/* ** TOKENS.Y -- operator and keyword tables ** ** Defines: ** Optab -- operator table ** Kwrdtab -- keyword tables ** Kwrdnum -- number of keywords (for binary search in getkey()) ** Tokens -- so lexical routines can know about yacc tokens ** ** Requires: ** Kwrdtab must be in alphabetical order!!! ** ** Version: ** @(#)tokens.y 8.2 3/2/85 */ struct optab Kwrdtab [] = { "abs", FOP, 0, "all", ALL, 0, "and", LBOP, 0, "any", AOP, 0, "append", APPEND, 0, "ascii", FOP, 0, "at", AT, 0, "atan", FOP, 0, "auto", ALLOC, opAUTO, "avg", AOP, 0, "avgu", AOP, 0, "by", BY, 0, "char", TYPE, opSTRING, "concat", FBOP, 0, "copy", COPY, 0, "cos", FOP, 0, "count", AOP, 0, "countu", AOP, 0, "create", CREATE, 0, "define", DEFINE, 0, "delete", DELETE, 0, "delim", DELIM, 0, "destroy", DESTROY, 0, "double", TYPE, opDOUBLE, "exit", EXIT, 0, "extern", ALLOC, opEXTERN, "float", TYPE, opFLOAT, "float4", FOP, 4, "float8", FOP, 8, "from", FROM, 0, "gamma", FOP, 0, "help", HELP, 0, "in", IN, 0, "index", INDEX, 0, "ingres", INGRES, 0, "int", TYPE, opINT, "int1", FOP, 1, "int2", FOP, 2, "int4", FOP, 4, "integrity", INTEGRITY, 0, "into", INTO, 0, "is", IS, 0, "log", FOP, 0, "long", TYPE, opLONG, "max", AOP, 0, "min", AOP, 0, "mod", FBOP, 0, "modify", MODIFY, 0, "not", LUOP, 0, "of", OF, 0, "on", ON, 0, "onto", ONTO, 0, "or", LBOP, 0, "param", PARAM, 0, "permit", PERMIT, 0, "print", PRINT, 0, "rand", FOP, 0, "range", RANGE, 0, "register", ALLOC, opREGISTER, "replace", REPLACE, 0, "retrieve", RETRIEVE, 0, "save", SAVE, 0, "short", TYPE, opSHORT, "sin", FOP, 0, "sqrt", FOP, 0, "static", ALLOC, opSTATIC, "struct", STRUCT, opSTRUCT, "sum", AOP, 0, "sumu", AOP, 0, "to", TO, 0, "unique", UNIQUE, 0, "until", UNTIL, 0, "unuse", UNUSE, 0, "use", USE, 0, "view", VIEW, 0, "where", WHERE, 0, }; /* This decalaration must be here as getkey references it, ** and it must contain the number of elements in the ** Kwrdtab, which is only known here */ int Kwrdnum = sizeof Kwrdtab / sizeof Kwrdtab [0]; struct optab Optab [] = { /* PUNCTUATION */ ",", COMMA, 0, "(", LPAREN, 0, ".", PERIOD, 0, ")", RPAREN, 0, "\"", QUOTE, 0, "/*", BGNCMNT, 0, "*/", ENDCMNT, 0, "#", NONREF, 0, ":", COLON, 0, "$", DOLLAR, 0, "%", PCT, 0, /* C LANUAGE PUNCTUATION */ "{", LBRACE, 0, "}", RBRACE, 0, "[", LBRKT, 0, "]", RBRKT, 0, ";", SEMICOL, 0, "->", POINTER, 0, /* UNARY ARITHMETIC OPERATORS */ "+", UOP, 0, "-", UOP, 0, /* BINARY ARITHMETIC OPERATORS */ "*", BOP, 0, "/", BOP, 0, "**", BOP, 0, "+", UAOP, 0, "-", UAOP, 0, /* BOUNDS OPERATORS */ ">", BDOP, 0, ">=", BDOP, 0, "<", BDOP, 0, "<=", BDOP, 0, /* EQUALITY OPERATORS */ "!=", EOP, 0, "=", IS, 0, 0 }; struct special Tokens = { NAME, SCONST, I2CONST, I4CONST, F8CONST, QUOTE, BGNCMNT, ENDCMNT, C_CODE, STRUCT_VAR, };