1: # include   <pv.h>
   2: # include   <ingres.h>
   3: # include   <aux.h>
   4: # include   <catalog.h>
   5: # include   <access.h>
   6: # include   <func.h>
   7: # include   <signal.h>
   8: # include   <sccs.h>
   9: # include   <errors.h>
  11: SCCSID(@(#)help.c	8.5	2/8/85)
  13: extern short    tTdbu[100];
  14: extern int  help();
  15: extern int  null_fn();
  17: struct fn_def HelpFn =
  18: {
  19:     "HELP",
  20:     help,
  21:     null_fn,        /* initialization function */
  22:     null_fn,
  23:     NULL,
  24:     0,
  25:     tTdbu,
  26:     100,
  27:     'Z',
  28:     0
  29: };
  32: /*
  33: **  HELP - Provide Information to User
  34: **
  35: **	Arguments:
  36: **		pv[i] - code
  37: **			RELINFO - print relation information
  38: **			MANSEC - print manual section
  39: **			DELIMLIST - print delim information
  40: **			RELIST - print relation list
  41: **			ALLRELINFO - print relation info for all accessible
  42: **						relations
  43: **
  44: **		pv[i+1] - name of entity for modes 0 or 1
  45: **
  46: **	Trace Flags:
  47: **		44
  48: */
  50: help(parmc, parmv)
  51: int parmc;
  52: PARM    parmv[];
  53: {
  54:     DESC        des;
  55:     int     mode;
  56:     register PARM   *pv;
  57:     register int    ret;
  58:     int     i;
  60: # ifdef xZTR1
  61:     if (tTf(44, -1))
  62:     {
  63:         printf(">>help\n");
  64:         if (tTf(44, 0))
  65:             prvect(parmc, parmv);
  66:     }
  67: # endif
  69:     ret = 0;
  70:     pv = parmv;
  71:     getuser(-1);    /* init getuser for modes RELINFO & MANSEC */
  72:     while (pv->pv_type != PV_EOF)
  73:     {
  74:         mode = (pv++)->pv_val.pv_int;
  75:         if (mode < RELIST && pv->pv_type == PV_EOF)
  76:             syserr("help: mode %d no val", mode);
  78: #		ifdef xZTR1
  79:         if (tTf(44, -1))
  80:         {
  81:             printf("help %d", mode);
  82:             if (mode != RELIST)
  83:                 printf(" %s", pv->pv_val.pv_str);
  84:             putchar('\n');
  85:         }
  86: #		endif
  87:         switch (mode)
  88:         {
  90:           case RELINFO: /* help relation */
  91:             if (!openr(&des, OR_RELTID, pv->pv_val.pv_str))
  92:             {
  93:                 rel_fmt(&des);
  94:                 pv->pv_val.pv_str = NULL;
  95:             }
  96:             pv++;
  97:             break;
  99:           case MANSEC:  /* help manual section */
 100:             if (man(pv->pv_val.pv_str))
 101:                 pv->pv_val.pv_str = NULL;
 102:             pv++;
 103:             break;
 105:           case DELLIST: /* help delim */
 106:             if (!openr(&des, OR_READ, "rdelim"))
 107:             {
 108:                 if ((i = helpdelim(pv->pv_val.pv_str,&des)) == -1)
 109:                     return(error(RDELIMERR, pv->pv_val.pv_str, 0));
 110:                 closer(&des);
 111:                 pv->pv_val.pv_str = NULL;
 112:             }
 113:             pv++;
 114:             break;
 116:           case RELIST:
 117:           case ALLRELINFO:
 118:             relpr(mode);
 119:             break;
 121:           case ALLDELLIST:
 122:             if (!openr(&des, OR_READ, "rdelim"))
 123:             {
 124:                 if ((i = alldelims(&des)) == -1)
 125:                     return(error(RDELIMERR, pv->pv_val.pv_str, 0));
 126:                 closer(&des);
 127:                 pv->pv_val.pv_str = NULL;
 128:             }
 129:             pv++;
 130:             break;
 132:           default:
 133:             syserr("HELP: mode %d", mode);
 134:         }
 135:     }
 136:     getuser(0); /* close getuser in case mode RELINFO or MANSEC */
 138:     /* now rescan for error messages */
 139:     pv = parmv;
 140:     while (pv->pv_type != PV_EOF)
 141:     {
 142:         mode = (pv++)->pv_val.pv_int;
 144:         if (mode < RELIST)
 145:         {
 146:             if (pv->pv_val.pv_str != NULL)
 147:                 ret = nferror(NORELEXIST + mode, pv->pv_val.pv_str, 0);
 148:             pv++;
 149:         }
 150:     }
 151:     return (ret);
 152: }
 155: /*
 156: **  Nroff Manual Section
 157: **
 158: **	The manual section given by 'name' is nroff'ed.  Returns one
 159: **	on success, zero if the manual section is not found.
 160: **
 161: **	Uses trace flag 11
 162: */
 164: int
 165: man(name)
 166: char    *name;
 167: {
 168:     char        manual[100];
 169:     register int    i;
 170:     int     stat;
 171:     char        name_nr[18];
 172:     register char   *naa;
 173:     extern char *ztack();
 175:     if (length(name) > 14)
 176:         return (0);
 178:     /* a null manual name gives table of contents */
 179:     if (name[0] == 0)
 180:         smove("../toc.nr", name_nr);
 181:     else
 182:         concat(name, ".nr", name_nr);
 184:     concat(ztack(Pathname, "/doc/quel/"), name_nr, manual);
 185:     if ((i = open(manual, O_RDONLY)) < 0)
 186:     {
 187:         /* try a unix command instead */
 188:         concat(ztack(Pathname, "/doc/unix/"), name_nr, manual);
 189:         if ((i = open(manual, O_RDONLY)) < 0)
 190:             return (0);
 191:     }
 192:     if (close(i))
 193:         syserr("cannot close %s", manual);
 194:     ruboff(0);  /* wait for child's death if rubout occures */
 195:     i = fork();
 196:     if (i == 0)
 197:     {
 198:         signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL);    /* die on rubout */
 199:         setuid(getuid());
 200: #		ifndef xB_UNIX
 201:         setgid(getgid());
 202: #		endif
 203:         naa = ztack(Pathname, "/doc/iaa");
 204:         execl("/bin/nroff", "nroff", naa, manual, 0);
 205:         execl("/usr/bin/nroff", "nroff", naa, manual, 0);
 206:         syserr("help: exec: nroff");
 207:     }
 208:     /* wait for nroff if fork succeeded */
 209:     if (i > 0)
 210:         fullwait(i, "help: nroff");
 211:     rubon();
 212:     return (1);
 213: }
 216: /*
 218: **
 219: **	Prints a list of all the relations in the database, together
 220: **	with their owner.
 221: **
 222: **	Uses trace flag 12
 223: */
 225: relpr(mode)
 226: int mode;
 227: {
 228:     extern DESC Reldes;
 229:     register DESC   *d;
 230:     register int            i;
 231:     register char           *cp;
 232:     struct tup_id           limtid, tid;
 233:     char                buf[MAXLINE + 1];
 234:     char                lastuser[2];
 235:     struct relation         rel;
 237:     opencatalog("relation", OR_READ);
 238:     d = &Reldes;
 239:     if (i = find(d, NOKEY, &tid, &limtid))
 240:         syserr("help: relpr: find %d", i);
 242:     lastuser[0] = '\0';
 244:     if (mode == RELIST)
 245:         printf("\n relation name     relation owner\n\n");
 247:     while ((i = get(d, &tid, &limtid, &rel, 1)) == 0)
 248:     {
 249:         if (mode == RELIST)
 250:         {
 251:             if (!bequal(lastuser, rel.relowner, 2))
 252:             {
 253:                 if (getuser(rel.relowner, buf))
 254:                 {
 255:                     /* cant find user code */
 256:                     bmove("  ", buf, 2);
 257:                     cp = &buf[2];
 258:                     bmove(rel.relowner, cp, 2);
 259:                     cp = &cp[2];
 260:                     *cp = '\0';
 261:                 }
 262:                 else
 263:                 {
 264:                     for (cp = buf; *cp != ':'; cp++)
 265:                         ;
 266:                     *cp = '\0';
 267:                 }
 268:                 bmove(rel.relowner, lastuser, 2);
 269:             }
 270:             printf(" %.12s      %s\n", rel.relid, buf);
 271:         }
 272:         else
 273:         {
 274:             if ((rel.relstat & S_CATALOG) || bequal("_SYS", rel.relid, 4))
 275:                 continue;
 276:             if (bequal(Usercode, rel.relowner, UCODE_SZ) || bequal(Admin.adhdr.adowner, rel.relowner, 2))
 277:                 rel_fmt(&rel);
 278:         }
 279:     }
 281:     if (i < 0)
 282:         syserr("help: relpr: get %d", i);
 283:     if (mode == RELIST)
 284:         printf("\n");
 285:     return (0);
 286: }
 290: /*
 291: **  Print Relation Information
 292: **
 293: **	Prints detailed information regarding the relation.
 294: **
 295: **	Uses trace flag 13
 296: */
 298: rel_fmt(r)
 299: register struct relation    *r;
 300: {
 301:     struct tup_id       limtid, tid;
 302:     char            buf[MAXLINE + 1];
 303:     struct attribute    att;
 304:     struct index        indkey, ind;
 305:     register int        i;
 306:     int         j;
 307:     extern DESC     Attdes, Inddes;
 308:     char            *trim_relname();
 310:     printf("\nRelation:\t\t%s\n", trim_relname(r->relid));
 311:     i = getuser(r->relowner, buf);
 312:     if (i)
 313:     {
 314:         smove("(xx)", buf);
 315:         bmove(r->relowner, &buf[1], 2);
 316:     }
 317:     else
 318:     {
 319:         for (i = 0; buf[i] != ':'; i++)
 320:             continue;
 321:         buf[i] = 0;
 322:     }
 323:     printf("Owner:\t\t\t%s\n", buf);
 324:     printf("Tuple width:\t\t%d\n", r->relwid);
 325:     if (r->relsave != 0)
 326:     {
 327:         printf("Saved until:\t\t%s", ctime(&r->relsave));
 328:     }
 329:     if ((r->relstat & S_VIEW) == 0)
 330:     {
 331:         printf("Number of tuples:\t%ld\n", r->reltups);
 332:         printf("Storage structure:\t");
 333:         i = r->relspec;
 334:         if (i < 0)
 335:         {
 336:             printf("compressed ");
 337:             i = -i;
 338:         }
 339:         switch (i)
 340:         {
 342:           case M_HEAP:
 343:             printf("paged heap\n");
 344:             break;
 346:           case M_ISAM:
 347:             printf("ISAM file\n");
 348:             break;
 350:           case M_HASH:
 351:             printf("random hash\n");
 352:             break;
 354:           default:
 355:             printf("unknown structure %d\n", i);
 356:             break;
 358:         }
 359:     }
 361:     printf("Relation type:\t\t");
 362:     if (r->relstat & S_CATALOG)
 363:         printf("system catalog\n");
 364:     else if (r->relstat & S_VIEW)
 365:         printf("view\n");
 366:     else
 367:         if (r->reldim > 0)
 368:             printf("ordered relation\n");
 369:         else if (r->relindxd < 0)
 370:         {
 371:             printf("secondary index on ");
 372:             opencatalog("indexes", OR_READ);
 373:             setkey(&Inddes, &indkey, r->relowner, IOWNERP);
 374:             setkey(&Inddes, &indkey, r->relid, IRELIDI);
 375:             if (!getequal(&Inddes, &indkey, &ind, &tid))
 376:                 printf("%s\n", trim_relname(ind.irelidp));
 377:             else
 378:                 printf("unknown relation\n");
 379:         }
 380:         else
 381:         {
 382:             if (r->relstat & S_DISTRIBUTED)
 383:                 printf("distributed ");
 384:             printf("user relation\n");
 385:         }
 386:     if (r->relindxd > 0)
 387:     {
 388:         printf("Secondary Indices:\t");
 389:         opencatalog("indexes", OR_READ);
 390:         setkey(&Inddes, &indkey, r->relid, IRELIDP);
 391:         setkey(&Inddes, &indkey, r->relowner, IOWNERP);
 392:         if (i = find(&Inddes, EXACTKEY, &tid, &limtid, &indkey))
 393:             syserr("help: find %d indexes", i);
 394:         j = FALSE;
 395:         while ((i = get(&Inddes, &tid, &limtid, &ind, 1)) == 0)
 396:         {
 397:             if (!bequal(&indkey, &ind, MAXNAME + 2))
 398:                 continue;
 399:             if (j)
 400:                 printf(", ");
 401:             j =TRUE;
 402:             printf("%s", trim_relname(ind.irelidi));
 403:         }
 404:         if (i < 0)
 405:             syserr("help:get indexes %d", i);
 406:         if (!j)
 407:             printf("unknown");
 408:     }
 409:     printf("\n");
 411:     opencatalog("attribute", OR_READ);
 412:     printf("\n attribute name    type  length  keyno.\n\n");
 413:     seq_init(&Attdes, r);
 414:     while (seq_attributes(&Attdes, r, &att))
 415:     {
 416:         printf(" %.12s	    %c%8d",
 417:             att.attname, att.attfrmt, att.attfrml & I1MASK);
 418:         if (att.attxtra)
 419:             printf("%7d", att.attxtra);
 420:         printf("\n");
 421:     }
 423:     printf("\n");
 424:     return (0);
 425: }
 427: /*
 428: **	HELPDELIM - print all delims presently defined.
 429: **
 430: **		Parameters:
 431: **			group - the group of delims to print
 432: **
 433: **		Returns:
 434: **			0 - if successful
 435: **			-1 - if relation not found
 436: */
 437: helpdelim(group,des)
 438: char    *group;
 439: DESC    *des;
 440: {
 441:     DELIM_TUP   tuple;
 442:     TID     lotid,hitid;
 443:     int     notfound = 1;
 444:     char        delim[12];
 445:     int     start = 0;
 446:     int     begin = 1;
 447:     char        dstring[1024];
 448:     char        *dptr;
 449:     int     found=0;
 451:     if (find(des,LRANGEKEY, &lotid, &hitid, group) < 0)
 452:         return(-1);
 453:     find(des,HRANGEKEY, &lotid, &hitid, group);
 454:     printf("\n \t>>>>  %s  <<<<\n", group);
 456:     while (!get(des, &lotid, &hitid, &tuple, 1))
 457:     {
 459:         if (strcmp(tuple.group, group))
 460:             continue;
 462:         if (strcmp(tuple.delim, delim))
 463:             start = 1;
 465:         if (start)
 466:         {
 467:             found = 1;
 468:             if (begin)
 469:                 begin = 0;
 470:             else
 471:                 print_delim(dstring);
 473:             /*start a new string*/
 474:             strcpy(delim, tuple.delim);
 475:             start = 0;
 476:             *dstring = NULL;
 477:             strcat(dstring, tuple.delim);
 478:             strcat(dstring, ":		");
 479:             convert_bitmap(dstring, &tuple);
 480:         }
 481:         else
 482:         {
 483:             /*add to old string*/
 484:             convert_bitmap(dstring, &tuple);
 485:         }
 486:     }
 487:     if (!found)
 488:         printf("group %s does not exist\n", group);
 489:     else
 490:         print_delim(dstring);
 491:     return(0);
 492: }
 494: /*
 495: **	CONVERT_BITMAP - convert a bitmap back to a BNF expression
 496: **
 497: **		Parameters:
 498: **			dstring - string to stuff the BNF expression info
 499: **			tuple - tuple containing the bitmap
 500: **
 501: */
 502: convert_bitmap(dstring, tuple)
 503: char        *dstring;
 504: DELIM_TUP   *tuple;
 505: {
 506:     int i,j;
 507:     char    *pntr;
 509:     pntr = dstring + strlen(dstring);
 510:     *pntr++ = (tuple->type == ONE ? LBRACKET : LBRACE);
 511:     i = 0;
 512:     while (i < 128 )
 513:     {
 514:         if (test(tuple->bitmap, i))
 515:         {
 516:             *pntr++ = i;
 517:             j = ++i;
 518:             while ((j < 128) && test(tuple->bitmap, j))
 519:                 j++;
 520:             if ( (j - i) >= 5)
 521:             {
 522:                 j--;
 523:                 *pntr++ = '-';
 524:                 *pntr++ = j;
 525:                 i = j + 1;
 526:             }
 527:         }
 528:         else
 529:             i++;
 530:     }
 531:     *pntr++ = (tuple->type == ONE ? RBRACKET : RBRACE);
 532:     *pntr = NULL;
 533: }
 535: /*
 536: **	PRINT_DELIM - print one delim of the rdelim relation
 537: **
 538: **		Parameters:
 539: **
 540: */
 541: print_delim(delim)
 542: char    *delim;
 543: {
 544:     printf("%s\n", delim);
 545: }
 547: /*
 548: **	ALLDELIMS - print all the delims currently defined
 549: **
 550: */
 551: alldelims(des)
 552: DESC    *des;
 553: {
 554:     DELIM_TUP   tuple;
 555:     int     start=1;
 556:     char        group[12];
 557:     TID     lotid;
 558:     TID     hitid;
 560:     printf("Delimitor groups:\n");
 561:     if (find(des,LRANGEKEY, &lotid, &hitid, group) < 0)
 562:         return(-1);
 563:     find(des,HRANGEKEY, &lotid, &hitid, group);
 565:     while (!get(des, &lotid, &hitid, &tuple, 1))
 566:     {
 568:         if (strcmp(tuple.group, group))
 569:             start = 1;
 571:         if (start)
 572:         {
 573:             strcpy(group, tuple.group);
 574:             printf("\t\t %s\n", group);
 575:             /*helpdelim(group, des); */
 576:             start = 0;
 577:         }
 578:     }
 579: }

Defined functions

alldelims defined in line 551; used 1 times
convert_bitmap defined in line 502; used 2 times
help defined in line 50; used 2 times
helpdelim defined in line 437; used 1 times
man defined in line 164; used 1 times
print_delim defined in line 541; used 2 times
rel_fmt defined in line 298; used 2 times
relpr defined in line 225; used 1 times

Defined variables

HelpFn defined in line 17; never used
Last modified: 1986-04-17
Generated: 2016-12-26
Generated by src2html V0.67
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