Mchecknotes checknotes.c /^main (argc, argv)$/ Mmain main.c /^main (argc, argv)$/ Mmknf mknf.c /^main (argc, argv)$/ Mnewsinput newsinput.c /^main (argc, argv)$/ Mnewsoutput newsoutput.c /^main (argc, argv)$/ Mnfaccess nfaccess.c /^main (argc, argv)$/ Mnfadmin nfadmin.c /^main (argc, argv)$/ Mnfarchive nfarchive.c /^main (argc, argv)$/ Mnfdump nfdump.c /^main (argc, argv)$/ Mnfload nfload.c /^main (argc, argv)$/ Mnfmail nfmail.c /^main (argc, argv)$/ Mnfpipe nfpipe.c /^main (argc, argv)$/ Mnfprint nfprint.c /^main (argc, argv)$/ Mnfrcv nfrcv.c /^main (argc, argv)$/ Mnfstats nfstats.c /^main (argc, argv)$/ Mnftimestamp nftimestamp.c /^main (argc, argv)$/ Mnfxmit nfxmit.c /^main (argc, argv)$/ Mrmnf rmnf.c /^main (argc, argv)$/ YorN dropt.c /^#define YorN(c) ((c) != 0 ? YES : NO)$/ accessedit access.c /^accessedit (io)$/ acscmp acssort.c /^acscmp (a, b)$/ acssort acssort.c /^acssort (alist, items)$/ addgrp expand.c /^addgrp (string)$/ addmodes acssort.c /^addmodes (io, nmodes, Newmodes, verbose)$/ addnote adnote.c /^addnote (io, preface, pstr, tpstr, title, editflag/ addresp adresp.c /^addresp (io, preface, notenum, editflag)$/ allow permit.c /^allow (io, mode)$/ archiver archiver.c /^archiver (nfname, daysold, worksetsize, deleteonly/ archone nfarchive.c /^archone (nfname)$/ asearch asearch.c /^asearch (io, notenum, respnum, grabname)$/ askyn miscio.c /^askyn (p) char *p; \/* returns y or n to the qu/ at cursor.c /^at (row, col)$/ bclear bnewshead.c /^bclear (cp, nc)$/ bnewsgen newsinput.c /^bnewsgen (io, header, body)$/ buildnf buildnf.c /^buildnf (nfname, basedir, Aflag, Oflag, Nflag)$/ cansend newsout.c /^cansend (sysname, class)$/ catchem miscio.c /^catchem ()$/ catchint miscio.c /^catchint ()$/ catchz miscio.c /^catchz () \/* handle ^Z gracefully *\/$/ center cursor.c /^center (p, len, row, col) char *p;$/ ceol cursor.c /^ceol ()$/ charout cursor.c /^charout (c)$/ checknf checknotes.c /^checknf (nfname)$/ chknote find.c /^chknote (io, noteid, note)$/ chkpath check.c /^chkpath (p)$/ chkresp find.c /^chkresp (io, respid, note, notenum)$/ closenf recsio.c /^closenf (io)$/ cmstart cursor.c /^cmstart ()$/ cmstop cursor.c /^cmstop ()$/ compress compress.c /^compress (io, lockflag, verbosity, numnotes, numre/ control control.c /^control (nfname, seqon)$/ copy nfmail.c /^copy (From, To) FILE * From, *To;$/ copyauth misc.c /^copyauth (from, to)$/ copydate misc.c /^copydate (from, to)$/ cursget cursor.c /^cursget ()$/ delgroup expand.c /^delgroup (string)$/ delnote note.c /^delnote (io, noteno, lockit)$/ delresp resp.c /^delresp (io, noteno, resprec, resphys, lockit)$/ direct dropt.c /^direct (io) struct io_f *io;$/ dirplot dropt.c /^dirplot (io)$/ dmpaccess dump.c /^dmpaccess (io, dfile)$/ dmpdescr dump.c /^dmpdescr (io, dmpfile)$/ dmpnote dmpnote.c /^dmpnote (io, note, num, dmpfile, extensive, protoc/ dmprall dmpresp.c /^dmprall (io, note, notenum, dmpfile, extensive, pr/ dmprsp dmpresp.c /^dmprsp (io, note, notenum, dmpfile, num, extensive/ dopat pattern.c /^dopat (p, what)$/ dopipe nfmail.c /^dopipe (command, File) char *command;$/ dounix misc.c /^dounix (linebuf, hisuid, ttymode)$/ dspnote dsply.c /^dspnote (io, note, notenum)$/ dspresp dsply.c /^dspresp (io, note, resp, phys, logical, notenum)$/ dumpnf dump.c /^dumpnf (nfname, dfile)$/ erase cursor.c /^erase ()$/ expand expand.c /^expand (argp)$/ findtitle tsearch.c /^findtitle (io, fromnum, anchored)$/ finish recsio.c /^finish (io)$/ fixid bnewshead.c /^fixid (hp)$/ fixlast times.c /^fixlast (atime, nf, seqon, name)$/ fixtime compress.c /^static fixtime (when)$/ frmread bnewshead.c /^frmread (fp, hp)$/ ftime ftime.c /^ftime (tp)$/ gchar miscio.c /^gchar ()$/ gdate gdate.c /^gdate (date) struct when_f *date;$/ getdscr recsio.c /^getdscr (io, descr) struct descr_f *descr;$/ getfield bnewshead.c /^getfield (hpfield)$/ getfrsp resp.c /^getfrsp (io) struct io_f *io;$/ getgroups perms.c /^getgroups (ngroups, gidset)$/ getignore nfmail.c /^getignore (name)$/ getlast times.c /^getlast (atime, nf, seqon, name)$/ getmode access.c /^getmode (zmode)$/ getname gname.c /^getname (who_me, anon) \/* anon=true for anonym/ getnet getnet.c /^getnet (sys, nf, howp)$/ getnrec recsio.c /^getnrec (io, n, note) struct note_f *note; \/* n i/ getnum miscio.c /^getnum (c) \/* c is the initial character! *\/$/ getpath newspath.c /^char *getpath (dest)$/ getperms perms.c /^getperms (io, sysflag, name)$/ getrrec recsio.c /^getrrec (io, n, resp) struct resp_f *resp; \/* n i/ gettext gtext.c /^long gettext (io, where, preface, editflag)$/ gettime gtime.c /^gettime (whenvec) struct when_f *whenvec;$/ gline miscio.c /^gline (p, max)$/ glocknf misc.c /^glocknf (io, c)$/ gshell misc.c /^gshell ()$/ gunlocknf misc.c /^gunlocknf (io, c)$/ help help.c /^help (file)$/ hfgets bnewshead.c /^char *hfgets (buf, len, fp)$/ indx index.c /^indx (io, firstdis, lastdis, respnum)$/ init recsio.c /^init (io, p) struct io_f *io;$/ initdescr buildnf.c /^initdescr (descr)$/ initnote ldmisc.c /^initnote (note)$/ inorder next.c /^inorder (d1, d2)$/ intuitfrom bnewshead.c /^intuitfrom (hp)$/ isinput miscio.c /^isinput ()$/ its bnewshead.c /^#define its(type) (!strncmp(ptr,type,strlen(type))/ ldnote1 loadproto1.c /^ldnote1 (io, whofrom, extensive, lockit, infile)$/ ldresp1 loadproto1.c /^ldresp1 (io, whofrom, extensive, lockit, infile)$/ len misc.c /^len (p, n) char *p;$/ limindx limindx.c /^limindx (io)$/ listconv misc.c /^listconv (buf, ptr)$/ listget misc.c /^listget (buf, ptr, start, finish)$/ loadaccess loadnf.c /^loadaccess (io, infile)$/ loaddescr loadnf.c /^loaddescr (descr, infile)$/ loadem loadem.c /^loadem (io, infile, lockit, whofrom, extensive, ar/ loadgate newsoutput.c /^loadgate (filename)$/ loadnf loadnf.c /^loadnf (basedir, nfname, infile)$/ loadnote loadem.c /^loadnote (io, firstline, whofrom, extensive, locki/ loadresp loadem.c /^loadresp (io, firstline, whofrom, extensive, locki/ locknf misc.c /^locknf (io, c)$/ lprnote lprnote.c /^lprnote (io, lprfile, toc, notenum, note, justtitl/ lprresp lprnote.c /^lprresp (io, lprfile, toc, notenum, respnum, rspre/ lrsp lrsp.c /^lrsp (io, notenum, resp, rrec, poffset, recnum)$/ mailit mailit.c /^mailit (io, where, author, date, title, toauth, wt/ maketime gtime.c /^maketime (whenvec, tvec)$/ mapch miscio.c /^mapch (c)$/ mdelete delete.c /^mdelete (io, first, last, zapping)$/ modaddress mailit.c /^modaddress (notesname, address)$/ newsgroup newsgroup.c /^newsgroup (lookfor, mapped, direct)$/ newsheader bnewshead.c /^newsheader (hp, fp, wholething)$/ newsnote newsdump.c /^newsnote (io, note, notenum, ngroup, backwards)$/ newsone newsoutput.c /^newsone (nfname)$/ newsout newsout.c /^newsout (nfname, backwards, usetime, verbosity)$/ newsresp newsdump.c /^newsresp (io, note, notenum, rsprec, roffset, resp/ newval nfadmin.c /^int newval(c)$/ nextgroup expand.c /^struct nflist_f *nextgroup ()$/ nfabort nfabort.c /^nfabort (nf, message, title, cname, exitcode)$/ nfalias nfalias.c /^nfalias (local, remote, remotesys)$/ nfcomment nfcomment.c /^nfcomment (nfname, text, title, dirflag, anonflag)/ nfgen newsinput.c /^nfgen (io, header, body, pathname)$/ nfmatch getnet.c /^static int nfmatch (nf, pattern)$/ nfsend nfsend.c /^nfsend (tosite, nfname, dmpfile, usetime, sendhim,/ nfsendone nfsend.c /^nfsendone (nfname, tosite, queuestat, sendstat)$/ ngcat bnewshead.c /^ngcat (s)$/ notesum nfadmin.c /^notesum(d)$/ nstrip bnewshead.c /^nstrip (s)$/ nxtnote next.c /^nxtnote (io, note, date)$/ nxtresp next.c /^nxtresp (io, note, resp, date)$/ opennf recsio.c /^opennf (io, p)$/ pagebreak lprnote.c /^pagebreak (zfile)$/ pagein pagein.c /^long pagein (io, zfile, where)$/ pagemove pagemove.c /^pagemove (io, where, io2, where2, lockflag)$/ pageout pageout.c /^pageout (io, where, zfile)$/ parsemode acssort.c /^parsemode (asciimode, pstuff, verbose)$/ parsepath parsepath.c /^parsepath (newspath, fromline)$/ parsetime datein.c /^parsetime (line, date)$/ patcheck check.c /^patcheck (p)$/ plotit access.c /^plotit (alist, base, items) \/* plot the list *\// prdate misc.c /^prdate (zdate) struct when_f *zdate;$/ preptxt preptxt.c /^preptxt (io, zfile, author, date, where, title)$/ prntind prtind.c /^prntind (io, firstdis, lastdis)$/ putdscr recsio.c /^putdscr (io, descr) struct descr_f *descr;$/ putnote note.c /^putnote (io, where, title, status, note, auth, pol/ putnrec recsio.c /^putnrec (io, n, note) struct note_f *note; \/* n i/ putresp resp.c /^putresp (io, where, status, noteno, adate, auth, n/ putrrec recsio.c /^putrrec (io, n, resp) struct resp_f *resp; \/* n i/ puttrec recsio.c /^long puttrec (io, zfile, where, count)$/ readem readem.c /^readem (io, readnum, firstdis, resp)$/ readrc expand.c /^readrc (s)$/ rfcparse parse.c /^rfcparse (line, varlist)$/ savtxt savtxt.c /^savtxt (io, where, author, date, txtwhere, title)$/ setseq expand.c /^setseq (i)$/ shouldignore nfmail.c /^shouldignore (p)$/ showit dsply.c /^showit (io, dbuf, Rotate)$/ skipwhite nfmail.c /^char *skipwhite (p)$/ sprdate misc.c /^sprdate (w, str) struct when_f *w;$/ startup startup.c /^startup (argc, argv)$/ statone nfstats.c /^statone (nfname)$/ strclean misc.c /^int strclean (p)$/ strmove misc.c /^strmove (p, q)$/ strsave misc.c /^char *strsave (s)$/ substr misc.c /^substr (a, b)$/ tailpath bnewshead.c /^ tailpath (hp)$/ talkto talkto.c /^talkto (auth)$/ timein ldmisc.c /^timein (line, atime)$/ toggle dropt.c /^toggle(io, flag, row)$/ tolcase misc.c /^tolcase (c)$/ tsearch tsearch.c /^tsearch (io, fromnum, grabstring)$/ ttystop miscio.c /^ttystop ()$/ ttystrt miscio.c /^ttystrt ()$/ type bnewshead.c /^type (ptr)$/ tzone newsdump.c /^char *tzone (when)$/ uncatchem miscio.c /^uncatchem () \/* restore signal status *\/$/ unlocknf misc.c /^unlocknf (io, c)$/ usage main.c /^usage ()$/ watchkid misc.c /^static int watchkid (sig)$/ widthch miscio.c /^int widthch (c)$/ x misc.c /^x (cond, p) char *p;$/ xmitone nfxmit.c /^xmitone (local)$/ yes nfadmin.c /^char *yes(b)$/