1: /*
   2:  * @(#)ww.h	3.37.1 1996/3/22
   3:  */
   5: /*
   6:  * Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California,
   7:  * All rights reserved.  Redistribution permitted subject to
   8:  * the terms of the Berkeley Software License Agreement.
   9:  */
  11: #include <sgtty.h>
  12: #include <setjmp.h>
  13: #include <stdlib.h>
  14: #include <string.h>
  15: #include <errno.h>
  17: #ifdef pdp11
  18: #define NWW 9       /* maximum number of windows */
  19: #else
  20: #define NWW 30      /* maximum number of windows */
  21: #endif
  23:     /* a rectangle */
  24: struct ww_dim {
  25:     int nr;         /* number of rows */
  26:     int nc;         /* number of columns */
  27:     int t, b;       /* top, bottom */
  28:     int l, r;       /* left, right */
  29: };
  31:     /* a coordinate */
  32: struct ww_pos {
  33:     int r;          /* row */
  34:     int c;          /* column */
  35: };
  37:     /* the window structure */
  38: struct ww {
  39:         /* general flags and states */
  40:     char ww_state;      /* state of window */
  41:     char ww_oflags;     /* wwopen flags */
  43:         /* information for overlap */
  44:     struct ww *ww_forw; /* doubly linked list, for overlapping info */
  45:     struct ww *ww_back;
  46:     char ww_index;      /* the window index, for wwindex[] */
  47:     char ww_order;      /* the overlapping order */
  49:         /* sizes and positions */
  50:     struct ww_dim ww_w; /* window size and pos */
  51:     struct ww_dim ww_b; /* buffer size and pos */
  52:     struct ww_dim ww_i; /* the part inside the screen */
  53:     struct ww_pos ww_cur;   /* the cursor position, relative to ww_w */
  55:         /* arrays */
  56:     char **ww_win;      /* the window */
  57:     union ww_char **ww_buf; /* the buffer */
  58:     char **ww_fmap;     /* map for frame and box windows */
  59:     short *ww_nvis;     /* how many ww_buf chars are visible per row */
  61:         /* information for wwwrite() and company */
  62:     char ww_wstate;     /* state for outputting characters */
  63:     char ww_modes;      /* current display modes */
  64:     char ww_insert;     /* insert mode */
  65:     char ww_mapnl;      /* map \n to \r\n */
  66:     char ww_noupdate;   /* don't do updates in wwwrite() */
  67:     char ww_unctrl;     /* expand control characters */
  68:     char ww_nointr;     /* wwwrite() not interruptable */
  69:     char ww_hascursor;  /* has fake cursor */
  71:         /* things for the window process and io */
  72:     char ww_ispty;      /* ww_pty is really a pty, not socket pair */
  73:     char ww_stopped;    /* output stopped */
  74:     int ww_pty;     /* file descriptor of pty or socket pair */
  75:     int ww_socket;      /* other end of socket pair */
  76:     int ww_pid;     /* pid of process, if WWS_HASPROC true */
  77:     char ww_ttyname[11];    /* "/dev/ttyp?" */
  78:     char *ww_ob;        /* output buffer */
  79:     char *ww_obe;       /* end of ww_ob */
  80:     char *ww_obp;       /* current read position in ww_ob */
  81:     char *ww_obq;       /* current write position in ww_ob */
  83:         /* things for the user, they really don't belong here */
  84:     char ww_id;     /* the user window id */
  85:     char ww_center;     /* center the label */
  86:     char ww_hasframe;   /* frame it */
  87:     char *ww_label;     /* the user supplied label */
  88:     struct ww_dim ww_alt;   /* alternate position and size */
  89: };
  91:     /* state of a tty */
  92: struct ww_tty {
  93:     struct sgttyb ww_sgttyb;
  94:     struct tchars ww_tchars;
  95:     struct ltchars ww_ltchars;
  96:     int ww_lmode;
  97:     int ww_ldisc;
  98:     int ww_fflags;
  99: };
 101: union ww_char {
 102:     short c_w;      /* as a word */
 103:     struct {
 104: #ifndef mc68000
 105:         char C_c;   /* the character part */
 106:         char C_m;   /* the mode part */
 107: #else
 108:         char C_m;   /* the mode part */
 109:         char C_c;   /* the character part */
 110: #endif
 111:     } c_un;
 112: };
 113: #define c_c c_un.C_c
 114: #define c_m c_un.C_m
 116:     /* parts of ww_char */
 117: #define WWC_CMASK   0x00ff
 118: #define WWC_MMASK   0xff00
 119: #define WWC_MSHIFT  8
 121:     /* c_m bits */
 122: #define WWM_REV     0x01    /* reverse video */
 123: #define WWM_BLK     0x02    /* blinking */
 124: #define WWM_UL      0x04    /* underlined */
 125: #define WWM_GRP     0x08    /* graphics */
 126: #define WWM_USR     0x10    /* user specified mode */
 127: #define WWM_GLS     0x40    /* window only, glass, i.e. transparent */
 129:     /* ww_state values */
 130: #define WWS_INITIAL 0   /* just opened */
 131: #define WWS_HASPROC 1   /* has process on pty */
 132: #define WWS_DEAD    3   /* child died */
 134:     /* flags for ww_fmap */
 135: #define WWF_U       0x01
 136: #define WWF_R       0x02
 137: #define WWF_D       0x04
 138: #define WWF_L       0x08
 139: #define WWF_MASK    (WWF_U|WWF_R|WWF_D|WWF_L)
 140: #define WWF_LABEL   0x40
 141: #define WWF_TOP     0x80
 143:     /* flags to wwopen() */
 144: #define WWO_PTY     0x01        /* want pty */
 145: #define WWO_SOCKET  0x02        /* want socket pair */
 146: #define WWO_REVERSE 0x04        /* make it all reverse video */
 147: #define WWO_GLASS   0x08        /* make it all glass */
 148: #define WWO_FRAME   0x10        /* this is a frame window */
 150:     /* special ww_index value */
 151: #define WWX_NOBODY  NWW
 153:     /* error codes */
 154: #define WWE_NOERR   0
 155: #define WWE_SYS     1       /* system error */
 156: #define WWE_NOMEM   2       /* out of memory */
 157: #define WWE_TOOMANY 3       /* too many windows */
 158: #define WWE_NOPTY   4       /* no more ptys */
 159: #define WWE_SIZE    5       /* bad window size */
 160: #define WWE_BADTERM 6       /* bad terminal type */
 161: #define WWE_CANTDO  7       /* dumb terminal */
 163:     /* wwtouched[] bits */
 164: #define WWU_TOUCHED 0x01        /* touched */
 165: #define WWU_MAJOR   0x02        /* major change */
 167:     /* the window structures */
 168: struct ww wwhead;
 169: struct ww *wwindex[NWW + 1];        /* last location is for wwnobody */
 170: struct ww wwnobody;
 172:     /* tty things */
 173: struct ww_tty wwoldtty;     /* the old (saved) terminal settings */
 174: struct ww_tty wwnewtty;     /* the new (current) terminal settings */
 175: struct ww_tty wwwintty;     /* the terminal settings for windows */
 176: char *wwterm;           /* the terminal name */
 177: #ifdef pdp11
 178:     /* these are on the stack; see main.c */
 179: char *wwtermcap;        /* place for the termcap */
 180: char *wwkeys;           /* termcap fields for the function keys */
 181: char *wwwintermcap;     /* termcap for windows */
 182: #else
 183: char wwtermcap[1024];       /* place for the termcap */
 184: char wwkeys[512];       /* termcap fields for the function keys */
 185: char wwwintermcap[1024];    /* termcap for windows */
 186: #endif
 188:     /* generally useful variables */
 189: int wwnrow, wwncol;     /* the screen size */
 190: char wwavailmodes;      /* actually supported modes */
 191: char wwcursormodes;     /* the modes for the fake cursor */
 192: char wwwrap;            /* terminal has auto wrap around */
 193: int wwdtablesize;       /* result of getdtablesize() call */
 194: char **wwsmap;          /* the screen map */
 195: union ww_char **wwos;       /* the old (current) screen */
 196: union ww_char **wwns;       /* the new (desired) screen */
 197: char *wwtouched;        /* wwns changed flags */
 198: int wwbaudmap[];        /* maps stty() baud rate code into number */
 199: unsigned wwbaud;        /* wwbaudmap[wwoldtty.ww_sgttyb.sg_ospeed] */
 200: int wwcursorrow, wwcursorcol;   /* where we want the cursor to be */
 201: int wwerrno;            /* error number */
 203:     /* statistics */
 204: int wwnflush, wwnwr, wwnwre, wwnwrz, wwnwrc;
 205: int wwnwwr, wwnwwra, wwnwwrc;
 206: int wwnupdate, wwnupdline, wwnupdmiss, wwnmajline, wwnmajmiss;
 207: int wwnread, wwnreade, wwnreadz, wwnreadc;
 208: int wwnwread, wwnwreade, wwnwreadz, wwnwreadd, wwnwreadc, wwnwreadp;
 209: int wwnselect, wwnselecte, wwnselectz;
 211:     /* quicky macros */
 212: #define wwsetcursor(r,c) (wwcursorrow = (r), wwcursorcol = (c))
 213: #define wwcurtowin(w)   wwsetcursor((w)->ww_cur.r, (w)->ww_cur.c)
 214: #define wwunbox(w)  wwunframe(w)
 215: #define wwclreol(w,r,c) wwclreol1((w), (r), (c), 0)
 216: #define wwredrawwin(w)  wwredrawwin1((w), (w)->ww_i.t, (w)->ww_i.b, 0)
 217: #define wwupdate()  wwupdate1(0, wwnrow);
 219:     /* things for handling input */
 220: int wwrint();       /* interrupt handler */
 221: struct ww *wwcurwin;    /* window to copy input into */
 222: char wwsetjmp;      /* want a longjmp() from wwrint() */
 223: jmp_buf wwjmpbuf;   /* jmpbuf for above */
 224: char *wwib;     /* input (keyboard) buffer */
 225: char *wwibe;        /* wwib + sizeof buffer */
 226: char *wwibp;        /* current read position in buffer */
 227: char *wwibq;        /* current write position in buffer */
 228: #define wwgetc()    (wwibp < wwibq ? *wwibp++ & 0x7f : -1)
 229: #define wwpeekc()   (wwibp < wwibq ? *wwibp & 0x7f : -1)
 230: #define wwungetc(c) (wwibp > wwib ? *--wwibp = (c) : -1)
 231: #define wwinterrupt()   (wwibp < wwibq)
 233:     /* the window virtual terminal */
 234: #define WWT_TERM    "TERM=window"
 235: #define WWT_TERMCAP "WW|window|window package:\
 236: 	:cr=^M:nl=^J:bl=^G:\
 237: 	:al=\\EL:am:le=^H:bs:cd=\\EJ:ce=\\EK:cl=\\EE:cm=\\EY%+ %+ :\
 238: 	:da:db:dc=\\EN:dl=\\EM:do=\\EB:ei=\\EO:ho=\\EH:im=\\E@:mi:\
 239: 	:nd=\\EC:ta=^I:pt:up=\\EA:"
 240: #define WWT_REV     "se=\\Eq:so=\\Ep:"
 241: #define WWT_UL      "ue=\\Es:us=\\Er:"
 242: #define WWT_GRP     "ae=\\EG:as=\\EF:"
 243: #define WWT_USR     "XE=\\EQ:XS=\\EP:"
 245:     /* our functions */
 246: struct ww *wwopen();
 247: int wwchild();
 248: int wwsuspend();
 249: char **wwalloc();
 250: char *wwerror();
 252:     /* c library functions */
 253: char *tgetstr();
 255: #undef MIN
 256: #undef MAX
 257: #define MIN(x, y)   ((x) > (y) ? (y) : (x))
 258: #define MAX(x, y)   ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))

Defined variables

wwbaudmap defined in line 198; used 1 times
wwcursorcol defined in line 200; used 4 times
wwcursormodes defined in line 191; used 12 times
wwcursorrow defined in line 200; used 4 times
wwib defined in line 224; used 5 times
wwibe defined in line 225; used 2 times
wwibp defined in line 226; used 15 times
wwibq defined in line 227; used 11 times
wwjmpbuf defined in line 223; used 2 times
wwnflush defined in line 204; used 2 times
wwnmajline defined in line 206; used 2 times
wwnmajmiss defined in line 206; used 2 times
wwnread defined in line 207; used 2 times
wwnreadc defined in line 207; used 2 times
wwnreade defined in line 207; used 2 times
wwnreadz defined in line 207; used 2 times
wwnselect defined in line 209; used 2 times
wwnselecte defined in line 209; used 2 times
wwnselectz defined in line 209; used 2 times
wwnupdate defined in line 206; used 2 times
wwnupdline defined in line 206; used 2 times
wwnupdmiss defined in line 206; used 2 times
wwnwr defined in line 204; used 2 times
wwnwrc defined in line 204; used 2 times
wwnwre defined in line 204; used 2 times
wwnwread defined in line 208; used 2 times
wwnwreadc defined in line 208; used 3 times
wwnwreadd defined in line 208; used 3 times
wwnwreade defined in line 208; used 2 times
wwnwreadp defined in line 208; used 2 times
wwnwreadz defined in line 208; used 2 times
wwnwrz defined in line 204; used 2 times
wwnwwr defined in line 205; used 2 times
wwnwwra defined in line 205; used 2 times
wwnwwrc defined in line 205; used 2 times
wwsetjmp defined in line 222; used 5 times
wwwintty defined in line 175; used 3 times
wwwrap defined in line 192; used 2 times

Defined struct's

ww defined in line 38; used 242 times
ww_dim defined in line 24; used 8 times
ww_pos defined in line 32; used 2 times
  • in line 53(2)
ww_tty defined in line 92; used 12 times

Defined union's

Defined macros

WWC_CMASK defined in line 117; used 1 times
WWC_MMASK defined in line 118; never used
WWE_BADTERM defined in line 160; used 3 times
WWE_CANTDO defined in line 161; used 1 times
WWE_NOERR defined in line 154; never used
WWE_NOPTY defined in line 158; used 1 times
WWE_SIZE defined in line 159; never used
WWE_TOOMANY defined in line 157; used 1 times
WWF_D defined in line 137; used 7 times
WWF_L defined in line 138; used 9 times
WWF_LABEL defined in line 140; used 3 times
WWF_MASK defined in line 139; used 1 times
WWF_R defined in line 136; used 7 times
WWF_TOP defined in line 141; used 3 times
WWF_U defined in line 135; used 9 times
WWO_FRAME defined in line 148; used 2 times
WWO_PTY defined in line 144; used 3 times
WWO_SOCKET defined in line 145; used 3 times
WWS_DEAD defined in line 132; used 1 times
WWS_INITIAL defined in line 130; used 1 times
WWT_GRP defined in line 242; used 1 times
WWT_REV defined in line 240; used 1 times
WWT_TERM defined in line 234; used 1 times
WWT_TERMCAP defined in line 235; used 1 times
WWT_UL defined in line 241; used 1 times
WWT_USR defined in line 243; used 1 times
c_c defined in line 113; used 5 times
wwclreol defined in line 215; used 3 times
wwredrawwin defined in line 216; used 1 times
wwunbox defined in line 214; used 12 times
wwungetc defined in line 230; never used

Usage of this include

ww.h used 50 times
Last modified: 1996-03-23
Generated: 2016-12-26
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