#if !defined(lint) && defined(DOSCCS) static char sccsid[] = "@(#)lmain.c 4.3.1 (2.11BSD) 1996/10/23"; #endif # include "ldefs.c" # include "once.c" /* lex [-[drcyvntf]] [file] ... [file] */ /* Copyright 1976, Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc., written by Eric Schmidt, August 27, 1976 */ main(argc,argv) int argc; char **argv; { register int i; # ifdef DEBUG #include signal(SIGBUS,buserr); signal(SIGSEGV,segviol); # endif while (argc > 1 && argv[1][0] == '-' ){ i = 0; while(argv[1][++i]){ switch (argv[1][i]){ # ifdef DEBUG case 'd': debug++; break; case 'y': yydebug = TRUE; break; # endif case 'r': case 'R': ratfor=TRUE; break; case 'c': case 'C': ratfor=FALSE; break; case 't': case 'T': fout = stdout; errorf = stderr; break; case 'v': case 'V': report = 1; break; case 'f': case 'F': optim = FALSE; break; case 'n': case 'N': report = 0; break; default: warning("Unknown option %c",argv[1][i]); } } argc--; argv++; } sargc = argc; sargv = argv; if (argc > 1){ fin = fopen(argv[++fptr], "r"); /* open argv[1] */ sargc--; } else fin = stdin; if(fin == NULL) error ("Can't read input file %s",argc>1?argv[1]:"standard input"); gch(); /* may be gotten: def, subs, sname, schar, ccl, dchar */ get1core(); /* may be gotten: name, left, right, nullstr, parent */ scopy("INITIAL",sp); sname[0] = sp; sp += slength("INITIAL") + 1; sname[1] = 0; if(yyparse(0)) exit(1); /* error return code */ /* may be disposed of: def, subs, dchar */ free1core(); /* may be gotten: tmpstat, foll, positions, gotof, nexts, nchar, state, atable, sfall, cpackflg */ get2core(); ptail(); mkmatch(); # ifdef DEBUG if(debug) pccl(); # endif sect = ENDSECTION; if(tptr>0)cfoll(tptr-1); # ifdef DEBUG if(debug)pfoll(); # endif cgoto(); # ifdef DEBUG if(debug){ printf("Print %d states:\n",stnum+1); for(i=0;i<=stnum;i++)stprt(i); } # endif /* may be disposed of: positions, tmpstat, foll, state, name, left, right, parent, ccl, schar, sname */ /* may be gotten: verify, advance, stoff */ free2core(); get3core(); layout(); /* may be disposed of: verify, advance, stoff, nexts, nchar, gotof, atable, ccpackflg, sfall */ # ifdef DEBUG free3core(); # endif if (ZCH>NCH) cname="/usr/libdata/lex/ebcform"; fother = fopen(ratfor?ratname:cname,"r"); if(fother == NULL) error("Lex driver missing, file %s",ratfor?ratname:cname); while ( (i=getc(fother)) != EOF) putc(i,fout); fclose(fother); fclose(fout); if( # ifdef DEBUG debug || # endif report == 1)statistics(); fclose(stdout); fclose(stderr); exit(0); /* success return code */ } get1core(){ register int i, val; register char *p; ccptr = ccl = myalloc(CCLSIZE,sizeof(*ccl)); pcptr = pchar = myalloc(pchlen, sizeof(*pchar)); def = (char **) myalloc(DEFSIZE,sizeof(*def)); subs = (char **) myalloc(DEFSIZE,sizeof(*subs)); dp = dchar = myalloc(DEFCHAR,sizeof(*dchar)); sname = (char **) myalloc(STARTSIZE,sizeof(*sname)); sp = schar = myalloc(STARTCHAR,sizeof(*schar)); if(ccl == 0 || def == 0 || subs == 0 || dchar == 0 || sname == 0 || schar == 0) error("Too little core to begin"); } free1core(){ cfree(def,DEFSIZE,sizeof(*def)); cfree(subs,DEFSIZE,sizeof(*subs)); cfree(dchar,DEFCHAR,sizeof(*dchar)); } get2core(){ register int i, val; register char *p; gotof = (int *) myalloc(nstates,sizeof(*gotof)); nexts = (int *) myalloc(ntrans,sizeof(*nexts)); nchar = myalloc(ntrans,sizeof(*nchar)); state = (int **) myalloc(nstates,sizeof(*state)); atable = (int *) myalloc(nstates,sizeof(*atable)); sfall = (int *) myalloc(nstates,sizeof(*sfall)); cpackflg = myalloc(nstates,sizeof(*cpackflg)); tmpstat = myalloc(tptr+1,sizeof(*tmpstat)); foll = (int **) myalloc(tptr+1,sizeof(*foll)); nxtpos = positions = (int *) myalloc(maxpos,sizeof(*positions)); if(tmpstat == 0 || foll == 0 || positions == 0 || gotof == 0 || nexts == 0 || nchar == 0 || state == 0 || atable == 0 || sfall == 0 || cpackflg == 0 ) error("Too little core for state generation"); for(i=0;i<=tptr;i++)foll[i] = 0; } free2core(){ cfree(positions,maxpos,sizeof(*positions)); cfree(tmpstat,tptr+1,sizeof(*tmpstat)); cfree(foll,tptr+1,sizeof(*foll)); cfree(name,treesize,sizeof(*name)); cfree(left,treesize,sizeof(*left)); cfree(right,treesize,sizeof(*right)); cfree(parent,treesize,sizeof(*parent)); cfree(nullstr,treesize,sizeof(*nullstr)); cfree(state,nstates,sizeof(*state)); cfree(sname,STARTSIZE,sizeof(*sname)); cfree(schar,STARTCHAR,sizeof(*schar)); cfree(ccl,CCLSIZE,sizeof(*ccl)); } get3core(){ register int i, val; register char *p; verify = (int *) myalloc(outsize,sizeof(*verify)); advance = (int *) myalloc(outsize,sizeof(*advance)); stoff = (int *) myalloc(stnum+2,sizeof(*stoff)); if(verify == 0 || advance == 0 || stoff == 0) error("Too little core for final packing"); } # ifdef DEBUG free3core(){ cfree(advance,outsize,sizeof(*advance)); cfree(verify,outsize,sizeof(*verify)); cfree(stoff,stnum+1,sizeof(*stoff)); cfree(gotof,nstates,sizeof(*gotof)); cfree(nexts,ntrans,sizeof(*nexts)); cfree(nchar,ntrans,sizeof(*nchar)); cfree(atable,nstates,sizeof(*atable)); cfree(sfall,nstates,sizeof(*sfall)); cfree(cpackflg,nstates,sizeof(*cpackflg)); } # endif char *myalloc(a,b) int a,b; { register char *i; i = calloc(a, b); if(i==0) warning("OOPS - calloc returns a 0"); else if(i == (char *)-1){ # ifdef DEBUG warning("calloc returns a -1"); # endif return(0); } return(i); } # ifdef DEBUG buserr(){ fflush(errorf); fflush(fout); fflush(stdout); fprintf(errorf,"Bus error\n"); if(report == 1)statistics(); fflush(errorf); } segviol(){ fflush(errorf); fflush(fout); fflush(stdout); fprintf(errorf,"Segmentation violation\n"); if(report == 1)statistics(); fflush(errorf); } # endif yyerror(s) char *s; { fprintf(stderr, "\"%s\", line %d: %s\n", fptr > 0 ? sargv[fptr] : "", yyline, s); }