1: /*
   2:  * Copyright (c) 1986 Regents of the University of California.
   3:  * All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
   4:  * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
   5:  *
   6:  *	@(#)checksys.c	1.6 (2.11BSD) 1998/12/5
   7:  */
   9: /*
  10:  * checksys
  11:  *	checks the system size and reports any limits exceeded.
  12:  */
  14: #include "param.h"
  15: #include "user.h"
  16: #include "file.h"
  17: #include "ioctl.h"
  18: #include "clist.h"
  19: #include "a.out.h"
  20: #include "stdio.h"
  21: #include "namei.h"
  22: #include "msgbuf.h"
  24: /* Round up to a click boundary. */
  25: #define cround(bytes)   ((bytes + ctob(1) - 1) / ctob(1) * ctob(1));
  26: #define round(x)    (ctob(stoc(ctos(btoc(x)))))
  28: #define KB(val)     ((u_int)(val * 1024))
  30: #define N_END       0
  31: #define N_NBUF      1
  32: #define N_PROC      4
  33: #define N_NINODE    9
  34: #define N_CLIST     14
  35: #define N_RAM       15
  36: #define N_XITDESC   16
  37: #define N_QUOTDESC  17
  38: #define N_NAMECACHE 18
  39: #define N_IOSIZE    19
  40: #define N_NLOG      20
  41: #define N_NUMSYMS   21
  43:     struct  nlist   nl[N_NUMSYMS];
  45: char    *names[] = {
  46:     "_end",             /*  0 */
  47:     "_nbuf",            /*  1 */
  48:     "_buf",             /*  2 */
  49:     "_nproc",           /*  3 */
  50:     "_proc",            /*  4 */
  51:     "_ntext",           /*  5 */
  52:     "_text",            /*  6 */
  53:     "_nfile",           /*  7 */
  54:     "_file",            /*  8 */
  55:     "_ninode",          /*  9 */
  56:     "_inode",           /* 10 */
  57:     "_ncallout",            /* 11 */
  58:     "_callout",         /* 12 */
  59:     "_ucb_clist",           /* 13 */
  60:     "_nclist",          /* 14 */
  61:     "_ram_size",            /* 15 */
  62:     "_xitdesc",         /* 16 */
  63:     "_quotdesc",            /* 17 */
  64:     "_namecache",           /* 18 */
  65:     "__iosize",         /* 19 */
  66:     "_nlog"             /* 20 */
  67:     };
  69: static struct exec obj;
  70: static struct ovlhdr ovlhdr;
  71: static int fi;
  73: main(argc, argv)
  74:     int argc;
  75:     char **argv;
  76: {
  77:     register int i;
  78:     long size, totsize, ramdisk, getval();
  79:     int errs = 0, texterrs = 0, ninode;
  81:     if (argc != 2) {
  82:         fputs("usage: checksys unix-binary\n", stderr);
  83:         exit(-1);
  84:     }
  85: /*
  86:  * Can't (portably) initialize unions, so we do it at run time
  87: */
  88:     for (i = 0; i < N_NUMSYMS; i++)
  89:         nl[i].n_un.n_name = names[i];
  90:     if ((fi = open(argv[1], O_RDONLY)) < 0) {
  91:         perror(argv[1]);
  92:         exit(-1);
  93:     }
  94:     if (read(fi, &obj, sizeof(obj)) != sizeof(obj)) {
  95:         fputs("checksys: can't read object header.\n", stderr);
  96:         exit(-1);
  97:     }
  98:     if (obj.a_magic == A_MAGIC5 || obj.a_magic == A_MAGIC6)
  99:         if (read(fi, &ovlhdr, sizeof(ovlhdr)) != sizeof(ovlhdr)) {
 100:             fputs("checksys: can't read overlay header.\n", stderr);
 101:             exit(-1);
 102:         }
 103:     switch(obj.a_magic) {
 105:     /*
 106: 	 *	0407-- nonseparate I/D "vanilla"
 107: 	 */
 108:     case A_MAGIC1:
 109:     case A_MAGIC2:
 110:         size = obj.a_text + obj.a_data + obj.a_bss;
 111:         if (size > KB(48)) {
 112:             printf("total size is %ld, max is %u, too large by %ld bytes.\n", size, KB(48), size - KB(48));
 113:             errs++;
 114:         }
 115:         totsize = cround(size);
 116:         break;
 118:     /*
 119: 	 *	0411-- separate I/D
 120: 	 */
 121:     case A_MAGIC3:
 122:         size = obj.a_data + obj.a_bss;
 123:         if (size > KB(48)) {
 124:             printf("data is %ld, max is %u, too large by %ld bytes.\n", size, KB(48), size - KB(48));
 125:             errs++;
 126:         }
 127:         totsize = obj.a_text + cround(size);
 128:         break;
 130:     /*
 131: 	 *	0430-- overlaid nonseparate I/D
 132: 	 */
 133:     case A_MAGIC5:
 134:         if (obj.a_text > KB(16)) {
 135:             printf("base segment is %u, max is %u, too large by %u bytes.\n", obj.a_text, KB(16), obj.a_text - KB(16));
 136:             errs++;
 137:             texterrs++;
 138:         }
 139:         if (obj.a_text <= KB(8)) {
 140:             printf("base segment is %u, minimum is %u, too small by %u bytes.\n", obj.a_text, KB(8), KB(8) - obj.a_text);
 141:             errs++;
 142:         }
 143:         size = obj.a_data + obj.a_bss;
 144:         if (size > KB(24)) {
 145:             printf("data is %ld, max is %u, too large by %ld bytes.\n", size, KB(24), size - KB(24));
 146:             errs++;
 147:         }
 148:         /*
 149: 		 *  Base and overlay 1 occupy 16K and 8K of physical
 150: 		 *  memory, respectively, regardless of actual size.
 151: 		 */
 152:         totsize = KB(24) + cround(size);
 153:         /*
 154: 		 *  Subtract the first overlay, it will be added below
 155: 		 *  and it has already been included.
 156: 		 */
 157:         totsize -= ovlhdr.ov_siz[0];
 158:         goto checkov;
 159:         break;
 161:     /*
 162: 	 *	0431-- overlaid separate I/D
 163: 	 */
 164:     case A_MAGIC6:
 165:         if (obj.a_text > KB(56)) {
 166:             printf("base segment is %u, max is %u, too large by %u bytes.\n", obj.a_text, KB(56), obj.a_text - KB(56));
 167:             errs++;
 168:         }
 169:         if (obj.a_text <= KB(48)) {
 170:             printf("base segment is %u, min is %u, too small by %u bytes.\n", obj.a_text, KB(48), KB(48) - obj.a_text);
 171:             errs++;
 172:         }
 173:         size = obj.a_data + obj.a_bss;
 174:         if (size > KB(48)) {
 175:             printf("data is %ld, max is %u, too large by %ld bytes.\n", size, KB(48), size - KB(48));
 176:             errs++;
 177:         }
 178:         totsize = obj.a_text + cround(size);
 180: checkov:
 181:         for (i = 0;i < NOVL;i++) {
 182:             totsize += ovlhdr.ov_siz[i];
 183:             if (ovlhdr.ov_siz[i] > KB(8)) {
 184:                 printf("overlay %d is %u, max is %u, too large by %u bytes.\n", i + 1, ovlhdr.ov_siz[i], KB(8), ovlhdr.ov_siz[i] - KB(8));
 185:                 errs++;
 186:                 texterrs++;
 187:             }
 188:             /*
 189: 			 * check for zero length overlay in the middle of
 190: 			 * non-zero length overlays (boot croaks when faced
 191: 			 * with this) ...
 192: 			 */
 193:             if (i < NOVL-1
 194:                 && ovlhdr.ov_siz[i] == 0
 195:                 && ovlhdr.ov_siz[i+1] > 0) {
 196:                 printf("overlay %d is empty and there are non-empty overlays following it.\n", i + 1);
 197:                 errs++;
 198:                 texterrs++;
 199:             }
 200:         }
 201:         break;
 203:     default:
 204:         printf("magic number 0%o not recognized.\n", obj.a_magic);
 205:         exit(-1);
 206:     }
 208:     (void)nlist(argv[1], nl);
 210:     if (!nl[N_NINODE].n_type) {
 211:         puts("\"ninode\" not found in namelist.");
 212:         exit(-1);
 213:     }
 214:     ninode = getval(N_NINODE);
 215:     if (!texterrs)
 216:         {
 217:         if (nl[N_PROC].n_value >= 0120000) {
 218:             printf("The remapping area (0120000-0140000, KDSD5)\n\tcontains data other than the proc, text and file tables.\n\tReduce other data by %u bytes.\n", nl[N_PROC].n_value - 0120000);
 219:             errs++;
 220:             }
 221:         }
 222:     totsize += (getval(N_NBUF) * MAXBSIZE);
 223:     if (nl[N_CLIST].n_value)
 224:         totsize += cround(getval(N_CLIST) * (long)sizeof(struct cblock));
 225:     if (nl[N_RAM].n_type)
 226:         totsize += getval(N_RAM)*512;
 227:     if (nl[N_QUOTDESC].n_type)
 228:         totsize += 8192;
 229:     if (nl[N_XITDESC].n_type)
 230:         totsize += (ninode * 3 * sizeof (long));
 231:     if (nl[N_NAMECACHE].n_type)
 232:         totsize += (ninode * sizeof(struct namecache));
 233:     if (nl[N_IOSIZE].n_type)
 234:         totsize += getval(N_IOSIZE);
 235:     if (nl[N_NLOG].n_type)
 236:         totsize += (getval(N_NLOG) * MSG_BSIZE);
 237:     totsize += ctob(USIZE);
 238:     printf("System will occupy %ld bytes of memory (including buffers and clists).\n", totsize);
 239:     for (i = 0; i < N_NUMSYMS; i++) {
 240:         if (!(i % 3))
 241:             putchar('\n');
 242:         printf("\t%10.10s {0%06o}", nl[i].n_un.n_name+1, nl[i].n_value);
 243:     }
 244:     putchar('\n');
 245:     if (errs)
 246:         puts("**** SYSTEM IS NOT BOOTABLE. ****");
 247:     exit(errs);
 248: }
 250: /*
 251:  *  Get the value of an initialized variable from the object file.
 252:  */
 253: static long
 254: getval(indx)
 255:     int indx;
 256: {
 257:     register int novl;
 258:     u_int ret;
 259:     off_t offst;
 261:     if ((nl[indx].n_type&N_TYPE) == N_BSS)
 262:         return((long)0);
 263:     offst = nl[indx].n_value;
 264:     offst += obj.a_text;
 265:     offst += sizeof(obj);
 266:     if (obj.a_magic == A_MAGIC2 || obj.a_magic == A_MAGIC5)
 267:         offst -= (off_t)round(obj.a_text);
 268:     if (obj.a_magic == A_MAGIC5 || obj.a_magic == A_MAGIC6) {
 269:         offst += sizeof ovlhdr;
 270:         if (obj.a_magic == A_MAGIC5)
 271:             offst -= (off_t)round(ovlhdr.max_ovl);
 272:         for (novl = 0;novl < NOVL;novl++)
 273:             offst += (off_t)ovlhdr.ov_siz[novl];
 274:     }
 275:     (void)lseek(fi, offst, L_SET);
 276:     read(fi, &ret, sizeof(ret));
 277:     return((long)ret);
 278: }

Defined functions

getval defined in line 253; used 7 times
main defined in line 73; never used

Defined variables

fi defined in line 71; used 5 times
names defined in line 45; used 1 times
  • in line 89
nl defined in line 43; used 16 times
obj defined in line 69; used 38 times
ovlhdr defined in line 70; used 13 times

Defined macros

KB defined in line 28; used 28 times
N_CLIST defined in line 34; used 2 times
N_END defined in line 30; never used
N_IOSIZE defined in line 39; used 2 times
N_NAMECACHE defined in line 38; used 1 times
N_NBUF defined in line 31; used 1 times
N_NINODE defined in line 33; used 2 times
N_NLOG defined in line 40; used 2 times
N_NUMSYMS defined in line 41; used 3 times
N_PROC defined in line 32; used 2 times
N_QUOTDESC defined in line 37; used 1 times
N_RAM defined in line 35; used 2 times
N_XITDESC defined in line 36; used 1 times
cround defined in line 25; used 5 times
round defined in line 26; used 2 times
Last modified: 1998-12-06
Generated: 2016-12-26
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