1: /*
   2:  *  GT307
   3:  *
   4:  * Read and set a Computer Products inc GT307 clock calendar card
   5:  *
   6:  * Author  R Birch
   7:  * Date    July 1999
   8:  *
   9:  * You can use this in two ways.  If you use Daylight Savings Time when
  10:  * the card is intialised then it can be used to maintain local time.
  11:  * If DST is not used then this is probably best used to maintain the card
  12:  * on UTC.
  13:  *
  14:  * Usage:
  15:  *
  16:  *    gt307 [-d n][-l] [yymmddhhmm.ss]
  17:  *
  18:  *    -d sets DST on or off n = 1 (on) n = 0 (off)
  19:  *    -l switches output between long or short.  Short is suitable
  20:  *      as an input into date(8)
  21:  *    The time string is the same as date(8) for input.
  22: */
  24: #if !defined(lint) && defined(DOSCCS)
  25: static char sccsid[] = "@(#)GT307.c 1.00 (2.11BSD) 99/7/4";
  26: #endif
  28: #include <stdlib.h>
  29: #include <unistd.h>
  30: #include <stdio.h>
  31: #include <assert.h>
  32: #include <sys/errno.h>
  33: #include <sys/types.h>
  35: #define BASE_ADDR 0177704
  36: #define IO_VEC 0450
  37: #define SEG_REG 6
  38: #define IO_SIZE 1
  40: #define REG_A   012
  41: #define REG_B   013
  42: #define REG_C   014
  43: #define REG_D   015
  45: #define UIP    0200
  46: #define DV2    0100
  47: #define DV1     040
  48: #define DV0     020
  49: #define RS3     010
  50: #define RS2      04
  51: #define RS1      02
  52: #define RS0      01
  54: #define SET    0200
  55: #define PIE    0100
  56: #define AIE     040
  57: #define UIE     020
  58: #define SQWE    010
  59: #define DM       04
  60: #define D24      02
  61: #define DSE      01
  63: #define IRQF    0200
  64: #define PF      0100
  65: #define AF       040
  66: #define UF       020
  68: #define VRT     0200
  70: #define CONST   1
  72: char *days[] = {"Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat"};
  73: char *months[] = {"Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun",
  74:           "Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"};
  76: main(argc, argv)
  77: int argc;
  78: char *argv[];
  79: {
  81:         register unsigned char   *io_ptr;
  82:         char    time_str[80];
  83:         unsigned int    seg_reg = SEG_REG;
  84:         unsigned int    io_size = IO_SIZE;
  85:         unsigned int    physaddr = BASE_ADDR;
  86:         unsigned char   memval;
  87:         int     ch;
  88:         int     lflag;
  89:         int     dst_flag;
  90:         int     year;
  91:         int     bigyear;
  92:         int     month;
  93:         int     date;
  94:         int     day;
  95:         int     hours;
  96:         int     minutes;
  97:         int     seconds;
  99: /*
 100:  * Set up the page address pointer.  This is written to allow simple
 101:  * changing of the #defines at the start of the program to ripple through
 102:  * to the rest of the code.  Do not allow 0 because that would collide
 103:  * with the first 8kb of code or data.  Do not allow 7 because that would
 104:  * collide with our stack.
 105: */
 106:     assert(seg_reg > 0 && seg_reg < 7);
 107:     io_ptr = (unsigned char *)((u_int)020000 * seg_reg);
 108: /*
 109:  * Map the new page to the physical address of the card.
 110: */
 111:         if  (phys(seg_reg, io_size, physaddr) == -1)
 112:         err(1, "phys(%d, %d, 0%o)", seg_reg, io_size, physaddr);
 113: /*
 114:  * process command line
 115: */
 116:         dst_flag = 0;           /* Set defaults */
 117:         lflag = 0;
 119:         while   ((ch = getopt(argc, argv,"d:l")) != EOF)
 120:                 switch((char)ch){
 121:                         case 'd':
 122:                                 dst_flag = atoi(optarg) ? 1 : 0;
 123:                                 break;
 124:                         case 'l':
 125:                                 lflag = 1;
 126:                                 break;
 127:                         default:
 128:                                 errx(1,"invalid parameters.\n");
 129:                         }
 130:         argc -= optind;
 131:         argv += optind;
 133:         if  (argc > 1)
 134:                 errx(1,"invalid parameters.");
 136: /*
 137:  * If we still have an argument left then we are setting the clock,
 138:  * otherwise we are displaying what is in the card.
 139: */
 140:         if  (!argc)
 141:                 goto display;
 142:         goto setup;
 144: display:
 145: /*
 146:  * Look at the card to check whether the time on the card is
 147:  * valid or not.
 148: */
 149:         memval = (unsigned char)*(io_ptr + REG_D);
 150:         if  ((memval & VRT) == 0)
 151:                 errx(1," board clock invalid, reinitialise.");
 152: /*
 153:         Get the time from the card
 154: */
 155:         memval = (unsigned char)*(io_ptr + REG_A);
 156:         while((memval & UIP) == 1)
 157:                 memval = (unsigned char)*(io_ptr + REG_A);
 159:         seconds = (int)*(io_ptr);
 160:         minutes = (int)*(io_ptr + 2);
 161:         hours = (int)*(io_ptr + 4);
 162:         day = (int)*(io_ptr + 6);
 163:         date = (int)*(io_ptr + 7);
 164:         month = (int)*(io_ptr + 8);
 165:         year = (int)*(io_ptr + 9);
 167:         if(year <= 70)
 168:                 bigyear = year + 2000;
 169:         else
 170:                 bigyear = year + 1900;
 172:         if  (lflag == 0)
 173:                 printf("%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d.%02d\n",year,month,date,
 174:                         hours,minutes,seconds);
 175:         else
 176:                 printf("%s %s %d %02d:%02d:%02d %04d\n",
 177:                         days[weekday(date,month, bigyear)],months[month - 1],
 178:                         date,hours,minutes,seconds,bigyear);
 179:         exit(0);
 181: /*
 182:  * set the card up given the input time contained in command line.
 183: */
 184: setup:
 186: /*
 187:  *      Reset card for interrupts
 188: */
 189:         memval = (unsigned char)(SET | D24 | DM);
 190:         if  (dst_flag == 1)
 191:                 memval = memval | DSE;
 192:         *(io_ptr + REG_B) = (unsigned char)memval;
 194:         memval = (unsigned char)DV1;
 195:         *(io_ptr + REG_A) = (unsigned char)memval;
 197:         strcpy(time_str,*argv);
 199:         seconds = 0;
 200:         minutes = 0;
 201:         hours = 0;
 202:         day = 0;
 203:         date = 0;
 204:         month = 0;
 205:         year = 0;
 207:         (void)sscanf(time_str,"%2d%2d%2d%2d%2d.%2d",&year,&month,&date,&hours,
 208:                 &minutes,&seconds);
 210:         if  (year <= 70)
 211:                 bigyear = year + 2000;
 212:         else
 213:                 bigyear = year + 1900;
 215:         day = weekday(date,month,bigyear) + 1;
 217:         *(io_ptr) = (unsigned char)seconds;
 218:         *(io_ptr + 2) = (unsigned char)minutes;
 219:         *(io_ptr + 4) = (unsigned char)hours;
 220:         *(io_ptr + 6) = (unsigned char)day;
 221:         *(io_ptr + 7) = (unsigned char)date;
 222:         *(io_ptr + 8) = (unsigned char)month;
 223:         *(io_ptr + 9) = (unsigned char)year;
 225: /*
 226:  *      Start the card
 227: */
 228:         memval = (unsigned char)*(io_ptr + 013);
 229:         memval = memval & 0177;
 230:         *(io_ptr + 013) = (unsigned char)memval;
 232:         exit(0);
 233:     }
 235: int weekday(day, month, year)
 236: int day, month, year;
 237: {
 238:         int index, yrndx, mondx;
 240:         if(month <= 2)
 241:         {
 242:                 month += 12;
 243:                 year--;
 244:         }
 246:         yrndx = year + (year/4) - (year/100) + (year/400);
 247:         mondx = (2 * month) + (3 * (month + 1)) / 5;
 248:         index = day + mondx + yrndx + CONST;
 250:         return(index % 7);
 251: }

Defined functions

main defined in line 76; never used
weekday defined in line 235; used 2 times

Defined variables

days defined in line 72; used 1 times
months defined in line 73; used 1 times
sccsid defined in line 25; never used

Defined macros

AF defined in line 65; never used
AIE defined in line 56; never used
BASE_ADDR defined in line 35; used 1 times
  • in line 85
CONST defined in line 70; used 1 times
D24 defined in line 60; used 1 times
DM defined in line 59; used 1 times
DSE defined in line 61; used 1 times
DV0 defined in line 48; never used
DV1 defined in line 47; used 1 times
DV2 defined in line 46; never used
IO_SIZE defined in line 38; used 1 times
  • in line 84
IO_VEC defined in line 36; never used
IRQF defined in line 63; never used
PF defined in line 64; never used
PIE defined in line 55; never used
REG_A defined in line 40; used 3 times
REG_B defined in line 41; used 1 times
REG_C defined in line 42; never used
REG_D defined in line 43; used 1 times
RS0 defined in line 52; never used
RS1 defined in line 51; never used
RS2 defined in line 50; never used
RS3 defined in line 49; never used
SEG_REG defined in line 37; used 1 times
  • in line 83
SET defined in line 54; used 1 times
SQWE defined in line 58; never used
UF defined in line 66; never used
UIE defined in line 57; never used
UIP defined in line 45; used 1 times
VRT defined in line 68; used 1 times
Last modified: 1999-07-22
Generated: 2016-12-26
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