1: #if defined(RCSIDENT) && defined(MAINLINE)
   2: static char *zznewsgate = "$Header: newsgate.h,v 85/07/20 13:44:37 notes Rel $";
   3: #endif	defined(RCSIDENT) && defined(MAINLINE)
   5: /*
   6:  *	newsgate.h
   7:  *
   8:  *	This file contains the definitions needed for the notesfile/news
   9:  *	gateway features.
  10:  *
  11:  *	The new (April 4) implementation allows gateing from news to
  12:  *	notesfiles at ANY site. Gateing from notes to news is allowed
  13:  *	by a SINGLE site (for any given newsgroup) per notesfile 'subnet'.
  14:  *
  15:  *	An example:
  16:  *	4 sites running notesfiles: A,B,C and D.
  17:  *
  18:  *	Both A and B run news alongside the notesfile program.
  19:  *	A and B both gateway news into notesfiles; this is safe
  20:  *	and does not generate duplicate articles.
  21:  *	Neither C nor D run news; they do want the articles they
  22:  *	have written to go to the news system beyond A and B.
  23:  *	Sites A and B should at least gateway their locally generated
  24:  *	articles to news.  Sites C and D should each make their own
  25:  *	arrangements to have their articles passed to the news
  26:  *	networks.  Good criteria for choosing the site include
  27:  *	the load of the machine to gateway, how well it is connected
  28:  *	to the rest of the network and who runs the machine.
  29:  *	In this case, suppose C goes with A and D goes with B.
  30:  *	The gateway scripts will look something like:
  31:  *
  32:  *	On A:
  33:  *		newsoutput list			(local articles (A))
  34:  *		newsoutput -sC list		(C's articles)
  35:  *
  36:  *	On B:
  37:  *		newsoutput list			(local articles (B))
  38:  *		newsoutput -sD list		(D's articles)
  39:  *
  40:  *
  41:  *	Original Coding:	Ray Essick	April 4, 1982
  42:  *
  43:  */
  45: /*
  46:  *	Definitions that are likely to change between sites:
  47:  */
  49: #define     DFLTRNEWS       "rnews"     /* if getnet fails */
  50: #undef      EXPANDPATH              /* do indirect links */
  51: #define     DFLTDOMAIN  "UUCP"          /* if undomained */
  52: #define     PATHMAP     "/usr/local/lib/mail/usemap"    /* path to the paths */
  53:                             /* pathmap unused. */
  55: /*
  56:  *	definitions that aren't likely to be changed.
  57:  */
  59: #define UGLYPATH                    /* want Path: ....!author */
  61: #define RNEWSNAME   "Usenet"            /* getnet pseudohost */
  62: #define NEWSSYS     "Anysystem"         /* news' sequencer */
  63: #define NEWSSEQ     "News"              /* prefix for above */
  64: #define NEWSALIAS   "newsgroups"            /* mapping file */
  65: #define NGRPLEN     30              /* longest newsgroup */
  66: #define NEWSNF      1               /* alias news->nf */
  67: #define NFBASENEWS  2               /* alias nf->news */
  68: #define NFRESPNEWS  3               /* alias nf->news */
  69: #define OLDSUFFIX   "- from a notesfile"        /* catch loops */
  70: #define NFSUFFIX    "- (nf)"            /* catch nf-news-nf */
  71: #define CTL     ".ctl"              /* control msgs */
  72: #define SLEEPTIME   10              /* between rnews' */
  73: #define GATEMAX     100             /* for newsoutput -c */
  74: #define AUTHORPLACEHOLDER   "seefromline"       /* for Path: line */
  76: /*
  77:  *	classes to send back
  78:  */
  80: #define     NEWS_ALLSEND    001         /* all non-local */
  81: #define     NEWS_LOCALSEND  002         /* local articles */
  84: /*
  85:  *	stuff to be compatible with Salkind/Spickelmier work
  86:  *	Most of these are carried over from the news system.
  87:  */
  89: #define NGDELIM     ','
  90: #define NEGCHAR     '!'             /* negation */
  91: #define PROTO       'A'             /* A-news protocol */
  92: #define NUMGROUPS   5
  94: /*
  95:  *	Definitions for the New and Improved version thanks to
  96:  *	Tw Cook of Hewlett-Packard.
  97:  */
  99: #define     NFLINE1 "Nf-ID"             /* parent, etc */
 100: #define     NFLINE2 "Nf-From"           /* author,dates */
 103: extern char *tzone ();                  /* in newsdump.c */
 104: extern char *getpath ();                /* in newspath.c */
 105: extern char *Version;                   /* in newsdump.c */
 106: extern char rnewscmd[];                 /* in newsoutput.c */
 107: extern int  sendclass;                  /* classes to send */
 109: /*
 110:  *	The following lines are from the B-news program.
 111:  *
 112:  * header.h - Article header format
 113:  *
 114:  *	@(#)header.h	2.11	4/24/83";
 115:  */
 117: #define     NUNREC      50          /* bnews:header.h */
 118: #define     BUFLEN      256         /* bnews:defs.h */
 119: #define     PATHLEN     512         /* bnews:defs.h */
 120: #define     NAMELEN     64          /* bnews:defs.h */
 121: #define     NETCHRS     "!:.@^%"        /* bnews:defs.h */
 122: #define     LBUFLEN     1024            /* bnews:defs.h */
 123: #define     BDATE       64          /* bnews:defs.h */
 124:                             /* was DATELEN */
 126: struct hbuf                     /* article header */
 127: {                           /* bnews:header.h */
 128:     char    from[BUFLEN];               /* From: */
 129:     char    path[PATHLEN];              /* Path: */
 130:     char    nbuf[BUFLEN];               /* Newsgroups: */
 131:     char    snbuf[BUFLEN];              /* Squashed nbuf. */
 132:     char    title[BUFLEN];              /* Subject: */
 133:     char    oident[BUFLEN];             /* Article-I.D.: */
 134:     char    ident[BUFLEN];              /* Message-ID: */
 135:     char    replyto[BUFLEN];                /* Reply-To: */
 136:     char    followid[BUFLEN];               /* References: */
 137:     char    subdate[BDATE];             /* (submitted) Date: */
 138:     long    subtime;                    /* subdate in secs */
 139:     char    recdate[BDATE];             /* Date-Received: */
 140:     long    rectime;                    /* recdate in secs */
 141:     char    expdate[BDATE];             /* Expires: */
 142:     long    exptime;                    /* expdate in secs */
 143:     char    ctlmsg[PATHLEN];                /* Control: */
 144:     char    sender[BUFLEN];             /* Sender: */
 145:     char    followto[BUFLEN];               /* Followup-to: */
 146:     char    postversion[BUFLEN];            /* Post-Version: */
 147:     char    relayversion[BUFLEN];           /* Relay-Version: */
 148:     char    distribution[BUFLEN];           /* Distribution: */
 149:     char    organization[BUFLEN];           /* Organization: */
 150:     char    numlines[8];                /* Lines: */
 151:     int     intnumlines;                /* Integer version */
 152:     char    keywords[BUFLEN];               /* Keywords: */
 153:     char    approved[BUFLEN];               /* Approved: */
 154:     char    nline1[BUFLEN];             /* NF-Id: */
 155:     char    nline2[BUFLEN];             /* NF-From: */
 156:     char   *unrec[NUNREC];              /* unrecognized lines */
 157: };

Defined variables

zznewsgate defined in line 2; never used

Defined struct's

hbuf defined in line 126; used 16 times

Defined macros

AUTHORPLACEHOLDER defined in line 74; used 4 times
BDATE defined in line 123; used 3 times
BUFLEN defined in line 118; used 26 times
CTL defined in line 71; used 1 times
DFLTRNEWS defined in line 49; used 2 times
LBUFLEN defined in line 122; used 1 times
NAMELEN defined in line 120; used 1 times
NEGCHAR defined in line 90; never used
NETCHRS defined in line 121; used 1 times
NEWSALIAS defined in line 64; used 1 times
NEWSNF defined in line 66; used 1 times
NEWSSEQ defined in line 63; used 1 times
NEWSSYS defined in line 62; used 2 times
NEWS_LOCALSEND defined in line 81; never used
NFBASENEWS defined in line 67; used 1 times
NFLINE1 defined in line 99; used 2 times
NFLINE2 defined in line 100; used 2 times
NFRESPNEWS defined in line 68; used 1 times
NGDELIM defined in line 89; used 2 times
NGRPLEN defined in line 65; never used
NUMGROUPS defined in line 92; never used
NUNREC defined in line 117; used 3 times
OLDSUFFIX defined in line 69; used 1 times
PATHLEN defined in line 119; used 6 times
PATHMAP defined in line 52; used 1 times
PROTO defined in line 91; used 1 times
RNEWSNAME defined in line 61; used 1 times
SLEEPTIME defined in line 72; used 2 times
UGLYPATH defined in line 59; used 4 times

Usage of this include

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