/* * Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution. * * @(#)telnet.h 5.1 (Berkeley) 5/30/85 */ /* * Definitions for the TELNET protocol. */ #define IAC 255 /* interpret as command: */ #define DONT 254 /* you are not to use option */ #define DO 253 /* please, you use option */ #define WONT 252 /* I won't use option */ #define WILL 251 /* I will use option */ #define SB 250 /* interpret as subnegotiation */ #define GA 249 /* you may reverse the line */ #define EL 248 /* erase the current line */ #define EC 247 /* erase the current character */ #define AYT 246 /* are you there */ #define AO 245 /* abort output--but let prog finish */ #define IP 244 /* interrupt process--permanently */ #define BREAK 243 /* break */ #define DM 242 /* data mark--for connect. cleaning */ #define NOP 241 /* nop */ #define SE 240 /* end sub negotiation */ #define EOR 239 /* end of record (transparent mode) */ #define SYNCH 242 /* for telfunc calls */ #ifdef TELCMDS char *telcmds[] = { "SE", "NOP", "DMARK", "BRK", "IP", "AO", "AYT", "EC", "EL", "GA", "SB", "WILL", "WONT", "DO", "DONT", "IAC", }; #endif /* telnet options */ #define TELOPT_BINARY 0 /* 8-bit data path */ #define TELOPT_ECHO 1 /* echo */ #define TELOPT_RCP 2 /* prepare to reconnect */ #define TELOPT_SGA 3 /* suppress go ahead */ #define TELOPT_NAMS 4 /* approximate message size */ #define TELOPT_STATUS 5 /* give status */ #define TELOPT_TM 6 /* timing mark */ #define TELOPT_RCTE 7 /* remote controlled transmission and echo */ #define TELOPT_NAOL 8 /* negotiate about output line width */ #define TELOPT_NAOP 9 /* negotiate about output page size */ #define TELOPT_NAOCRD 10 /* negotiate about CR disposition */ #define TELOPT_NAOHTS 11 /* negotiate about horizontal tabstops */ #define TELOPT_NAOHTD 12 /* negotiate about horizontal tab disposition */ #define TELOPT_NAOFFD 13 /* negotiate about formfeed disposition */ #define TELOPT_NAOVTS 14 /* negotiate about vertical tab stops */ #define TELOPT_NAOVTD 15 /* negotiate about vertical tab disposition */ #define TELOPT_NAOLFD 16 /* negotiate about output LF disposition */ #define TELOPT_XASCII 17 /* extended ascic character set */ #define TELOPT_LOGOUT 18 /* force logout */ #define TELOPT_BM 19 /* byte macro */ #define TELOPT_DET 20 /* data entry terminal */ #define TELOPT_SUPDUP 21 /* supdup protocol */ #define TELOPT_SUPDUPOUTPUT 22 /* supdup output */ #define TELOPT_SNDLOC 23 /* send location */ #define TELOPT_TTYPE 24 /* terminal type */ #define TELOPT_EOR 25 /* end or record */ #define TELOPT_EXOPL 255 /* extended-options-list */ #ifdef TELOPTS #define NTELOPTS (1+TELOPT_EOR) char *telopts[NTELOPTS] = { "BINARY", "ECHO", "RCP", "SUPPRESS GO AHEAD", "NAME", "STATUS", "TIMING MARK", "RCTE", "NAOL", "NAOP", "NAOCRD", "NAOHTS", "NAOHTD", "NAOFFD", "NAOVTS", "NAOVTD", "NAOLFD", "EXTEND ASCII", "LOGOUT", "BYTE MACRO", "DATA ENTRY TERMINAL", "SUPDUP", "SUPDUP OUTPUT", "SEND LOCATION", "TERMINAL TYPE", "END OF RECORD", }; #endif /* sub-option qualifiers */ #define TELQUAL_IS 0 /* option is... */ #define TELQUAL_SEND 1 /* send option */