/* netrc.c procedures to read and parse the .netrc file You may call: commandfile() to read the file. rdnetfile(cfile) to read the file. Note: commandfile() will read the passwd file if getenv(HOME) searches the passwd file Table of netrc options option default ------ ------- default default machine login string current login password string - notify yes/no yes write yes/no yes command string - force yes/no no Fabry has suggested that machine names be more general: that you be able to say: cory: fabry on Cory caf: caf on Cory c: fabry on C so the formulation would look like: default key key: machine login passwd ... key: .... and so on Gould has suggested the format be: pseudo cory real Cory login fabry pseudo caf real Cory login caf pseudo c real C login fabry Init file example: format local C remote A default A machine A local C link /dev/net-A speed 9 machine Cory local C link /dev/net-Cory speed 9 if remote == 0, default is A passwords work as follows: passwd = "\n" means no password */ # include "defs.h" /* tokens, returned by parser */ # define MACHINE 1 # define LOGIN 2 # define PASSWORD 3 # define ONLYUID 4 # define NOTIFY 5 # define QUIET 6 # define COMMAND 7 # define ID 8 # define YES 9 # define DEFAULT 10 # define WRITE 11 # define NO 12 # define FORCE 13 # define LOCALTOK 14 # define LINK 15 # define SPEED 16 # define LENGTH 18 # define DEBUGTOK 19 # define ALTIME 20 # define ALCOUNT 21 # define HISPEEDLINK 22 # define EIGHTBIT 23 # define INSPEED 24 # define OUTSPEED 25 /* global */ struct userinfo status; struct daemonparms netd = { LINKS, /* inspeed */ LINKS, /* outspeed */ MAXBREAD, /* maxbread */ ATIME, /* atime */ ATIME, /* oatime */ "/dev/null", /* device */ SIZE, /* datasize */ 0 /* onlyuid */ /* rest are all zero */ }; /* local */ static char tokval[100]; static struct tokstruct { char *tokstr; int tval; } toktab[]= { "machine", MACHINE, "login", LOGIN, "password", PASSWORD, "onlyuid", ONLYUID, "notify", NOTIFY, "command", COMMAND, "yes", YES, "y", YES, "no", NO, "n", NO, "default", DEFAULT, "write", WRITE, "force", FORCE, "quiet", QUIET, "local", LOCALTOK, "speed", SPEED, "link", LINK, "length", LENGTH, "debug", DEBUGTOK, "time", ALTIME, "count", ALCOUNT, "hispeedlink", HISPEEDLINK, "8bit", EIGHTBIT, "inspeed", INSPEED, "outspeed", OUTSPEED, 0, 0 }; static struct stat statbuf; /* commandfile() this procedure reads in and parses the .netrc file. when you call this, if the remote machine is to be explicitely set, the global variable "remote" must have a value. on return, if it is non-zero, "remote" will have the remote machine the data was collected for. status.localname need not have a value. */ commandfile(){ char *hdir, buf[BUFSIZ]; FILE *cfile; hdir = getenv("HOME"); if(hdir == NULL)hdir = "."; sprintf(buf,"%s/.netrc",hdir); /* debug("file %s",buf); */ cfile = fopen(buf,"r"); if(cfile == NULL)return; rdnetfile(cfile); fclose(cfile); } /* read the file cfile and parse */ rdnetfile(cfile) FILE *cfile; { int t; if(cfile == NULL)return; if(fstat(fileno(cfile),&statbuf) < 0 || (statbuf.st_mode & 0444) == 0) return; while((t = token(cfile))){ switch(t){ case DEFAULT: if(token(cfile) == ID && remote == 0)remote = lookup(tokval); /* debug("rem %c\n",remote); */ break; case MACHINE: if(remote == 0)remote = getremote(local); if(token(cfile) != ID)continue; if(remote != lookup(tokval))continue; /* this is the entry for the remote mach we want */ getnetline(cfile); return; break; } } return; } /* read a line of the file */ static getnetline(cfile) FILE *cfile; { int t; while((t = token(cfile))){ switch(t){ /* these options are usually in the .netrc file */ case MACHINE: return; case LOGIN: if(token(cfile) && status.login[0] == 0) strcpy(status.login,tokval); break; case PASSWORD: if(fstat(fileno(cfile),&statbuf) >= 0 && (statbuf.st_mode & 077) != 0){ err("Error - .netrc file not correct mode.\n"); err("Remove password or correct mode.\n"); exit(EX_USAGE); } if(token(cfile) && status.mpasswd[0] == 0) strcpy(status.mpasswd,tokval); /* debug("mp:%s:%s\n",status.mpasswd,tokval); */ break; case NOTIFY: status.nonotify = token(cfile) == NO; break; case WRITE: status.nowrite = token(cfile) == NO; break; case COMMAND: if(token(cfile) && status.defcmd[0] == 0) strcpy(status.defcmd,tokval); break; case QUIET: status.quiet = token(cfile) == YES; break; case FORCE: status.force = token(cfile) == YES; break; /* these options are usually in /usr/net/initfile */ case LOCALTOK: if(token(cfile))local = lookup(tokval); break; case LINK: if(token(cfile))strcpy(netd.dp_device,tokval); break; case SPEED: if(token(cfile)) netd.dp_inspeed = netd.dp_outspeed=atoi(tokval); break; case INSPEED: if(token(cfile))netd.dp_inspeed = atoi(tokval); break; case OUTSPEED: if(token(cfile))netd.dp_outspeed = atoi(tokval); break; case LENGTH: if(token(cfile))netd.dp_datasize = atoi(tokval); break; case DEBUGTOK: debugflg++; break; case ALTIME: if(token(cfile))netd.dp_oatime = atoi(tokval); break; case ALCOUNT: if(token(cfile))netd.dp_maxbread = atoi(tokval); break; case ONLYUID: if(token(cfile))netd.dp_onlyuid = atoi(tokval); break; case EIGHTBIT: netd.dp_use8bits++; break; case HISPEEDLINK: if(token(cfile))strcpy(netd.dp_hispeedlink,tokval); break; default: err("Unknown .netrc option %s\n",tokval); break; } } } static token(cfile) FILE *cfile; { /* returns next token in cfile, 0 on EOF */ char *p; int c; if(feof(cfile))return(0); while((c = getc(cfile)) != EOF && (c == '\n' || c == '\t' || c == ' ' || c == ',')); /* next char begins token */ if(c == EOF)return(0); p = tokval; if(c == '"'){ /* process quoted string */ while((c = getc(cfile)) != EOF && c != '"'){ if(c == '\\')c = getc(cfile); *p++ = c; } } else { *p++ = c; while((c = getc(cfile)) != EOF && c != '\n' && c != '\t' && c != ' ' && c != ','){ if(c == '\\')c = getc(cfile); *p++ = c; } } *p = 0; if(tokval[0] == 0)return(0); /* debug("tok %s",tokval); */ return(tlookup(tokval)); } static tlookup(str) char *str; { struct tokstruct *p; for(p = toktab; p->tokstr; p++) if(streql(p->tokstr,str) == 0){ return(p->tval); } return(ID); }