1: /*
   2:  *	SCCS id	@(#)mch.s	2.1 (Berkeley)	12/21/83
   3:  *
   4:  *	Machine language assist.
   5:  *	Uses the C preprocessor to produce suitable code
   6:  *	for various 11's, mainly dependent on definition
   7:  *	of PDP11, MENLO_KOV and NONSEPARATE.
   8:  */
  10: #define         LOCORE
  11: #include        "whoami.h"      /* for localopts */
  13: #if PDP11==GENERIC              /* adapt to any 11 at boot */
  14: #	undef NONSEPARATE                     /* support sep I/D */
  15: #	define        SPLHIGH         bis     $HIPRI,PS
  16: #	define        SPL7            bis     $340,PS
  17: #	define        SPLLOW          bic     $HIPRI,PS
  18: #	ifdef UCB_NET
  19: #		define       SPLNET  bis     $NETPRI,PS
  20: #	endif
  21: #else
  22: #   ifdef       NONSEPARATE                     /* 11/40, 34, 23, 24 */
  23: #	define        SPLHIGH         bis     $HIPRI,PS
  24: #	define        SPL7            bis     $340,PS
  25: #	define        SPLLOW          bic     $HIPRI,PS
  26: #	ifdef UCB_NET
  27: #		define       SPLNET  bis     $NETPRI,PS
  28: #	endif
  29: #	define        mfpd            mfpi
  30: #	define        mtpd            mtpi
  31: #   else                                        /* 11/44, 11/45, 11/70	*/
  32: #	define        SPLHIGH         spl     HIGH
  33: #	define        SPL7            spl     7
  34: #	define        SPLLOW          spl     0
  35: #	ifdef UCB_NET
  36: #		define       SPLNET  spl     NET
  37: #	endif
  38: #   endif
  39: #endif
  41: #include        "ht.h"
  42: #include        "tm.h"
  43: #include        "ts.h"
  44: #include        <a.out.h>
  45: #include        <sys/cpu.m>
  46: #include        <sys/trap.h>
  47: #include        <sys/reboot.h>
  48: #include        <sys/iopage.m>
  49: #ifdef  MENLO_KOV
  50: #include        <sys/koverlay.h>
  51: #endif
  53: #define INTSTK  500.                    /* bytes for interrupt stack */
  55: /*
  56:  * non-UNIX instructions
  57:  */
  58: mfpi    = 6500^tst
  59: mtpi    = 6600^tst
  60: #ifndef NONSEPARATE
  61: mfpd    = 106500^tst
  62: mtpd    = 106600^tst
  63: #endif
  64: stst    = 170300^tst
  65: spl     = 230
  66: ldfps   = 170100^tst
  67: stfps   = 170200^tst
  68: mfpt    = 000007                        / Move from processor - 44s only
  69: mfps    = 106700^tst                    / Move from PS - 11/23,24,34's only
  70: mtps    = 106400^tst                    / Move to PS - 11/23,24,34's only
  71: halt    = 0
  72: wait    = 1
  73: iot     = 4
  74: reset   = 5
  75: rtt     = 6
  77: #ifdef  PROFILE
  78: #define HIGH    6                       / See also the :splfix files
  79: #define HIPRI   300                     / Many spl's are done in-line
  80: #else
  81: #define HIGH    7
  82: #define HIPRI   340
  83: #endif	PROFILE
  84: #ifdef  UCB_NET
  85: #define NET     1
  86: #define NETPRI  40
  87: #endif
  89: /*
  90:  * Mag tape dump
  91:  * Save registers in low core and write core (up to 248K) onto mag tape.
  92:  * Entry is through 044 (physical) with memory management off.
  93:  */
  94:         .globl  dump
  96: #ifndef KERN_NONSEP
  97:         .data
  98: #endif
 100: dump:
 101: #if     NHT > 0 || NTM > 0 || NTS > 0
 102:         / save regs r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, KIA6
 103:         / starting at location 4 (physical)
 104:         inc     $-1                     / check for first time
 105:         bne     1f                      / if not, don't save registers again
 106:         mov     r0,4
 107:         mov     $6,r0
 108:         mov     r1,(r0)+
 109:         mov     r2,(r0)+
 110:         mov     r3,(r0)+
 111:         mov     r4,(r0)+
 112:         mov     r5,(r0)+
 113:         mov     sp,(r0)+
 114:         mov     KDSA6,(r0)+
 115: 1:
 117:         / dump all of core (i.e. to first mt error)
 118:         / onto mag tape. (9 track or 7 track 'binary')
 119: #if     NHT > 0
 120: HT      = 0172440
 121: HTCS1   = HT+0
 122: HTWC    = HT+2
 123: HTBA    = HT+4
 124: HTFC    = HT+6
 125: HTCS2   = HT+10
 126: HTTC    = HT+32
 127:         mov     $HTCS1,r0
 128:         mov     $40,*$HTCS2
 129:         mov     $2300,*$HTTC
 130:         clr     *$HTBA
 131:         mov     $1,(r0)
 132: 1:
 133:         mov     $-512.,*$HTFC
 134:         mov     $-256.,*$HTWC
 135:         movb    $61,(r0)
 136: 2:
 137:         tstb    (r0)
 138:         bge     2b
 139:         bit     $1,(r0)
 140:         bne     2b
 141:         bit     $40000,(r0)
 142:         beq     1b
 143:         mov     $27,(r0)
 144: #else
 146: #if     NTM > 0
 147: MTC = 172522
 148:         mov     $MTC,r0
 149:         mov     $60004,(r0)+
 150:         clr     2(r0)
 151: 1:
 152:         mov     $-512.,(r0)
 153:         inc     -(r0)
 154: 2:
 155:         tstb    (r0)
 156:         bge     2b
 157:         tst     (r0)+
 158:         bge     1b
 159:         reset
 161:         / end of file and loop
 162:         mov     $60007,-(r0)
 163: #else
 164: #if     NTS > 0
 165: TSDB = 0172520
 166: TSSR = 0172522
 168:         /register usage is as follows
 170:         /reg 0 points to UBMAP register 1 low
 171:         /reg 1 is used to calculate the current memory address
 172:         / for each 512 byte transfer.
 173:         /reg 2 is used to contain and calculate memory pointer
 174:         / for UBMAP register 1 low
 175:         /reg 3 is used to contain and calculate memory pointer
 176:         / for UBMAP register 1 high
 177:         /reg 4 points to the command packet
 178:         /reg 5 is used as an interation counter when mapping is enabled
 181:         cmp     _cputype,$44.   /is a 44 ?
 182:         beq     1f              /yes, skip next
 183:         cmp     _cputype,$70.   /is a 70 ?
 184:         bne     2f              /not a 70 either. no UBMAP
 185: 1:
 186: /       tst     _ubmaps         /unibus map present ?
 187: /       beq     2f              /no, skip map init
 188:         /this section of code initializes the Unibus map registers
 189:         /and the memory management registers.
 190:         /UBMAP reg 0 points to low memory for the TS11 command,
 191:         /characteristics, and message buffers.
 192:         /UBMAP reg 1 gets updated to point to the current
 193:         /memory area.
 194:         /Kernel I space 0 points to low memory
 195:         /Kernel I space 7 points to the I/O page.
 197:         inc     setmap          /indicate that UB mapping is needed
 198:         mov     $UBMR0,r0       /point to  map register 0
 199:         clr     r2              /init for low map reg
 200:         clr     r3              /init for high map reg
 201:         clr     (r0)+           /load map reg 0 low
 202:         clr     (r0)+           /load map reg 0 high
 203:         mov     $77406,*$KISD0  /set KISDR0
 204:         mov     $77406,*$KISD7  /set KISDR7
 205:         clr     *$KISA0         /point KISAR0 to low memory
 206:         mov     $IO,*$KISA7     /point KISAR7 to IO page
 207:         inc     *$SSR0          /turn on memory mngt
 208:         mov     $60,*$SSR3      /enable 22 bit mapping
 209:         mov     r2,(r0)         /load map reg 1 low
 210:         mov     r3,2(r0)        /load map reg 1 high
 211: 2:
 212:         /this section of code initializes the TS11
 214:         tstb    *$TSSR          /make sure
 215:         bpl     2b              /drive is ready
 216:         mov     $comts,r4       /point to command packet
 217:         add     $2,r4           /set up mod 4
 218:         bic     $3,r4           /alignment
 219:         mov     $140004,(r4)    /write characteristics command
 220:         mov     $chrts,2(r4)    /characteristics buffer
 221:         clr     4(r4)           /clear ext mem addr (packet)
 222:         clr     tsxma           /clear extended memory save loc
 223:         mov     $10,6(r4)       /set byte count for command
 224:         mov     $mests,*$chrts  /show where message buffer is
 225:         clr     *$chrts+2       /clear extended memory bits here too
 226:         mov     $16,*$chrts+4   /set message buffer length
 227:         mov     r4,*$TSDB       /start command
 228:         mov     $20,r5          /set up SOB counter for UBMAP
 229:         clr     r1              /init r1 beginning memory address
 230: 1:
 231:         tstb    *$TSSR          /wait for ready
 232:         bpl     1b              /not yet
 233:         mov     *$TSSR,tstcc    /error condition (SC) ?
 234:         bpl     2f              /no error
 235:         bic     $!16,tstcc      /yes error, get TCC
 236:         cmp     tstcc,$10       /recoverable error ?
 237:         bne     8f              /no
 238:         mov     $101005,(r4)    /yes, load write data retry command
 239:         clr     4(r4)           /clear packet ext mem addr
 240:         mov     r4,*$TSDB       /start retry
 241:         br      1b
 242: 8:
 243:         bit     $4000,*$TSSR    /is error NXM ?
 244:         beq     .               /no, hang (not sure of good dump)
 245:         mov     $140013,(r4)    /load a TS init command
 246:         mov     r4,*$TSDB       /to clear NXM error
 247: 6:
 248:         tstb    *$TSSR          /wait for ready
 249:         bpl     6b
 250:         mov     $1,6(r4)        /set word count = 1
 251:         mov     $100011,(r4)    /load write EOF command
 252:         mov     r4,*$TSDB       /do write EOF
 253: 7:
 254:         tstb    *$TSSR          /wait for ready
 255:         bpl     7b
 256:         halt                    /halt after good dump
 257: 9:
 258:         br      1b
 259: 2:
 260:         /If mapping is needed this section calculates the
 261:         / base address to be loaded into map reg 1
 262:         / the algorithm is (!(r5 - 21))*1000) | 20000
 263:         / the complement is required because an SOB loop
 264:         / is being used for the counter
 265:         /This loop causes 20000 bytes to be written
 266:         /before the UBMAP is updated.
 268:         tst     setmap          /UBMAP ?
 269:         beq     3f              /no map
 270:         mov     r2,(r0)         /load map reg 1 low
 271:         mov     r3,2(r0)        /load map reg 1 high
 272:         mov     r5,r1           /calculate
 273:         sub     $21,r1          /address for this pass
 274:         com     r1              /based on current
 275:         mul     $1000,r1        /interation
 276:         bis     $20000,r1       /select map register 1
 277:         clr     4(r4)           /clear extended memory bits
 278: 3:
 279:         /This section does the write.
 280:         / if mapping is needed the sob loop comes in play here
 281:         / when the sob falls through the UBAMP reg will be
 282:         / updated by 20000 to point to next loop section.
 284:         / if mapping not needed then just calculate the
 285:         / next 512 byte address pointer
 287:         mov     r1,2(r4)        /load mem address
 288:         mov     tsxma,4(r4)     /load ext mem address
 289:         mov     $512.,6(r4)     /set byte count
 290:         mov     $100005,(r4)    /set write command
 291:         mov     r4,*$TSDB       /initiate xfer
 292:         tst     setmap          /mapping?
 293:         beq     4f              /branch if not
 294:         sob     r5,9b           /yes continue loop
 295:         mov     $20,r5          /reset loop count
 296:         add     $20000,r2       /bump low map
 297:         adc     r3              /carry to high map
 298:         br      1b              /do some more
 299: 4:
 300:         add     $512.,r1        /bump address for no mapping
 301:         adc     tsxma           /carry to extended memory bits
 302:         br      1b              /do again
 304: / The following TS11 command and message buffers,
 305: / must be in initialized data space instead of
 306: / bss space. This allows them to be mapped by the
 307: / first M/M mapping register, which is the only one
 308: / used durring a core dump.
 310: tsxma:  0       /ts11 extended memory address bits
 311: setmap: 0       /UB map usage indicator
 312: tstcc:  0       /ts11 temp location for TCC
 313: comts:          /ts11 command packet
 314:         0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0
 315: chrts:          /ts11 characteristics
 316:         0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0
 317: mests:          /ts11 message buffer
 318:         0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0
 319: #endif  NTS
 320: #endif	NTM
 321: #endif	NHT
 322: #endif	NHT || NTM
 323:         br      .               / If no ht and no tm, fall through to here
 325:         .text
 327: #ifdef  UCB_AUTOBOOT
 328: /*
 329:  * routine to call panic, take dump and reboot;
 330:  * entered by manually loading the PC with 040 and continuing
 331:  */
 332:         .globl  _panic, _halt, do_panic, _halt
 333: do_panic:
 334:         mov     $pmesg, -(sp)
 335:         jsr     pc, _panic
 336:         /* NOTREACHED */
 338:         .data
 339: pmesg:  <forced from console\0>
 340:         .text
 342: _halt:
 343:         halt
 344:         /* NOTREACHED */
 345:         rts     pc
 346: #endif	UCB_AUTOBOOT
 348:         .globl  _etext, _main, start
 349: #ifdef  MENLO_KOV
 350:         .globl  ovend, ova, ovd
 351: #endif
 353: start:
 354:         bit     $1,SSR0                 / is memory management enabled ?
 355:         beq     .                       / better be !!!
 357:         /  The following two instructions change the contents of
 358:         /  locations 034-037 to read:
 359:         / 		syscall; br0+SYSCALL.
 360:         mov     $syscall, 34
 361:         mov     $0+SYSCALL., 36
 363:         /  Turn off write permission on kernel text
 364:         movb    $RO, KISD0
 366:         /  Get a stack pointer
 367:         mov     $usize-1\<8|RW, KDSD6
 368:         mov     $_u+[usize*64.],sp
 370:         /  Clear user block
 371:         mov     $_u,r0
 372: 1:
 373:         clr     (r0)+
 374:         cmp     r0,sp
 375:         blo     1b
 377: #ifdef  UCB_AUTOBOOT
 378:         .globl  _bootflags, _checkword
 380:         /  Get bootflags;  the bootstrap leave them in r4.
 381:         /  R2 should be the complement of bootflags.
 382:         mov     r4,_bootflags
 383:         mov     r2,_checkword
 384: #endif
 386:         /  Check out (and if necessary, set up) the hardware.
 387:         jsr     pc, hardprobe
 389:         /  Set up previous mode and call main
 390:         /  on return, enter user mode at 0R
 391:         mov     $30340,PS
 392:         jsr     pc,_main
 393:         mov     $170000,-(sp)
 394:         clr     -(sp)
 395:         rtt
 397: #if     defined(MENLO_OVLY) || (defined(NONFP) && !defined(NONSEPARATE))
 398: /*
 399:  * Emt takes emulator traps, which are normally requests
 400:  * to change the overlay for the current process.
 401:  * Emts are also generated by the separate I/D floating
 402:  * point simulator in fetching instructions from user
 403:  * I space.  In this case, r0 should be -1 and r1 should
 404:  * contain the pc of the instruction to be fetched.
 405:  * If an invalid emt is received, _trap is called.
 406:  */
 407:         .globl  _choverl, emt
 408: emt:
 409:         mov     PS,saveps
 410:         bit     $30000,PS               / verify that emt is not kernel mode
 411:         beq     bademt
 412: #ifdef  MENLO_OVLY
 413:         tst     _u+U_OVBASE             / verify that process is overlaid
 414:         beq     fetchi
 415:         cmp     r0,$NOVL                / verify valid overlay number
 416:         bhi     fetchi
 417:         SPLLOW
 418:         mov     r0,-(sp)
 419:         mov     r1,-(sp)
 420:         mov     r0,_u+U_CUROV
 421: #ifdef UCB_METER
 422:         inc     _cnt+V_OVLY
 423: #endif
 424:         mov     $RO,-(sp)
 425:         jsr     pc,_choverl
 426:         tst     (sp)+
 427:         mov     (sp)+,r1
 428:         mov     (sp)+,r0
 429:         rtt
 430: #endif	MENLO_OVLY
 432: fetchi:
 433: #if     defined(NONFP) && !defined(NONSEPARATE)
 434:         cmp     $-1, r0
 435:         bne     bademt
 436:         mov     $1f,nofault
 437:         mfpi    (r1)                    / get I-space at (r1)
 438:         mov     (sp)+,r0                / put result in r0
 439:         clr     nofault
 440:         rtt
 442: 1:
 443:         clr     nofault
 444:         /* FALL THROUGH */
 445: #endif	defined(NONFP) && !defined(NONSEPARATE)
 446: bademt:
 447:         jsr     r0, call1; jmp  _trap   / invalid emt
 448:         /*NOTREACHED*/
 449: #endif	defined(MENLO_OVLY) || (defined(NONFP) && !defined(NONSEPARATE))
 451:         .globl  syscall, trap, buserr, _syscall, _trap, _panic, _panicstr
 452: /*
 453:  *	System call interface to C code.
 454:  */
 455: syscall:
 456:         mov     r0, -(sp)
 457: #ifdef  MENLO_KOV
 458:         cmp     -(sp), -(sp)    / Dummy arguments.  See trap.c for explanation.
 459: #else
 460:         tst     -(sp)           / Dummy argument.
 461: #endif
 462:         mov     r1, -(sp)
 463:         mfpd    sp
 464:         tst     -(sp)           / Dummy argument.
 465:         jsr     pc, _syscall
 466:         tst     (sp)+
 467:         mtpd    sp
 468:         mov     (sp)+, r1
 469: #ifdef  MENLO_KOV
 470:         cmp     (sp)+, (sp)+
 471: #else
 472:         tst     (sp)+
 473: #endif
 474:         mov     (sp)+, r0
 475:         rtt
 477: #ifdef  NONFP
 478: /*
 479:  *	Fast illegal-instruction trap routine for use with interpreted
 480:  *	floating point.  All of the work is done here if SIGILL is caught,
 481:  *	otherwise, trap is called like normal.
 482:  */
 483:         .globl  instrap
 484: instrap:
 485:         mov     PS, saveps
 486:         tst     nofault
 487:         bne     1f                      / branch to trap code
 488:         bit     $30000, PS              / verify not from kernel mode
 489:         beq     3f
 490:         SPLLOW
 491:         tst     _u+U_SIGILL             / check whether SIGILL is being caught
 492:         beq     3f                      / is default
 493:         bit     $1, _u+U_SIGILL
 494:         bne     3f                      / is ignored (or held or deferred!)
 495:         mov     r0, -(sp)
 496:         mfpd    sp
 497: #ifdef  UCB_METER
 498:         inc     _cnt+V_TRAP
 499:         inc     _cnt+V_INTR             / since other traps also count as intr
 500: #endif
 501:         mov     (sp), r0
 502:         sub     $2, r0
 503:         mov     $2f, nofault
 504:         mov     6(sp), -(sp)
 505:         mtpd    (r0)                    / push old PS
 506:         sub     $2, r0
 507:         mov     4(sp), -(sp)
 508:         mtpd    (r0)                    / push old PC
 509:         mov     _u+U_SIGILL, 4(sp)      / new PC
 510:         bic     $TBIT, 6(sp)            / new PS
 511:         mov     r0, (sp)
 512:         mtpd    sp                      / set new user SP
 513:         mov     (sp)+, r0
 514:         clr     nofault
 515:         rtt
 516: 2:                                      / back out on error
 517:         clr     nofault
 518:         tst     (sp)+                   / pop user's sp
 519:         mov     (sp)+, r0
 520: 3:
 521:         jsr     r0, call1; jmp _trap    / call trap on bad SIGILL
 522:         /*NOTREACHED*/
 523: #endif
 524: buserr:
 525:         mov     PS,saveps
 526:         bit     $30000,PS
 527:         bne     2f      / if previous mode != kernel
 528:         tst     nofault
 529:         bne     1f
 530:         tst     sp
 531:         bne     3f
 532:         / Kernel stack invalid.
 533:         tst     _panicstr
 534:         beq     4f
 535:         br      .               / Already paniced, don't overwrite anything
 536: 4:
 537:         / Find a piece of stack so we can panic.
 538:         mov     $intstk+[INTSTK\/2], sp
 539:         mov     $redstak, -(sp)
 540:         jsr     pc, _panic
 541:         /*NOTREACHED*/
 542:         .data
 543: redstak: <kernel red stack violation\0>
 544:         .text
 546: /*
 547:  *	Traps without specialized catchers get vectored here.
 548:  */
 549: trap:
 550:         mov     PS,saveps
 551: 2:
 552:         tst     nofault
 553:         bne     1f
 554: 3:
 555:         mov     SSR0,ssr
 556: #ifndef KERN_NONSEP
 557:         mov     SSR1,ssr+2
 558: #endif
 559:         mov     SSR2,ssr+4
 560:         mov     $1,SSR0
 561:         jsr     r0, call1; jmp _trap
 562:         /*NOTREACHED*/
 563: 1:
 564:         mov     $1,SSR0
 565:         mov     nofault,(sp)
 566:         rtt
 568:         .globl  call, _runrun
 569: call1:
 570:         mov     saveps, -(sp)
 571:         SPLLOW
 572:         br      1f
 574: call:
 575:         mov     PS, -(sp)
 576: 1:
 577: #ifdef  MENLO_KOV
 578:         mov     __ovno,-(sp)            / save overlay number
 579: #endif
 580:         mov     r1,-(sp)
 581:         mfpd    sp
 582: #ifdef UCB_METER
 583:         .globl  _cnt
 584:         inc     _cnt+V_INTR             / count device interrupts
 585: #endif UCB_METER
 586: #ifdef  MENLO_KOV
 587:         mov     6(sp), -(sp)
 588: #else
 589:         mov     4(sp), -(sp)
 590: #endif
 591:         bic     $!37,(sp)
 592:         bit     $30000,PS
 593:         beq     1f
 594:         jsr     pc,(r0)+
 595: #ifdef  UCB_NET
 596:         jsr     pc,checknet
 597: #endif
 598:         tstb    _runrun
 599:         beq     2f
 600:         mov     $SWITCHTRAP.,(sp)       / give up cpu
 601:         jsr     pc,_trap
 602: 2:
 603:         tst     (sp)+
 604:         mtpd    sp
 605:         br      2f
 606: 1:
 607:         bis     $30000,PS
 608:         jsr     pc,(r0)+
 609: #ifdef  UCB_NET
 610:         jsr     pc,checknet
 611: #endif
 612:         cmp     (sp)+,(sp)+
 613: 2:
 614:         mov     (sp)+,r1
 615: #ifdef  MENLO_KOV
 616:         / Restore previous overlay number and mapping.
 617:         mov     (sp)+,r0                / get saved overlay number
 618:         cmp     r0,__ovno
 619:         beq     1f
 620:         mov     PS,-(sp)                / save PS
 621:         SPL7
 622:         mov     r0,__ovno
 623:         asl     r0
 624:         mov     ova(r0), OVLY_PAR
 625:         mov     ovd(r0), OVLY_PDR
 626:         mov     (sp)+,PS                / restore PS, unmask interrupts
 627: 1:
 628: #endif	MENLO_KOV
 629:         tst     (sp)+
 630:         mov     (sp)+,r0
 631:         rtt
 633: #ifdef  UCB_AUTOBOOT
 634: /*
 635:  *  Power fail handling.  On power down, we just set up for the next trap.
 636:  */
 637: #define PVECT   24                      /* power fail vector */
 638:         .globl  powrdown, powrup, _panicstr, _rootdev, hardboot
 639:         .text
 640: powrdown:
 641:         mov     $powrup,PVECT
 642:         SPL7
 643:         br      .
 645:         /*
 646: 	 *  Power back on... wait a bit, then attempt a reboot.
 647: 	 *  Can't do much since memory management is off
 648: 	 *  (hence we are in "data" space).
 649: 	 */
 650: #ifndef KERN_NONSEP
 651:         .data
 652: #endif
 653: powrup:
 654:         mov     $-1,r0
 655: 1:
 656:         dec     r0
 657:         bne     1b
 659:         mov     $RB_POWRFAIL, r4
 660:         mov     _rootdev,r3
 661:         jsr     pc,hardboot
 662:         /* NOTREACHED */
 663:         .text
 664: #endif	UCB_AUTOBOOT
 666: #ifdef  UCB_NET
 667:         .globl  _netisr,_netintr
 668: checknet:
 669:         mov     PS,-(sp)
 670:         SPL7
 671:         tst     _netisr                 / net requesting soft interrupt
 672:         beq     3f
 673: #ifdef  MENLO_KOV
 674:         bit     $340,18.(sp)
 675: #else
 676:         bit     $340,16.(sp)
 677: #endif
 678:         bne     3f                      / if prev spl not 0
 679:         SPLNET
 680:         jsr     pc,*$_netintr
 681: 3:
 682:         mov     (sp)+,PS
 683:         rts     pc
 684: #endif
 686: #include "dz.h"
 687: #if     NDZ > 0 && defined(DZ_PDMA)
 688:         /*
 689: 	 *  DZ-11 pseudo-DMA interrupt routine.
 690: 	 *  Called directly from the interrupt vector;
 691: 	 *  the device number is in the low bits of the PS.
 692: 	 *  Calls dzxint when the end of the buffer is reached.
 693: 	 *  The pdma structure is known to be:
 694: 	 *	struct pdma {
 695: 	 *		struct	dzdevice *p_addr;
 696: 	 *		char	*p_mem;
 697: 	 *		char	*p_end;
 698: 	 *		struct	tty *p_arg;
 699: 	 *	};
 700: 	 */
 701:         .globl  dzdma, _dzpdma, _dzxint
 702: dzdma:
 703:         mov     PS, -(sp)
 704:         mov     r0, -(sp)
 705: #ifdef  MENLO_KOV
 706:         mov     __ovno, -(sp)
 707: #endif
 708:         mov     r1, -(sp)
 709:         mov     r2, -(sp)
 710:         mov     r3, -(sp)
 711: #ifdef  MENLO_KOV
 712:         mov     12(sp), r3              / new PS
 713: #else
 714:         mov     10(sp), r3              / new PS
 715: #endif
 716: #ifdef UCB_METER
 717:         inc     _cnt+V_PDMA             / count pseudo-DMA interrupts
 718: #endif UCB_METER
 719:         bic     $!37, r3                / extract device number
 720:         ash     $3+3, r3                / get offset into dzpdma
 721:         add     $_dzpdma, r3            / 	for first line
 722:         mov     (r3)+, r2               / dzaddr in r2; r3 points to p_mem
 724: #ifdef  UCB_CLIST
 725:         .globl  _clststrt, _clstdesc
 726:         mov     KDSA5, -(sp)            / save previous mapping
 727:         mov     KDSD5, -(sp)
 728:         mov     _clststrt, KDSA5        / map in clists
 729:         mov     _clstdesc, KDSD5
 730: #endif	UCB_CLIST
 732:         / loop until no line is ready
 733: 1:
 734:         movb    1(r2), r1               / dzcsr high byte
 735:         bge     3f                      / test TRDY; branch if none
 736:         bic     $!7, r1                 / extract line number
 737:         ash     $3, r1                  / convert to pdma offset
 738:         add     r3, r1                  / r1 is pointer to pdma.p_mem for line
 739:         mov     (r1)+, r0               / pdma->p_mem
 740:         cmp     r0, (r1)+               / cmp p_mem to p_end
 741:         bhis    2f                      / if p_mem >= p_end
 742:         movb    (r0)+, 6(r2)            / dztbuf = *p_mem++
 743:         mov     r0, -4(r1)              / update p_mem
 744:         br      1b
 746:         / buffer is empty; call dzxint
 747: 2:
 748:         mov     (r1), -(sp)             / p_arg
 749:         jsr     pc, _dzxint             / r0, r1 are modified!
 750:         tst     (sp)+
 751:         br      1b
 753:         / no more lines ready; return
 754: 3:
 755: #ifdef  UCB_CLIST
 756:         mov     (sp)+, KDSD5
 757:         mov     (sp)+, KDSA5            / restore previous mapping
 758: #endif	UCB_CLIST
 759:         mov     (sp)+, r3
 760:         mov     (sp)+, r2
 761:         mov     (sp)+, r1
 762: #ifdef  MENLO_KOV
 763:         SPL7
 764:         mov     (sp)+, r0
 765:         cmp     r0, __ovno
 766:         beq     1f
 767:         mov     r0, __ovno
 768:         asl     r0
 769:         mov     ova(r0), OVLY_PAR
 770:         mov     ovd(r0), OVLY_PDR
 771: 1:
 772: #endif
 773:         mov     (sp)+, r0
 774:         tst     (sp)+
 775:         rtt
 776: #endif	DZ_PDMA
 778: #ifndef NONFP
 779:         .globl  _savfp, _restfp, _stst
 780: _savfp:
 781:         tst     fpp
 782:         beq     9f                      / No FP hardware
 783:         mov     2(sp),r1
 784:         stfps   (r1)+
 785:         setd
 786:         movf    fr0,(r1)+
 787:         movf    fr1,(r1)+
 788:         movf    fr2,(r1)+
 789:         movf    fr3,(r1)+
 790:         movf    fr4,fr0
 791:         movf    fr0,(r1)+
 792:         movf    fr5,fr0
 793:         movf    fr0,(r1)+
 794: 9:
 795:         rts     pc
 797: _restfp:
 798:         tst     fpp
 799:         beq     9f
 800:         mov     2(sp),r1
 801:         mov     r1,r0
 802:         setd
 803:         add     $8.+2.,r1
 804:         movf    (r1)+,fr1
 805:         movf    (r1)+,fr2
 806:         movf    (r1)+,fr3
 807:         movf    (r1)+,fr0
 808:         movf    fr0,fr4
 809:         movf    (r1)+,fr0
 810:         movf    fr0,fr5
 811:         movf    2(r0),fr0
 812:         ldfps   (r0)
 813: 9:
 814:         rts     pc
 816: /*
 817:  * Save floating poing error registers.
 818:  * The argument is a pointer to a two word
 819:  * structure.
 820:  */
 821: _stst:
 822:         tst     fpp
 823:         beq     9f
 824:         stst    *2(sp)
 825: 9:
 826:         rts     pc
 828: #endif	NONFP
 830:         .globl  _addupc
 831: _addupc:
 832:         mov     r2,-(sp)
 833:         mov     6(sp),r2                / base of prof with base,leng,off,scale
 834:         mov     4(sp),r0                / pc
 835:         sub     4(r2),r0                / offset
 836:         clc
 837:         ror     r0
 838:         mov     6(r2),r1
 839:         clc
 840:         ror     r1
 841:         mul     r1,r0                   / scale
 842:         ashc    $-14.,r0
 843:         inc     r1
 844:         bic     $1,r1
 845:         cmp     r1,2(r2)                / length
 846:         bhis    1f
 847:         add     (r2),r1                 / base
 848:         mov     nofault,-(sp)
 849:         mov     $2f,nofault
 850:         mfpd    (r1)
 851:         add     12.(sp),(sp)
 852:         mtpd    (r1)
 853:         br      3f
 854: 2:
 855:         clr     6(r2)
 856: 3:
 857:         mov     (sp)+,nofault
 858: 1:
 859:         mov     (sp)+,r2
 860:         rts     pc
 862: #ifdef  DISPLAY
 863:         .globl  _display
 864: _display:
 865:         dec     dispdly
 866:         bge     2f
 867:         clr     dispdly
 868:         mov     PS,-(sp)
 869:         SPLHIGH
 870:         mov     CSW,r1
 871:         bit     $1,r1
 872:         beq     1f
 873:         bis     $30000,PS
 874:         dec     r1
 875: 1:
 876:         jsr     pc,fuword
 877:         mov     r0,CSW
 878:         mov     (sp)+,PS
 879:         cmp     r0,$-1
 880:         bne     2f
 881:         mov     $120.,dispdly           / 2 second delay after CSW fault
 882: 2:
 883:         rts     pc
 884: #endif
 886:         .globl  _regloc, _backup
 887: #ifndef KERN_NONSEP
 888: /*
 889:  *  Backup routine for use with machines with ssr2.
 890:  */
 891: _backup:
 892:         mov     2(sp),r0
 893:         movb    ssr+2,r1
 894:         jsr     pc,1f
 895:         movb    ssr+3,r1
 896:         jsr     pc,1f
 897:         movb    _regloc+7,r1
 898:         asl     r1
 899:         add     r0,r1
 900:         mov     ssr+4,(r1)
 901:         clr     r0
 902: 2:
 903:         rts     pc
 904: 1:
 905:         mov     r1,-(sp)
 906:         asr     (sp)
 907:         asr     (sp)
 908:         asr     (sp)
 909:         bic     $!7,r1
 910:         movb    _regloc(r1),r1
 911:         asl     r1
 912:         add     r0,r1
 913:         sub     (sp)+,(r1)
 914:         rts     pc
 916: #else   KERN_NONSEP
 917: /*
 918:  * 11/40 version of backup, for use with no SSR2
 919:  */
 920: _backup:
 921:         mov     2(sp),ssr+2
 922:         mov     r2,-(sp)
 923:         jsr     pc,backup
 924:         mov     r2,ssr+2
 925:         mov     (sp)+,r2
 926:         movb    jflg,r0
 927:         bne     2f
 928:         mov     2(sp),r0
 929:         movb    ssr+2,r1
 930:         jsr     pc,1f
 931:         movb    ssr+3,r1
 932:         jsr     pc,1f
 933:         movb    _regloc+7,r1
 934:         asl     r1
 935:         add     r0,r1
 936:         mov     ssr+4,(r1)
 937:         clr     r0
 938: 2:
 939:         rts     pc
 940: 1:
 941:         mov     r1,-(sp)
 942:         asr     (sp)
 943:         asr     (sp)
 944:         asr     (sp)
 945:         bic     $!7,r1
 946:         movb    _regloc(r1),r1
 947:         asl     r1
 948:         add     r0,r1
 949:         sub     (sp)+,(r1)
 950:         rts     pc
 952:         / Hard part:  simulate the ssr2 register missing on 11/40.
 953: backup:
 954:         clr     r2                      / backup register ssr1
 955:         mov     $1,bflg                 / clrs jflg
 956:         clrb    fflg
 957:         mov     ssr+4,r0
 958:         jsr     pc,fetch
 959:         mov     r0,r1
 960:         ash     $-11.,r0
 961:         bic     $!36,r0
 962:         jmp     *0f(r0)
 963: 0:              t00; t01; t02; t03; t04; t05; t06; t07
 964:                 t10; t11; t12; t13; t14; t15; t16; t17
 966: t00:
 967:         clrb    bflg
 969: t10:
 970:         mov     r1,r0
 971:         swab    r0
 972:         bic     $!16,r0
 973:         jmp     *0f(r0)
 974: 0:              u0; u1; u2; u3; u4; u5; u6; u7
 976: u6:                                     / single op, m[tf]pi, sxt, illegal
 977:         bit     $400,r1
 978:         beq     u5                      / all but m[tf], sxt
 979:         bit     $200,r1
 980:         beq     1f                      / mfpi
 981:         bit     $100,r1
 982:         bne     u5                      / sxt
 984:         / Simulate mtpi with double (sp)+,dd.
 985:         bic     $4000,r1                / turn instr into (sp)+
 986:         br      t01
 988:         / Simulate mfpi with double ss,-(sp).
 989: 1:
 990:         ash     $6,r1
 991:         bis     $46,r1                  / -(sp)
 992:         br      t01
 994: u4:                                     / jsr
 995:         mov     r1,r0
 996:         jsr     pc,setreg               / assume no fault
 997:         bis     $173000,r2              / -2 from sp
 998:         rts     pc
1000: t07:                                    / EIS
1001:         clrb    bflg
1003: u0:                                     / jmp, swab
1004: u5:                                     / single op
1005: #ifndef NONFP
1006: f5:                                     / movei, movfi
1007: ff1:                                    / ldfps
1008: ff2:                                    / stfps
1009: ff3:                                    / stst
1010: #endif
1011:         mov     r1,r0
1012:         br      setreg
1014: t01:                                    / mov
1015: t02:                                    / cmp
1016: t03:                                    / bit
1017: t04:                                    / bic
1018: t05:                                    / bis
1019: t06:                                    / add
1020: t16:                                    / sub
1021:         clrb    bflg
1023: t11:                                    / movb
1024: t12:                                    / cmpb
1025: t13:                                    / bitb
1026: t14:                                    / bicb
1027: t15:                                    / bisb
1028:         mov     r1,r0
1029:         ash     $-6,r0
1030:         jsr     pc,setreg
1031:         swab    r2
1032:         mov     r1,r0
1033:         jsr     pc,setreg
1035:         / If delta(dest) is zero, no need to fetch source.
1036:         bit     $370,r2
1037:         beq     1f
1039:         / If mode(source) is R, no fault is possible.
1040:         bit     $7000,r1
1041:         beq     1f
1043:         / If reg(source) is reg(dest), too bad.
1044:         mov     r2,-(sp)
1045:         bic     $174370,(sp)
1046:         cmpb    1(sp),(sp)+
1047:         beq     u7
1049:         / Start source cycle.  Pick up value of reg.
1050:         mov     r1,r0
1051:         ash     $-6,r0
1052:         bic     $!7,r0
1053:         movb    _regloc(r0),r0
1054:         asl     r0
1055:         add     ssr+2,r0
1056:         mov     (r0),r0
1058:         / If reg has been incremented, must decrement it before fetch.
1059:         bit     $174000,r2
1060:         ble     2f
1061:         dec     r0
1062:         bit     $10000,r2
1063:         beq     2f
1064:         dec     r0
1065: 2:
1067:         / If mode is 6,7 fetch and add X(R) to R.
1068:         bit     $4000,r1
1069:         beq     2f
1070:         bit     $2000,r1
1071:         beq     2f
1072:         mov     r0,-(sp)
1073:         mov     ssr+4,r0
1074:         add     $2,r0
1075:         jsr     pc,fetch
1076:         add     (sp)+,r0
1077: 2:
1079:         / Fetch operand. If mode is 3, 5, or 7, fetch *.
1080:         jsr     pc,fetch
1081:         bit     $1000,r1
1082:         beq     1f
1083:         bit     $6000,r1
1084:         bne     fetch
1085: 1:
1086:         rts     pc
1088: t17:                                    / floating point instructions
1089: #ifndef NONFP
1090:         clrb    bflg
1091:         mov     r1,r0
1092:         swab    r0
1093:         bic     $!16,r0
1094:         jmp     *0f(r0)
1095: 0:              f0; f1; f2; f3; f4; f5; f6; f7
1097: f0:
1098:         mov     r1,r0
1099:         ash     $-5,r0
1100:         bic     $!16,r0
1101:         jmp     *0f(r0)
1102: 0:              ff0; ff1; ff2; ff3; ff4; ff5; ff6; ff7
1104: f1:                                     / mulf, modf
1105: f2:                                     / addf, movf
1106: f3:                                     / subf, cmpf
1107: f4:                                     / movf, divf
1108: ff4:                                    / clrf
1109: ff5:                                    / tstf
1110: ff6:                                    / absf
1111: ff7:                                    / negf
1112:         inc     fflg
1113:         mov     r1,r0
1114:         br      setreg
1116: f6:
1117:         bit     $400,r1
1118:         beq     f1                      / movfo
1119:         br      f5                      / movie
1121: f7:
1122:         bit     $400,r1
1123:         beq     f5                      / movif
1124:         br      f1                      / movof
1126: ff0:                                    / cfcc, setf, setd, seti, setl
1127: #endif
1128: u1:                                     / br
1129: u2:                                     / br
1130: u3:                                     / br
1131: u7:                                     / illegal
1132:         incb    jflg
1133:         rts     pc
1135: setreg:
1136:         mov     r0,-(sp)
1137:         bic     $!7,r0
1138:         bis     r0,r2
1139:         mov     (sp)+,r0
1140:         ash     $-3,r0
1141:         bic     $!7,r0
1142:         movb    0f(r0),r0
1143:         tstb    bflg
1144:         beq     1f
1145:         bit     $2,r2
1146:         beq     2f
1147:         bit     $4,r2
1148:         beq     2f
1149: 1:
1150:         cmp     r0,$20
1151:         beq     2f
1152:         cmp     r0,$-20
1153:         beq     2f
1154:         asl     r0
1155: 2:
1156: #ifndef NONFP
1157:         tstb    fflg
1158:         beq     3f
1159:         asl     r0
1160:         stfps   r1
1161:         bit     $200,r1
1162:         beq     3f
1163:         asl     r0
1164: 3:
1165: #endif
1166:         bisb    r0,r2
1167:         rts     pc
1169: 0:      .byte   0,0,10,20,-10,-20,0,0
1171: fetch:
1172:         bic     $1,r0
1173:         mov     nofault,-(sp)
1174:         mov     $1f,nofault
1175:         mfpi    (r0)
1176:         mov     (sp)+,r0
1177:         mov     (sp)+,nofault
1178:         rts     pc
1180: 1:
1181:         mov     (sp)+,nofault
1182:         clrb    r2                      / clear out dest on fault
1183:         mov     $-1,r0
1184:         rts     pc
1186:         .bss
1187: bflg:   .=.+1
1188: jflg:   .=.+1
1189: fflg:   .=.+1
1190:         .text
1191: #endif	KERN_NONSEP
1193:         .globl  _fuibyte, _fubyte, _suibyte, _subyte
1194: _fuibyte:
1195: #ifndef NONSEPARATE
1196:         mov     2(sp),r1
1197:         bic     $1,r1
1198:         jsr     pc,giword
1199:         br      2f
1200: #endif
1202: _fubyte:
1203:         mov     2(sp),r1
1204:         bic     $1,r1
1205:         jsr     pc,gword
1207: 2:
1208:         cmp     r1,2(sp)
1209:         beq     1f
1210:         swab    r0
1211: 1:
1212:         bic     $!377,r0
1213:         rts     pc
1215: _suibyte:
1216: #ifndef NONSEPARATE
1217:         mov     2(sp),r1
1218:         bic     $1,r1
1219:         jsr     pc,giword
1220:         mov     r0,-(sp)
1221:         cmp     r1,4(sp)
1222:         beq     1f
1223:         movb    6(sp),1(sp)
1224:         br      2f
1225: 1:
1226:         movb    6(sp),(sp)
1227: 2:
1228:         mov     (sp)+,r0
1229:         jsr     pc,piword
1230:         clr     r0
1231:         rts     pc
1232: #endif
1234: _subyte:
1235:         mov     2(sp),r1
1236:         bic     $1,r1
1237:         jsr     pc,gword
1238:         mov     r0,-(sp)
1239:         cmp     r1,4(sp)
1240:         beq     1f
1241:         movb    6(sp),1(sp)
1242:         br      2f
1243: 1:
1244:         movb    6(sp),(sp)
1245: 2:
1246:         mov     (sp)+,r0
1247:         jsr     pc,pword
1248:         clr     r0
1249:         rts     pc
1251:         .globl  _fuiword, _fuword, _suiword, _suword
1252: _fuiword:
1253: #ifndef NONSEPARATE
1254:         mov     2(sp),r1
1255: fuiword:
1256:         jsr     pc,giword
1257:         rts     pc
1258: #endif
1260: _fuword:
1261:         mov     2(sp),r1
1262: fuword:
1263:         jsr     pc,gword
1264:         rts     pc
1266: gword:
1267: #ifndef NONSEPARATE
1268:         mov     PS,-(sp)
1269: #ifdef  UCB_NET
1270:         bis     $30000,PS               / just in case; dgc; %%%%
1271: #endif
1272:         SPLHIGH
1273:         mov     nofault,-(sp)
1274:         mov     $err,nofault
1275:         mfpd    (r1)
1276:         mov     (sp)+,r0
1277:         br      1f
1279: giword:
1280: #endif
1281:         mov     PS,-(sp)
1282: #ifdef  UCB_NET
1283:         bis     $30000,PS               / just in case; dgc; %%%%
1284: #endif
1285:         SPLHIGH
1286:         mov     nofault,-(sp)
1287:         mov     $err,nofault
1288:         mfpi    (r1)
1289:         mov     (sp)+,r0
1290:         br      1f
1292: _suiword:
1293: #ifndef NONSEPARATE
1294:         mov     2(sp),r1
1295:         mov     4(sp),r0
1296: suiword:
1297:         jsr     pc,piword
1298:         rts     pc
1299: #endif
1301: _suword:
1302:         mov     2(sp),r1
1303:         mov     4(sp),r0
1304: suword:
1305:         jsr     pc,pword
1306:         rts     pc
1308: pword:
1309: #ifndef NONSEPARATE
1310:         mov     PS,-(sp)
1311: #ifdef  UCB_NET
1312:         bis     $30000,PS               / just in case; dgc; %%%%
1313: #endif
1314:         SPLHIGH
1315:         mov     nofault,-(sp)
1316:         mov     $err,nofault
1317:         mov     r0,-(sp)
1318:         mtpd    (r1)
1319:         br      1f
1321: piword:
1322: #endif
1323:         mov     PS,-(sp)
1324: #ifdef  UCB_NET
1325:         bis     $30000,PS               / just in case; dgc; %%%%
1326: #endif
1327:         SPLHIGH
1328:         mov     nofault,-(sp)
1329:         mov     $err,nofault
1330:         mov     r0,-(sp)
1331:         mtpi    (r1)
1332: 1:
1333:         mov     (sp)+,nofault
1334:         mov     (sp)+,PS
1335:         rts     pc
1337: err:
1338:         mov     (sp)+,nofault
1339:         mov     (sp)+,PS
1340:         tst     (sp)+
1341:         mov     $-1,r0
1342:         rts     pc
1344:         .globl  _copyin, _copyiin, _copyout, _copyiout
1345: _copyin:
1346: #ifndef NONSEPARATE
1347:         jsr     pc,copsu
1348: 1:
1349:         mfpd    (r0)+
1350:         mov     (sp)+,(r1)+
1351:         sob     r2,1b
1352:         br      2f
1353: #endif
1355: _copyiin:
1356:         jsr     pc,copsu
1357: 1:
1358:         mfpi    (r0)+
1359:         mov     (sp)+,(r1)+
1360:         sob     r2,1b
1361:         br      2f
1363: _copyout:
1364: #ifndef NONSEPARATE
1365:         jsr     pc,copsu
1366: 1:
1367:         mov     (r0)+,-(sp)
1368:         mtpd    (r1)+
1369:         sob     r2,1b
1370:         br      2f
1371: #endif
1373: _copyiout:
1374:         jsr     pc,copsu
1375: 1:
1376:         mov     (r0)+,-(sp)
1377:         mtpi    (r1)+
1378:         sob     r2,1b
1379: 2:
1380:         mov     (sp)+,nofault
1381:         mov     (sp)+,r2
1382:         clr     r0
1383:         rts     pc
1385: copsu:
1386: #ifdef  UCB_NET
1387:         bis     $30000,PS               / make sure that we copy to/from user space
1388:                                         / this is a test - dgc - %%%%
1389: #endif
1390:         mov     (sp)+,r0
1391:         mov     r2,-(sp)
1392:         mov     nofault,-(sp)
1393:         mov     r0,-(sp)
1394:         mov     10(sp),r0
1395:         mov     12(sp),r1
1396:         mov     14(sp),r2
1397:         asr     r2
1398:         mov     $1f,nofault
1399:         rts     pc
1401: 1:
1402:         mov     (sp)+,nofault
1403:         mov     (sp)+,r2
1404:         mov     $-1,r0
1405:         rts     pc
1407:         .globl  _idle, _waitloc
1408: _idle:
1409:         mov     PS,-(sp)
1410:         SPLLOW
1411:         wait
1412: waitloc:
1413:         mov     (sp)+,PS
1414:         rts     pc
1416:         .data
1417: _waitloc:
1418:         waitloc
1419:         .text
1420: #if     defined(PROFILE) && !defined(ENABLE34)
1421: / These words are to insure that times reported for _save
1422: / do not include those spent while in idle mode, when
1423: / statistics are gathered for system profiling.
1424: /
1425:         rts     pc
1426:         rts     pc
1427:         rts     pc
1428: #endif	defined(PROFILE) && !defined(ENABLE34)
1430:         .globl  _save, _resume
1431: _save:
1432:         mov     (sp)+,r1
1433:         mov     (sp),r0
1434:         mov     r2,(r0)+
1435:         mov     r3,(r0)+
1436:         mov     r4,(r0)+
1437:         mov     r5,(r0)+
1438:         mov     sp,(r0)+
1439: #ifdef  MENLO_KOV
1440:         mov     __ovno,(r0)+
1441: #endif
1442:         mov     r1,(r0)+
1443:         clr     r0
1444:         jmp     (r1)
1446: _resume:
1447:         mov     2(sp),r0                / new process
1448:         mov     4(sp),r1                / new stack
1449:         SPL7
1450:         mov     r0,KDSA6                / In new process
1451:         mov     (r1)+,r2
1452:         mov     (r1)+,r3
1453:         mov     (r1)+,r4
1454:         mov     (r1)+,r5
1455:         mov     (r1)+,sp
1456: #ifdef  MENLO_KOV
1457:         mov     (r1)+,r0
1458:         cmp     r0,__ovno
1459:         beq     1f
1460:         mov     r0,__ovno
1461:         asl     r0
1462:         mov     ova(r0), OVLY_PAR
1463:         mov     ovd(r0), OVLY_PDR
1464: 1:
1465: #endif	MENLO_KOV
1466:         mov     $1,r0
1467:         SPLLOW
1468:         jmp     *(r1)+
1470: /*
1471:  *	Note that in the Berkeley system, calls to spl's except splx
1472:  *	are substituted in line in the assembly code on machines
1473:  *	with the spl instruction or mtps/mfps.  Splx is done by macros
1474:  *	in param.h. See the makefile, :splfix.spl, :splfix.mtps,
1475:  *	:splfix.movb and param.h.  Calls to __spl# (_spl# in C)
1476:  *	are always expanded in-line and do not return the previous priority.
1477:  */
1479: #if     defined(KERN_NONSEP) && PDP11 != 34 && PDP11 != 23 && PDP11 != 24
1480:         /  Spl's for machines (like 11/40) without spl or m[tf]ps instructions.
1481:         .globl  _spl0, _spl1, _spl4, _spl5, _spl6, _spl7
1482: _spl0:
1483:         movb    PS,r0
1484:         clrb    PS
1485:         rts     pc
1486: _spl1:
1487:         movb    PS,r0
1488:         movb    $40, PS
1489:         rts     pc
1490: _spl4:
1491:         movb    PS,r0
1492:         movb    $200, PS
1493:         rts     pc
1494: _spl5:
1495:         movb    PS,r0
1496:         movb    $240, PS
1497:         rts     pc
1498: _spl6:
1499:         movb    PS,r0
1500:         movb    $300, PS
1501:         rts     pc
1502: _spl7:
1503:         movb    PS,r0
1504:         movb    $HIPRI, PS
1505:         rts     pc
1506: #endif
1508:         .globl  _copy, _clear, _kdsa6
1509: #ifdef  CGL_RTP
1510:         .globl  _copyu, _wantrtp, _runrtp
1511: #endif
1513: /*
1514:  * Copy count clicks from src to dst.
1515:  * Uses KDSA5 and 6 to copy with mov instructions.
1516:  * Interrupt routines must restore segmentation registers if needed;
1517:  * see seg.h.
1518:  * Note that if CGL_RTP is defined, it checks whether
1519:  * the real-time process is runnable once each loop,
1520:  * and preempts the current process if necessary
1521:  * (which must not swap before this finishes!).
1522:  *
1523:  * copy(src, dst, count)
1524:  * memaddr src, dst;
1525:  * int count;
1526:  */
1527: _copy:
1528:         jsr     r5, csv
1529: #ifdef  UCB_NET
1530:         mov     PS,-(sp)                / have to lock out interrupts...
1531:         SPL7
1532:         mov     KDSA5,-(sp)             / save seg5
1533:         mov     KDSD5,-(sp)             / save seg5
1534: #endif
1535:         mov     10(r5),r3               / count
1536:         beq     3f
1537:         mov     4(r5),KDSA5             / point KDSA5 at source
1538:         mov     $RO,KDSD5               / 64 bytes, read-only
1539:         mov     sp,r4
1540:         mov     $eintstk,sp             / switch to intstk
1541:         mov     KDSA6,_kdsa6
1542:         mov     6(r5),KDSA6             / point KDSA6 at destination
1543:         mov     $RW,KDSD6               / 64 bytes, read-write
1544: 1:
1545: #ifdef  CGL_RTP
1546:         tst     _wantrtp
1547:         bne     preempt
1548: 9:
1549: #endif
1550:         mov     $5*8192.,r0
1551:         mov     $6*8192.,r1
1552: #if     PDP11==70
1553:         mov     $4.,r2                  / copy one click (4*16)
1554: #else
1555:         mov     $8.,r2                  / copy one click (8*8)
1556: #endif
1557: 2:
1558:         mov     (r0)+,(r1)+
1559:         mov     (r0)+,(r1)+
1560:         mov     (r0)+,(r1)+
1561:         mov     (r0)+,(r1)+
1562: #if     PDP11==70
1563:         mov     (r0)+,(r1)+
1564:         mov     (r0)+,(r1)+
1565:         mov     (r0)+,(r1)+
1566:         mov     (r0)+,(r1)+
1567: #endif
1568:         sob     r2,2b
1570:         inc     KDSA5                   / next click
1571:         inc     KDSA6
1572:         dec     r3
1573:         bne     1b
1574:         mov     _kdsa6,KDSA6
1575:         mov     $usize-1\<8|RW, KDSD6
1576:         clr     _kdsa6
1577: #ifndef NOKA5
1578:         .globl  _seg5
1579:         mov     _seg5+SE_DESC, KDSD5    / normalseg5();
1580:         mov     _seg5+SE_ADDR, KDSA5    / (restore all mapping)
1581: #endif	NOKA5
1582:         mov     r4,sp                   / back to normal stack
1583: 3:
1584: #ifdef  UCB_NET
1585:         mov     (sp)+,KDSD5             / restore seg5
1586:         mov     (sp)+,KDSA5             / restore seg5
1587:         mov     (sp)+,PS                / back to normal priority
1588: #endif
1589:         jmp     cret
1591: #ifdef  CGL_RTP
1592: /*
1593:  * Save our state and restore enough context for a process switch.
1594:  */
1595: preempt:
1596:         mov     KDSA6, r0
1597:         mov     _kdsa6,KDSA6            / back to our u.
1598:         mov     $usize-1\<8|RW, KDSD6
1599:         clr     _kdsa6
1600:         mov     r4, sp                  / back to normal stack
1601:         mov     KDSA5, -(sp)
1602:         mov     r0, -(sp)               / KDSA6
1603: #ifndef NOKA5
1604:         mov     _seg5+SE_DESC, KDSD5    / normalseg5();
1605:         mov     _seg5+SE_ADDR, KDSA5    / (restore all mapping)
1606: #endif	NOKA5
1607:         jsr     pc, _runrtp             / switch context and run rtpp
1609:         / Now continue where we left off.
1610:         mov     (sp)+, r0               / KDSA6
1611:         mov     (sp)+, KDSA5
1612:         mov     $RO,KDSD5               / 64 bytes, read-only
1613:         mov     KDSA6,_kdsa6
1614:         mov     $eintstk, sp
1615:         mov     r0, KDSA6
1616:         mov     $RW,KDSD6               / 64 bytes, read-write
1617:         br      9b
1619: /*
1620:  * Copy the u. to dst; not preemptable.
1621:  * Uses KDSA5 to copy with mov instructions.
1622:  * Interrupt routines must restore segmentation registers if needed;
1623:  * see seg.h.
1624:  *
1625:  * copyu(dst)
1626:  * memaddr dst;
1627:  */
1628: _copyu:
1629:         jsr     r5, csv
1630:         mov     4(r5),KDSA5             / point KDSA5 at dst.
1631:         mov     $usize-1\<8.|RW,KDSD5
1632:         mov     $6*8192.,r0
1633:         mov     $5*8192.,r1
1634: #if     PDP11==70
1635:         mov     $4.*usize,r2            / copy 4*16 bytes per click
1636: #else
1637:         mov     $8.*usize,r2            / copy 8*8 bytes per click
1638: #endif
1639: 2:
1640:         mov     (r0)+,(r1)+
1641:         mov     (r0)+,(r1)+
1642:         mov     (r0)+,(r1)+
1643:         mov     (r0)+,(r1)+
1644: #if     PDP11==70
1645:         mov     (r0)+,(r1)+
1646:         mov     (r0)+,(r1)+
1647:         mov     (r0)+,(r1)+
1648:         mov     (r0)+,(r1)+
1649: #endif
1650:         sob     r2,2b
1652: #ifndef NOKA5
1653:         mov     _seg5+SE_DESC, KDSD5    / normalseg5();
1654:         mov     _seg5+SE_ADDR, KDSA5    / (restore all mapping)
1655: #endif	NOKA5
1656:         jmp     cret
1657: #endif	CGL_RTP
1659: /*
1660:  * Clear count clicks at dst.
1661:  * Uses KDSA5.
1662:  * Interrupt routines must restore segmentation registers if needed;
1663:  * see seg.h.
1664:  *
1665:  * clear(dst, count)
1666:  * memaddr dst;
1667:  * int count;
1668:  */
1669: _clear:
1670:         jsr     r5, csv
1671: #ifdef  UCB_NET
1672:         mov     KDSA5,-(sp)             / save seg5
1673:         mov     KDSD5,-(sp)             / save seg5
1674: #endif
1675:         mov     4(r5),KDSA5             / point KDSA5 at source
1676:         mov     $RW,KDSD5               / 64 bytes, read-write
1677:         mov     6(r5),r3                / count
1678:         beq     3f
1679: 1:
1680: #ifdef  CGL_RTP
1681:         tst     _wantrtp
1682:         bne     clrpreempt
1683: 9:
1684: #endif
1685:         mov     $5*8192.,r0
1686:         mov     $8.,r2                  / clear one click (8*8)
1687: 2:
1688:         clr     (r0)+
1689:         clr     (r0)+
1690:         clr     (r0)+
1691:         clr     (r0)+
1692:         sob     r2,2b
1694:         inc     KDSA5                   / next click
1695:         dec     r3
1696:         bne     1b
1697: 3:
1698: #ifndef NOKA5
1699:         mov     _seg5+SE_DESC, KDSD5    / normalseg5();
1700:         mov     _seg5+SE_ADDR, KDSA5    / (restore all mapping)
1701: #endif	NOKA5
1702: #ifdef  UCB_NET
1703:         mov     (sp)+,KDSD5             / restore seg5
1704:         mov     (sp)+,KDSA5             / restore seg5
1705: #endif
1706:         jmp     cret
1708: #ifdef  CGL_RTP
1709: clrpreempt:
1710:         mov     KDSA5, -(sp)
1711: #ifndef NOKA5
1712:         mov     _seg5+SE_DESC, KDSD5    / normalseg5();
1713:         mov     _seg5+SE_ADDR, KDSA5    / (restore all mapping)
1714: #endif	NOKA5
1715:         jsr     pc, _runrtp             / switch context and run rtpp
1716:         /*
1717: 	 * Now continue where we left off.
1718: 	 */
1719:         mov     (sp)+, KDSA5
1720:         mov     $RW,KDSD5               / 64 bytes, read-write
1721:         br      9b
1722: #endif	CGL_RTP
1724: #ifdef  UCB_NET
1725: /*
1726:  *	copyv(fromaddr,toaddr,count)
1727:  *	virtual_addr fromaddr,toaddr;
1728:  *	unsigned count;
1729:  *
1730:  *	Copy two arbitrary pieces of PDP11 virtual memory from one location
1731:  *	to another.  Up to 8K bytes can be copied at one time.
1732:  *
1733:  *	A PDP11 virtual address is a two word value; a 16 bit "click" that
1734:  *	defines the start in physical memory of an 8KB segment and an offset.
1735:  */
1737:         .globl  _copyv
1739:         .data
1740: copyvsave: 0                    / saved copy of KDSA6
1741:         .text
1743: _copyv: jsr     r5,csv
1745:         tst     14(r5)          /* if (count == 0)		*/
1746:         jeq     copyvexit       /* 	return;			*/
1747:         cmp     $20000,14(r5)   /* if (count >= 8192)		*/
1748:         jlos    copyvexit       /*	return;			*/
1750:         mov     PS,-(sp)        /* Lock out interrupts. sigh... */
1751:         SPL7
1753:         mov     KDSA5,-(sp)     /* save seg5			*/
1754:         mov     KDSD5,-(sp)
1756:         mov     4(r5),KDSA5     /* seg5 = fromclick		*/
1757:         mov     $128.-1\<8.|RO,KDSD5
1758:         mov     10(r5),r1       /* click = toclick		*/
1759:         mov     6(r5),r2        /* foff = fromoffset		*/
1760:         add     $5*8192.,r2     /* foff = virtual addr (page 5)	*/
1761:         mov     12(r5),r3       /* toff = tooffset		*/
1762:         add     $6*8192.,r3     /* toff = virtual addr (page 6)	*/
1763:         mov     14(r5),r0       /* count = count		*/
1765:         /* Note: the switched stack is only for use of a fatal	*/
1766:         /* kernel trap occurring during the copy; otherwise we	*/
1767:         /* might conflict with the other copy routine		*/
1768:         mov     sp,r4           /* switch stacks		*/
1769:         mov     $eintstk,sp
1770:         mov     KDSA6,copyvsave
1772:         mov     r1,KDSA6        /* seg6 = click			*/
1773:         mov     $128.-1\<8.|RW,KDSD6
1775:         /****** Finally do the copy 			   ******/
1776:         mov     r3,r1           /* Odd addresses or count?	*/
1777:         bis     r2,r1
1778:         bis     r0,r1
1779:         bit     $1,r1
1780:         bne     copyvodd        /* Branch if odd		*/
1782:         asr     r0              /* Copy a word at a time	*/
1783: 1:      mov     (r2)+,(r3)+
1784:         sob     r0,1b
1785:         br      copyvdone
1787: copyvodd: movb  (r2)+,(r3)+     /* Copy a byte at a time	*/
1788:         sob     r0,copyvodd
1789: /	br	copyvdone
1791: copyvdone:
1792:         mov     copyvsave,KDSA6 /* remap in the stack		*/
1793:         mov     $usize-1\<8.|RW,KDSD6
1794:         mov     r4,sp
1795:         mov     (sp)+,KDSD5     /* restore seg5			*/
1796:         mov     (sp)+,KDSA5
1797:         mov     (sp)+,PS        /* unlock interrupts		*/
1799: copyvexit:
1800:         clr     r0
1801:         clr     r1
1802:         jmp     cret
1803: #endif	UCB_NET
1805: hardprobe:
1806: #ifndef NONFP
1807:         / Test for floating point capability.
1808: fptest:
1809:         mov     $fpdone, nofault
1810:         setd
1811:         inc     fpp
1812: fpdone:
1813: #endif	NONFP
1815:         / Test for SSR3 and UNIBUS map capability.  If there is no SSR3,
1816:         / the first test of SSR3 will trap and we skip past septest.
1817: ubmaptest:
1818:         mov     $cputest, nofault
1819: #ifdef  UNIBUS_MAP
1820:         bit     $20, SSR3
1821:         beq     septest
1822:         incb    _ubmap
1823: #endif
1825:         / Test for separate I/D capability.
1826: septest:
1827: #ifdef  NONSEPARATE
1828:         / Don't attempt to determine whether we've got separate I/D
1829:         / (but just in case we do, we must force user unseparated
1830:         / because boot will have turned on separation if possible).
1831:         bic     $1, SSR3
1832: #else
1833:         / Test for user I/D separation (not kernel).
1834:         bit     $1, SSR3
1835:         beq     cputest
1836:         incb    _sep_id
1837: #endif	NONSEPARATE
1839:         / Try to find out what kind of cpu this is.
1840:         / Defaults are 40 for nonseparate and 45 for separate.
1841:         / Cputype will be one of: 24, 40, 60, 45, 44, 70.
1842: cputest:
1843: #ifndef NONSEPARATE
1844:         tstb    _sep_id
1845:         beq     nonsepcpu
1847:         tstb    _ubmap
1848:         beq     cpudone
1850:         mov     $1f, nofault
1851:         mfpt
1852:         mov     $44., _cputype
1853:         / Disable cache parity interrupts.
1854:         bis     $CCR_DCPI, *$PDP1144_CCR
1855:         br      cpudone
1856: 1:
1857:         mov     $70., _cputype
1858:         / Disable UNIBUS and nonfatal traps.
1859:         bis     $CCR_DUT|CCR_DT, *$PDP1170_CCR
1860:         br      cpudone
1862: nonsepcpu:
1863: #endif	NONSEPARATE
1864:         tstb    _ubmap
1865:         beq     1f
1866:         mov     $24., _cputype
1867:         br      cpudone
1868: 1:
1869:         mov     $cpudone, nofault
1870:         tst     PDP1160_MSR
1871:         mov     $60., _cputype
1872:         / Disable cache parity error traps.
1873:         bis     $CCR_DT, *$PDP1160_CCR
1875: cpudone:
1876:         / Test for stack limit register; set it if present.
1877:         mov     $1f, nofault
1878:         mov     $intstk-256., STACKLIM
1879: 1:
1881: #ifdef  ENABLE34
1882:         / Test for an ENABLE/34.  We are very cautious since
1883:         / the ENABLE's PARs  are in the range of the floating
1884:         / addresses.
1885:         tstb    _ubmap
1886:         bne     2f
1887:         mov     $2f, nofault
1888:         mov     32., r0
1889:         mov     $ENABLE_KISA0, r1
1890: 1:
1891:         tst     (r1)+
1892:         sob     r0, 1b
1894:         tst     *$PDP1170_LEAR
1895:         tst     *$ENABLE_SSR3
1896:         tst     *$ENABLE_SSR4
1897:         incb    _enable34
1898:         incb    _ubmap
1900:         / Turn on an ENABLE/34.  Enableon() is a C routine
1901:         / which does a PAR shuffle and turns mapping on.
1902:         .globl  _enableon
1903:         .globl  _UISA, _UDSA, _KISA0, _KISA6, _KDSA1, _KDSA2, _KDSA5, _KDSA6
1905:         .data
1906: _UISA:  DEC_UISA
1907: _UDSA:  DEC_UDSA
1908: _KISA0: DEC_KISA0
1909: _KISA6: DEC_KISA6
1910: _KDSA1: DEC_KDSA1
1911: _KDSA2: DEC_KDSA2
1912: _KDSA5: DEC_KDSA5
1913: _KDSA6: DEC_KDSA6
1914:         .text
1916:         mov     $ENABLE_UISA, _UISA
1917:         mov     $ENABLE_UDSA, _UDSA
1918:         mov     $ENABLE_KISA0, _KISA0
1919:         mov     $ENABLE_KISA6, _KISA6
1920:         mov     $ENABLE_KDSA1, _KDSA1
1921:         mov     $ENABLE_KDSA2, _KDSA2
1922:         mov     $ENABLE_KDSA5, _KDSA5
1923:         mov     $ENABLE_KDSA6, _KDSA6
1924:         mov     $ENABLE_KDSA6, _ka6
1925:         jsr     pc, _enableon
1927: 2:
1928: #endif	ENABLE34
1930:         clr     nofault
1931:         rts     pc
1933: /*
1934:  * Long quotient
1935:  */
1936:         .globl  ldiv, lrem
1937: ldiv:
1938:         jsr     r5,csv
1939:         mov     10.(r5),r3
1940:         sxt     r4
1941:         bpl     1f
1942:         neg     r3
1943: 1:
1944:         cmp     r4,8.(r5)
1945:         bne     hardldiv
1946:         mov     6.(r5),r2
1947:         mov     4.(r5),r1
1948:         bge     1f
1949:         neg     r1
1950:         neg     r2
1951:         sbc     r1
1952:         com     r4
1953: 1:
1954:         mov     r4,-(sp)
1955:         clr     r0
1956:         div     r3,r0
1957:         mov     r0,r4                   /high quotient
1958:         mov     r1,-(sp)                / Stash interim result
1959:         mov     r1,r0
1960:         mov     r2,r1
1961:         div     r3,r0
1962:         bvc     1f
1963:         mov     (sp),r0                 / Recover interim result.
1964:         mov     r2,r1                   / (Regs may be clobbered by failed div.)
1965:         sub     r3,r0                   / this is the clever part
1966:         div     r3,r0
1967:         tst     r1
1968:         sxt     r1
1969:         add     r1,r0                   / cannot overflow!
1970: 1:
1971:         tst     (sp)+                   / Pop temp off stack.
1972:         mov     r0,r1
1973:         mov     r4,r0
1974:         tst     (sp)+
1975:         bpl     9f
1976:         neg     r0
1977:         neg     r1
1978:         sbc     r0
1979: 9:
1980:         jmp     cret
1982: hardldiv:
1983:         iot                             / ``Cannot happen''
1985: /*
1986:  * Long remainder
1987:  */
1988: lrem:
1989:         jsr     r5,csv
1990:         mov     10.(r5),r3
1991:         sxt     r4
1992:         bpl     1f
1993:         neg     r3
1994: 1:
1995:         cmp     r4,8.(r5)
1996:         bne     hardlrem
1997:         mov     6.(r5),r2
1998:         mov     4.(r5),r1
1999:         mov     r1,r4
2000:         bge     1f
2001:         neg     r1
2002:         neg     r2
2003:         sbc     r1
2004: 1:
2005:         clr     r0
2006:         div     r3,r0
2007:         mov     r1,-(sp)                / Stash interim result.
2008:         mov     r1,r0
2009:         mov     r2,r1
2010:         div     r3,r0
2011:         bvc     1f
2012:         mov     (sp),r0                 / Recover interim result.
2013:         mov     r2,r1                   / (Regs may be clobbered by failed div.)
2014:         sub     r3,r0
2015:         div     r3,r0
2016:         tst     r1
2017:         beq     9f
2018:         add     r3,r1
2019: 1:
2020:         tst     (sp)+                   / Pop temp off stack.
2021:         tst     r4
2022:         bpl     9f
2023:         neg     r1
2024: 9:
2025:         sxt     r0
2026:         jmp     cret
2028: hardlrem:
2029:         iot                             / ``Cannot happen''
2031:         .globl  lmul
2032: lmul:
2033:         mov     r2,-(sp)
2034:         mov     r3,-(sp)
2035:         mov     8(sp),r2
2036:         sxt     r1
2037:         sub     6(sp),r1
2038:         mov     12.(sp),r0
2039:         sxt     r3
2040:         sub     10.(sp),r3
2041:         mul     r0,r1
2042:         mul     r2,r3
2043:         add     r1,r3
2044:         mul     r2,r0
2045:         sub     r3,r0
2046:         mov     (sp)+,r3
2047:         mov     (sp)+,r2
2048:         rts     pc
2050: #ifdef  UCB_NET
2051:         .globl  _htonl,_htons,_ntohl,_ntohs
2052: _htonl:
2053: _ntohl:
2054:         mov     2(sp),r0
2055:         mov     4(sp),r1
2056:         swab    r0
2057:         swab    r1
2058:         rts     pc
2060: _htons:
2061: _ntohs:
2062:         mov     2(sp),r0
2063:         swab    r0
2064:         rts     pc
2066:         .globl  _badaddr
2067: _badaddr:
2068:         mov     2(sp),r0
2069:         mov     nofault,-(sp)
2070:         mov     $1f,nofault
2071:         tst     (r0)
2072:         clr     r0
2073:         br      2f
2074: 1:
2075:         mov     $-1,r0
2076: 2:
2077:         mov     (sp)+,nofault
2078:         rts     pc
2080:         .globl  _bzero
2081: _bzero:
2082:         mov     2(sp),r0
2083:         beq     3f              / error checking...  dgc
2084:         mov     4(sp),r1
2085:         beq     3f              / error checking ... dgc
2086:         bit     $1,r0
2087:         bne     1f
2088:         bit     $1,r1
2089:         bne     1f
2090:         asr     r1
2091: 2:      clr     (r0)+
2092:         sob     r1,2b
2093:         rts     pc
2095: 1:      clrb    (r0)+
2096:         sob     r1,1b
2097: 3:
2098:         rts     pc
2099: #endif  UCB_NET
2101:         .globl  csv, cret
2102: #ifndef MENLO_KOV
2103: csv:
2104:         mov     r5,r0
2105:         mov     sp,r5
2106:         mov     r4,-(sp)
2107:         mov     r3,-(sp)
2108:         mov     r2,-(sp)
2109:         jsr     pc,(r0)
2111: cret:
2112:         mov     r5,r2
2113:         mov     -(r2),r4
2114:         mov     -(r2),r3
2115:         mov     -(r2),r2
2116:         mov     r5,sp
2117:         mov     (sp)+,r5
2118:         rts     pc
2120: #else   MENLO_KOV
2121:         .globl  __ovno
2122:         .data
2123: __ovno: 0
2124:         .text
2125: /*
2126:  * Inter-overlay calls call thunk which calls ovhndlr to
2127:  * save registers.  Intra-overlay calls may call function
2128:  * directly which calls csv to save registers.
2129:  */
2130: csv:
2131:         mov     r5,r1
2132:         mov     sp,r5
2133:         mov     __ovno,-(sp)            / overlay is extra (first) word in mark
2134:         mov     r4,-(sp)
2135:         mov     r3,-(sp)
2136:         mov     r2,-(sp)
2137:         jsr     pc,(r1)                 / jsr part is sub $2,sp
2139: cret:
2140:         mov     r5,r2
2141:         / Get the overlay out of the mark, and if it is non-zero
2142:         / make sure it is the currently loaded one.
2143:         mov     -(r2),r4
2144:         bne     1f                      / zero is easy
2145: 2:
2146:         mov     -(r2),r4
2147:         mov     -(r2),r3
2148:         mov     -(r2),r2
2149:         mov     r5,sp
2150:         mov     (sp)+,r5
2151:         rts     pc
2153:         / Not returning to base segment, so check that the right
2154:         / overlay is mapped in, and if not change the mapping.
2155: 1:
2156:         cmp     r4,__ovno
2157:         beq     2b                      / lucked out!
2159:         / If return address is in base segment, then nothing to do.
2160:         cmp     2(r5),$_etext
2161:         blos    2b
2163:         / Returning to wrong overlay --- do something!
2164:         mov     PS,-(sp)                / save PS
2165:         SPL7
2166:         mov     r4,__ovno
2167:         asl     r4
2168:         mov     ova(r4), OVLY_PAR
2169:         mov     ovd(r4), OVLY_PDR
2170:         mov     (sp)+,PS                        / restore PS, unmask interrupts
2171:         / Could measure switches[ovno][r4]++ here.
2172:         jmp     2b
2174: /*
2175:  * Ovhndlr1 through ovhndlr7  are called from the thunks,
2176:  * after the address to return to is put in r1.  This address is
2177:  * that after the call to csv, which will be skipped.
2178:  */
2179:         .globl  ovhndlr1, ovhndlr2, ovhndlr3, ovhndlr4
2180:         .globl  ovhndlr5, ovhndlr6, ovhndlr7
2181: ovhndlr1:
2182:         mov     $1,r0
2183:         br      ovhndlr
2184: ovhndlr2:
2185:         mov     $2,r0
2186:         br      ovhndlr
2187: ovhndlr3:
2188:         mov     $3,r0
2189:         br      ovhndlr
2190: ovhndlr4:
2191:         mov     $4,r0
2192:         br      ovhndlr
2193: ovhndlr5:
2194:         mov     $5,r0
2195:         br      ovhndlr
2196: ovhndlr6:
2197:         mov     $6,r0
2198:         br      ovhndlr
2199: ovhndlr7:
2200:         mov     $7,r0
2201:         br      ovhndlr
2202: /*
2203:  * Ovhndlr makes the argument (in r0) be the current overlay,
2204:  * saves the registers ala csv (but saves the previous overlay number),
2205:  * and then jmp's to the function, skipping the function's initial
2206:  * call to csv.
2207:  */
2208: ovhndlr:
2209:         mov     sp,r5
2210:         mov     __ovno,-(sp)            / save previous overlay number
2211:         cmp     r0,__ovno               / correct overlay mapped?
2212:         bne     2f
2213: 1:      mov     r4,-(sp)
2214:         mov     r3,-(sp)
2215:         mov     r2,-(sp)
2216:         jsr     pc,(r1)                 / skip function's call to csv
2218: 2:      mov     PS,-(sp)                / save PS
2219:         SPL7
2220:         mov     r0,__ovno               / set new overlay number
2221:         asl     r0
2222:         mov     ova(r0), OVLY_PAR
2223:         mov     ovd(r0), OVLY_PDR
2224:         mov     (sp)+,PS                / restore PS, unmask interrupts
2225:         jbr     1b
2226: #endif	MENLO_KOV
2228: /*
2229:  * Save regs r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, K[DI]SA6
2230:  * starting at data location 0300, in preparation for dumping core.
2231:  */
2232:         .globl  _saveregs
2233: _saveregs:
2234: #ifdef  KERN_NONSEP
2235:         movb    $RW, KISD0              / write enable
2236: #endif
2237:         mov     r0,300
2238:         mov     $302,r0
2239:         mov     r1,(r0)+
2240:         mov     r2,(r0)+
2241:         mov     r3,(r0)+
2242:         mov     r4,(r0)+
2243:         mov     r5,(r0)+
2244:         mov     sp,(r0)+
2245:         mov     KDSA6,(r0)+
2246:         mov     KDSA5,(r0)+
2247:         rts     pc
2249:         .globl _nulldev, _nullsys
2251: _nulldev:               / placed in insignificant entries in bdevsw and cdevsw
2252: _nullsys:               / ignored system call
2253:         rts     pc
2255:         .globl  _u
2256: _u      = 140000
2257: #ifndef UCB_NET
2258: usize   = 16.
2259: #else
2260: usize   = 32.
2261: #endif
2263:         .data
2264:         .globl  _ka6, _cputype, _sep_id, _ubmap
2265: #ifdef  ENABLE34
2266:         .globl  _enable34
2267: _enable34: .byte 0
2268: #endif
2269: _ubmap: .byte 0
2270: _sep_id: .byte 0
2271:         .even
2273: #ifdef  KERN_NONSEP
2274: #ifdef  ENABLE34
2275: _ka6:   DEC_KISA6
2276: #else
2277: _ka6:   KISA6
2278: #endif
2279: _cputype:40.
2281: #else   KERN_NONSEP
2282: #ifdef  ENABLE34
2283: _ka6:   DEC_KDSA6
2284: #else
2285: _ka6:   KDSA6
2286: #endif
2287: _cputype:45.
2288: #endif	KERN_NONSEP
2290:         .bss
2291:         .even
2292: intstk: .=.+INTSTK              / temporary stack while KDSA6 is repointed
2293: eintstk: .=.+2                  / initial top of intstk
2295:         .data
2296: nofault:.=.+2
2297: #ifndef NONFP
2298: fpp:    .=.+2
2299: #endif
2300: ssr:    .=.+6
2301: #ifdef  DISPLAY
2302: dispdly:.=.+2
2303: #endif
2304: saveps: .=.+2
2306: #if     defined(PROFILE) && !defined(ENABLE34)
2307:         .text
2308: /*
2309:  * System profiler
2310:  *
2311:  * Expects to have a KW11-P in addition to the line-frequency
2312:  * clock, and it should be set to BR7.
2313:  * Uses supervisor I space register 2 and 3 (040000 - 0100000)
2314:  * to maintain the profile.
2315:  */
2317: CCSB    = 172542
2318: CCSR    = 172540
2319: _probsiz = 37777
2321:         .globl  _isprof, _sprof, _probsiz, _mode
2322: /
2323: / Enable clock interrupts for system profiling
2324: /
2325: _isprof:
2326:         mov     $1f,nofault
2327:         mov     $_sprof,104             / interrupt
2328:         mov     $340,106                / pri
2329:         mov     $100.,CCSB              / count set = 100
2330:         mov     $113,CCSR               / count down, 10kHz, repeat
2331: 1:
2332:         clr     nofault
2333:         rts     pc
2335: /
2336: / Process profiling clock interrupts
2337: /
2338: _sprof:
2339:         mov     r0,-(sp)
2340:         mov     PS,r0
2341:         ash     $-10.,r0
2342:         bic     $!14,r0                 / mask out all but previous mode
2343:         add     $1,_mode+2(r0)
2344:         adc     _mode(r0)
2345:         cmp     r0,$14                  / user
2346:         beq     done
2347:         mov     2(sp),r0                / pc
2348:         asr     r0
2349:         asr     r0
2350:         bic     $140001,r0
2351:         cmp     r0,$_probsiz
2352:         blo     1f
2353:         inc     _outside
2354:         br      done
2355: 1:
2356:         mov     $10340,PS               / Set previous mode to supervisor
2357:         mfpi    40000(r0)
2358:         inc     (sp)
2359:         mtpi    40000(r0)
2360: done:
2361:         mov     (sp)+,r0
2362:         mov     $113,CCSR
2363:         rtt
2365:         .data
2366: _mode:  .=.+16.
2367: _outside: .=.+2
2368: #endif	defined(PROFILE) && !defined(ENABLE34)

Defined functions

CCSB defined in line 2317; used 1 times
CCSR defined in line 2318; used 2 times
_addupc declared in line 830; defined in line 831; used 4 times
_backup declared in line 886; defined in line 920; used 2 times
_badaddr declared in line 2066; defined in line 2067; used 2 times
_bzero declared in line 2080; defined in line 2081; used 1 times
_clear declared in line 1508; defined in line 1669; used 12 times
_copy declared in line 1508; defined in line 1527; used 18 times
_copyiin declared in line 1344; defined in line 1355; used 2 times
_copyiout declared in line 1344; defined in line 1373; used 2 times
_copyu declared in line 1510; defined in line 1628; used 4 times
_copyv declared in line 1737; defined in line 1743; used 1 times
_display declared in line 863; defined in line 864; used 2 times
_fuword declared in line 1251; defined in line 1260; used 19 times
_halt declared in line 332332; defined in line 342; used 3 times
_htonl declared in line 2051; defined in line 2052; used 1 times
_htons declared in line 2051; defined in line 2060; used 1 times
_idle declared in line 1407; defined in line 1408; used 4 times
_isprof declared in line 2321; defined in line 2325; used 2 times
_ntohl declared in line 2051; defined in line 2053; used 1 times
_ntohs declared in line 2051; defined in line 2061; used 1 times
_nulldev declared in line 2249; defined in line 2251; used 111 times
_nullsys declared in line 2249; defined in line 2252; used 1 times
_probsiz declared in line 2321; defined in line 2319; used 2 times
_restfp declared in line 779; defined in line 797; used 3 times
_resume declared in line 1430; defined in line 1446; used 5 times
_saveregs declared in line 2232; defined in line 2233; used 2 times
_savfp declared in line 779; defined in line 780; used 6 times
_spl0 declared in line 1481; defined in line 1482; used 7 times
_spl1 declared in line 1481; defined in line 1486; used 3 times
_spl4 declared in line 1481; defined in line 1490; used 2 times
_spl7 declared in line 1481; defined in line 1502; used 8 times
_sprof declared in line 2321; defined in line 2338; used 2 times
_stst declared in line 779; defined in line 821; used 3 times
_subyte declared in line 1193; defined in line 1234; used 3 times
_suibyte declared in line 1193; defined in line 1215; used 4 times
_suiword declared in line 1251; defined in line 1292; used 5 times
_suword declared in line 1251; defined in line 1301; used 17 times
_u declared in line 2255; defined in line 2256; used 8 times
backup defined in line 953; used 1 times
bademt defined in line 446; used 2 times
buserr declared in line 451; defined in line 524; used 5 times
call declared in line 568; defined in line 574; used 45 times
call1 defined in line 569; used 3 times
checknet defined in line 668; used 2 times
clrpreempt defined in line 1709; used 1 times
copsu defined in line 1385; used 4 times
copyvdone defined in line 1791; used 1 times
copyvexit defined in line 1799; used 2 times
copyvodd defined in line 1787; used 2 times
cpudone defined in line 1875; used 5 times
cputest defined in line 1842; used 2 times
cret declared in line 2101; defined in line 2139; used 9 times
csv declared in line 2101; defined in line 2130; used 8 times
do_panic declared in line 332; defined in line 333; used 5 times
done defined in line 2360; used 2 times
dzdma declared in line 701; defined in line 702; used 1 times
emt declared in line 407; defined in line 408; used 1 times
err defined in line 1337; used 4 times
f0 defined in line 1097; used 1 times
f1 defined in line 1104; used 3 times
f2 defined in line 1105; used 1 times
f3 defined in line 1106; used 1 times
f4 defined in line 1107; used 1 times
f5 defined in line 1006; used 3 times
f6 defined in line 1116; used 1 times
f7 defined in line 1121; used 1 times
fetch defined in line 1171; used 4 times
fetchi defined in line 432; used 2 times
ff0 defined in line 1126; used 1 times
ff1 defined in line 1007; used 1 times
ff2 defined in line 1008; used 1 times
ff3 defined in line 1009; used 1 times
ff4 defined in line 1108; used 1 times
ff5 defined in line 1109; used 1 times
ff6 defined in line 1110; used 1 times
ff7 defined in line 1111; used 1 times
fpdone defined in line 1812; used 1 times
fptest defined in line 1808; never used
fuiword defined in line 1255; never used
fuword defined in line 1262; used 1 times
giword defined in line 1279; used 3 times
gword defined in line 1266; used 3 times
hardldiv defined in line 1982; used 1 times
hardlrem defined in line 2028; used 1 times
hardprobe defined in line 1805; used 1 times
instrap declared in line 483; defined in line 484; used 1 times
ldiv declared in line 1936; defined in line 1937; used 1 times
lmul declared in line 2031; defined in line 2032; used 1 times
lrem declared in line 1936; defined in line 1988; used 1 times
nonsepcpu defined in line 1862; used 1 times
ovhndlr defined in line 2208; used 7 times
ovhndlr1 declared in line 2179; defined in line 2181; used 1 times
ovhndlr2 declared in line 2179; defined in line 2184; used 1 times
ovhndlr3 declared in line 2179; defined in line 2187; used 1 times
ovhndlr4 declared in line 2179; defined in line 2190; used 1 times
ovhndlr5 declared in line 2180; defined in line 2193; used 1 times
ovhndlr6 declared in line 2180; defined in line 2196; used 1 times
ovhndlr7 declared in line 2180; defined in line 2199; used 1 times
piword defined in line 1321; used 2 times
powrdown declared in line 638; defined in line 640; used 1 times
preempt defined in line 1595; used 1 times
pword defined in line 1308; used 2 times
septest defined in line 1826; used 1 times
setreg defined in line 1135; used 5 times
start declared in line 348; defined in line 353; used 5 times
suiword defined in line 1296; never used
suword defined in line 1304; never used
syscall declared in line 451; defined in line 455; used 2 times
t00 defined in line 966; used 1 times
t01 defined in line 1014; used 3 times
t02 defined in line 1015; used 1 times
t03 defined in line 1016; used 1 times
t04 defined in line 1017; used 1 times
t05 defined in line 1018; used 1 times
t06 defined in line 1019; used 1 times
t07 defined in line 1000; used 1 times
t10 defined in line 969; used 1 times
t11 defined in line 1023; used 1 times
t12 defined in line 1024; used 1 times
t13 defined in line 1025; used 1 times
t14 defined in line 1026; used 1 times
t15 defined in line 1027; used 1 times
t16 defined in line 1020; used 1 times
t17 defined in line 1088; used 1 times
trap declared in line 451; defined in line 549; used 19 times
u0 defined in line 1003; used 1 times
u1 defined in line 1128; used 1 times
u2 defined in line 1129; used 1 times
u3 defined in line 1130; used 1 times
u4 defined in line 994; used 1 times
u5 defined in line 1004; used 3 times
u6 defined in line 976; used 1 times
u7 defined in line 1131; used 2 times
ubmaptest defined in line 1817; never used
usize defined in line 2260; used 8 times
waitloc defined in line 1412; used 1 times

Defined variables

HT defined in line 120; used 6 times
HTBA defined in line 123; used 1 times
HTCS1 defined in line 121; used 1 times
HTCS2 defined in line 125; used 1 times
HTFC defined in line 124; used 1 times
HTTC defined in line 126; used 1 times
HTWC defined in line 122; used 1 times
MTC defined in line 147; used 1 times
TSDB defined in line 165; used 5 times
TSSR defined in line 166; used 6 times
_KDSA1 declared in line 1903; defined in line 1910; used 2 times
_KDSA2 declared in line 1903; defined in line 1911; used 2 times
_KDSA5 declared in line 1903; defined in line 1912; used 2 times
_KDSA6 declared in line 1903; defined in line 1913; used 2 times
_KISA0 declared in line 1903; defined in line 1908; used 2 times
_KISA6 declared in line 1903; defined in line 1909; used 2 times
_UDSA declared in line 1903; defined in line 1907; used 2 times
_UISA declared in line 1903; defined in line 1906; used 2 times
__ovno declared in line 2121; defined in line 2123; used 16 times
_cputype declared in line 2264; defined in line 2287; used 7 times
_enable34 declared in line 2266; defined in line 2267; used 2 times
_ka6 declared in line 2264; defined in line 2285; used 2 times
_mode declared in line 2321; defined in line 2366; used 3 times
_outside defined in line 2367; used 1 times
_sep_id declared in line 2264; defined in line 2270; used 3 times
_ubmap declared in line 2264; defined in line 2269; used 6 times
_waitloc declared in line 1407; defined in line 1417; used 1 times
bflg defined in line 1187; used 6 times
chrts defined in line 315; used 4 times
comts defined in line 313; used 1 times
copyvsave defined in line 1740; used 2 times
dispdly defined in line 2302; used 3 times
dump declared in line 94; defined in line 100; used 5 times
eintstk defined in line 2293; used 3 times
fflg defined in line 1189; used 3 times
fpp defined in line 2298; used 4 times
intstk defined in line 2292; used 2 times
jflg defined in line 1188; used 2 times
mests defined in line 317; used 1 times
nofault defined in line 2296; used 43 times
pmesg defined in line 339; used 1 times
powrup declared in line 638; defined in line 653; used 2 times
redstak defined in line 543; used 1 times
saveps defined in line 2304; used 5 times
setmap defined in line 311; used 3 times
ssr defined in line 2300; used 14 times
tstcc defined in line 312; used 3 times
tsxma defined in line 310; used 3 times

Defined macros

HIGH defined in line 81; never used
HIPRI defined in line 82; used 1 times
INTSTK defined in line 53; used 2 times
LOCORE defined in line 10; never used
NET defined in line 85; never used
NETPRI defined in line 86; never used
PVECT defined in line 637; used 1 times
SPL7 defined in line 33; used 9 times
SPLHIGH defined in line 32; used 5 times
SPLLOW defined in line 34; used 5 times
SPLNET defined in line 36; used 1 times
mfpd defined in line 29; used 7 times
mtpd defined in line 30; used 9 times
Last modified: 1983-12-22
Generated: 2016-12-26
Generated by src2html V0.67
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