/* * Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution. */ #ifndef lint static char sccsid[] = "@(#)areaclear.c 5.1 (Berkeley) 4/26/85"; #endif not lint #include "2648.h" areaclear(rmin, cmin, rmax, cmax) int rmin, cmin, rmax, cmax; { int osm; char mes[20]; register int i; #ifdef TRACE if (trace) fprintf(trace, "areaclear(%d, %d, %d, %d)\n", rmin, cmin, rmax, cmax); #endif osm = _supsmode; setclear(); sync(); #ifdef notdef /* old kludge because I couldn't get area fill to work */ for (i=rmax; i>=rmin; i--) { move(cmin, i); draw(cmax, i); } #endif sprintf(mes, "%da1b%d %d %d %de", (_video==NORMAL) ? 1 : 2, cmin, rmin, cmax, rmax); escseq(ESCM); outstr(mes); _supsmode = osm; }