964 1988-09-14 Makefile make file |
2609 1988-05-05 READ_ME readme file |
4096 2016-12-26 adb directory with 2 files |
4096 2016-12-26 adm directory with 11 files |
4096 2016-12-26 aux directory with 11 files |
4096 2016-12-26 cf -> cf.hosttable |
4096 2016-12-26 cf.hosttable directory with 44 files 1 directories |
4096 2016-12-26 cf.named directory (empty) |
4096 2016-12-26 doc directory with 10 files |
4096 2016-12-26 include directory with 5 files |
4096 2016-12-26 lib directory with 3 files |
4096 2016-12-26 md directory with 7 files |
4096 2016-12-26 src directory with 37 files |