#if !defined(lint) && defined(DOSCCS) static char *sccsid = "@(#)dumpoptr.c 1.6 (2.11BSD GTE) 1996/11/16"; #endif #include "dump.h" struct group *getgrnam(); /* * Query the operator; This fascist piece of code requires * an exact response. * It is intended to protect dump aborting by inquisitive * people banging on the console terminal to see what is * happening which might cause dump to croak, destroying * a large number of hours of work. * * Every 2 minutes we reprint the message, alerting others * that dump needs attention. */ int timeout; char *attnmessage; /* attemtion message */ query(question) char *question; { char replybuffer[64]; int back; FILE *mytty; if ( (mytty = fopen("/dev/tty", "r")) == NULL){ msg("fopen on /dev/tty fails\n"); abort(); } attnmessage = question; timeout = 0; alarmcatch(); for(;;){ if ( fgets(replybuffer, 63, mytty) == NULL){ if (ferror(mytty)){ clearerr(mytty); continue; } } else if ( (strcmp(replybuffer, "yes\n") == 0) || (strcmp(replybuffer, "Yes\n") == 0)){ back = 1; goto done; } else if ( (strcmp(replybuffer, "no\n") == 0) || (strcmp(replybuffer, "No\n") == 0)){ back = 0; goto done; } else { msg("\"Yes\" or \"No\"?\n"); alarmcatch(); } } done: /* * Turn off the alarm, and reset the signal to trap out.. */ alarm(0); if (signal(SIGALRM, sigalrm) == SIG_IGN) signal(SIGALRM, SIG_IGN); fclose(mytty); return(back); } /* * Alert the console operator, and enable the alarm clock to * sleep for 2 minutes in case nobody comes to satisfy dump */ alarmcatch() { if (timeout) msgtail("\n"); msg("NEEDS ATTENTION: %s: (\"yes\" or \"no\") ", attnmessage); signal(SIGALRM, alarmcatch); alarm(120); timeout = 1; } /* * Here if an inquisitive operator interrupts the dump program */ interrupt() { msg("Interrupt received.\n"); if (query("Do you want to abort dump?")) dumpabort(); signal(SIGINT, interrupt); } /* * The following variables and routines manage alerting * operators to the status of dump. * This works much like wall(1) does. */ struct group *gp; /* * Get the names from the group entry "operator" to notify. */ set_operators() { if (!notify) /*not going to notify*/ return; gp = getgrnam(OPGRENT); endgrent(); if (gp == (struct group *)0){ msg("No entry in /etc/group for %s.\n", OPGRENT); notify = 0; return; } } struct tm *localtime(); struct tm *localclock; /* * We fork a child to do the actual broadcasting, so * that the process control groups are not messed up */ broadcast(message) char *message; { time_t clock; FILE *f_utmp; struct utmp utmp; char **np; int pid, s; switch (pid = fork()) { case -1: return; case 0: break; default: while (wait(&s) != pid) continue; return; } if (!notify || gp == 0) exit(0); clock = time((time_t *)0); localclock = localtime(&clock); if((f_utmp = fopen(_PATH_UTMP, "r")) == NULL) { msg("Cannot open 'utmp'\n"); return; } while (!feof(f_utmp)){ if (fread((char *)&utmp, sizeof (struct utmp), 1, f_utmp) != 1) break; if (utmp.ut_name[0] == 0) continue; for (np = gp->gr_mem; *np; np++){ if (strncmp(*np, utmp.ut_name, sizeof(utmp.ut_name)) != 0) continue; /* * Do not send messages to operators on dialups */ if (strncmp(utmp.ut_line, DIALUP, strlen(DIALUP)) == 0) continue; #ifdef DEBUG msg("Message to %s at %s\n", utmp.ut_name, utmp.ut_line); #endif DEBUG sendmes(utmp.ut_line, message); } } fclose(f_utmp); Exit(0); /* the wait in this same routine will catch this */ /* NOTREACHED */ } sendmes(tty, message) char *tty, *message; { char t[50], buf[BUFSIZ]; register char *cp; register int c; int ch, msize; register FILE *f_tty; msize = strlen(message); strcpy(t, "/dev/"); strcat(t, tty); if((f_tty = fopen(t, "w")) != NULL) { setbuf(f_tty, buf); fprintf(f_tty, "\n\007\007\007Message from the dump program to all operators at %d:%02d ...\r\n\n" ,localclock->tm_hour ,localclock->tm_min); for (cp = message, c = msize; c-- > 0; cp++) { ch = *cp; if (ch == '\n') putc('\r', f_tty); putc(ch, f_tty); } fclose(f_tty); } } /* * print out an estimate of the amount of time left to do the dump */ time_t tschedule = 0; timeest() { time_t tnow, deltat; long pleft; char buf[BUFSIZ]; time (&tnow); if (tnow >= tschedule){ tschedule = tnow + 300; if (blockswritten < 500L) return; /* / \ |/ estimated blocks \ | delta time = ||---------------- | X time so far | - time so far |\ blocks thus far / | \ / */ pleft = ((100 * esize)/blockswritten) - 100; deltat = (time_t) (tnow - tstart_writing) * pleft; deltat = deltat/100; /* scale back down */ sprintf(buf,"%3.2f%%%% done, finished in %d:%02d\n", (float) (blockswritten*100.0)/esize, (int)(deltat/3600L), (int)((deltat%3600L)/60L)); msg(buf); } } /* VARARGS1 */ /* ARGSUSED */ msg(fmt, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5) char *fmt; { fprintf(stderr," DUMP: "); #ifdef TDEBUG fprintf(stderr,"pid=%d ", getpid()); #endif fprintf(stderr, fmt, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5); fflush(stdout); fflush(stderr); } /* VARARGS1 */ /* ARGSUSED */ msgtail(fmt, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5) char *fmt; { fprintf(stderr, fmt, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5); } /* * Tell the operator what has to be done. */ lastdump(arg) char arg; /* w ==> just what to do; W ==> most recent dumps */ { char *lastname; char *date; register int i; time_t tnow; register struct fstab *dt; int dumpme; register struct idates *itwalk; int idatesort(); time(&tnow); inititimes(); /* /etc/dumpdates input */ qsort(idatev, nidates, sizeof(struct idates *), idatesort); if (arg == 'w') fprintf(stdout, "Dump these file systems:\n"); else fprintf(stdout, "Last dump(s) done (Dump '>' file systems):\n"); lastname = "??"; ITITERATE(i, itwalk){ if (strncmp(lastname, itwalk->id_name, sizeof(itwalk->id_name)) == 0) continue; date = (char *)ctime(&itwalk->id_ddate); date[16] = '\0'; /* blast away seconds and year */ lastname = itwalk->id_name; dt = getfsspec(deraw(itwalk->id_name)); dumpme = ( (dt != 0) && (dt->fs_freq != 0) && (itwalk->id_ddate < tnow - (dt->fs_freq*DAY))); if ( (arg != 'w') || dumpme) fprintf(stdout,"%c %8s\t(%6s) Last dump: Level %c, Date %s\n", dumpme && (arg != 'w') ? '>' : ' ', itwalk->id_name, dt ? dt->fs_file : 0, itwalk->id_incno, date ); } } int idatesort(p1, p2) struct idates **p1, **p2; { int diff; diff = strncmp((*p1)->id_name, (*p2)->id_name, sizeof((*p1)->id_name)); if (diff == 0) if ((*p2)->id_ddate > (*p1)->id_ddate) return (1); else if ((*p2)->id_ddate == (*p1)->id_ddate) return (0); else return (-1); else return (diff); }