#!/bin/sh # $Header: norm.saver.SH,v 85/05/20 15:56:24 lwall Exp $ # # $Log: norm.saver.SH,v $ # Revision 85/05/20 15:56:24 lwall # Turned makedepend.SH into $5. # # Revision 85/05/10 11:36:52 lwall # Branch for patches. # # Revision 4.3 85/05/01 11:45:16 lwall # Baseline for release with 4.3bsd. # # # Arguments: # 1 Full name of article (%A) # 2 Public news spool directory (%P) # 3 Directory of current newsgroup (%c) # 4 Article number (%a) # 5 Where in article to start (%B) # 6 Newsgroup name (%C) # 7 Save destination (%b) # export PATH || (echo "OOPS, this isn't sh. Desperation time. I will feed myself to sh."; sh $0; kill $$) ( case "$5" in 0) /bin/echo "Article $4 of $6:" ;; esac /usr/ucb/tail +$5c $1 /bin/echo "" /bin/echo "" ) >> $7