1: /*
   2:  * Copyright (c) 1982, 1986 Regents of the University of California.
   3:  * All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
   4:  * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
   5:  *
   6:  *	@(#)quota_kern.c	7.1.4 (2.11BSD GTE) 1997/1/18
   7:  *
   8:  * I'll say it here and not every other place i've had to hack:
   9:  * Mike Karels was right - " just buy a vax...".  i have traded cpu cycles
  10:  * for kernel D space - if enough space ever becomes available then the
  11:  * p_quota, i_dquot members can be added to their respective structures,
  12:  * and the quota[] array might possibly be moved into the kernel, it is
  13:  * highly doubtful the dquot structures can ever be moved into the kernel
  14:  * D space.  Then too, the mapping of the out of kernel quota space is
  15:  * swamped by the overhead of doing the quotas, and quotas sure as heck
  16:  * beat doing 'du's all the time!
  17:  *	Steven M. Schultz 1/12/88
  18:  */
  20: /*
  22:  *
  23:  * Code pertaining to management of the in-core data structures.
  24:  */
  25: #include "param.h"
  26: #ifdef QUOTA
  27: #include "systm.h"
  28: #include "user.h"
  29: #include "proc.h"
  30: #include "inode.h"
  31: #include "quota.h"
  32: #include "fs.h"
  33: #include "mount.h"
  34: #include "namei.h"
  36: /*
  37:  * Quota cache - hash chain headers.
  38:  */
  39: #ifndef pdp11
  40: #define NQHASH      32  /* small power of two */
  41: #endif
  42: #define QHASH(uid)  ((unsigned)(uid) & (NQHASH-1))
  44: #ifndef pdp11
  45: struct  qhash   {
  46:     struct  qhash   *qh_forw;   /* MUST be first */
  47:     struct  qhash   *qh_back;   /* MUST be second */
  48: };
  50: struct  qhash   qhash[NQHASH];
  51: #else
  52: struct  qhash   *qhash;
  53: #endif
  55: /*
  56:  * Quota free list.
  57:  */
  58: struct  quota   *qfreelist, **qfreetail;
  59: typedef struct quota *Qptr;
  61: /*
  62:  * Dquot cache - hash chain headers.
  63:  */
  64: #ifndef pdp11       /* and 51 isn't even prime, see quota.h */
  65: #define NDQHASH     51      /* a smallish prime */
  66: #endif
  67: #define DQHASH(uid, dev) \
  68:     ((unsigned)(((int)(dev) * 4) + (uid)) % NDQHASH)
  70: #ifndef pdp11
  71: struct  dqhead  {
  72:     struct  dqhead  *dqh_forw;  /* MUST be first */
  73:     struct  dqhead  *dqh_back;  /* MUST be second */
  74: };
  76: struct  dqhead  dqhead[NDQHASH];
  77: #else
  78:     struct  dqhead  *dqhead;
  79: #endif
  81: /*
  82:  * Dquot free list.
  83:  */
  84: struct  dquot   *dqfreel, **dqback;
  86: typedef struct dquot *DQptr;
  88: /*
  89:  * Initialize quota caches.
  90:  */
  91: qtinit()
  92: {
  93:     register i;
  94:     register struct quota *q = quota;
  95:     register struct qhash *qh = qhash;
  96:     register struct dquot *dq = dquot;
  97:     register struct dqhead *dh = dqhead;
  99:     /*
 100: 	 * First the cache of structures assigned users.
 101: 	 */
 102:     for (i = NQHASH; --i >= 0; qh++)
 103:         qh->qh_forw = qh->qh_back = qh;
 104:     qfreelist = q;
 105:     qfreetail = &q->q_freef;
 106:     q->q_freeb = &qfreelist;
 107:     q->q_forw = q;
 108:     q->q_back = q;
 109:     for (i = nquota; --i > 0; ) {
 110:         ++q;
 111:         q->q_forw = q;
 112:         q->q_back = q;
 113:         *qfreetail = q;
 114:         q->q_freeb = qfreetail;
 115:         qfreetail = &q->q_freef;
 116:     }
 117:     q->q_freef = NOQUOTA;
 118:     /*
 119: 	 * Next, the cache between the in-core structures
 120: 	 * and the per-filesystem quota files on disk.
 121: 	 */
 122:     for (i = NDQHASH; --i >= 0; dh++)
 123:         dh->dqh_forw = dh->dqh_back = dh;
 124:     dqfreel = dq;
 125:     dqback = &dq->dq_freef;
 126:     dq->dq_freeb = &dqfreel;
 127:     dq->dq_forw = dq;
 128:     dq->dq_back = dq;
 129:     for (i = ndquot; --i > 0; ) {
 130:         ++dq;
 131:         dq->dq_forw = dq;
 132:         dq->dq_back = dq;
 133:         *dqback = dq;
 134:         dq->dq_freeb = dqback;
 135:         dqback = &dq->dq_freef;
 136:     }
 137:     dq->dq_freef = NODQUOT;
 138: }
 140: /*
 141:  * Find an incore quota structure for a particular uid,
 142:  * or make one.  If lookuponly is non-zero, just the lookup is performed.
 143:  * If nodq is non-zero, the dquot structures are left uninitialized.
 144:  */
 145: struct quota *
 146: getquota(uid, lookuponly, nodq)
 147:     register uid_t uid;
 148:     int lookuponly, nodq;
 149: {
 150:     register struct quota *q;
 151:     register struct qhash *qh;
 152:     register struct dquot **dqq;
 153:     register struct mount *mp;
 154:     register struct quota *qq;
 156:     /*
 157: 	 * Fast check to see if an existing structure
 158: 	 * can be reused with just a reference count change.
 159: 	 */
 160:     q = u.u_quota;
 161:     if (q != NOQUOTA && q->q_uid == uid)
 162:         goto quick;
 163:     /*
 164: 	 * Search the quota chache for a hit.
 165: 	 */
 166:     qh = &qhash[QHASH(uid)];
 167:     for (q = (Qptr)qh->qh_forw; q != (Qptr)qh; q = q->q_forw) {
 168:         if (q->q_uid == uid) {
 169:             if (q->q_cnt == 0) {
 170:                 if (lookuponly)
 171:                     return (NOQUOTA);
 172:                 /*
 173: 				 * Take it off the free list.
 174: 				 */
 175:                 if ((qq = q->q_freef) != NOQUOTA)
 176:                     qq->q_freeb = q->q_freeb;
 177:                 else
 178:                     qfreetail = q->q_freeb;
 179:                 *q->q_freeb = qq;
 181:                 /*
 182: 				 * Recover any lost dquot structs.
 183: 				 */
 184:                 if (!nodq)
 185:                 for (dqq = q->q_dq, mp = mount;
 186:                     dqq < &q->q_dq[NMOUNT]; dqq++, mp++)
 187: #ifdef pdp11
 188:                     if (*dqq == LOSTDQUOT && mp->m_inodp) {
 189: #else
 190:                     if (*dqq == LOSTDQUOT && mp->m_bufp) {
 191: #endif
 192:                         *dqq = discquota(uid,
 193:                                   mp->m_qinod);
 194:                         if (*dqq != NODQUOT)
 195:                             (*dqq)->dq_own = q;
 196:                     }
 197:             }
 198: quick:
 199:             q->q_cnt++;
 200:             while (q->q_flags & Q_LOCK) {
 201:                 q->q_flags |= Q_WANT;
 202: #ifdef pdp11
 203:                 QUOTAUNMAP();
 204:                 sleep((caddr_t) q, PINOD+1);
 205:                 QUOTAMAP();
 206: #else
 207:                 sleep((caddr_t) q, PINOD+1);
 208: #endif
 209:             }
 210:             if (q->q_cnt == 1)
 211:                 q->q_flags |= Q_NEW | nodq;
 212:             return (q);
 213:         }
 214:     }
 215:     if (lookuponly)
 216:         return (NOQUOTA);
 217:     /*
 218: 	 * Take the quota that is at the head of the free list
 219: 	 * (the longest unused quota).
 220: 	 */
 221:     q = qfreelist;
 222:     if (q == NOQUOTA) {
 223:         tablefull("quota");
 224:         u.u_error = EUSERS;
 225:         q = quota;      /* the su's slot - we must have one */
 226:         q->q_cnt++;
 227:         return (q);
 228:     }
 229:     /*
 230: 	 * There is one - it is free no longer.
 231: 	 */
 232:     qq = q->q_freef;
 233:     if (qq != NOQUOTA)
 234:         qq->q_freeb = &qfreelist;
 235:     qfreelist = qq;
 236:     /*
 237: 	 * Now we are about to change this from one user to another
 238: 	 * Must take this off hash chain for old user immediately, in
 239: 	 * case some other process claims it before we are done.
 240: 	 * We must then put it on the hash chain for the new user,
 241: 	 * to make sure that we don't make two quota structs for one uid.
 242: 	 * (the quota struct will then be locked till we are done).
 243: 	 */
 244:     remque(q);
 245:     insque(q, qh);
 246:     q->q_uid = uid;
 247:     q->q_flags = Q_LOCK;
 248:     q->q_cnt++;         /* q->q_cnt = 1; */
 249:     /*
 250: 	 * Next, before filling in info for the new owning user,
 251: 	 * we must get rid of any dquot structs that we own.
 252: 	 */
 253:     for (mp = mount, dqq = q->q_dq; mp < &mount[NMOUNT]; mp++, dqq++)
 254:         if (*dqq != NODQUOT && *dqq != LOSTDQUOT) {
 255:             (*dqq)->dq_own = NOQUOTA;
 256:             putdq(mp, *dqq, 1);
 257:         }
 258:     for (mp = mount, dqq = q->q_dq; dqq < &q->q_dq[NMOUNT]; mp++, dqq++)
 259: #ifdef pdp11
 260:         if (!nodq && mp->m_inodp) {
 261: #else
 262:         if (!nodq && mp->m_bufp) {
 263: #endif
 264:             *dqq = discquota(uid, mp->m_qinod);
 265:             if (*dqq != NODQUOT) {
 266:                 if ((*dqq)->dq_uid != uid)
 267:                     panic("got bad quota uid");
 268:                 (*dqq)->dq_own = q;
 269:             }
 270:         } else
 271:             *dqq = NODQUOT;
 272:     if (q->q_flags & Q_WANT)
 273:         wakeup((caddr_t)q);
 274:     q->q_flags = Q_NEW | nodq;
 275:     return (q);
 276: }
 278: /*
 279:  * Delete a quota, wakeup anyone waiting.
 280:  */
 281: delquota(q)
 282:     register struct quota *q;
 283: {
 284:     register struct dquot **dqq;
 285:     register struct mount *mp;
 287:  top:
 288:     if (q->q_cnt != 1) {
 289:         q->q_cnt--;
 290:         return;
 291:     }
 292:     if (q->q_flags & Q_LOCK) {
 293:         q->q_flags |= Q_WANT;
 294: #ifdef pdp11
 295:         QUOTAUNMAP();
 296:         sleep((caddr_t)q, PINOD+2);
 297:         QUOTAMAP();
 298: #else
 299:         sleep((caddr_t)q, PINOD+2);
 300: #endif
 301:         /*
 302: 		 * Just so we don't sync dquots if not needed;
 303: 		 * 'if' would be 'while' if this was deleted.
 304: 		 */
 305:         goto top;
 306:     }
 308:     /*
 309: 	 * If we own dquot structs, sync them to disc, but don't release
 310: 	 * them - we might be recalled from the LRU chain.
 311: 	 * As we will sit on the free list while we are waiting for that,
 312: 	 * if dquot structs run out, ours will be taken away.
 313: 	 */
 314:     q->q_flags = Q_LOCK;
 315:     if ((q->q_flags & Q_NDQ) == 0) {
 316:         mp = mount;
 317:         for (dqq = q->q_dq; dqq < &q->q_dq[NMOUNT]; dqq++, mp++)
 318: #ifdef pdp11
 319:             if (mp->m_inodp)
 320: #else
 321:             if (mp->m_bufp)
 322: #endif
 323:                 putdq(mp, *dqq, 0);
 324:     }
 325:     if (q->q_flags & Q_WANT)
 326:         wakeup((caddr_t)q);
 328:     /*
 329: 	 * This test looks unnecessary, but someone might have claimed this
 330: 	 * quota while we have been getting rid of the dquot info
 331: 	 */
 332:     if (--q->q_cnt == 0) {      /* now able to be reallocated */
 333:         if (qfreelist != NOQUOTA) {
 334:             *qfreetail = q;
 335:             q->q_freeb = qfreetail;
 336:         } else {
 337:             qfreelist = q;
 338:             q->q_freeb = &qfreelist;
 339:         }
 340:         q->q_freef = NOQUOTA;
 341:         qfreetail = &q->q_freef;
 342:         q->q_flags = 0;
 343:     } else
 344:         q->q_flags &= ~(Q_LOCK|Q_WANT);
 345: }
 347: /*
 348:  * Obtain the user's on-disk quota limit
 349:  * from the file specified.
 350:  */
 351: struct dquot *
 352: discquota(uid, ip)
 353:     uid_t uid;
 354:     register struct inode *ip;
 355: {
 356:     register struct dquot *dq;
 357:     register struct dqhead *dh;
 358:     register struct dquot *dp;
 359:     int fail;
 361:     if (ip == NULL)
 362:         return (NODQUOT);
 363:     /*
 364: 	 * Check the cache first.
 365: 	 */
 366:     dh = &dqhead[DQHASH(uid, ip->i_dev)];
 367:     for (dq = (DQptr)dh->dqh_forw; dq != (DQptr)dh; dq = dq->dq_forw) {
 368:         if (dq->dq_uid != uid || dq->dq_dev != ip->i_dev)
 369:             continue;
 370:         /*
 371: 		 * Cache hit with no references.  Take
 372: 		 * the structure off the free list.
 373: 		 */
 374:         if (dq->dq_cnt++ == 0) {
 375:             dp = dq->dq_freef;
 376:             if (dp != NODQUOT)
 377:                 dp->dq_freeb = dq->dq_freeb;
 378:             else
 379:                 dqback = dq->dq_freeb;
 380:             *dq->dq_freeb = dp;
 381:             dq->dq_own = NOQUOTA;
 382:         }
 383:         /*
 384: 		 * We do this test after the previous one so that
 385: 		 * the dquot will be moved to the end of the free
 386: 		 * list - frequently accessed ones ought to hang around.
 387: 		 */
 388:         if (dq->dq_isoftlimit == 0 && dq->dq_bsoftlimit == 0) {
 389:             dqrele(dq);
 390:             return (NODQUOT);
 391:         }
 392:         return (dq);
 393:     }
 394:     /*
 395: 	 * Not in cache, allocate a new one and
 396: 	 * bring info in off disk.
 397: 	 */
 398:     dq = dqalloc(uid, ip->i_dev);
 399:     if (dq == NODQUOT)
 400:         return (dq);
 401:     dq->dq_flags = DQ_LOCK;
 402: #ifdef pdp11
 403:     {
 404:         struct dqblk xq;
 406:         QUOTAUNMAP();
 407:         ILOCK(ip);
 408:         fail = rdwri(UIO_READ, ip, &xq, sizeof (xq),
 409:             (off_t)uid * sizeof (xq), UIO_SYSSPACE, IO_UNIT,(int *)0);
 410:         QUOTAMAP();
 411:         dq->dq_dqb = xq;
 412:     }
 413: #else
 414:     ILOCK(ip);
 415:     fail = rdwri(UIO_READ, ip, (caddr_t)&dq->dq_dqb, sizeof (struct dqblk),
 416:         (off_t)uid * sizeof(struct dqblk), UIO_SYSSPACE, IO_UNIT, (int *)0);
 417: #endif
 418:     IUNLOCK(ip);
 419:     if (dq->dq_flags & DQ_WANT)
 420:         wakeup((caddr_t)dq);
 421:     dq->dq_flags = 0;
 422:     /*
 423: 	 * I/O error in reading quota file, release
 424: 	 * quota structure and reflect problem to caller.
 425: 	 */
 426:     if (fail) {
 427:         remque(dq);
 428:         dq->dq_forw = dq;   /* on a private, unfindable hash list */
 429:         dq->dq_back = dq;
 430:         /* dqrele() (just below) will put dquot back on free list */
 431:     }
 432:     /* no quota exists */
 433:     if (fail || dq->dq_isoftlimit == 0 && dq->dq_bsoftlimit == 0) {
 434:         dqrele(dq);
 435:         return (NODQUOT);
 436:     }
 437:     return (dq);
 438: }
 440: /*
 441:  * Allocate a dquot structure.  If there are
 442:  * no free slots in the cache, flush LRU entry from
 443:  * the cache to the appropriate quota file on disk.
 444:  */
 445: struct dquot *
 446: dqalloc(uid, dev)
 447:     uid_t uid;
 448:     dev_t dev;
 449: {
 450:     register struct dquot *dq;
 451:     register struct dqhead *dh;
 452:     register struct dquot *dp;
 453:     register struct quota *q;
 454:     register struct mount *mp;
 455:     static struct dqblk zdqb = { 0 };
 457:  top:
 458:     /*
 459: 	 * Locate inode of quota file for
 460: 	 * indicated file system in case i/o
 461: 	 * is necessary in claiming an entry.
 462: 	 */
 463:     for (mp = mount; mp < &mount[NMOUNT]; mp++) {
 464: #ifdef pdp11
 465:         if (mp->m_dev == dev && mp->m_inodp) {
 466: #else
 467:         if (mp->m_dev == dev && mp->m_bufp) {
 468: #endif
 469:             if (mp->m_qinod == NULL) {
 470:                 u.u_error = EINVAL;
 471:                 return (NODQUOT);
 472:             }
 473:             break;
 474:         }
 475:     }
 476:     if (mp >= &mount[NMOUNT]) {
 477:         u.u_error = EINVAL;
 478:         return (NODQUOT);
 479:     }
 480:     /*
 481: 	 * Check free list.  If table is full, pull entries
 482: 	 * off the quota free list and flush any associated
 483: 	 * dquot references until something frees up on the
 484: 	 * dquot free list.
 485: 	 */
 486:     if ((dq = dqfreel) == NODQUOT && (q = qfreelist) != NOQUOTA) {
 488:         do {
 489:             register struct dquot **dqq;
 490:             register struct mount *mountp = mount;
 492:             dqq = q->q_dq;
 493:             while (dqq < &q->q_dq[NMOUNT]) {
 494:                 if ((dq = *dqq) != NODQUOT &&
 495:                     dq != LOSTDQUOT) {
 496:                     /*
 497: 					 * Mark entry as "lost" due to
 498: 					 * scavenging operation.
 499: 					 */
 500:                     if (dq->dq_cnt == 1) {
 501:                         *dqq = LOSTDQUOT;
 502:                         putdq(mountp, dq, 1);
 503:                         goto top;
 504:                     }
 505:                 }
 506:                 mountp++;
 507:                 dqq++;
 508:             }
 509:             q = q->q_freef;
 510:         } while ((dq = dqfreel) == NODQUOT && q != NOQUOTA);
 511:     }
 512:     if (dq == NODQUOT) {
 513:         tablefull("dquot");
 514:         u.u_error = EUSERS;
 515:         return (dq);
 516:     }
 517:     /*
 518: 	 * This shouldn't happen, as we sync
 519: 	 * dquot before freeing it up.
 520: 	 */
 521:     if (dq->dq_flags & DQ_MOD)
 522:         panic("discquota");
 524:     /*
 525: 	 * Now take the dquot off the free list,
 526: 	 */
 527:     dp = dq->dq_freef;
 528:     if (dp != NODQUOT)
 529:         dp->dq_freeb = &dqfreel;
 530:     dqfreel = dp;
 531:     /*
 532: 	 * and off the hash chain it was on, & onto the new one.
 533: 	 */
 534:     dh = &dqhead[DQHASH(uid, dev)];
 535:     remque(dq);
 536:     insque(dq, dh);
 537:     dq->dq_cnt = 1;
 538:     dq->dq_flags = 0;
 539:     dq->dq_uid = uid;
 540:     dq->dq_dev = dev;
 541:     dq->dq_dqb = zdqb;
 542:     dq->dq_own = NOQUOTA;
 543:     return (dq);
 544: }
 546: /*
 547:  * dqrele - layman's interface to putdq.
 548:  */
 549: dqrele(dq)
 550:     register struct dquot *dq;
 551: {
 552:     register struct mount *mp;
 554:     if (dq == NODQUOT || dq == LOSTDQUOT)
 555:         return;
 556:     if (dq->dq_cnt > 1) {
 557:         dq->dq_cnt--;
 558:         return;
 559:     }
 560:     /*
 561: 	 * I/O required, find appropriate file system
 562: 	 * to sync the quota information to.
 563: 	 */
 564:     for (mp = mount; mp < &mount[NMOUNT]; mp++)
 565: #ifdef pdp11
 566:         if (mp->m_inodp && mp->m_dev == dq->dq_dev) {
 567: #else
 568:         if (mp->m_bufp && mp->m_dev == dq->dq_dev) {
 569: #endif
 570:             putdq(mp, dq, 1);
 571:             return;
 572:         }
 573:     panic("dqrele");
 574: }
 576: /*
 577:  * Update the disc quota in the quota file.
 578:  */
 579: putdq(mp, dq, free)
 580:     register struct mount *mp;
 581:     register struct dquot *dq;
 582: {
 583:     register struct inode *ip;
 585:     if (dq == NODQUOT || dq == LOSTDQUOT)
 586:         return;
 587:     if (free && dq->dq_cnt > 1) {
 588:         dq->dq_cnt--;
 589:         return;
 590:     }
 591:     /*
 592: 	 * Disk quota not modified, just discard
 593: 	 * or return (having adjusted the reference
 594: 	 * count), as indicated by the "free" param.
 595: 	 */
 596:     if ((dq->dq_flags & DQ_MOD) == 0) {
 597:         if (free) {
 598:             dq->dq_cnt = 0;
 599:  release:
 600:             if (dqfreel != NODQUOT) {
 601:                 *dqback = dq;
 602:                 dq->dq_freeb = dqback;
 603:             } else {
 604:                 dqfreel = dq;
 605:                 dq->dq_freeb = &dqfreel;
 606:             }
 607:             dq->dq_freef = NODQUOT;
 608:             dqback = &dq->dq_freef;
 609:         }
 610:         return;
 611:     }
 612:     /*
 613: 	 * Quota modified, write back to disk.
 614: 	 */
 615:     while (dq->dq_flags & DQ_LOCK) {
 616:         dq->dq_flags |= DQ_WANT;
 617: #ifdef pdp11
 618:         QUOTAUNMAP();
 619:         sleep((caddr_t)dq, PINOD+2);
 620:         QUOTAMAP();
 621: #else
 622:         sleep((caddr_t)dq, PINOD+2);
 623: #endif
 624:         /* someone could sneak in and grab it */
 625:         if (free && dq->dq_cnt > 1) {
 626:             dq->dq_cnt--;
 627:             return;
 628:         }
 629:     }
 630:     dq->dq_flags |= DQ_LOCK;
 631:     if ((ip = mp->m_qinod) == NULL)
 632:         panic("lost quota file");
 633: #ifdef pdp11
 634:     {
 635:         struct dqblk xq;
 636:         uid_t uid;
 638:         xq = dq->dq_dqb;
 639:         uid = dq->dq_uid;
 640:         QUOTAUNMAP();
 641:         ILOCK(ip);
 642:         (void)rdwri(UIO_WRITE, ip, &xq, sizeof (xq),
 643:             (off_t)uid * sizeof (xq), UIO_SYSSPACE,
 644:             IO_UNIT, (int *)0);
 645:         QUOTAMAP();
 646:     }
 647: #else
 648:     ILOCK(ip);
 649:     (void) rdwri(UIO_WRITE, ip, (caddr_t)&dq->dq_dqb, sizeof (struct dqblk),
 650:         (off_t)dq->dq_uid * sizeof (struct dqblk), UIO_SYSSPACE,
 651:         IO_UNIT, (int *)0);
 652: #endif
 653:     IUNLOCK(ip);
 654:     if (dq->dq_flags & DQ_WANT)
 655:         wakeup((caddr_t)dq);
 656:     dq->dq_flags &= ~(DQ_MOD|DQ_LOCK|DQ_WANT);
 657:     if (free && --dq->dq_cnt == 0)
 658:         goto release;
 659: }
 661: /*
 662:  * See if there is a quota struct in core for user 'uid'.
 663:  */
 664: struct quota *
 665: qfind(uid)
 666:     register uid_t uid;
 667: {
 668:     register struct quota *q;
 669:     register struct qhash *qh;
 671:     /*
 672: 	 * Check common cases first: asking for own quota,
 673: 	 * or that of the super user (has reserved slot 0
 674: 	 * in the table).
 675: 	 */
 676:     q = u.u_quota;
 677:     if (q != NOQUOTA && q->q_uid == uid)
 678:         return (q);
 679:     if (uid == 0)       /* the second most likely case */
 680:         return (quota);
 681:     /*
 682: 	 * Search cache.
 683: 	 */
 684:     qh = &qhash[QHASH(uid)];
 685:     for (q = (Qptr)qh->qh_forw; q != (Qptr)qh; q = q->q_forw)
 686:         if (q->q_uid == uid)
 687:             return (q);
 688:     return (NOQUOTA);
 689: }
 691: /*
 692:  * Set the quota file up for a particular file system.
 693:  * Called as the result of a setquota system call.
 694:  */
 695: opendq(mp, fname)
 696:     register struct mount *mp;
 697:     caddr_t fname;
 698: {
 699:     register struct inode *ip;
 700:     register struct quota *q;
 701:     struct dquot *dq;
 702:     struct  nameidata nd;
 703:     register struct nameidata *ndp = &nd;
 704:     int i;
 706:     if (mp->m_qinod)
 707:         closedq(mp);
 708:     QUOTAUNMAP();           /* paranoia */
 709:     NDINIT(ndp, LOOKUP, FOLLOW, UIO_USERSPACE, fname);
 710:     ip = namei(ndp);
 711:     QUOTAMAP();
 712:     if (ip == NULL)
 713:         return;
 714:     IUNLOCK(ip);
 715:     if (ip->i_dev != mp->m_dev) {
 716:         u.u_error = EACCES;
 717:         return;
 718:     }
 719:     if ((ip->i_mode & IFMT) != IFREG) {
 720:         u.u_error = EACCES;
 721:         return;
 722:     }
 723:     /*
 724: 	 * Flush in-core references to any previous
 725: 	 * quota file for this file system.
 726: 	 */
 727:     mp->m_qinod = ip;
 728:     mp->m_flags |= MNT_QUOTA;
 729:     i = mp - mount;
 730:     for (q = quota; q < quotaNQUOTA; q++)
 731:         if ((q->q_flags & Q_NDQ) == 0) {
 732:             if (q->q_cnt == 0)
 733:                 q->q_dq[i] = LOSTDQUOT;
 734:             else {
 735:                 q->q_cnt++; /* cannot be released */
 736:                 dq = discquota(q->q_uid, ip);
 737:                 q->q_dq[i] = dq;
 738:                 if (dq != NODQUOT)
 739:                     dq->dq_own = q;
 740:                 delquota(q);
 741:             }
 742:         }
 743: }
 745: /*
 746:  * Close off disc quotas for a file system.
 747:  */
 748: closedq(mp)
 749:     register struct mount *mp;
 750: {
 751:     register struct dquot *dq;
 752:     register i = mp - mount;
 753:     register struct quota *q;
 754:     register struct inode *ip;
 756:     if (mp->m_qinod == NULL)
 757:         return;
 758:     /*
 759: 	 * Search inode table, delete any references
 760: 	 * to quota file being closed.
 761: 	 */
 762:     for (ip = inode; ip < inodeNINODE; ip++)
 763:         if (ip->i_dev == mp->m_dev) {
 764: #ifdef pdp11
 765:             dq = ix_dquot[ip - inode];
 766:             ix_dquot[ip - inode] = NODQUOT;
 767: #else
 768:             dq = ip->i_dquot;
 769:             ip->i_dquot = NODQUOT;
 770: #endif
 771:             putdq(mp, dq, 1);
 772:         }
 773:     /*
 774: 	 * Search quota table, flush any pending
 775: 	 * quota info to disk and also delete
 776: 	 * references to closing quota file.
 777: 	 */
 778:     for (q = quota; q < quotaNQUOTA; q++) {
 779:         if ((q->q_flags & Q_NDQ) == 0) {
 780:             if (q->q_cnt) {
 781:                 q->q_cnt++;
 782:                 putdq(mp, q->q_dq[i], 1);
 783:                 delquota(q);
 784:             } else
 785:                 putdq(mp, q->q_dq[i], 1);
 786:         }
 787:         q->q_dq[i] = NODQUOT;
 788:     }
 790:     /*
 791: 	 * Move all dquot's that used to refer to this quota
 792: 	 * file of into the never-never (they will eventually
 793: 	 * fall off the head of the free list and be re-used).
 794: 	 */
 795:     for (dq = dquot; dq < dquotNDQUOT; dq++)
 796:         if (dq->dq_dev == mp->m_dev) {
 797:             if (dq->dq_cnt)
 798:                 panic("closedq: stray dquot");
 799:             remque(dq);
 800:             dq->dq_forw = dq;
 801:             dq->dq_back = dq;
 802:             dq->dq_dev = NODEV;
 803:         }
 804:     QUOTAUNMAP();
 805:     irele(mp->m_qinod);
 806:     QUOTAMAP();
 807:     mp->m_qinod = NULL;
 808:     mp->m_flags &= ~MNT_QUOTA;
 809: }
 810: #endif

Defined functions

closedq defined in line 748; used 3 times
delquota defined in line 281; used 5 times
discquota defined in line 351; used 8 times
dqalloc defined in line 445; used 3 times
opendq defined in line 695; used 1 times
putdq defined in line 579; used 8 times
qfind defined in line 664; used 3 times
qtinit defined in line 91; used 1 times

Defined variables

dqback defined in line 84; used 8 times
dqfreel defined in line 84; used 9 times
dqhead defined in line 78; used 3 times
qfreelist defined in line 58; used 9 times
qfreetail defined in line 58; used 8 times
qhash defined in line 52; used 3 times

Defined struct's

dqhead defined in line 71; used 14 times
qhash defined in line 45; used 14 times

Defined typedef's

DQptr defined in line 86; used 2 times
  • in line 367(2)
Qptr defined in line 59; used 4 times

Defined macros

DQHASH defined in line 67; used 2 times
NDQHASH defined in line 65; used 3 times
NQHASH defined in line 40; used 3 times
QHASH defined in line 42; used 2 times
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Generated: 2016-12-26
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