#if !defined(lint) && defined(DOSCCS) static char *RCSid = "$Source: /usr/src/new/ntp/ntpdc.c,v $ $Revision: $ $Date: 95/01/27 17:31:26 $"; #endif /* * $Log: ntpdc.c,v $ * Revision 95/01/27 17:31:26 sms * Fix name clockinfo name collision with sysctl.h * * Revision 89/05/18 18:31:26 louie * A few cosmetic changes for ntpd.c * * Revision 89/05/03 15:17:27 louie * ntpdc now will display addional peer flags which indicate how far through * the clock selection process a peer was considered. * * Revision 89/04/08 10:38:06 louie * Minor cosmetic changes and removed dead debug code from ntpd.c * * Revision 89/03/29 12:41:56 louie * Check for success sending query before trying to listen for answers. Will * catch case of no server running and an ICMP port unreachable being returned. * * Revision 89/03/22 18:29:53 louie * patch3: Use new RCS headers. * * Revision 89/03/22 18:04:18 louie * Display dispersion in milliseconds. The peer->refid field was being ntohl()'ed * when it should have stayed in network byte order. * * Revision 89/03/20 00:13:41 louie * patch1: Delete unused variables. Display interface address in numeric form * patch1: for local address, rather than symbolically. For multiple host * patch1: queries, the name of the host is emitted prior to the data for that * patch1: host. * * Revision 3.4 89/03/17 18:37:16 louie * Latest test release. * * Revision 89/03/17 18:27:43 louie * Fix version number mismatch error message. * * Revision 3.3 89/03/15 14:20:00 louie * New baseline for next release. * * Revision 89/03/15 14:03:02 louie * The logical used to receive replies has been revised considerably. Each packet * in the reply from the ntpd program carries the total number of packets in the * reply as well as a sequence number for this packet. Thus, we know how many * packets to expect, and which one's we're received already. A new UDP socket * is used for each host to prevent the replies from being mixed. This was * a problem when querying an old ntpd which returned 7 bad version packets.. * Use "%f" rather than "%lf" in format strings. * * Revision 89/03/10 12:28:24 louie * Clean up output fomatting somewhat. * * Revision 3.2 89/03/07 18:27:52 louie * Cosmetic changes and bug fixes. Note that this version is likely to be * slightly incompatible with previous versions because the definitions of * the flage bits (PEER_FL_*) in ntp.h have changed. * * A future version of this program will have a considerably different * packet format when Version 2 support is added. * * Revision 89/02/15 09:01:39 louie * Bugfixes to previous release version. * * * Revision 3.1 89/01/30 14:43:16 louie * Second UNIX NTP test release. * * Revision 3.0 88/12/12 15:57:28 louie * Test release of new UNIX NTP software. This version should conform to the * revised NTP protocol specification. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ntp.h" #define WTIME 10 /* Time to wait for all responses */ #define STIME 500000 /* usec to wait for another response */ #define MAXPACKETSIZE 1500 extern int errno; int debug; int s; int timedout, timeout(); int nflag, vflag, tflag; struct sockaddr_in sin = {AF_INET}; char packet[MAXPACKETSIZE]; #ifndef MAXHOSTNAMELEN #define MAXHOSTNAMELEN 64 #endif char LocalHostName[MAXHOSTNAMELEN+1]; /* our hostname */ char *LocalDomain; /* our local domain name */ main(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { char *p; #ifdef pdp11 int on = 4*1024; #else int on = 48*1024; #endif (void) gethostname(LocalHostName, sizeof LocalHostName); if (p = index(LocalHostName, '.')) { *p++ = '\0'; LocalDomain = p; } else LocalDomain = ""; if (argc < 2) { usage: printf("usage: %s [ -v ][ -n ] hosts...\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } argv++, argc--; if (*argv[0] == '-') { switch (argv[0][1]) { case 'n': nflag++; break; case 't': tflag++; break; case 'v': vflag++; break; default: goto usage; } argc--, argv++; } if (argc > 1) printf("--- %s ---\n", *argv); while (argc > 0) { /* * Get a new socket each time - this will cause us to ignore * packets from the previously queried host. */ s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if (s < 0) { perror("socket"); exit(2); } #ifdef SO_RCVBUF if (setsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, &on, sizeof (on)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "setsockopt SO_RCVBUF\n"); } #endif if (query(*argv)) answer(*argv); close(s); argv++; if (argc-- > 1) printf("--- %s ---\n", *argv); } } answer(host) char *host; { register struct ntpinfo *msg = (struct ntpinfo *) packet; register struct xclockinfo *n; struct sockaddr_in from; int fromlen = sizeof(from); int count, cc; fd_set bits; struct timeval shorttime; int first = 1; long replies = 0; /* * Listen for returning packets; may be more than one packet per * host. */ FD_ZERO(&bits); FD_SET(s, &bits); shorttime.tv_sec = 0; shorttime.tv_usec = STIME; (void) signal(SIGALRM, timeout); (void) alarm(WTIME); timedout = 0; while ((first || replies) && (!timedout || select(FD_SETSIZE, &bits, (fd_set *) 0, (fd_set *) 0, &shorttime) > 0)) { if ((cc = recvfrom(s, packet, sizeof(packet), 0, (struct sockaddr *)&from, &fromlen)) <= 0) { if (cc == 0 || errno == EINTR) continue; fflush(stdout); perror(host); (void) close(s); return; } FD_SET(s, &bits); if (msg->type != INFO_REPLY) return; if (msg->version != NTPDC_VERSION) { printf("ntpd(%d) - ntpdc(%d) version mismatch\n", msg->version, NTPDC_VERSION); alarm(0); return; } if (first) { first = 0; replies = (1L << msg->npkts) - 1; if (!vflag) { if (tflag) printf(" Address Reference Strat Poll Reach Delay Offset Disp\n"); else printf(" (rem) Address (lcl) Strat Poll Reach Delay Offset Disp\n"); printf("==========================================================================\n"); } } replies &= ~(1L << msg->seq); n = (struct xclockinfo *)&msg[1]; for (count = msg->count; count > 0; count--) { if(vflag) print_verbose(n); else print_terse(n); n++; } } alarm(0); if (replies) printf("Timed out waiting for replies\n"); } int query(host) char *host; { struct sockaddr_in watcher; register struct ntpdata *msg = (struct ntpdata *) packet; struct hostent *hp; static struct servent *sp = NULL; long HostAddr; bzero((char *) &watcher, sizeof(watcher)); watcher.sin_family = AF_INET; HostAddr = inet_addr(host); watcher.sin_addr.s_addr = (u_long) HostAddr; if (HostAddr == -1) { hp = gethostbyname(host); if (hp == 0) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: unknown\n", host); return 0; } bcopy(hp->h_addr, (char *) &watcher.sin_addr, hp->h_length); } sp = getservbyname("ntp", "udp"); if (sp == 0) { fprintf(stderr,"udp/ntp: service unknown, using default %d\n", NTP_PORT); watcher.sin_port = htons(NTP_PORT); } else watcher.sin_port = sp->s_port; msg->status = NTPVERSION_1; msg->stratum = INFO_QUERY; if (connect(s, (struct sockaddr *) &watcher, sizeof(watcher))) { perror("connect"); return 0; } if (send(s, packet, sizeof(struct ntpdata), 0) < 0) { perror("send"); return 0; } return 1; } timeout() { timedout = 1; } print_terse (n) struct xclockinfo *n; { int i; double offset[PEER_SHIFT], delay[PEER_SHIFT], dsp,del,off; char c; char *cvthname(); int flags; sin.sin_addr.s_addr = n->net_address; for (i = 0; i < PEER_SHIFT; i++) { delay[i] = (double) ((long) (ntohl(n->info_filter.delay[i])/1000.0)); offset[i] = (double) ((long) (ntohl(n->info_filter.offset[i])/1000.0)); } dsp = (long) ntohl(n->estdisp); /* leave in milliseconds */ del = (long) ntohl(n->estdelay); /* leave in milliseconds */ off = (long) ntohl(n->estoffset); /* leave in milliseconds */ c = ' '; flags = ntohs(n->flags); if (flags & PEER_FL_CONFIG) c = '-'; /* mark pre-configured */ if (flags & PEER_FL_SANE) c = '.'; /* passed sanity check */ if (flags & PEER_FL_CANDIDATE) c = '+'; /* made candidate list */ if (flags & PEER_FL_SELECTED) c = '*'; /* mark peer selection */ sin.sin_addr.s_addr = n->net_address; printf("%c%-15.15s ", c, cvthname(&sin)); if (tflag) { if (n->stratum == 1 || n->stratum == 0) { printf("%-4.4s ", (char *) &n->refid); } else { sin.sin_addr.s_addr = (u_long) n->refid; printf("%-16.16s ", cvthname(&sin)); } } else { sin.sin_addr.s_addr = n->my_address; printf("%-16.16s ", sin.sin_addr.s_addr ? inet_ntoa(sin.sin_addr) : "wildcard"); } printf("%2d %4d %03o %8.1f %8.1f %8.1f\n", n->stratum, (int)ntohl((u_long)n->timer), ntohs(n->reach) & SHIFT_MASK, del, off, dsp); } print_verbose(n) struct xclockinfo *n; { int i; struct in_addr clock_host; double offset[PEER_SHIFT], delay[PEER_SHIFT], dsp,del,off; char *cvthname(); sin.sin_addr.s_addr = n->net_address; for (i = 0; i < PEER_SHIFT; i++) { delay[i] = (double) (long) ntohl(n->info_filter.delay[i]); offset[i] = (double) (long) ntohl(n->info_filter.offset[i]); } dsp = (double) ((long) ntohl(n->estdisp)); /* in milliseconds */ del = (double) ((long) ntohl(n->estdelay)); /* in milliseconds */ off = (double) ((long) ntohl(n->estoffset)); /* in milliseconds */ printf("Neighbor address %s port:%d", inet_ntoa(sin.sin_addr), (int)ntohs(n->port)); sin.sin_addr.s_addr = n->my_address; printf(" local address %s\n", inet_ntoa(sin.sin_addr)); printf("Reach: 0%o stratum: %d, precision: %d\n", ntohs(n->reach) & SHIFT_MASK, n->stratum, n->precision); printf("dispersion: %f, flags: %x, leap: %x\n", dsp, ntohs(n->flags), n->leap); if (n->stratum == 1 || n->stratum == 0) { printf("Reference clock ID: %.4s", (char *)&n->refid); } else { clock_host.s_addr = (u_long) n->refid; printf("Reference clock ID: [%s]", inet_ntoa(clock_host)); } printf(" timestamp: %08lx.%08lx\n", ntohl(n->reftime.int_part), ntohl(n->reftime.fraction)); printf("hpoll: %d, ppoll: %d, timer: %d, sent: %d received: %d\n", n->hpoll, n->ppoll, (int)ntohl((u_long)n->timer), (int)ntohl(n->pkt_sent), (int)ntohl(n->pkt_rcvd)); printf("Delay(ms) "); for (i = 0; i < PEER_SHIFT; i++) printf("%7.2f ", delay[i]); printf("\n"); printf("Offset(ms) "); for (i = 0; i < PEER_SHIFT; i++) printf("%7.2f ", offset[i]); printf("\n"); printf("\n\tdelay: %f offset: %f dsp %f\n", del, off, dsp); printf("\n"); } /* * Return a printable representation of a host address. */ char * cvthname(f) struct sockaddr_in *f; { struct hostent *hp; register char *p; extern char *inet_ntoa(); if (f->sin_family != AF_INET) { printf("Malformed from address\n"); return ("???"); } if (!nflag) hp = gethostbyaddr(&f->sin_addr, sizeof(struct in_addr), f->sin_family); else return (inet_ntoa(f->sin_addr)); if (hp == 0) return (inet_ntoa(f->sin_addr)); if ((p = index(hp->h_name, '.')) && strcmp(p + 1, LocalDomain) == 0) *p = '\0'; return (hp->h_name); }