1: /*
   2:  * Copyright (c) 1985,1988 Regents of the University of California.
   3:  * All rights reserved.
   4:  *
   5:  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
   6:  * provided that this notice is preserved and that due credit is given
   7:  * to the University of California at Berkeley. The name of the University
   8:  * may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
   9:  * software without specific prior written permission. This software
  10:  * is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty.
  11:  */
  13: #if defined(DOSCCS) && !defined(lint)
  14: static char sccsid[] = "@(#)ns.c	5.8.1 (2.11BSD GTE) 1/1/94";
  15: #endif
  17: #include <stdio.h>
  18: #include <errno.h>
  19: #include <nlist.h>
  21: #include <sys/types.h>
  22: #include <sys/socket.h>
  23: #include <sys/socketvar.h>
  24: #include <sys/mbuf.h>
  25: #include <sys/protosw.h>
  27: #include <net/route.h>
  28: #include <net/if.h>
  30: #include <netinet/tcp_fsm.h>
  32: #include <netns/ns.h>
  33: #include <netns/ns_pcb.h>
  34: #include <netns/idp.h>
  35: #include <netns/idp_var.h>
  36: #include <netns/ns_error.h>
  37: #include <netns/sp.h>
  38: #include <netns/spidp.h>
  39: #include <netns/spp_timer.h>
  40: #include <netns/spp_var.h>
  41: #define SANAMES
  42: #include <netns/spp_debug.h>
  44: #ifdef pdp11
  45: #define klseek slseek
  46: #endif
  48: struct  nspcb nspcb;
  49: struct  sppcb sppcb;
  50: struct  socket sockb;
  51: extern  int kmem;
  52: extern  int Aflag;
  53: extern  int aflag;
  54: extern  int nflag;
  55: extern  char *plural();
  56: char *ns_prpr();
  58: static  int first = 1;
  60: /*
  61:  * Print a summary of connections related to a Network Systems
  62:  * protocol.  For SPP, also give state of connection.
  63:  * Listening processes (aflag) are suppressed unless the
  64:  * -a (all) flag is specified.
  65:  */
  67: nsprotopr(off, name)
  68:     off_t off;
  69:     char *name;
  70: {
  71:     struct nspcb cb;
  72:     register struct nspcb *prev, *next;
  73:     int isspp;
  75:     if (off == 0)
  76:         return;
  77:     isspp = strcmp(name, "spp") == 0;
  78:     klseek(kmem, off, 0);
  79:     read(kmem, (char *)&cb, sizeof (struct nspcb));
  80:     nspcb = cb;
  81:     prev = (struct nspcb *)off;
  82:     if (nspcb.nsp_next == (struct nspcb *)off)
  83:         return;
  84:     for (;nspcb.nsp_next != (struct nspcb *)off; prev = next) {
  85:         off_t ppcb;
  87:         next = nspcb.nsp_next;
  88:         klseek(kmem, (off_t)next, 0);
  89:         read(kmem, (char *)&nspcb, sizeof (nspcb));
  90:         if (nspcb.nsp_prev != prev) {
  91:             printf("???\n");
  92:             break;
  93:         }
  94:         if (!aflag && ns_nullhost(nspcb.nsp_faddr) ) {
  95:             continue;
  96:         }
  97:         klseek(kmem, (off_t)nspcb.nsp_socket, 0);
  98:         read(kmem, (char *)&sockb, sizeof (sockb));
  99:         ppcb = (off_t) nspcb.nsp_pcb;
 100:         if (ppcb) {
 101:             if (isspp) {
 102:                 klseek(kmem, ppcb, 0);
 103:                 read(kmem, (char *)&sppcb, sizeof (sppcb));
 104:             } else continue;
 105:         } else
 106:             if (isspp) continue;
 107:         if (first) {
 108:             printf("Active NS connections");
 109:             if (aflag)
 110:                 printf(" (including servers)");
 111:             putchar('\n');
 112:             if (Aflag)
 113:                 printf("%-8.8s ", "PCB");
 114:             printf(Aflag ?
 115:                 "%-5.5s %-6.6s %-6.6s  %-18.18s %-18.18s %s\n" :
 116:                 "%-5.5s %-6.6s %-6.6s  %-22.22s %-22.22s %s\n",
 117:                 "Proto", "Recv-Q", "Send-Q",
 118:                 "Local Address", "Foreign Address", "(state)");
 119:             first = 0;
 120:         }
 121:         if (Aflag)
 122:             printf("%8x ", ppcb);
 123:         printf("%-5.5s %6d %6d ", name, sockb.so_rcv.sb_cc,
 124:             sockb.so_snd.sb_cc);
 125:         printf("  %-22.22s", ns_prpr(&nspcb.nsp_laddr));
 126:         printf(" %-22.22s", ns_prpr(&nspcb.nsp_faddr));
 127:         if (isspp) {
 128:             extern char *tcpstates[];
 129:             if (sppcb.s_state >= TCP_NSTATES)
 130:                 printf(" %d", sppcb.s_state);
 131:             else
 132:                 printf(" %s", tcpstates[sppcb.s_state]);
 133:         }
 134:         putchar('\n');
 135:         prev = next;
 136:     }
 137: }
 138: #define ANY(x,y,z)  ((x) ? printf("\t%ld %s%s%s -- %s\n",x,y,plural((long)x),z,"x") : 0)
 140: /*
 141:  * Dump SPP statistics structure.
 142:  */
 143: spp_stats(off, name)
 144:     off_t off;
 145:     char *name;
 146: {
 147:     struct spp_istat spp_istat;
 148: #define sppstat spp_istat.newstats
 150:     if (off == 0)
 151:         return;
 152:     klseek(kmem, off, 0);
 153:     read(kmem, (char *)&spp_istat, sizeof (spp_istat));
 154:     printf("%s:\n", name);
 155:     ANY(spp_istat.nonucn, "connection", " dropped due to no new sockets ");
 156:     ANY(spp_istat.gonawy, "connection", " terminated due to our end dying");
 157:     ANY(spp_istat.nonucn, "connection", " dropped due to inability to connect");
 158:     ANY(spp_istat.noconn, "connection", " dropped due to inability to connect");
 159:     ANY(spp_istat.notme, "connection", " incompleted due to mismatched id's");
 160:     ANY(spp_istat.wrncon, "connection", " dropped due to mismatched id's");
 161:     ANY(spp_istat.bdreas, "packet", " dropped out of sequence");
 162:     ANY(spp_istat.lstdup, "packet", " duplicating the highest packet");
 163:     ANY(spp_istat.notyet, "packet", " refused as exceeding allocation");
 164:     ANY(sppstat.spps_connattempt, "connection", " initiated");
 165:     ANY(sppstat.spps_accepts, "connection", " accepted");
 166:     ANY(sppstat.spps_connects, "connection", " established");
 167:     ANY(sppstat.spps_drops, "connection", " dropped");
 168:     ANY(sppstat.spps_conndrops, "embryonic connection", " dropped");
 169:     ANY(sppstat.spps_closed, "connection", " closed (includes drops)");
 170:     ANY(sppstat.spps_segstimed, "packet", " where we tried to get rtt");
 171:     ANY(sppstat.spps_rttupdated, "time", " we got rtt");
 172:     ANY(sppstat.spps_delack, "delayed ack", " sent");
 173:     ANY(sppstat.spps_timeoutdrop, "connection", " dropped in rxmt timeout");
 174:     ANY(sppstat.spps_rexmttimeo, "retransmit timeout", "");
 175:     ANY(sppstat.spps_persisttimeo, "persist timeout", "");
 176:     ANY(sppstat.spps_keeptimeo, "keepalive timeout", "");
 177:     ANY(sppstat.spps_keepprobe, "keepalive probe", " sent");
 178:     ANY(sppstat.spps_keepdrops, "connection", " dropped in keepalive");
 179:     ANY(sppstat.spps_sndtotal, "total packet", " sent");
 180:     ANY(sppstat.spps_sndpack, "data packet", " sent");
 181:     ANY(sppstat.spps_sndbyte, "data byte", " sent");
 182:     ANY(sppstat.spps_sndrexmitpack, "data packet", " retransmitted");
 183:     ANY(sppstat.spps_sndrexmitbyte, "data byte", " retransmitted");
 184:     ANY(sppstat.spps_sndacks, "ack-only packet", " sent");
 185:     ANY(sppstat.spps_sndprobe, "window probe", " sent");
 186:     ANY(sppstat.spps_sndurg, "packet", " sent with URG only");
 187:     ANY(sppstat.spps_sndwinup, "window update-only packet", " sent");
 188:     ANY(sppstat.spps_sndctrl, "control (SYN|FIN|RST) packet", " sent");
 189:     ANY(sppstat.spps_sndvoid, "request", " to send a non-existant packet");
 190:     ANY(sppstat.spps_rcvtotal, "total packet", " received");
 191:     ANY(sppstat.spps_rcvpack, "packet", " received in sequence");
 192:     ANY(sppstat.spps_rcvbyte, "byte", " received in sequence");
 193:     ANY(sppstat.spps_rcvbadsum, "packet", " received with ccksum errs");
 194:     ANY(sppstat.spps_rcvbadoff, "packet", " received with bad offset");
 195:     ANY(sppstat.spps_rcvshort, "packet", " received too short");
 196:     ANY(sppstat.spps_rcvduppack, "duplicate-only packet", " received");
 197:     ANY(sppstat.spps_rcvdupbyte, "duplicate-only byte", " received");
 198:     ANY(sppstat.spps_rcvpartduppack, "packet", " with some duplicate data");
 199:     ANY(sppstat.spps_rcvpartdupbyte, "dup. byte", " in part-dup. packet");
 200:     ANY(sppstat.spps_rcvoopack, "out-of-order packet", " received");
 201:     ANY(sppstat.spps_rcvoobyte, "out-of-order byte", " received");
 202:     ANY(sppstat.spps_rcvpackafterwin, "packet", " with data after window");
 203:     ANY(sppstat.spps_rcvbyteafterwin, "byte", " rcvd after window");
 204:     ANY(sppstat.spps_rcvafterclose, "packet", " rcvd after 'close'");
 205:     ANY(sppstat.spps_rcvwinprobe, "rcvd window probe packet", "");
 206:     ANY(sppstat.spps_rcvdupack, "rcvd duplicate ack", "");
 207:     ANY(sppstat.spps_rcvacktoomuch, "rcvd ack", " for unsent data");
 208:     ANY(sppstat.spps_rcvackpack, "rcvd ack packet", "");
 209:     ANY(sppstat.spps_rcvackbyte, "byte", " acked by rcvd acks");
 210:     ANY(sppstat.spps_rcvwinupd, "rcvd window update packet", "");
 211: }
 212: #undef ANY
 213: #define ANY(x,y,z)  ((x) ? printf("\t%ld %s%s%s\n",x,y,plural((long)x),z) : 0)
 215: /*
 216:  * Dump IDP statistics structure.
 217:  */
 218: idp_stats(off, name)
 219:     off_t off;
 220:     char *name;
 221: {
 222:     struct idpstat idpstat;
 224:     if (off == 0)
 225:         return;
 226:     klseek(kmem, off, 0);
 227:     read(kmem, (char *)&idpstat, sizeof (idpstat));
 228:     printf("%s:\n", name);
 229:     ANY(idpstat.idps_toosmall, "packet", " smaller than a header");
 230:     ANY(idpstat.idps_tooshort, "packet", " smaller than advertised");
 231:     ANY(idpstat.idps_badsum, "packet", " with bad checksums");
 232: }
 234: static  struct {
 235:     u_short code;
 236:     char *name;
 237:     char *where;
 238: } ns_errnames[] = {
 239:     {0, "Unspecified Error", " at Destination"},
 240:     {1, "Bad Checksum", " at Destination"},
 241:     {2, "No Listener", " at Socket"},
 242:     {3, "Packet", " Refused due to lack of space at Destination"},
 243:     {01000, "Unspecified Error", " while gatewayed"},
 244:     {01001, "Bad Checksum", " while gatewayed"},
 245:     {01002, "Packet", " forwarded too many times"},
 246:     {01003, "Packet", " too large to be forwarded"},
 247:     {-1, 0, 0},
 248: };
 250: /*
 251:  * Dump NS Error statistics structure.
 252:  */
 253: /*ARGSUSED*/
 254: nserr_stats(off, name)
 255:     off_t off;
 256:     char *name;
 257: {
 258:     struct ns_errstat ns_errstat;
 259:     register int j;
 260:     register int histoprint = 1;
 261:     int z;
 263:     if (off == 0)
 264:         return;
 265:     klseek(kmem, off, 0);
 266:     read(kmem, (char *)&ns_errstat, sizeof (ns_errstat));
 267:     printf("NS error statistics:\n");
 268:     ANY(ns_errstat.ns_es_error, "call", " to ns_error");
 269:     ANY(ns_errstat.ns_es_oldshort, "error",
 270:         " ignored due to insufficient addressing");
 271:     ANY(ns_errstat.ns_es_oldns_err, "error request",
 272:         " in response to error packets");
 273:     ANY(ns_errstat.ns_es_tooshort, "error packet",
 274:         " received incomplete");
 275:     ANY(ns_errstat.ns_es_badcode, "error packet",
 276:         " received of unknown type");
 277:     for(j = 0; j < NS_ERR_MAX; j ++) {
 278:         z = ns_errstat.ns_es_outhist[j];
 279:         if (z && histoprint) {
 280:             printf("Output Error Histogram:\n");
 281:             histoprint = 0;
 282:         }
 283:         ns_erputil(z, ns_errstat.ns_es_codes[j]);
 285:     }
 286:     histoprint = 1;
 287:     for(j = 0; j < NS_ERR_MAX; j ++) {
 288:         z = ns_errstat.ns_es_inhist[j];
 289:         if (z && histoprint) {
 290:             printf("Input Error Histogram:\n");
 291:             histoprint = 0;
 292:         }
 293:         ns_erputil(z, ns_errstat.ns_es_codes[j]);
 294:     }
 295: }
 296: static
 297: ns_erputil(z, c)
 298: {
 299:     int j;
 300:     char codebuf[30];
 301:     char *name, *where;
 302:     for(j = 0;; j ++) {
 303:         if ((name = ns_errnames[j].name) == 0)
 304:             break;
 305:         if (ns_errnames[j].code == c)
 306:             break;
 307:     }
 308:     if (name == 0)  {
 309:         if (c > 01000)
 310:             where = "in transit";
 311:         else
 312:             where = "at destination";
 313:         sprintf(codebuf, "Unknown XNS error code 0%o", c);
 314:         name = codebuf;
 315:     } else
 316:         where =  ns_errnames[j].where;
 317:     ANY(z, name, where);
 318: }
 319: static struct sockaddr_ns ssns = {AF_NS};
 321: char *ns_prpr(x)
 322: struct ns_addr *x;
 323: {
 324:     extern char *ns_print();
 325:     struct sockaddr_ns *sns = &ssns;
 326:     sns->sns_addr = *x;
 327:     return(ns_print(sns));
 328: }

Defined functions

idp_stats defined in line 218; never used
ns_erputil defined in line 296; used 2 times
ns_prpr defined in line 321; used 3 times
nserr_stats defined in line 254; never used
nsprotopr defined in line 67; never used
spp_stats defined in line 143; never used

Defined variables

first defined in line 58; used 2 times
nspcb defined in line 48; used 12 times
sccsid defined in line 14; never used
sockb defined in line 50; used 4 times
sppcb defined in line 49; used 5 times
ssns defined in line 319; used 1 times

Defined macros

ANY defined in line 213; used 66 times
SANAMES defined in line 41; never used
klseek defined in line 45; used 7 times
sppstat defined in line 148; used 47 times
Last modified: 1994-01-11
Generated: 2016-12-26
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