1: /*
   2:  * Copyright (c) 1987 Regents of the University of California.
   3:  * All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
   4:  * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
   5:  *
   6:  *	@(#)mch_dump.s	1.3 (2.11BSD GTE) 12/24/92
   7:  */
   8: #include "DEFS.h"
   9: #include "../machine/mch_iopage.h"
  11: /*
  12:  * Save regs r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, K[DI]SA6
  13:  * starting at data location 0300, in preparation for dumping core.
  14:  */
  15: ENTRY(saveregs)
  16: #ifdef KERN_NONSEP
  17:         movb    $RW, KISD0              / write enable
  18: #endif KERN_NONSEP
  19:         mov     r0,300
  20:         mov     $302,r0
  21:         mov     r1,(r0)+
  22:         mov     r2,(r0)+
  23:         mov     r3,(r0)+
  24:         mov     r4,(r0)+
  25:         mov     r5,(r0)+
  26:         mov     sp,(r0)+
  27:         mov     KDSA6,(r0)+
  28:         mov     KDSA5,(r0)+
  29:         rts     pc
  31: #ifdef  INET
  33: SPACE(GLOBAL, suprsav, 32)
  35: /*
  36:  * Save ALL registers, KDSA[5,6], SDSA[5,6], SSR3.  Expressly for
  37:  * network crashes where the state at the time of initial trap is
  38:  * desired rather than after thrashing about on the way to a 'panic'.
  39:  * Also, this is extensible so that as much volatile information as
  40:  * required may be saved.  Currently 14 of the 16 words allocated are used.
  41:  * Multiple entries into this routine should be blocked by making the
  42:  * call to this routine conditional on 'netoff' being set and
  43:  * setting 'netoff' on the first call.  Must be at splhigh upon entry.
  44: */
  46: ENTRY(savestate)
  47:         mov     r0,suprsav
  48:         mov     $suprsav+2,r0
  49:         mov     r1,(r0)+
  50:         mov     r2,(r0)+
  51:         mov     r3,(r0)+
  52:         mov     r4,(r0)+
  53:         mov     r5,(r0)+
  54:         mov     sp,(r0)+
  55:         mov     PS,-(sp)
  56:         mov     $010340,PS      /previous super, spl7
  57:         mfpd    sp              /fetch supervisor stack pointer
  58:         mov     (sp)+,(r0)+
  59:         mov     $030340,PS      /previous user, spl7
  60:         mfpd    sp              /fetch user stack pointer
  61:         mov     (sp)+,(r0)+
  62:         mov     (sp)+,PS
  63:         mov     KDSA5,(r0)+
  64:         mov     KDSA6,(r0)+
  65:         mov     SDSA5,(r0)+
  66:         mov     SDSA6,(r0)+
  67:         mov     SSR3,(r0)+
  68:         rts     pc
  69: #endif
  71: #include "ht.h"
  72: #include "tm.h"
  73: #include "ts.h"
  75: /*
  76:  * Mag tape dump -- save registers in low core and write core (up to 248K)
  77:  * onto mag tape.  Entry is through 044 (physical) with memory management off.
  78:  */
  80: #ifndef KERN_NONSEP
  81: .data
  82: #endif !KERN_NONSEP
  84: ASENTRY(dump)
  85: #if NHT > 0 || NTM > 0 || NTS > 0
  86:         /*
  87: 	 * save regs r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, KIA6
  88: 	 * starting at location 4 (physical)
  89: 	 */
  90:         inc     $-1                     / check for first time
  91:         bne     1f                      / if not, don't save registers again
  92:         mov     r0,300
  93:         mov     $302,r0
  94:         mov     r1,(r0)+
  95:         mov     r2,(r0)+
  96:         mov     r3,(r0)+
  97:         mov     r4,(r0)+
  98:         mov     r5,(r0)+
  99:         mov     sp,(r0)+
 100:         mov     KDSA6,(r0)+
 101: 1:
 103:         /*
 104: 	 * dump all of core (i.e. to first mt error)
 105: 	 * onto mag tape. (9 track or 7 track 'binary')
 106: 	 */
 108: #if NHT > 0
 110: HT      = 0172440
 111: HTCS1   = HT+0
 112: HTWC    = HT+2
 113: HTBA    = HT+4
 114: HTFC    = HT+6
 115: HTCS2   = HT+10
 116: HTTC    = HT+32
 118:         mov     $HTCS1,r0
 119:         mov     $40,*$HTCS2
 120:         mov     $2300,*$HTTC
 121:         clr     *$HTBA
 122:         mov     $1,(r0)
 123: 1:
 124:         mov     $-512.,*$HTFC
 125:         mov     $-256.,*$HTWC
 126:         movb    $61,(r0)
 127: 2:
 128:         tstb    (r0)
 129:         bge     2b
 130:         bit     $1,(r0)
 131:         bne     2b
 132:         bit     $40000,(r0)
 133:         beq     1b
 134:         mov     $27,(r0)
 135: #else !NHT > 0
 137: #if NTM > 0
 139: MTC     = 172522
 140: IO      = 0177600
 141: UBMR0   = 0170200
 143:         /*
 144: 	 * register usage is as follows:
 145: 	 *
 146: 	 * reg 0 -- holds the tm11 CSR address
 147: 	 * reg 1 -- points to UBMAP register 0 low
 148: 	 * reg 2 -- is used to contain and calculate memory pointer
 149: 	 *	    for UBMAP register 0 low
 150: 	 * reg 3 -- is used to contain and calculate memory pointer
 151: 	 *	    for UBMAP register 0 high
 152: 	 * reg 4 -- r4 = 1 for map used, r4 = 0 for map not used
 153: 	 * reg 5 -- is used as an interation counter when mapping is enabled
 154: 	 */
 156:         movb    _ubmap,r4               / UB map used indicator
 157:         beq     2f                      / no UBMAP - br
 158: 1:
 159:         /*
 160: 	 * This section of code initializes the Unibus map registers and
 161: 	 * and the memory management registers.
 162: 	 * UBMAP reg 0 gets updated to point to the current memory area.
 163: 	 * Kernal I space 0 points to low memory
 164: 	 * Kernal I space 7 points to the I/O page.
 165: 	 */
 167:         mov     $UBMR0,r1               / point to  map register 0
 168:         clr     r2                      / init for low map reg
 169:         clr     r3                      / init for high map reg
 170:         mov     $77406,*$KISD0          / set KISDR0
 171:         mov     $77406,*$KISD7          / set KISDR7
 172:         clr     *$KISA0                 / point KISAR0 to low memory
 173:         mov     $IO,*$KISA7             / point KISAR7 to IO page
 174:         inc     *$SSR0                  / turn on memory mngt
 175:         mov     $60,*$SSR3              / enable 22 bit mapping
 176:         mov     r2,(r1)                 / load map reg 1 low
 177:         mov     r3,2(r1)                / load map reg 1 high
 178: 2:
 179:         / this section of code initializes the TM11
 181:         mov     $MTC,r0
 182:         mov     $60004,(r0)
 183:         clr     4(r0)
 184:         mov     $20,r5                  / set up SOB counter for UBMAP
 186:         /*
 187: 	 * This section does the write; if mapping is needed the sob loop
 188: 	 * comes in play here.  When the sob falls through the UBMAP reg
 189: 	 * will be updated by 20000 to point to next loop section.
 190: 	 * If mapping not needed then just let bus address register increment.
 191: 	 */
 192: 3:
 193:         mov     $-512.,2(r0)            / set byte count
 194:         inc     (r0)                    / start xfer
 195: 1:
 196:         tstb    (r0)                    / wait for tm11 ready
 197:         bge     1b */
 198:         tst     (r0)                    / any error
 199:         bge     2f                      / no, continue xfer
 200:         bit     $200,-2(r0)             / yes, must be NXM error
 201:         beq     .                       / hang if not
 202:         reset                           / error was NXM
 203:         mov     $60007,(r0)             / write EOF
 204:         halt                            / halt on good dump
 205: 2:
 206:         tst     r4                      / mapping
 207:         beq     3b                      / branch if not
 208:         sob     r5,3b                   / yes, continue loop
 209:         mov     $20,r5                  / reset loop count
 210:         add     $20000,r2               / bump low map
 211:         adc     r3                      / carry to high map
 212:         mov     r2,(r1)                 / load map reg 0 low
 213:         mov     r3,2(r1)                / load map reg 0 high
 214:         clr     4(r0)                   / set bus address to 0
 215:         br      3b                      / do some more
 217: #else !NTM > 0
 219: #if NTS > 0
 221: TSDB    = 0172520
 222: TSSR    = 0172522
 223: IO      = 0177600
 224: UBMR0   = 0170200
 226:         /*
 227: 	 * register usage is as follows:
 228: 	 *
 229: 	 * reg 0 -- points to UBMAP register 1 low
 230: 	 * reg 1 -- is used to calculate the current memory address
 231: 	 *	    for each 512 byte transfer.
 232: 	 * reg 2 -- is used to contain and calculate memory pointer
 233: 	 *	    for UBMAP register 1 low
 234: 	 * reg 3 -- is used to contain and calculate memory pointer
 235: 	 *	    for UBMAP register 1 high
 236: 	 * reg 4 -- points to the command packet
 237: 	 * reg 5 -- is used as an interation counter when mapping is enabled
 238: 	 */
 240:         movb    _ubmap,setmap           / unibus map present?
 241:         beq     2f                      / no, skip map init
 243:         /*
 244: 	 * This section of code initializes the Unibus map registers and
 245: 	 * and the memory management registers.
 246: 	 * UBMAP reg 0 points to low memory for the TS11 command,
 247: 	 * characteristics, and message buffers.
 248: 	 * UBMAP reg 1 gets updated to point to the current memory area.
 249: 	 * Kernal I space 0 points to low memory
 250: 	 * Kernal I space 7 points to the I/O page.
 251: 	 */
 253:         mov     $UBMR0,r0               / point to  map register 0
 254:         clr     r2                      / init for low map reg
 255:         clr     r3                      / init for high map reg
 256:         clr     (r0)+                   / load map reg 0 low
 257:         clr     (r0)+                   / load map reg 0 high
 258:         mov     $77406,*$KISD0          / set KISDR0
 259:         mov     $77406,*$KISD7          / set KISDR7
 260:         clr     *$KISA0                 / point KISAR0 to low memory
 261:         mov     $IO,*$KISA7             / point KISAR7 to IO page
 262:         inc     *$SSR0                  / turn on memory mngt
 263:         mov     $60,*$SSR3              / enable 22 bit mapping
 264:         mov     r2,(r0)                 / load map reg 1 low
 265:         mov     r3,2(r0)                / load map reg 1 high
 266: 2:
 267:         / this section of code initializes the TS11
 269:         tstb    *$TSSR                  / make sure
 270:         bpl     2b                      / drive is ready
 271:         mov     $comts,r4               / point to command packet
 272:         add     $2,r4                   / set up mod 4
 273:         bic     $3,r4                   / alignment
 274:         mov     $140004,(r4)            / write characteristics command
 275:         mov     $chrts,2(r4)            / characteristics buffer
 276:         clr     4(r4)                   / clear ext mem addr (packet)
 277:         clr     tsxma                   / clear extended memory save loc
 278:         mov     $10,6(r4)               / set byte count for command
 279:         mov     $mests,*$chrts          / show where message buffer is
 280:         clr     *$chrts+2               / clear extended memory bits here too
 281:         mov     $16,*$chrts+4           / set message buffer length
 282:         mov     r4,*$TSDB               / start command
 283:         mov     $20,r5                  / set up SOB counter for UBMAP
 284:         clr     r1                      / init r1 beginning memory address
 285: 1:
 286:         tstb    *$TSSR                  / wait for ready
 287:         bpl     1b                      / not yet
 288:         mov     *$TSSR,tstcc            / error condition (SC)?
 289:         bpl     2f                      / no error
 290:         bic     $!16,tstcc              / yes error, get TCC
 291:         cmp     tstcc,$10               / recoverable error?
 292:         bne     8f                      / no
 293:         mov     $101005,(r4)            / yes, load write data retry command
 294:         clr     4(r4)                   / clear packet ext mem addr
 295:         mov     r4,*$TSDB               / start retry
 296:         br      1b
 297: 8:
 298:         bit     $4000,*$TSSR            / is error NXM?
 299:         beq     .                       / no, hang (not sure of good dump)
 300:         mov     $140013,(r4)            / load a TS init command
 301:         mov     r4,*$TSDB               / to clear NXM error
 302: 6:
 303:         tstb    *$TSSR                  / wait for ready
 304:         bpl     6b
 305:         mov     $1,6(r4)                / set word count = 1
 306:         mov     $100011,(r4)            / load write EOF command
 307:         mov     r4,*$TSDB               / do write EOF
 308: 7:
 309:         tstb    *$TSSR                  / wait for ready
 310:         bpl     7b
 311:         halt                            / halt after good dump
 312: 9:
 313:         br      1b
 314: 2:
 315:         /*
 316: 	 * If mapping is needed this section calculates the base address to
 317: 	 * be loaded into map reg 1; the algorithm is (!(r5 - 21))*1000) |
 318: 	 * 20000.  The complement is required because an SOB loop is being
 319: 	 * used for the counter.  This loop causes 20000 bytes to be written
 320: 	 * before the UBMAP is updated.
 321: 	 */
 323:         tst     setmap                  / UBMAP?
 324:         beq     3f                      / no map
 325:         mov     r2,(r0)                 / load map reg 1 low
 326:         mov     r3,2(r0)                / load map reg 1 high
 327:         mov     r5,r1                   / calculate
 328:         sub     $21,r1                  / address for this pass
 329:         com     r1                      / based on current
 330:         mul     $1000,r1                / interation
 331:         bis     $20000,r1               / select map register 1
 332:         clr     4(r4)                   / clear extended memory bits
 333: 3:
 334:         /*
 335: 	 * This section does the write.  If mapping is needed the sob loop
 336: 	 * comes in play here.  When the sob falls through the UBAMP reg will
 337: 	 * be updated by 20000 to point to next loop section.  If mapping not
 338: 	 * needed then just calculate the next 512 byte address pointer.
 339: 	 */
 341:         mov     r1,2(r4)                / load mem address
 342:         mov     tsxma,4(r4)             / load ext mem address
 343:         mov     $512.,6(r4)             / set byte count
 344:         mov     $100005,(r4)            / set write command
 345:         mov     r4,*$TSDB               / initiate xfer
 346:         tst     setmap                  / mapping?
 347:         beq     4f                      / branch if not
 348:         sob     r5,9b                   / yes continue loop
 349:         mov     $20,r5                  / reset loop count
 350:         add     $20000,r2               / bump low map
 351:         adc     r3                      / carry to high map
 352:         br      1b                      / do some more
 353: 4:
 354:         add     $512.,r1                / bump address for no mapping
 355:         adc     tsxma                   / carry to extended memory bits
 356:         br      1b                      / do again
 358: /*
 359:  * The following TS11 command and message buffers, must be in initialized data
 360:  * space instead of bss space.  This allows them to be mapped by the first
 361:  * M/M mapping register, which is the only one used durring a core dump.
 362:  */
 364: tsxma:  0                               / ts11 extended memory address bits
 365: setmap: 0                               / UB map usage indicator
 366: tstcc:  0                               / ts11 temp location for TCC
 367: comts:                                  / ts11 command packet
 368:         0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0
 369: chrts:                                  / ts11 characteristics
 370:         0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0
 371: mests:                                  / ts11 message buffer
 372:         0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0
 374: #endif NTS
 375: #endif NTM
 376: #endif NHT
 377: #endif NHT || NTM || NTS
 379: br      .                               / If no tape drive, fall through to here

Defined functions

_saveregs defined in line 15; used 1 times
_savestate defined in line 46; used 1 times
dump defined in line 84; used 1 times

Defined variables

HT defined in line 110; used 6 times
HTBA defined in line 113; used 1 times
HTCS1 defined in line 111; used 1 times
HTCS2 defined in line 115; used 1 times
HTFC defined in line 114; used 1 times
HTTC defined in line 116; used 1 times
HTWC defined in line 112; used 1 times
IO defined in line 223; used 2 times
MTC defined in line 139; used 1 times
TSDB defined in line 221; used 5 times
TSSR defined in line 222; used 6 times
UBMR0 defined in line 224; used 2 times
chrts defined in line 369; used 4 times
comts defined in line 367; used 1 times
mests defined in line 371; used 1 times
setmap defined in line 365; used 3 times
suprsav defined in line 33; used 2 times
tstcc defined in line 366; used 3 times
tsxma defined in line 364; used 3 times
Last modified: 1992-12-25
Generated: 2016-12-26
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