/* $Header: artstate.h,v 85/05/13 09:30:30 lwall Exp $ * * $Log: artstate.h,v $ * Revision 85/05/13 09:30:30 lwall * Added CUSTOMLINES option. * * Revision 85/05/10 11:31:32 lwall * Branch for patches. * * Revision 4.3 85/05/01 11:35:59 lwall * Baseline for release with 4.3bsd. * */ EXT bool reread INIT(FALSE); /* consider current art temporarily */ /* unread? */ EXT bool do_fseek INIT(FALSE); /* should we back up in article file? */ EXT bool oldsubject INIT(FALSE); /* not 1st art in subject thread */ EXT ART_LINE topline INIT(-1); /* top line of current screen */ EXT bool do_hiding INIT(TRUE); /* hide header lines with -h? */ #ifdef ROTATION EXT bool rotate INIT(FALSE); /* has rotation been requested? */ #endif EXT char *prompt; /* pointer to current prompt */ EXT char *firstline INIT(Nullch); /* special first line? */ #ifdef CUSTOMLINES EXT char *hideline INIT(Nullch); /* custom line hiding? */ EXT char *pagestop INIT(Nullch); /* custom page terminator? */ EXT COMPEX hide_compex; EXT COMPEX page_compex; #endif