1: /*
   2:  * Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California.
   3:  * All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
   4:  * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
   5:  */
   7: #ifndef lint
   8: static char sccsid[] = "@(#)type.c	5.1 (Berkeley) 6/5/85";
   9: #endif not lint
  11: /*
  12:  * pxp - Pascal execution profiler
  13:  *
  14:  * Bill Joy UCB
  15:  * Version 1.2 January 1979
  16:  */
  18: #include "0.h"
  19: #include "tree.h"
  21: STATIC  int typecnt = -1;
  22: /*
  23:  * Type declaration part
  24:  */
  25: typebeg(l, tline)
  26:     int l, tline;
  27: {
  29:     line = l;
  30:     if (nodecl)
  31:         printoff();
  32:     puthedr();
  33:     putcm();
  34:     ppnl();
  35:     indent();
  36:     ppkw("type");
  37:     ppgoin(DECL);
  38:     typecnt = 0;
  39:     setline(tline);
  40: }
  42: type(tline, tid, tdecl)
  43:     int tline;
  44:     char *tid;
  45:     int *tdecl;
  46: {
  48:     if (typecnt)
  49:         putcm();
  50:     setline(tline);
  51:     ppitem();
  52:     ppid(tid);
  53:     ppsep(" =");
  54:     gtype(tdecl);
  55:     ppsep(";");
  56:     setinfo(tline);
  57:     putcml();
  58:     typecnt++;
  59: }
  61: typeend()
  62: {
  64:     if (typecnt == -1)
  65:         return;
  66:     if (typecnt == 0)
  67:         ppid("{type decls}");
  68:     ppgoout(DECL);
  69:     typecnt = -1;
  70: }
  72: /*
  73:  * A single type declaration
  74:  */
  75: gtype(r)
  76:     register int *r;
  77: {
  79:     if (r == NIL) {
  80:         ppid("{type}");
  81:         return;
  82:     }
  83:     if (r[0] != T_ID && r[0] != T_TYPACK)
  84:         setline(r[1]);
  85:     switch (r[0]) {
  86:         default:
  87:             panic("type");
  88:         case T_ID:
  89:             ppspac();
  90:             ppid(r[1]);
  91:             return;
  92:         case T_TYID:
  93:             ppspac();
  94:             ppid(r[2]);
  95:             break;
  96:         case T_TYSCAL:
  97:             ppspac();
  98:             tyscal(r);
  99:             break;
 100:         case T_TYCRANG:
 101:             ppspac();
 102:             tycrang(r);
 103:             break;
 104:         case T_TYRANG:
 105:             ppspac();
 106:             tyrang(r);
 107:             break;
 108:         case T_TYPTR:
 109:             ppspac();
 110:             ppop("^");
 111:             gtype(r[2]);
 112:             break;
 113:         case T_TYPACK:
 114:             ppspac();
 115:             ppkw("packed");
 116:             gtype(r[2]);
 117:             break;
 118:         case T_TYCARY:
 119:         case T_TYARY:
 120:             ppspac();
 121:             tyary(r);
 122:             break;
 123:         case T_TYREC:
 124:             ppspac();
 125:             tyrec(r[2], NIL);
 126:             break;
 127:         case T_TYFILE:
 128:             ppspac();
 129:             ppkw("file");
 130:             ppspac();
 131:             ppkw("of");
 132:             gtype(r[2]);
 133:             break;
 134:         case T_TYSET:
 135:             ppspac();
 136:             ppkw("set");
 137:             ppspac();
 138:             ppkw("of");
 139:             gtype(r[2]);
 140:             break;
 141:     }
 142:     setline(r[1]);
 143:     putcml();
 144: }
 146: /*
 147:  * Scalar type declaration
 148:  */
 149: tyscal(r)
 150:     register int *r;
 151: {
 152:     register int i;
 154:     ppsep("(");
 155:     r = r[2];
 156:     if (r != NIL) {
 157:         i = 0;
 158:         ppgoin(DECL);
 159:         for (;;) {
 160:             ppid(r[1]);
 161:             r = r[2];
 162:             if (r == NIL)
 163:                 break;
 164:             ppsep(", ");
 165:             i++;
 166:             if (i == 7) {
 167:                 ppitem();
 168:                 i = 0;
 169:             }
 170:         }
 171:         ppgoout(DECL);
 172:     } else
 173:         ppid("{constant list}");
 174:     ppsep(")");
 175: }
 177: /*
 178:  * Conformant array subrange.
 179:  */
 180: tycrang(r)
 181:     register int *r;
 182: {
 184:     ppid(r[2]);
 185:     ppsep("..");
 186:     ppid(r[3]);
 187:     ppsep(":");
 188:     gtype(r[4]);
 189: }
 191: /*
 192:  * Subrange type declaration
 193:  */
 194: tyrang(r)
 195:     register int *r;
 196: {
 198:     gconst(r[2]);
 199:     ppsep("..");
 200:     gconst(r[3]);
 201: }
 203: /*
 204:  * Array type declaration
 205:  */
 206: tyary(r)
 207:     register int *r;
 208: {
 209:     register int *tl;
 211:     ppkw("array");
 212:     ppspac();
 213:     ppsep("[");
 214:     tl = r[2];
 215:     if (tl != NIL) {
 216:         ppunspac();
 217:         for (;;) {
 218:             gtype(tl[1]);
 219:             tl = tl[2];
 220:             if (tl == NIL)
 221:                 break;
 222:             ppsep(",");
 223:         }
 224:     } else
 225:         ppid("{subscr list}");
 226:     ppsep("]");
 227:     ppspac();
 228:     ppkw("of");
 229:     gtype(r[3]);
 230: }

Defined functions

tyary defined in line 206; used 1 times
tycrang defined in line 180; used 1 times
type defined in line 42; never used
typebeg defined in line 25; never used
typeend defined in line 61; never used
tyrang defined in line 194; used 1 times
tyscal defined in line 149; used 1 times
  • in line 98

Defined variables

sccsid defined in line 8; never used
typecnt defined in line 21; used 6 times
Last modified: 1985-06-06
Generated: 2016-12-26
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