# #include "rcv.h" #ifdef VMUNIX #include #endif #include #include /* * Mail -- a mail program * * Mail to others. */ static char *SccsId = "@(#)send.c 2.12 7/2/83"; /* * Send message described by the passed pointer to the * passed output buffer. Return -1 on error, but normally * the number of lines written. Adjust the status: field * if need be. If doign is set, suppress ignored header fields. */ send(mailp, obuf, doign) struct message *mailp; FILE *obuf; { register struct message *mp; register int t; long c; FILE *ibuf; char line[LINESIZE], field[BUFSIZ]; int lc, ishead, infld, fline, dostat; char *cp, *cp2; mp = mailp; ibuf = setinput(mp); c = mp->m_size; ishead = 1; dostat = 1; infld = 0; fline = 1; lc = 0; while (c > 0L) { fgets(line, LINESIZE, ibuf); c -= (long) strlen(line); lc++; if (ishead) { /* * First line is the From line, so no headers * there to worry about */ if (fline) { fline = 0; goto writeit; } /* * If line is blank, we've reached end of * headers, so force out status: field * and note that we are no longer in header * fields */ if (line[0] == '\n') { if (dostat) { statusput(mailp, obuf, doign); dostat = 0; } ishead = 0; goto writeit; } /* * If this line is a continuation (via space or tab) * of a previous header field, just echo it * (unless the field should be ignored). */ if (infld && (isspace(line[0]) || line[0] == '\t')) { if (doign && isign(field)) continue; goto writeit; } infld = 0; /* * If we are no longer looking at real * header lines, force out status: * This happens in uucp style mail where * there are no headers at all. */ if (!headerp(line)) { if (dostat) { statusput(mailp, obuf, doign); dostat = 0; } putc('\n', obuf); ishead = 0; goto writeit; } infld++; /* * Pick up the header field. * If it is an ignored field and * we care about such things, skip it. */ cp = line; cp2 = field; while (*cp && *cp != ':' && !isspace(*cp)) *cp2++ = *cp++; *cp2 = 0; if (doign && isign(field)) continue; /* * If the field is "status," go compute and print the * real Status: field */ if (icequal(field, "status")) { if (dostat) { statusput(mailp, obuf, doign); dostat = 0; } continue; } } writeit: fputs(line, obuf); if (ferror(obuf)) return(-1); } if (ferror(obuf)) return(-1); if (ishead && (mailp->m_flag & MSTATUS)) printf("failed to fix up status field\n"); return(lc); } /* * Test if the passed line is a header line, RFC 733 style. */ headerp(line) register char *line; { register char *cp = line; while (*cp && !isspace(*cp) && *cp != ':') cp++; while (*cp && isspace(*cp)) cp++; return(*cp == ':'); } /* * Output a reasonable looking status field. * But if "status" is ignored and doign, forget it. */ statusput(mp, obuf, doign) register struct message *mp; register FILE *obuf; { char statout[3]; if (doign && isign("status")) return; if ((mp->m_flag & (MNEW|MREAD)) == MNEW) return; if (mp->m_flag & MREAD) strcpy(statout, "R"); else strcpy(statout, ""); if ((mp->m_flag & MNEW) == 0) strcat(statout, "O"); fprintf(obuf, "Status: %s\n", statout); } /* * Interface between the argument list and the mail1 routine * which does all the dirty work. */ mail(people) char **people; { register char *cp2; register int s; char *buf, **ap; struct header head; for (s = 0, ap = people; *ap != (char *) -1; ap++) s += strlen(*ap) + 1; buf = salloc(s+1); cp2 = buf; for (ap = people; *ap != (char *) -1; ap++) { cp2 = copy(*ap, cp2); *cp2++ = ' '; } if (cp2 != buf) cp2--; *cp2 = '\0'; head.h_to = buf; head.h_subject = NOSTR; head.h_cc = NOSTR; head.h_bcc = NOSTR; head.h_seq = 0; mail1(&head); return(0); } /* * Send mail to a bunch of user names. The interface is through * the mail routine below. */ sendmail(str) char *str; { register char **ap; char *bufp; register int t; struct header head; if (blankline(str)) head.h_to = NOSTR; else head.h_to = str; head.h_subject = NOSTR; head.h_cc = NOSTR; head.h_bcc = NOSTR; head.h_seq = 0; mail1(&head); return(0); } /* * Mail a message on standard input to the people indicated * in the passed header. (Internal interface). */ mail1(hp) struct header *hp; { register char *cp; int pid, i, s, p, gotcha; char **namelist, *deliver; struct name *to, *np; struct stat sbuf; FILE *mtf, *postage; int remote = rflag != NOSTR || rmail; char **t; /* * Collect user's mail from standard input. * Get the result as mtf. */ pid = -1; if ((mtf = collect(hp)) == NULL) return(-1); hp->h_seq = 1; if (hp->h_subject == NOSTR) hp->h_subject = sflag; if (intty && value("askcc") != NOSTR) grabh(hp, GCC); else if (intty) { printf("EOT\n"); flush(); } /* * Now, take the user names from the combined * to and cc lists and do all the alias * processing. */ senderr = 0; to = usermap(cat(extract(hp->h_bcc, GBCC), cat(extract(hp->h_to, GTO), extract(hp->h_cc, GCC)))); if (to == NIL) { printf("No recipients specified\n"); goto topdog; } /* * Look through the recipient list for names with /'s * in them which we write to as files directly. */ to = outof(to, mtf, hp); rewind(mtf); to = verify(to); if (senderr && !remote) { topdog: if (fsize(mtf) != 0) { remove(deadletter); exwrite(deadletter, mtf, 1); rewind(mtf); } } for (gotcha = 0, np = to; np != NIL; np = np->n_flink) if ((np->n_type & GDEL) == 0) { gotcha++; break; } if (!gotcha) goto out; to = elide(to); mechk(to); if (count(to) > 1) hp->h_seq++; if (hp->h_seq > 0 && !remote) { fixhead(hp, to); if (fsize(mtf) == 0) if (hp->h_subject == NOSTR) printf("No message, no subject; hope that's ok\n"); else printf("Null message body; hope that's ok\n"); if ((mtf = infix(hp, mtf)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, ". . . message lost, sorry.\n"); return(-1); } } namelist = unpack(to); if (debug) { printf("Recipients of message:\n"); for (t = namelist; *t != NOSTR; t++) printf(" \"%s\"", *t); printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); return; } if ((cp = value("record")) != NOSTR) savemail(expand(cp), hp, mtf); /* * Wait, to absorb a potential zombie, then * fork, set up the temporary mail file as standard * input for "mail" and exec with the user list we generated * far above. Return the process id to caller in case he * wants to await the completion of mail. */ #ifdef VMUNIX #ifdef pdp11 while (wait2(&s, WNOHANG) > 0) #endif #if defined(vax) || defined(sun) while (wait3(&s, WNOHANG, 0) > 0) #endif ; #else wait(&s); #endif rewind(mtf); pid = fork(); if (pid == -1) { perror("fork"); remove(deadletter); exwrite(deadletter, mtf, 1); goto out; } if (pid == 0) { sigchild(); #ifdef SIGTSTP if (remote == 0) { sigset(SIGTSTP, SIG_IGN); sigset(SIGTTIN, SIG_IGN); sigset(SIGTTOU, SIG_IGN); } #endif for (i = SIGHUP; i <= SIGQUIT; i++) sigset(i, SIG_IGN); if (!stat(POSTAGE, &sbuf)) if ((postage = fopen(POSTAGE, "a")) != NULL) { fprintf(postage, "%s %d %d\n", myname, count(to), fsize(mtf)); fclose(postage); } s = fileno(mtf); for (i = 3; i < 15; i++) if (i != s) close(i); close(0); dup(s); close(s); #ifdef CC submit(getpid()); #endif CC #ifdef SENDMAIL if ((deliver = value("sendmail")) == NOSTR) deliver = SENDMAIL; execv(deliver, namelist); #endif SENDMAIL execv(MAIL, namelist); perror(MAIL); exit(1); } out: if (remote || (value("verbose") != NOSTR)) { while ((p = wait(&s)) != pid && p != -1) ; if (s != 0) senderr++; pid = 0; } fclose(mtf); return(pid); } /* * Fix the header by glopping all of the expanded names from * the distribution list into the appropriate fields. * If there are any ARPA net recipients in the message, * we must insert commas, alas. */ fixhead(hp, tolist) struct header *hp; struct name *tolist; { register struct name *nlist; register int f; register struct name *np; for (f = 0, np = tolist; np != NIL; np = np->n_flink) if (any('@', np->n_name)) { f |= GCOMMA; break; } if (debug && f & GCOMMA) fprintf(stderr, "Should be inserting commas in recip lists\n"); hp->h_to = detract(tolist, GTO|f); hp->h_cc = detract(tolist, GCC|f); } /* * Prepend a header in front of the collected stuff * and return the new file. */ FILE * infix(hp, fi) struct header *hp; FILE *fi; { extern char tempMail[]; register FILE *nfo, *nfi; register int c; rewind(fi); if ((nfo = fopen(tempMail, "w")) == NULL) { perror(tempMail); return(fi); } if ((nfi = fopen(tempMail, "r")) == NULL) { perror(tempMail); fclose(nfo); return(fi); } remove(tempMail); puthead(hp, nfo, GTO|GSUBJECT|GCC|GNL); c = getc(fi); while (c != EOF) { putc(c, nfo); c = getc(fi); } if (ferror(fi)) { perror("read"); return(fi); } fflush(nfo); if (ferror(nfo)) { perror(tempMail); fclose(nfo); fclose(nfi); return(fi); } fclose(nfo); fclose(fi); rewind(nfi); return(nfi); } /* * Dump the to, subject, cc header on the * passed file buffer. */ puthead(hp, fo, w) struct header *hp; FILE *fo; { register int gotcha; gotcha = 0; if (hp->h_to != NOSTR && w & GTO) fmt("To: ", hp->h_to, fo), gotcha++; if (hp->h_subject != NOSTR && w & GSUBJECT) fprintf(fo, "Subject: %s\n", hp->h_subject), gotcha++; if (hp->h_cc != NOSTR && w & GCC) fmt("Cc: ", hp->h_cc, fo), gotcha++; if (hp->h_bcc != NOSTR && w & GBCC) fmt("Bcc: ", hp->h_bcc, fo), gotcha++; if (gotcha && w & GNL) putc('\n', fo); return(0); } /* * Format the given text to not exceed 72 characters. */ fmt(str, txt, fo) register char *str, *txt; register FILE *fo; { register int col; register char *bg, *bl, *pt, ch; col = strlen(str); if (col) fprintf(fo, "%s", str); pt = bg = txt; bl = 0; while (*bg) { pt++; if (++col >72) { if (!bl) { bl = bg; while (*bl && !isspace(*bl)) bl++; } if (!*bl) goto finish; ch = *bl; *bl = '\0'; fprintf(fo, "%s\n ", bg); col = 4; *bl = ch; pt = bg = ++bl; bl = 0; } if (!*pt) { finish: fprintf(fo, "%s\n", bg); return; } if (isspace(*pt)) bl = pt; } } /* * Save the outgoing mail on the passed file. */ savemail(name, hp, fi) char name[]; struct header *hp; FILE *fi; { register FILE *fo; register int c; long now; char *n; if ((fo = fopen(name, "a")) == NULL) { perror(name); return(-1); } time(&now); n = rflag; if (n == NOSTR) n = myname; fprintf(fo, "From %s %s", n, ctime(&now)); rewind(fi); for (c = getc(fi); c != EOF; c = getc(fi)) putc(c, fo); fprintf(fo, "\n"); fflush(fo); if (ferror(fo)) perror(name); fclose(fo); return(0); }