraints, check for unique retrieves, along with normal retrieves. D 8.4 85/05/07 21:10:40 ingres 14 13 00000/00000/00016 Now have a pv array in modify the right size... D 8.3 85/03/21 19:38:09 ingres 13 12 00000/00000/00016 Fixes to the ordered system. D 8.2 85/01/22 12:21:17 ingres 12 11 00000/00000/00016 mega cleanup, mainly no more monitor. D 8.1 84/12/31 15:46:01 ingres 11 10 00000/00000/00016 Version 8 distribution system. D 7.10 81/10/27 16:42:29 eric 10 9 00000/00000/00016 added shorts and fixed long strings in EQUEL preprocessor; this code done by john in version 8 and stolen here. D 7.9 81/09/12 22:31:57 eric 9 8 00000/00000/00016 fix i2 bug in copy; fix problem scanning all databases in purge & restore; fix f4/f8 conversion in ovqp/typecheck D 7.8 81/04/17 16:13:19 eric 8 7 00000/00000/00016 fix botch in purge D 7.7 81/03/07 12:23:04 eric 7 6 00000/00000/00016 fix stack alignment problem in ovqp D 7.6 81/03/06 15:54:47 eric 6 5 00000/00000/00016 do stack push/pop correctly in ovqp/interp.c D 7.5 81/03/06 13:50:39 eric 5 4 00000/00000/00016 various ovqp fixes: prsym fixed up, catch stack overflow, pop stack on AOP to not leave trash D 7.4 81/03/05 14:23:34 eric 4 3 00000/00000/00016 catch too many aggs (more than MAXAGG) D 7.3 81/02/17 10:23:57 eric 3 2 00000/00000/00016 fix bug in ndxsearch with large linenos D 7.2 81/02/16 19:15:45 eric 2 1 00000/00000/00016 fix NUMEROUS equel problems D 7.1 81/02/05 18:47:46 eric 1 0 00016/00000/00000 date and time created 81/02/05 18:47:46 by eric