/* * Copyright (c) 1988 Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution. * * @(#)net_scb.s 1.2 (2.11BSD GTE) 10/13/92 */ #include "acc.h" #include "css.h" #include "de.h" #include "ec.h" #include "il.h" #include "qe.h" #include "qt.h" #include "sri.h" #include "vv.h" /* * Entry points for interrupt vectors from kernel low-core */ #define HANDLER(handler) .globl handler, _/**/handler; \ handler: jsr r0,call; jmp _/**/handler #if NACC > 0 HANDLER(accrint) HANDLER(accxint) #endif #if NCSS > 0 HANDLER(cssrint) HANDLER(cssxint) #endif #if NDE > 0 HANDLER(deintr) #endif #if NEC > 0 HANDLER(ecrint) HANDLER(eccollide) HANDLER(ecxint) #endif #if NIL > 0 HANDLER(ilrint) HANDLER(ilcint) #endif #if NQE > 0 HANDLER(qeintr) #endif #if NQT > 0 HANDLER(qtintr) #endif #if NSRI > 0 HANDLER(srixint) HANDLER(srirint) #endif #if NVV > 0 HANDLER(vvrint) HANDLER(vvxint) #endif