1: /*
   2:  * Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California.
   3:  * All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
   4:  * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
   5:  */
   7: #ifndef lint
   8: static char sccsid[] = "@(#)pmon.c	5.1 (Berkeley) 6/5/85";
   9: #endif not lint
  11: /*
  12:  * pxp - Pascal execution profiler
  13:  *
  14:  * Bill Joy UCB
  15:  * Version 1.2 January 1979
  16:  */
  18: #include "0.h"
  20: /*
  21:  * Profile counter processing cluster
  22:  *
  23:  * This file contains all routines which do the hard work in profiling.
  24:  *
  25:  * The first group of routines (getit, getpmon, getcore, and pmread)
  26:  * deal with extracting data from the pmon.out and (with more difficulty)
  27:  * core files.
  28:  *
  29:  * The routines cnttab and prttab collect counters for
  30:  * and print the summary table respectively.
  31:  *
  32:  * The routines "*cnt*" deal with manipulation of counters,
  33:  * especially the "current" counter px.
  34:  */
  35: STATIC  struct pxcnt px;
  37: /*
  38:  * Table to record info
  39:  * for procedure/function summary
  40:  */
  41: STATIC  struct pftab {
  42:     long    pfcnt;
  43:     short   pfline;
  44:     char    *pfname;
  45:     short   pflev;
  46: } *zpf;
  48: /*
  49:  * Global variables
  50:  */
  51: STATIC  long *zbuf;     /* Count buffer */
  52: STATIC  short zcnt; /* Number of counts */
  53: STATIC  short zpfcnt;   /* Number of proc/funcs's */
  54: STATIC  short gcountr;  /* Unique name generator */
  55: STATIC  short zfil; /* I/o unit for count data reads */
  56: STATIC  short lastpf;   /* Total # of procs and funcs for consistency chk */
  58: getit(fp)
  59:     register char *fp;
  60: {
  62:     if (core)
  63:         getcore(fp);
  64:     else
  65:         getpmon(fp);
  66: }
  68: /*
  69:  * Setup monitor data buffer from pmon.out
  70:  * style file whose name is fp.
  71:  */
  72: getpmon(fp)
  73:     char *fp;
  74: {
  75:     register char *cp;
  76:     short garbage;
  78:     zfil = open(fp, 0);
  79:     if (zfil < 0) {
  80:         perror(fp);
  81:         pexit(NOSTART);
  82:     }
  83:     if (pmread() < 0 || read(zfil, &garbage, 1) == 1) {
  84:         Perror(fp, "Bad format for pmon.out style file");
  85:         exit(1);
  86:     }
  87:     close(zfil);
  88:     return;
  89: }
  91: STATIC  char nospcm[]   = "Not enough memory for count buffers\n";
  93: pmnospac()
  94: {
  96:     write(2, nospcm, sizeof nospcm);
  97:     pexit(NOSTART);
  98: }
 100: /*
 101:  * Structure of the first few
 102:  * items of a px core dump.
 103:  */
 104: STATIC  struct info {
 105:     char    *off;       /* Self-reference for pure text */
 106:     short   type;       /* 0 = non-pure text, 1 = pure text */
 107:     char    *bp;        /* Core address of pxps struct */
 108: } inf;
 110: /*
 111:  * First few words of the px
 112:  * information structure.
 113:  */
 114: STATIC  struct pxps {
 115:     char    *buf;
 116:     short   cnt;
 117: } pxp;
 119: getcore(fp)
 120:     char *fp;
 121: {
 123:     write(2, "-c: option not supported\n", sizeof("-c: option not supported\n"));
 124:     pexit(ERRS);
 125: /*
 126: 	short pm;
 128: 	zfil = open(fp, 0);
 129: 	if (zfil < 0) {
 130: 		perror(fp);
 131: 		pexit(NOSTART);
 132: 	}
 133: 	if (lseek(zfil, 02000, 0) < 0)
 134: 		goto format;
 135: 	if (read(zfil, &inf, sizeof inf) < 0)
 136: 		goto format;
 137: 	if (inf.type != 0 && inf.type != 1)
 138: 		goto format;
 139: 	if (inf.type)
 140: 		inf.bp =- inf.off;
 141: 	if (lseek(zfil, inf.bp + 02000, 0) < 0)
 142: 		goto format;
 143: 	if (read(zfil, &pxp, sizeof pxp) != sizeof pxp)
 144: 		goto format;
 145: 	if (pxp.buf == NIL) {
 146: 		Perror(fp, "No profile data in file");
 147: 		exit(1);
 148: 	}
 149: 	if (inf.type)
 150: 		pxp.buf =- inf.off;
 151: 	if (lseek(zfil, pxp.buf + 02000, 0) < 0)
 152: 		goto format;
 153: 	if (pmread() < 0)
 154: 		goto format;
 155: 	close(zfil);
 156: 	return;
 157: format:
 158: 	Perror(fp, "Not a Pascal system core file");
 159: 	exit(1);
 160: */
 161: }
 163: pmread()
 164: {
 165:     register i;
 166:     register char *cp;
 167:     struct {
 168:         long    no;
 169:         long    tim;
 170:         long    cntrs;
 171:         long    rtns;
 172:     } zmagic;
 174:     if (read(zfil, &zmagic, sizeof zmagic) != sizeof zmagic)
 175:         return (-1);
 176:     if (zmagic.no != 0426)
 177:         return (-1);
 178:     ptvec = zmagic.tim;
 179:     zcnt = zmagic.cntrs;
 180:     zpfcnt = zmagic.rtns;
 181:     cp = zbuf = pcalloc(i = (zcnt + 1) * sizeof *zbuf, 1);
 182:     if (cp == -1)
 183:         pmnospac();
 184:     cp = zpf = pcalloc(zpfcnt * sizeof *zpf, 1);
 185:     if (cp == -1)
 186:         pmnospac();
 187:     i -= sizeof(zmagic);
 188:     if (read(zfil, zbuf + (sizeof(zmagic) / sizeof(*zbuf)), i) != i)
 189:         return (-1);
 190:     zbuf++;
 191:     return (0);
 192: }
 194: cnttab(s, no)
 195:     char *s;
 196:     short no;
 197: {
 198:     register struct pftab *pp;
 200:     lastpf++;
 201:     if (table == 0)
 202:         return;
 203:     if (no == zpfcnt)
 204:         cPANIC();
 205:     pp = &zpf[no];
 206:     pp->pfname = s;
 207:     pp->pfline = line;
 208:     pp->pfcnt = nowcnt();
 209:     pp->pflev = cbn;
 210: }
 212: prttab()
 213: {
 214:     register i, j;
 215:     register struct pftab *zpfp;
 217:     if (profile == 0 && table == 0)
 218:         return;
 219:     if (cnts != zcnt || lastpf != zpfcnt)
 220:         cPANIC();
 221:     if (table == 0)
 222:         return;
 223:     if (profile)
 224:         printf("\f\n");
 225:     header();
 226:     printf("\n\tLine\t   Count\n\n");
 227:     zpfp = zpf;
 228:     for (i = 0; i < zpfcnt; i++) {
 229:         printf("\t%4d\t%8ld\t", zpfp->pfline, zpfp->pfcnt);
 230:         if (!justify)
 231:             for (j = zpfp->pflev * unit; j > 1; j--)
 232:                 putchar(' ');
 233:         printf("%s\n", zpfp->pfname);
 234:         zpfp++;
 235:     }
 236: }
 238: nowcntr()
 239: {
 241:     return (px.counter);
 242: }
 244: long nowcnt()
 245: {
 247:     return (px.ntimes);
 248: }
 250: long cntof(pxc)
 251:     struct pxcnt *pxc;
 252: {
 254:     if (profile == 0 && table == 0)
 255:         return;
 256:     return (pxc->ntimes);
 257: }
 259: setcnt(l)
 260:     long l;
 261: {
 263:     if (profile == 0 && table == 0)
 264:         return;
 265:     px.counter = --gcountr;
 266:     px.ntimes = l;
 267:     px.gos = gocnt;
 268:     px.printed = 0;
 269: }
 271: savecnt(pxc)
 272:     register struct pxcnt *pxc;
 273: {
 275:     if (profile == 0 && table == 0)
 276:         return;
 277:     pxc->ntimes = px.ntimes;
 278:     pxc->counter = px.counter;
 279:     pxc->gos = px.gos;
 280:     pxc->printed = 1;
 281: }
 283: rescnt(pxc)
 284:     register struct pxcnt *pxc;
 285: {
 287:     if (profile == 0 && table == 0)
 288:         return;
 289:     px.ntimes = pxc->ntimes;
 290:     px.counter = pxc->counter;
 291:     px.gos = gocnt;
 292:     px.printed = pxc->printed;
 293:     return (gocnt != pxc->gos);
 294: }
 296: getcnt()
 297: {
 299:     if (profile == 0 && table == 0)
 300:         return;
 301:     if (cnts == zcnt)
 302:         cPANIC();
 303:     px.counter = cnts;
 304:     px.ntimes = zbuf[cnts];
 305:     px.gos = gocnt;
 306:     px.printed = 0;
 307:     ++cnts;
 308: }
 310: unprint()
 311: {
 313:     px.printed = 0;
 314: }
 316: /*
 317:  * Control printing of '|'
 318:  * when profiling.
 319:  */
 320: STATIC  char    nobar;
 322: baroff()
 323: {
 325:     nobar = 1;
 326: }
 328: baron()
 329: {
 331:     nobar = 0;
 332: }
 334: /*
 335:  * Do we want cnt and/or '|' on this line ?
 336:  *	1 = count and '|'
 337:  *	0 = only '|'
 338:  *     -1 = spaces only
 339:  */
 340: shudpcnt()
 341: {
 343:     register i;
 345:     if (nobar)
 346:         return (-1);
 347:     i = px.printed;
 348:     px.printed = 1;
 349:     return (i == 0);
 350: }
 352: STATIC  char mism[] = "Program and counter data do not correspond\n";
 354: cPANIC()
 355: {
 357:     printf("cnts %d zcnt %d, lastpf %d zpfcnt %d\n",
 358:         cnts, zcnt, lastpf, zpfcnt);
 359:     flush();
 360:     write(2, mism, sizeof mism);
 361:     pexit(ERRS);
 362: }

Defined functions

cPANIC defined in line 354; used 3 times
cnttab defined in line 194; used 1 times
getcore defined in line 119; used 1 times
  • in line 63
getit defined in line 58; used 2 times
getpmon defined in line 72; used 1 times
  • in line 65
nowcntr defined in line 238; never used
pmnospac defined in line 93; used 2 times
pmread defined in line 163; used 1 times
  • in line 83
prttab defined in line 212; used 1 times
setcnt defined in line 259; used 1 times
shudpcnt defined in line 340; used 1 times

Defined variables

gcountr defined in line 54; used 1 times
inf defined in line 108; never used
lastpf defined in line 56; used 3 times
mism defined in line 352; used 2 times
  • in line 360(2)
nobar defined in line 320; used 3 times
nospcm defined in line 91; used 2 times
  • in line 96(2)
px defined in line 35; used 20 times
pxp defined in line 117; never used
sccsid defined in line 8; never used
zbuf defined in line 51; used 6 times
zcnt defined in line 52; used 5 times
zfil defined in line 55; used 6 times
zpf defined in line 46; used 4 times
zpfcnt defined in line 53; used 6 times

Defined struct's

info defined in line 104; never used
pftab defined in line 41; used 4 times
pxps defined in line 114; never used
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