# #include "rcv.h" #include #include /* * Mail -- a mail program * * Auxiliary functions. */ static char *SccsId = "@(#)aux.c 2.10 6/28/83"; /* * Return a pointer to a dynamic copy of the argument. */ char * savestr(str) char *str; { register char *cp, *cp2, *top; for (cp = str; *cp; cp++) ; top = salloc(cp-str + 1); if (top == NOSTR) return(NOSTR); for (cp = str, cp2 = top; *cp; cp++) *cp2++ = *cp; *cp2 = 0; return(top); } /* * Copy the name from the passed header line into the passed * name buffer. Null pad the name buffer. */ copyname(linebuf, nbuf) char *linebuf, *nbuf; { register char *cp, *cp2; for (cp = linebuf + 5, cp2 = nbuf; *cp != ' ' && cp2-nbuf < 8; cp++) *cp2++ = *cp; while (cp2-nbuf < 8) *cp2++ = 0; } /* * Announce a fatal error and die. */ panic(str) char *str; { prs("panic: "); prs(str); prs("\n"); exit(1); } /* * Catch stdio errors and report them more nicely. */ _error(str) char *str; { prs("Stdio Error: "); prs(str); prs("\n"); abort(); } /* * Print a string on diagnostic output. */ prs(str) char *str; { register char *s; for (s = str; *s; s++) ; write(2, str, s-str); } /* * Touch the named message by setting its MTOUCH flag. * Touched messages have the effect of not being sent * back to the system mailbox on exit. */ touch(mesg) { register struct message *mp; if (mesg < 1 || mesg > msgCount) return; mp = &message[mesg-1]; mp->m_flag |= MTOUCH; if ((mp->m_flag & MREAD) == 0) mp->m_flag |= MREAD|MSTATUS; } /* * Test to see if the passed file name is a directory. * Return true if it is. */ isdir(name) char name[]; { struct stat sbuf; if (stat(name, &sbuf) < 0) return(0); return((sbuf.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR); } /* * Count the number of arguments in the given string raw list. */ argcount(argv) char **argv; { register char **ap; for (ap = argv; *ap != NOSTR; ap++) ; return(ap-argv); } /* * Given a file address, determine the * block number it represents. */ blockof(off) off_t off; { off_t a; a = off >> 9; a &= 077777; return((int) a); } /* * Take a file address, and determine * its offset in the current block. */ offsetof(off) off_t off; { off_t a; a = off & 0777; return((int) a); } /* * Determine if the passed file is actually a tty, via a call to * gtty. This is not totally reliable, but . . . */ isatty(f) { struct sgttyb buf; if (gtty(f, &buf) < 0) return(0); return(1); } /* * Return the desired header line from the passed message * pointer (or NOSTR if the desired header field is not available). */ char * hfield(field, mp) char field[]; struct message *mp; { register FILE *ibuf; char linebuf[LINESIZE]; register int lc; ibuf = setinput(mp); if ((lc = mp->m_lines) <= 0) return(NOSTR); if (readline(ibuf, linebuf) < 0) return(NOSTR); lc--; do { lc = gethfield(ibuf, linebuf, lc); if (lc == -1) return(NOSTR); if (ishfield(linebuf, field)) return(savestr(hcontents(linebuf))); } while (lc > 0); return(NOSTR); } /* * Return the next header field found in the given message. * Return > 0 if something found, <= 0 elsewise. * Must deal with \ continuations & other such fraud. */ gethfield(f, linebuf, rem) register FILE *f; char linebuf[]; register int rem; { char line2[LINESIZE]; long loc; register char *cp, *cp2; register int c; for (;;) { if (rem <= 0) return(-1); if (readline(f, linebuf) < 0) return(-1); rem--; if (strlen(linebuf) == 0) return(-1); if (isspace(linebuf[0])) continue; if (linebuf[0] == '>') continue; cp = index(linebuf, ':'); if (cp == NOSTR) continue; for (cp2 = linebuf; cp2 < cp; cp2++) if (isdigit(*cp2)) continue; /* * I guess we got a headline. * Handle wraparounding */ for (;;) { if (rem <= 0) break; #ifdef CANTELL loc = ftell(f); if (readline(f, line2) < 0) break; rem--; if (!isspace(line2[0])) { fseek(f, loc, 0); rem++; break; } #else c = getc(f); ungetc(c, f); if (!isspace(c) || c == '\n') break; if (readline(f, line2) < 0) break; rem--; #endif cp2 = line2; for (cp2 = line2; *cp2 != 0 && isspace(*cp2); cp2++) ; if (strlen(linebuf) + strlen(cp2) >= LINESIZE-2) break; cp = &linebuf[strlen(linebuf)]; while (cp > linebuf && (isspace(cp[-1]) || cp[-1] == '\\')) cp--; *cp++ = ' '; for (cp2 = line2; *cp2 != 0 && isspace(*cp2); cp2++) ; strcpy(cp, cp2); } if ((c = strlen(linebuf)) > 0) { cp = &linebuf[c-1]; while (cp > linebuf && isspace(*cp)) cp--; *++cp = 0; } return(rem); } /* NOTREACHED */ } /* * Check whether the passed line is a header line of * the desired breed. */ ishfield(linebuf, field) char linebuf[], field[]; { register char *cp; register int c; if ((cp = index(linebuf, ':')) == NOSTR) return(0); if (cp == linebuf) return(0); cp--; while (cp > linebuf && isspace(*cp)) cp--; c = *++cp; *cp = 0; if (icequal(linebuf ,field)) { *cp = c; return(1); } *cp = c; return(0); } /* * Extract the non label information from the given header field * and return it. */ char * hcontents(hfield) char hfield[]; { register char *cp; if ((cp = index(hfield, ':')) == NOSTR) return(NOSTR); cp++; while (*cp && isspace(*cp)) cp++; return(cp); } /* * Compare two strings, ignoring case. */ icequal(s1, s2) register char *s1, *s2; { while (raise(*s1++) == raise(*s2)) if (*s2++ == 0) return(1); return(0); } /* * Copy a string, lowercasing it as we go. */ istrcpy(dest, src) char *dest, *src; { register char *cp, *cp2; cp2 = dest; cp = src; do { *cp2++ = little(*cp); } while (*cp++ != 0); } /* * The following code deals with input stacking to do source * commands. All but the current file pointer are saved on * the stack. */ static int ssp = -1; /* Top of file stack */ struct sstack { FILE *s_file; /* File we were in. */ int s_cond; /* Saved state of conditionals */ int s_loading; /* Loading .mailrc, etc. */ } sstack[_NFILE]; /* * Pushdown current input file and switch to a new one. * Set the global flag "sourcing" so that others will realize * that they are no longer reading from a tty (in all probability). */ source(name) char name[]; { register FILE *fi; register char *cp; if ((cp = expand(name)) == NOSTR) return(1); if ((fi = fopen(cp, "r")) == NULL) { perror(cp); return(1); } if (ssp >= _NFILE-2) { printf("Too much \"sourcing\" going on.\n"); fclose(fi); return(1); } sstack[++ssp].s_file = input; sstack[ssp].s_cond = cond; sstack[ssp].s_loading = loading; loading = 0; cond = CANY; input = fi; sourcing++; return(0); } /* * Source a file, but do nothing if the file cannot be opened. */ source1(name) char name[]; { register int f; if ((f = open(name, 0)) < 0) return(0); close(f); source(name); } /* * Pop the current input back to the previous level. * Update the "sourcing" flag as appropriate. */ unstack() { if (ssp < 0) { printf("\"Source\" stack over-pop.\n"); sourcing = 0; return(1); } fclose(input); if (cond != CANY) printf("Unmatched \"if\"\n"); cond = sstack[ssp].s_cond; loading = sstack[ssp].s_loading; input = sstack[ssp--].s_file; if (ssp < 0) sourcing = loading; return(0); } /* * Touch the indicated file. * This is nifty for the shell. * If we have the utime() system call, this is better served * by using that, since it will work for empty files. * On non-utime systems, we must sleep a second, then read. */ alter(name) char name[]; { #ifdef UTIME struct stat statb; long time(); time_t time_p[2]; #else register int pid, f; char w; #endif UTIME #ifdef UTIME if (stat(name, &statb) < 0) return; time_p[0] = time((long *) 0) + 1; time_p[1] = statb.st_mtime; utime(name, time_p); #else sleep(1); if ((f = open(name, 0)) < 0) return; read(f, &w, 1); exit(0); #endif } /* * Examine the passed line buffer and * return true if it is all blanks and tabs. */ blankline(linebuf) char linebuf[]; { register char *cp; for (cp = linebuf; *cp; cp++) if (!any(*cp, " \t")) return(0); return(1); } /* * Get sender's name from this message. If the message has * a bunch of arpanet stuff in it, we may have to skin the name * before returning it. */ char * nameof(mp, reptype) register struct message *mp; { register char *cp, *cp2; cp = skin(name1(mp, reptype)); if (reptype != 0 || charcount(cp, '!') < 2) return(cp); cp2 = rindex(cp, '!'); cp2--; while (cp2 > cp && *cp2 != '!') cp2--; if (*cp2 == '!') return(cp2 + 1); return(cp); } /* * Skin an arpa net address according to the RFC 733 interpretation * of "host-phrase." */ char * skin(name) char *name; { register int c; register char *cp, *cp2; int gotlt, lastsp; char nbuf[BUFSIZ]; if (name == NOSTR) return(NOSTR); if (index(name, '(') == NOSTR && index(name, '<') == NOSTR && index(name, ' ') == NOSTR) return(name); gotlt = 0; lastsp = 0; for (cp = name, cp2 = nbuf; c = *cp++; ) { switch (c) { case '(': while (*cp != ')' && *cp != 0) cp++; if (*cp) cp++; lastsp = 0; break; case ' ': if (cp[0] == 'a' && cp[1] == 't' && cp[2] == ' ') cp += 3, *cp2++ = '@'; else if (cp[0] == '@' && cp[1] == ' ') cp += 2, *cp2++ = '@'; else lastsp = 1; break; case '<': cp2 = nbuf; gotlt++; lastsp = 0; break; case '>': if (gotlt) goto done; /* Fall into . . . */ default: if (lastsp) { lastsp = 0; *cp2++ = ' '; } *cp2++ = c; break; } } done: *cp2 = 0; return(savestr(nbuf)); } /* * Fetch the sender's name from the passed message. * Reptype can be * 0 -- get sender's name for display purposes * 1 -- get sender's name for reply * 2 -- get sender's name for Reply */ char * name1(mp, reptype) register struct message *mp; { char namebuf[LINESIZE]; char linebuf[LINESIZE]; register char *cp, *cp2; register FILE *ibuf; int first = 1; #ifndef SENDMAIL if ((cp = hfield("from", mp)) != NOSTR) return(cp); if (reptype == 0 && (cp = hfield("sender", mp)) != NOSTR) return(cp); #endif ibuf = setinput(mp); copy("", namebuf); if (readline(ibuf, linebuf) <= 0) return(savestr(namebuf)); newname: for (cp = linebuf; *cp != ' '; cp++) ; while (any(*cp, " \t")) cp++; for (cp2 = &namebuf[strlen(namebuf)]; *cp && !any(*cp, " \t") && cp2-namebuf < LINESIZE-1; *cp2++ = *cp++) ; *cp2 = '\0'; if (readline(ibuf, linebuf) <= 0) return(savestr(namebuf)); if ((cp = index(linebuf, 'F')) == NULL) return(savestr(namebuf)); if (strncmp(cp, "From", 4) != 0) return(savestr(namebuf)); while ((cp = index(cp, 'r')) != NULL) { if (strncmp(cp, "remote", 6) == 0) { if ((cp = index(cp, 'f')) == NULL) break; if (strncmp(cp, "from", 4) != 0) break; if ((cp = index(cp, ' ')) == NULL) break; cp++; if (first) { copy(cp, namebuf); first = 0; } else strcpy(rindex(namebuf, '!')+1, cp); strcat(namebuf, "!"); goto newname; } cp++; } return(savestr(namebuf)); } /* * Count the occurances of c in str */ charcount(str, c) char *str; { register char *cp; register int i; for (i = 0, cp = str; *cp; cp++) if (*cp == c) i++; return(i); } /* * Find the rightmost pointer to an instance of the * character in the string and return it. */ char * rindex(str, c) char str[]; register int c; { register char *cp, *cp2; for (cp = str, cp2 = NOSTR; *cp; cp++) if (c == *cp) cp2 = cp; return(cp2); } /* * See if the string is a number. */ numeric(str) char str[]; { register char *cp = str; while (*cp) if (!isdigit(*cp++)) return(0); return(1); } /* * Are any of the characters in the two strings the same? */ anyof(s1, s2) register char *s1, *s2; { register int c; while (c = *s1++) if (any(c, s2)) return(1); return(0); } /* * Determine the leftmost index of the character * in the string. */ char * index(str, ch) char *str; { register char *cp; register int c; for (c = ch, cp = str; *cp; cp++) if (*cp == c) return(cp); return(NOSTR); } /* * String compare two strings of bounded length. */ strncmp(as1, as2, an) char *as1, *as2; { register char *s1, *s2; register int n; s1 = as1; s2 = as2; n = an; while (--n >= 0 && *s1 == *s2++) if (*s1++ == '\0') return(0); return(n<0 ? 0 : *s1 - *--s2); } /* * See if the given header field is supposed to be ignored. */ isign(field) char *field; { char realfld[BUFSIZ]; register int h; register struct ignore *igp; istrcpy(realfld, field); h = hash(realfld); for (igp = ignore[h]; igp != 0; igp = igp->i_link) if (strcmp(igp->i_field, realfld) == 0) return(1); return(0); }