1: /*
   2:  * Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California.
   3:  * All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
   4:  * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
   5:  */
   7: #ifndef lint
   8: char copyright[] =
   9: "@(#) Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California.\n\
  10:  All rights reserved.\n";
  11: #endif not lint
  13: #ifndef lint
  14: static char sccsid[] = "@(#)lpq.c	5.2 (Berkeley) 11/17/85";
  15: #endif not lint
  17: /*
  18:  * Spool Queue examination program
  19:  *
  20:  * lpq [+[n]] [-Pprinter] [user...] [job...]
  21:  *
  22:  * + means continually scan queue until empty
  23:  * -P used to identify printer as per lpr/lprm
  24:  */
  26: #include "lp.h"
  28: char    *user[MAXUSERS];    /* users to process */
  29: int users;          /* # of users in user array */
  30: int requ[MAXREQUESTS];  /* job number of spool entries */
  31: int requests;       /* # of spool requests */
  33: static int  repeat;     /* + flag indicator */
  34: static int  slptime = 30;   /* pause between screen refereshes */
  35: static int  lflag;      /* long output option */
  37: /*
  38:  * Termcap stuff for fancy display
  39:  */
  40: #ifdef TERMCAP
  41: struct sgttyb sbuf;
  42: static unsigned ospeed;
  43: static int  dumb;       /* whether to use capabilities */
  44: static char PC;     /* pad character for output */
  45: static char *UP;        /* up one line */
  46: static char *BC;        /* backspace character, other than \b */
  47: static char *CM;        /* cursor motion */
  48: static char *CL;        /* clear display */
  49: static char *TI;        /* terminal init for CM */
  50: static char *TE;        /* terminal clear for CM */
  51: static char *SO;        /* stand out start */
  52: static char *SE;        /* stand out end */
  54: char    *tgetstr();
  55: int putch();        /* for tputs' */
  56: #endif
  58: main(argc, argv)
  59:     char *argv[];
  60: {
  61:     register char *arg;
  62:     register int n;
  64:     name = argv[0];
  65:     gethostname(host, sizeof(host));
  66:     openlog("lpd", 0, LOG_LPR);
  68:     while (--argc) {
  69:         if ((arg = *++argv)[0] == '+') {
  70:             if (arg[1] != '\0')
  71:                 if ((n = atoi(&arg[1])) > 0)
  72:                     slptime = n;
  73:             repeat++;
  74:         } else if (arg[0] == '-')
  75:             switch (arg[1]) {
  76:             case 'P':       /* printer name */
  77:                 if (arg[2])
  78:                     printer = &arg[2];
  79:                 else if (argc > 1) {
  80:                     argc--;
  81:                     printer = *++argv;
  82:                 }
  83:                 break;
  85:             case 'l':       /* long output */
  86:                 lflag++;
  87:                 break;
  89:             default:
  90:                 usage();
  91:         } else {
  92:             if (isdigit(arg[0])) {
  93:                 if (requests >= MAXREQUESTS)
  94:                     fatal("too many requests");
  95:                 requ[requests++] = atoi(arg);
  96:             } else {
  97:                 if (users >= MAXUSERS)
  98:                     fatal("too many users");
  99:                 user[users++] = arg;
 100:             }
 101:         }
 102:     }
 103:     if (printer == NULL && (printer = getenv("PRINTER")) == NULL)
 104:         printer = DEFLP;
 105: #ifdef TERMCAP
 106:     dumb = termcap();
 107: #endif
 109:     if (repeat) {
 110: #ifdef TERMCAP
 111:         if (TI)
 112:             tputs(TI, 0, putch);
 113: #endif
 114:         do {
 115: #ifdef TERMCAP
 116:             if (!dumb) {
 117:                 tputs(CL, 0, putch);
 118:                 tputs(tgoto(CM, 0, 0), 0, putch);
 119:             }
 120: #endif
 121:             if ((n = displayq(lflag)) > 0)
 122:                 sleep(slptime);
 123:         } while (n > 0);
 124: #ifdef TERMCAP
 125:         if (!dumb) {
 126:             standout(stdout, "Hit return to continue");
 127:             while (getchar() != '\n');
 128:             if (TE)
 129:                 tputs(TE, 0, putch);
 130:         }
 131: #endif
 132:     } else
 133:         displayq(lflag);
 134:     exit(0);
 135: }
 137: static
 138: usage()
 139: {
 140:     printf("usage: lpq [-Pprinter] [-l] [+[n]] [user...] [job...]\n");
 141:     exit(1);
 142: }
 144: /*
 145:  * If we have the capability, print this in standout mode
 146:  */
 147: static
 148: standout(f, s, a1, a2)
 149:     FILE *f;
 150:     char *s;
 151: {
 152: #ifdef TERMCAP
 153:     if (SO)
 154:         tputs(SO, 0, putch);
 155:     fprintf(f, s, a1, a2);
 156:     if (SO && SE)
 157:         tputs(SE, 0, putch);
 158: #else
 159:     fprintf(f, s, a1, a2);
 160: #endif
 161: }
 163: #ifdef TERMCAP
 164: static char *
 165: capstrings[] = {
 166:     "bc", "cl", "cm", "so", "se", "ti", "te", "up",
 167:     0
 168: };
 170: static char **
 171: caps[] = {
 172:     &BC, &CL, &CM, &SO, &SE, &TI, &TE, &UP,
 173: };
 175: /*
 176:  * All we need from termcap is to clear screen and
 177:  *   position cursor at the top; if these aren't available
 178:  *   we say the terminal is dumb and let things scroll
 179:  */
 180: static
 181: termcap()
 182: {
 183:     char *term, tbuf[BUFSIZ];
 184:     static char buf[BUFSIZ/2];
 185:     register short columns;
 186:     char *bp = buf;
 187:     register char **p, ***q, *cp;
 189:     ioctl(0, TIOCGETP, (char *)&sbuf);
 190:     ospeed = sbuf.sg_ospeed;
 191:     if ((term = getenv("TERM")) != NULL && tgetent(tbuf, term) > 0) {
 192:         for (p = capstrings, q = caps; *p != NULL; p++, q++)
 193:             **q = tgetstr(*p, &bp);
 194:         if ((cp = tgetstr("pc", &bp)) != NULL)
 195:             PC = *cp;
 196:     }
 197:     return(CL == NULL || CM == NULL);
 198: }
 200: /*
 201:  * Putchar writearound for tputs
 202:  */
 203: static
 204: putch(c)
 205:     char c;
 206: {
 207:     putchar(c);
 208: }
 209: #endif

Defined functions

main defined in line 58; never used
putch defined in line 203; used 7 times
standout defined in line 147; used 1 times
termcap defined in line 180; used 1 times
usage defined in line 137; used 1 times
  • in line 90

Defined variables

BC defined in line 46; used 1 times
CL defined in line 48; used 3 times
CM defined in line 47; used 3 times
PC defined in line 44; used 1 times
SE defined in line 52; used 3 times
SO defined in line 51; used 4 times
TE defined in line 50; used 3 times
TI defined in line 49; used 3 times
UP defined in line 45; used 1 times
caps defined in line 171; used 1 times
capstrings defined in line 165; used 1 times
copyright defined in line 8; never used
dumb defined in line 43; used 3 times
lflag defined in line 35; used 3 times
ospeed defined in line 42; used 1 times
repeat defined in line 33; used 2 times
requ defined in line 30; used 7 times
requests defined in line 31; used 8 times
sbuf defined in line 41; used 2 times
sccsid defined in line 14; never used
slptime defined in line 34; used 2 times
user defined in line 28; used 8 times
users defined in line 29; used 10 times
Last modified: 1987-02-18
Generated: 2016-12-26
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