#ifndef lint static char sccsid[] = "@(#)crtdriver.c 4.2 (Berkeley) 1/9/85"; #endif /* This driver is used with crtplot.c. It is essentially the same driver as the one in /usr/src/cmd/plot. Unfortunately, the curses library has some of the same names as does as the functions that the driver calls. These have been changed. Also, one of the commands has been removed since they don't make sense for crt's. */ #include float deltx; float delty; main(argc,argv) char **argv; { int std=1; FILE *fin; while(argc-- > 1) { if(*argv[1] == '-') switch(argv[1][1]) { case 'l': deltx = atoi(&argv[1][2]) - 1; break; case 'w': delty = atoi(&argv[1][2]) - 1; break; } else { std = 0; if ((fin = fopen(argv[1], "r")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "can't open %s\n", argv[1]); exit(1); } fplt(fin); } argv++; } if (std) fplt( stdin ); exit(0); } fplt(fin) FILE *fin; { int c; char s[256]; int xi,yi,x0,y0,x1,y1,r/*,dx,n,i*/; /*int pat[256];*/ openpl(); while((c=getc(fin)) != EOF){ switch(c){ case 'm': xi = getsi(fin); yi = getsi(fin); plot_move(xi,yi); break; case 'l': x0 = getsi(fin); y0 = getsi(fin); x1 = getsi(fin); y1 = getsi(fin); line(x0,y0,x1,y1); break; case 't': getstr(s,fin); label(s); break; case 'e': plot_erase(); break; case 'p': xi = getsi(fin); yi = getsi(fin); point(xi,yi); break; case 'n': xi = getsi(fin); yi = getsi(fin); cont(xi,yi); break; case 's': x0 = getsi(fin); y0 = getsi(fin); x1 = getsi(fin); y1 = getsi(fin); space(x0,y0,x1,y1); break; case 'a': xi = getsi(fin); yi = getsi(fin); x0 = getsi(fin); y0 = getsi(fin); x1 = getsi(fin); y1 = getsi(fin); arc(xi,yi,x0,y0,x1,y1); break; case 'c': xi = getsi(fin); yi = getsi(fin); r = getsi(fin); circle(xi,yi,r); break; case 'f': getstr(s,fin); linemod(s); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Unknown command %c (%o)\n", c, c); break; } } closepl(); } getsi(fin) FILE *fin; { /* get an integer stored in 2 ascii bytes. */ short a, b; if((b = getc(fin)) == EOF) return(EOF); if((a = getc(fin)) == EOF) return(EOF); a = a<<8; return(a|b); } getstr(s,fin) char *s; FILE *fin; { for( ; *s = getc(fin); s++) if(*s == '\n') break; *s = '\0'; }