1: /*
   2:  * Copyright (c) 1982, 1986 Regents of the University of California.
   3:  * All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
   4:  * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
   5:  *
   6:  *	@(#)if_ecreg.h	7.1 (Berkeley) 6/5/86
   7:  */
   9: /*
  10:  * 3Com Ethernet controller registers.
  11:  */
  12: struct ecdevice {
  13:     short   ec_rcr;     /* Receive Control Register */
  14:     short   ec_xcr;     /* Transmit Control Register */
  15: };
  17: /*
  18:  * Control and status bits -- rcr
  19:  */
  20: #define EC_SPIE     0x8000      /* set parity interrupt enable */
  21: #define EC_ASTEP    0x4000      /* increment address counter */
  22: #define EC_AROM     0x2000      /* 1: Use address ROM, 0: use RAM */
  23: #define EC_PE       0x2000      /* Parity error */
  24: #define EC_AWCLK    0x1000      /* address write clock bit */
  25: #define EC_PIE      0x1000      /* Parity interrupt enable (read) */
  26: #define EC_ADATA    0x0f00      /* address/filtering */
  27: #define EC_RDONE    0x0080      /* receive done */
  28: #define EC_MDISAB   0x0080      /* memory disable */
  29: #define EC_RINTEN   0x0040      /* receive interrupt enable */
  30: #define EC_RCLR     0x0020      /* clear RDONE bit */
  31: #define EC_RWBN     0x0010      /* submit buffer for receive */
  32: #define EC_RBN      0x000f      /* buffer number */
  34: #define EC_RBITS    "\10\16PE\15PIE\10RDONE\7RINTEN"
  36: /*
  37:  * Control and status bits -- xcr
  38:  */
  39: #define EC_JAM      0x8000      /* collision dectected */
  40: #define EC_JINTEN   0x4000      /* collision interrupt enable */
  41: #define EC_JCLR     0x2000      /* clear collision detect */
  42: #define EC_UECLR    0x0100      /* reset controller */
  43: #define EC_XDONE    0x0080      /* transmit done */
  44: #define EC_XINTEN   0x0040      /* transmit interrupt enable */
  45: #define EC_XCLR     0x0020      /* clear XDONE bit */
  46: #define EC_XWBN     0x0010      /* submit buffer for transmit */
  47: #define EC_XBN      0x000f      /* buffer number */
  49: #define EC_XBITS    "\10\20JAM\17JINTEN\10XDONE\7XINTEN"
  51: /*
  52:  * Useful combinations
  53:  */
  54: #define EC_READ     (0x600|EC_RINTEN|EC_RWBN)
  58: /*
  59:  * Buffer number definitions
  60:  */
  61: #define ECTBF       0       /* Buffer for transmit */
  62: #define ECRLBF      1       /* First buffer for receive */
  63: #define ECRHBF      15      /* Last buffer for receive */
  65: #define ECRDOFF     528     /* Packet offset in read buffer */

Defined struct's

ecdevice defined in line 12; used 38 times

Defined macros

ECRDOFF defined in line 65; used 6 times
ECRHBF defined in line 63; used 5 times
ECRLBF defined in line 62; used 3 times
ECTBF defined in line 61; used 3 times
EC_ADATA defined in line 26; never used
EC_AROM defined in line 22; used 3 times
EC_ASTEP defined in line 21; used 4 times
EC_AWCLK defined in line 24; used 2 times
EC_CLEAR defined in line 56; used 1 times
EC_JAM defined in line 39; never used
EC_JCLR defined in line 41; used 1 times
  • in line 56
EC_JINTEN defined in line 40; used 2 times
EC_MDISAB defined in line 28; never used
EC_PE defined in line 23; never used
EC_PIE defined in line 25; never used
EC_RBITS defined in line 34; never used
EC_RBN defined in line 32; used 1 times
EC_RCLR defined in line 30; used 1 times
EC_RDONE defined in line 27; used 1 times
EC_READ defined in line 54; used 3 times
EC_RINTEN defined in line 29; used 1 times
  • in line 54
EC_RWBN defined in line 31; used 1 times
  • in line 54
EC_SPIE defined in line 20; never used
EC_UECLR defined in line 42; used 5 times
EC_WRITE defined in line 55; used 1 times
EC_XBITS defined in line 49; used 1 times
EC_XBN defined in line 47; used 1 times
EC_XCLR defined in line 45; used 2 times
EC_XDONE defined in line 43; used 1 times
EC_XINTEN defined in line 44; used 2 times
EC_XWBN defined in line 46; used 1 times
  • in line 55

Usage of this include

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