1: # include   <stdio.h>
   2: # include   "constants.h"
   3: # include   "globals.h"
   4: # include   <sccs.h>
   6: SCCSID(@(#)include.c	8.1	12/31/84)
  10: /*
  11: **  TST_INCLUDE -- Test and process a "#include" line
  12: **
  13: **	Checks that a line is of the form '# include "<filename.q.h>"',
  14: **	and calls include to change i/o files if so.
  15: **
  16: **	Returns:
  17: **		1 -- if change of file was done
  18: **		0 -- otherwise
  19: */
  22: tst_include()
  23: {
  24:     register char   *lp, *tp, *chp;
  25:     char        temp [MAXSTRING + 1];
  27:     /* copy line read into temp ( because temp is same
  28: 	 * size as Linebuf, no overflow check is needed
  29: 	 */
  30:     for (tp = temp, lp = Line_buf; (*tp++ = *lp++) != '\n'; )
  31:         ;
  32:     /* skip white space between "#" and "include" */
  33:     for (tp = &temp [1]; *tp == ' ' || *tp == '\t'; tp++)
  34:         ;
  35:     if (scompare("include", 7, tp, 7))
  36:         return (0);
  37:     /* skip "include", the white space till '"' */
  38:     for (tp = &tp [7]; *tp == ' ' || *tp == '\t'; tp++)
  39:         ;
  40:     if (*tp++ != '"')
  41:         return (0);
  43:     /* {tp points to X in a line "#<white>include<white>"X..." }
  44: 	 * make "lp" point at right end '"' (filename must not have
  45: 	 * escaped '"' in it
  46: 	 */
  47:     for (lp = tp; *lp != '"' && *lp != '\n'; lp++)
  48:         ;
  50:     if (*lp != '"')
  51:         return (0);
  52:     /* make sure filename is long enough to have the equel "include"
  53: 	 * suffix ".q.h"
  54: 	 */
  55:     if (lp - tp < 4)
  56:         return (0);
  57:     if (scompare(".q.h", 4, &lp [-4], 4))
  58:         return (0); /* other include (non-equel) */
  60:     /* "chp" points at 'q' in '.q.h' which will be changed to 'c' */
  61:     chp = &lp [-3];
  63:     /* check that rest of the line is white space */
  64:     for (lp++; *lp == ' ' || *lp == '\t'; lp++)
  65:         ;
  66:     if (*lp != '\n')
  67:     {
  68:         *lp = '\0';
  69:         yysemerr("garbage after valid \"#include\"", temp);
  70:         return (0);
  71:     }
  72:     *++lp = '\0';
  73:     return (include(temp, tp, chp, &chp [3]));
  74: }
  75: /*
  76: **  INCLUDE -- Change i/o files for a file inclusion
  77: **	Saves status of current i/o files, puts out
  78: **	'#include"___.c.h"', and opens appropriate files.
  79: **	Makes both files legal C files, closing quotes,
  80: **	and reopeneing them in the new file, if necessary.
  81: **
  82: **	Parameters:
  83: **		buf -- "#include..." line
  84: **		start -- start of filename
  85: **		chp -- *chp is 'q' in ".q.h" of filename
  86: **		end -- ptr to last '"' after filename
  87: **
  88: **	Returns:
  89: **		1 -- if i/o files changed
  90: **		0 -- otherwise
  91: **
  92: **	Called By:
  93: **		tst_include() -- [include.c] on seeing a pre-processor
  94: **		line.
  95: */
  98: include(buf, start, chp, end)
  99: char    *buf;
 100: char    *start;
 101: char    *chp;
 102: char    *end;
 103: {
 104:     char                in_q_flag;
 105:     register struct inc_file    *i_f;
 106:     char                *salloc();
 108:     in_q_flag = In_quote;
 109:     if (in_q_flag)
 110:     {
 111:         end_quote();
 112:         equate_lines();
 113:     }
 115:     if (!(i_f = (struct inc_file *)nalloc(sizeof *i_f)))
 116:     {
 117: err1 :
 118:         *++end = '\0';  /* overwrite before new-line at end */
 119:         yysemerr("alloc error in #include processing", buf);
 120:         if (in_q_flag)
 121:             begin_quote();
 122:         *end = '\n';
 123:         return (0);
 124:     }
 125:     i_f->inc_yyline = yyline + 1;   /* next line that will be read is
 126: 					 * yyline + 1 because getch does not
 127: 					 * see the '\n' at the end of the
 128: 					 * "#include" line
 129: 					 */
 130:     i_f->inc_lineout = Lineout + 1; /* because the write of the "#include
 131: 					 * "... .c.h" file is done after the
 132: 					 * fixation of the value of Lineout.
 133: 					 */
 134:     i_f->inc_fid = Input_file_name;
 135:     i_f->inc_outfile = Out_file;
 136:     i_f->inc_infile = In_file;
 137:     i_f->inc_next = 0;
 139:     *end = '\0';
 140:     if (!(Input_file_name = salloc(start)))
 141:     {
 142:         xfree(i_f);
 143:         goto err1;
 144:     }
 146:     if ((In_file = fopen(Input_file_name, "r")) == NULL)
 147:     {
 148:         cant("read", Input_file_name);
 149: err3 :
 150:         xfree(Input_file_name);
 151:         Input_file_name = i_f->inc_fid;
 152:         In_file = i_f->inc_infile;
 153:         xfree(i_f);
 154:         return (0);
 155:     }
 156:     *end = '"';
 157:     *chp = 'c';
 159:     /* write out "#include..c.h" line (make sure it's at beginning
 160: 	 * of line.
 161: 	 */
 162:     equate_lines();
 163:     if (Charcnt != 0)
 164:         w_op("\n");
 165:     w_op(buf);
 166:     fflush(Out_file);
 167:     *end = '\0';
 168:     if ((Out_file = fopen(start, "w")) == NULL)
 169:     {
 170:         cant("write", start);
 171:         fclose(In_file);
 172:         Out_file = i_f->inc_outfile;
 173:         goto err3;
 174:     }
 176:     /* go to it !!! */
 177:     Lineout = yyline = Newline = 1;
 178:     Pre_proc_flg = 0;
 179:     Line_pos = 0;
 180:     if (in_q_flag)
 181:         begin_quote();
 182:     Inc_files = i_f;
 183:     return (1);
 184: }
 185: /*
 186: **  RESTOREF -- Restore previous file environment
 187: **	Closes current files, and restores global variable
 188: **	values for old files.
 189: **
 190: **	Returns:
 191: **		0 -- if no old files (top level, no "#include"s)
 192: **		1 -- otherwise
 193: **
 194: **	Called By:
 195: **		equel() -- to close any files that may remain
 196: **			open after a reset(III).
 197: **		getch() -- upon receiving end-of-file
 198: **			at some include level.
 199: */
 202: restoref()
 203: {
 204:     register struct inc_file    *i_f;
 206:     if (Inc_files)
 207:     {
 208:         fclose(Out_file);
 209:         fclose(In_file);
 210:         xfree(Input_file_name);
 212:         /* restore previous environment */
 213:         i_f = Inc_files;
 214:         yyline = i_f->inc_yyline;
 215:         Lineout = i_f->inc_lineout;
 216:         Input_file_name = i_f->inc_fid;
 217:         Out_file = i_f->inc_outfile;
 218:         In_file = i_f->inc_infile;
 219:         Line_pos = 0;
 220:         Inc_files = i_f->inc_next;
 221:         xfree(i_f);
 222:         return (1);
 223:     }
 224:     return (0);
 225: }

Defined functions

include defined in line 98; used 1 times
  • in line 73
tst_include defined in line 6; used 1 times
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