1: # include   <stdio.h>
   2: # include   "constants.h"
   3: # include   "globals.h"
   4: # include   <setjmp.h>
   5: # include   <sccs.h>
   7: SCCSID(@(#)display.c	8.1	12/31/84)
   9: /*
  10: **  DISPLAY.C -- display manipulation routines
  11: **
  12: **	a display is a list of strings, the symbol
  13: **	space Symsp is impemented by means of displays.
  14: **
  15: **	Required By:
  16: **		Lexical analysis routines to add to the symbol space
  17: **		semantic productions to manipulate input
  18: */
  23:     /* this avoids having to specify &Cv_display in the semantic
  24: 	 * routines, by making Cv_display a pointer to the pertinent
  25: 	 * display structure.
  26: 	 */
  27: struct display  *Cv_display = &Displays [0];
  29: /*
  30: **  ENTER_DISPLAY -- enter a new string into a display
  31: **
  32: **	Parameters:
  33: **		disp -- display to be added to
  34: **		string -- string to add
  35: **
  36: **	Returns:
  37: **		pointer to new disp_node structure.
  38: **
  39: **	Side Effects:
  40: **		allocates a new disp_node structispl
  41: **		Expects a dynamic "string", i.e. one that it can
  42: **		dispose of as it wishes, so it is the users responsability
  43: **		to allocate space for this string.
  44: **		If the string passed is 0, the string
  45: **		"ERROR_TOKEN" is substituted, and a message is printed,
  46: **		so a caller may call enter_display with the return of an
  47: **		salloc() directly.
  48: **		If no space is available for the allocation of the
  49: **		new node, an error message is given, and a reset(III)
  50: **		is performed (this should goto equel()[main.c])
  51: **
  52: **	Called By:
  53: **		add_sym() -- to add a token to the Symsp
  54: **		the semantic productions -- for manipulating usages
  55: **			of C variables.
  56: */
  59: struct disp_node *enter_display(disp, string)
  60: struct display  *disp;
  61: char        *string;
  62: {
  63:     register struct display     *d;
  64:     register struct disp_node   *node;
  65:     extern  jmp_buf         Jmpbuf;
  67:     node = (struct disp_node *)nalloc(sizeof *node);
  68:     if (node == 0)
  69:     {
  70:         yysemerr("symbol space overflow", string);
  71:         longjmp(Jmpbuf,1);
  72:     }
  73:     d = disp;
  74:     if (!d->disp_first)
  75:         d->disp_first = d->disp_last = node;
  76:     else
  77:     {
  78:         d->disp_last->d_next = node;
  79:         d->disp_last = node;
  80:     }
  81:     node->d_next = 0;
  82:     if (!(node->d_elm = string))
  83:     {
  84:         yysemerr("alloc error in display", 0);
  85:         node->d_elm = "ERROR_TOKEN";
  86:     }
  87:     return (node);
  88: }
  90: /*
  91: **  ADDSYM -- add a token to the symbol space
  92: **
  93: **	The node's .d_line field is set to the value of yyline,
  94: **	which, if this routine is called from a lexical routine
  95: **	taking lexemes that can't include newlines (and back them up),
  96: **	is the line the lexeme was read from. This fact is used
  97: **	be yyserror() [yyerror.c] to report accurate line numbers
  98: **	for errors.
  99: **
 100: **	Parameters:
 101: **		s -- string to add
 102: **
 103: **	Returns:
 104: **		pointer to node added
 105: */
 109: struct disp_node *addsym(s)
 110: char        *s;
 111: {
 112:     register struct disp_node   *d;
 114:     d = enter_display(&Symsp, s);
 115:     d->d_line = yyline;
 116:     return (d);
 117: }
 119: /*
 120: **  FREE_DISPLAY -- frees all elements of a display
 121: **
 122: **	Parameters:
 123: **		disp -- the display to free
 124: */
 130: free_display(disp)
 131: struct display  *disp;
 132: {
 133:     register struct display     *d;
 134:     register struct disp_node   *f, *n;
 136:     d = disp;
 137:     for (f = d->disp_first; f; f = n)
 138:     {
 139:         n = f->d_next;
 140:         xfree(f->d_elm);
 141:         xfree(f);
 142:     }
 143:     d->disp_first = d->disp_last = 0;
 144: }
 146: /*
 147: **  SYSMSPFREE -- Frees symbol space
 148: **	Symspfree frees all the symbol table, EXCEPT
 149: **	for the last element in it, as this is the lookahead
 150: **	element. That is to say, the element which forced reduction
 151: **	to the non-terminal program, which called on symspfree()
 152: **
 153: **	Requires:
 154: **		Symsp -- to free it
 155: **
 156: **	Called By:
 157: **		argproc()
 158: **		semantic routines (nonterminal "program")
 159: */
 163: symspfree()
 164: {
 165:     register struct display     *d;
 166:     register struct disp_node   *f, *n;
 168:     d = &Symsp;
 169:     for (f = d->disp_first; f && f->d_next; f = n)
 170:     {
 171:         n = f->d_next;
 172:         xfree(f->d_elm);
 173:         xfree(f);
 174:     }
 175:     d->disp_first = d->disp_last;
 176: }
 178: /*
 179: **  W_DISPLAY -- write out the contents of a display
 180: **
 181: **	Parameters:
 182: **		disp -- display to take write out
 183: **
 184: **	Side Effects:
 185: **		Writes onto Out_file
 186: **		the contents of the display,
 187: **		each string is comsidered a separate
 188: **		word to be written out(so w_raw may
 189: **		break a line between words).
 190: **		Calls are made to w_op() and w_key() so as
 191: **		to have the minimum number of spaces in the text.
 192: **
 193: **	Requires:
 194: **		w_op() -- to write out operator terminated
 195: **			strings
 196: **		w_key() -- to write out KEYCHAR terminated
 197: **			strings
 198: **
 199: **	Called By:
 200: **		semantic productions dealing with usage of
 201: **		C variables.
 202: */
 206: w_display(disp)
 207: struct display      *disp;
 208: {
 209:     register struct disp_node   *n;
 211:     for (n = disp->disp_first; n; n = n->d_next)
 212:     {
 213:         switch (Cmap [n->d_elm [length(n->d_elm) - 1]])
 214:         {
 216:           case OPATR :
 217:           case PUNCT :
 218:             w_op(n->d_elm);
 219:             break;
 221:           default :
 222:             w_key(n->d_elm);
 223:             break;
 224:         }
 225:     }
 226: }
 227: /*
 228: **  EAT_DISPLAY -- enter text from In_file into a display
 229: **	Enters all text gotten through getch() [getch.c]
 230: **	lying between one character delimiters, which may
 231: **	be nested, into a display or w_op()'s it.
 232: **	eat_display() assumes that when it is called a
 233: **	"left_ch" has just been seen. It will "eat" up to
 234: **	MAXSTRING characters.
 235: **	Newline is played with because :
 236: **		a) a newline may have been read by eat_display
 237: **		   instead of yylex(), therefore if eat_display
 238: **		   stops there, yylex() must know that a newline
 239: **		   has just been seen and it must test for C_CODE.
 240: **		b) Newline may have to be set to 0 if an include()
 241: **		   was done which sets it to 1, and no yylex() was
 242: **		   done afterwards to reset it.
 243: **
 244: **		NOTE : This playing with Newline is needed because
 245: **		yylex() and not getch() maintains Newline. If getch()
 246: **		maintained Newline then it would be automatically right.
 247: **
 248: **	Parameters:
 249: **		disp -- display to add elements to if != 0 else
 250: **			characters are written out.
 251: **		left_ch -- left delimiter character
 252: **		right_ch -- right delimiter character
 253: **
 254: **	Side Effects:
 255: **		advances input to after the close of the
 256: **		left_ch, right_ch pair.
 257: **		may back up 2 characters.
 258: **
 259: **	Called By:
 260: **		semantic routines dealing with array subscription
 261: **
 262: **	Bugs:
 263: **		#include's encountered, are treated wrongly
 264: **		because the "#include ...c.h" is put out immediately,
 265: **		while the display is put out only later.
 266: */
 269: eat_display(disp, left_ch, right_ch)
 270: struct display  *disp;
 271: char        left_ch;
 272: char        right_ch;
 273: {
 274:     char        buf [MAXSTRING + 1];
 275:     register char   *cp;
 276:     register    level;
 277:     register    i;
 278:     char        pk;
 279:     char        r_c [2];
 281:     cp = buf;
 282:     level = i = 1;
 283:     *cp = left_ch;
 284:     do
 285:     {
 286:         i++;
 287:         if (i >= sizeof buf)
 288:         {
 289:             yysemerr("display too long", 0);
 290:             break;
 291:         }
 292:         if ((*++cp = getch()) == left_ch)
 293:             level++;
 294:         else if (*cp == right_ch)
 295:             level -= 1;
 296:         else if (*cp == EOF_TOK)
 297:         {
 298:             backup(*cp);
 299: missing :
 300:             r_c [1] = '\0';
 301:             r_c [0] = right_ch;
 302:             yysemerr("missing closing character", r_c);
 303:             *cp = right_ch;
 304:             /* make next line be read as possible
 305: 			 * C_CODE by yylex() [yylex.c]
 306: 			 */
 307:             Newline = 1;
 308:             break;
 309:         }
 310:         else if (*cp == '\n')
 311:         {
 312:             /* test that next line is valid equel line,
 313: 			 * and strip "##"
 314: 			 */
 315:             if ((pk = getch()) != '#')
 316:             {
 317:                 backup(pk);
 318:                 goto missing;
 319:             }
 320:             if ((pk = getch()) != '#')
 321:             {
 322:                 backup(pk);
 323:                 backup('#');
 324:                 goto missing;
 325:             }
 326:         }
 327:     }  while (*cp != right_ch || level > 0);
 328:     if (level == 0)
 329:         Newline = 0;
 330:     *++cp = '\0';
 331:     if (disp)
 332:         enter_display(disp, salloc(buf));
 333:     else
 334:         w_op(buf);
 335: }

Defined functions

eat_display defined in line 269; used 3 times
enter_display defined in line 59; used 10 times
free_display defined in line 130; used 7 times

Defined variables

Cv_display defined in line 27; never used
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Generated: 2016-12-26
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