#include "parms.h" #include "structs.h" #include "newsgate.h" #ifdef RCSIDENT static char rcsid[] = "$Header: parsepath.c,v 85/11/29 12:18:43 notes Rel $"; #endif RCSIDENT /* * Parse the supplied path and from lines to determine the * address of the sender. Look at the "from" line first * to see if it contains a pure domain-style address. If so, * use that for origsys and authname. Otherwise, fall into * intuiting it from the "newspath" argument. * * newsinput calls this with header.path and header.from as * args. nfmail calls it with from and (null) as args. * * * fromsys: contains system that sent us the article. * this helps us avoid sending unnecessary copies * of the article over the net. * * origsys: contains the system name of the author. Note * that for mailing lists gatewayed to news, this * is not the same as the host in the article-ID. * * Thanks to Lou Salkind for this code. */ char fromsys[SYSSZ + 1]; /* gave it to us */ char origsys[SYSSZ + 1]; /* started here */ char authname[NAMESZ + 1]; /* author */ parsepath (newspath, fromline) char *newspath; char *fromline; { register int i, j, c; register char *p, *q; char line[CMDLEN]; char strippedline[CMDLEN]; int gotname = 0; /* not yet */ if (fromline != (char *) NULL && fromline[0] != '\0') { /* pure domain exists */ strcpy (line, fromline); /* hackable copy */ if ((p = index (line, '<')) != (char *) NULL) /* get it */ { if ((q = index (p, '>')) == (char *) NULL) /* malformed */ goto usepath; *q = '\0'; /* truncate */ strcpy (strippedline, ++p); /* and save */ } else { int incomment; p = line; /* from start */ while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t') p++; /* leading trash */ incomment = 0; q = p; p = strippedline; while (*q != '\0') { if (incomment > 0 && *q == ')') /* end comment */ { incomment--; q++; continue; } if (incomment > 0) /* ignore char */ { q++; continue; } if (*q == '(') /* start comment */ { incomment++; ++q; continue; } if (*q == ' ' || *q == '\n' || *q == '\t')/* end of addr */ break; *p++ = *q++; /* on to next */ } *p = '\0'; /* terminate */ } if ((p = index (strippedline, '@')) == (char *) NULL) goto usepath; *p++ = '\0'; /* split them */ strncpy (authname, strippedline, NAMESZ); authname[NAMESZ - 1] = '\0'; /* truncate */ strncpy (origsys, p, HOMESYSSZ); origsys[HOMESYSSZ - 1] = '\0'; /* truncate */ /* * check to see we got something */ if (strlen (authname) > 0) /* could be null */ gotname++; /* mark as plucked */ } /* * Determine user and the real originating system. * Tuned for B news 2.10 */ usepath: /* fall through from above */ strcpy (line, newspath); for (i = 0; line[i]; i++) /* find string end */ if (line[i] == ' ' || line[i] == '\t' || line[i] == '\n') { line[i] = '\0'; break; } i--; /* * Try and parse an author if we don't already have one */ if (!gotname) { for (j = i; j > 0; j--) /* find delimiter */ if (line[j] == '@' || line[j] == '!' || line[j] == ':') break; if (j <= 0) { /* user */ for (i = 0; i < (NAMESZ - 1); i++) { if ((c = line[i]) == '\0') break; authname[i] = c; } authname[i] = '\0'; } else if (line[j] == '@') { /* user@host */ int atcount = j; line[atcount] = '\0'; /* drop uucp route */ for (i = atcount - 1; i > 0; i--) { if (line[i] == '!' || line[i] == ':') { i++; break; } } j = i; /* copy user */ for (i = 0; i < (NAMESZ - 1); i++) { if ((c = line[j + i]) == '\0') break; authname[i] = c; } authname[i] = '\0'; j = atcount + 1; /* copy origsys */ for (i = 0; i < (SYSSZ - 1); i++) { if ((c = line[j + i]) == '\0') break; #ifdef notdef /* * (no longer needed....) * TEMPORARY KLUDGE... * throw out domain part until host * name length increased */ if (c == '.') break; #endif notdef origsys[i] = c; } origsys[i] = '\0'; } else { /* host!user */ int delim = j; char sepchar = line[delim]; /* save delimiter */ line[delim] = '\0'; /* drop uucp route */ for (i = delim - 1; i > 0; i--) { if (line[i] == '!' || line[i] == ':') { i++; break; } } j = i; /* copy host */ for (i = 0; i < (NAMESZ - 1); i++) { if ((c = line[j + i]) == '\0') break; origsys[i] = c; } origsys[i] = '\0'; #ifdef FULLDOMAIN /* * if the delimiter was a !, we can place the site in * the "UUCP" domain. * * Exception: if the site name contains "." [as it will once * the USENIX/UUCP project gets going], we don't want to * add a domain since it is probably already there. */ if (sepchar == '!') /* some UUCP site */ { if (index (origsys, '.') == (char *) NULL) { strcat (origsys, ".UUCP"); } else { /* * already contains full domain spec */ } } else { /* * a BERKnet site. Don't have a handy domain for them. */ } #endif FULLDOMAIN j = delim + 1; /* copy user */ for (i = 0; i < (SYSSZ - 1); i++) { if ((c = line[j + i]) == '\0') break; authname[i] = c; } authname[i] = '\0'; } } /* of if !gotname */ /* * get fromsys, which is the first host in path */ if (p = index (line, '!')) { *p = '\0'; strncpy (fromsys, line, SYSSZ - 1); } else strcpy (fromsys, origsys); }