#include "parms.h" #include "structs.h" #ifdef RCSIDENT static char rcsid[] = "$Header: miscio.c,v 96/3/21 23:06:01 notes Rel $"; #endif RCSIDENT /* miscio stuff: * * ttystrt/ttystop switch back and forth to character-at-a-time mode * * catchem makes our program ignore kills and coredumps. * * getnum is a char at a time input routine * * gchar sucks in 1 character. masks off parity. Uses raw mode to do this * */ #include #include #ifdef USG /* Bell's Sys III and V */ #include struct termio tty, otty; #endif defined(USG) #if defined(V7) || defined(BSD4x) || defined(BSD2x) /* Standard Bell V7 and Berkeley too */ #include int oldmode; /* prev mode bits */ int oldlocalbits; /* prev local bits */ struct sgttyb tty; #endif char ttyerase, /* erase 1 char */ ttykill; /* erase entire line */ int echoctl = 0; /* as ^G or bell */ int modeset = 0; /* == 1 if ttyflags messed with */ short ospeed; /* for tputs padding */ ttystrt () { #if defined(BSD2x) || defined(BSD4x) int localbits; #endif echoctl = 0; /* default to non-echo */ /* * Grab the current tty state */ #ifdef V7 /* V7 has simple tty controls */ if (gtty (0, &tty) < 0) /* failure to grab */ { fprintf (stderr, "%s: Unable to gtty\n", Invokedas); exit (1); } #endif defined(V7) #ifdef USG /* BTL SYS III & V */ if (ioctl (0, TCGETA, &tty) < 0 || ioctl (0, TCGETA, &otty) < 0) /* one failed */ { fprintf (stderr, "%s: Unable to get tty state\n", Invokedas); exit (1); } #endif defined(USG) #if defined(BSD4x) || defined(BSD2x) /* Berkeley Unices */ if (ioctl (0, TIOCGETP, &tty) < 0 || ioctl (0, TIOCLGET, &oldlocalbits) < 0) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: Unable to get tty states\n"); exit (1); } if (oldlocalbits & LCTLECH) echoctl = 1; #endif /* * Modify the state to what we want: cbreak, fix tildes for cursor */ #if defined(USG) tty.c_lflag &= NOT ICANON; tty.c_cc[VEOF] = 1; tty.c_cc[VEOL] = 1; ospeed = tty.c_cflag & CBAUD; ttyerase = tty.c_cc[VERASE]; /* grab erase char */ ttykill = tty.c_cc[VKILL]; /* and kill char */ #endif defined(USG) #if defined(BSD4x) || defined(BSD2x) || defined(V7) oldmode = tty.sg_flags; tty.sg_flags |= CBREAK; ospeed = tty.sg_ospeed; /* speed of terminal */ ttyerase = tty.sg_erase; /* grab erase character */ ttykill = tty.sg_kill; /* and kill character */ #endif /* * Now actually tell the system that we want it this way */ #if defined(V7) if (stty (0, &tty) < 0) /* failed */ { fprintf (stderr, "%s: Unable to stty\n", Invokedas); exit (1); } #endif defined(V7) #if defined(USG) if (ioctl (0, TCSETA, &tty) < 0) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: Unable to set tty state\n", Invokedas); exit (1); } #endif defined(USG) modeset = 1; cmstart (); /* so can cursor address reliably */ } ttystop () { if (modeset) { #if defined(V7) || defined(BSD4x) || defined(BSD2x) tty.sg_flags = oldmode; #endif #if defined(V7) if (stty (0, &tty) < 0) /* vanilla Version 7 */ printf ("ttystop: stty"); /* cant use x cause he calls us */ #endif defined(V7) #if defined(USG) if (ioctl (0, TCSETA, &otty) < 0) /* Unix 4.0 */ printf ("ttystop: stty"); /* cant use x cause he calls us */ #endif defined(USG) #if defined(BSD4x) || defined(BSD2x) if ((ioctl (0, TIOCSETN, &tty) < 0) || (ioctl (0, TIOCLSET, &oldlocalbits) < 0)) printf ("ttystop: stty"); /* cant use x cause he calls us */ #endif } cmstop (); /* get out of cursor addressing mode */ modeset = 0; } static int (*osigint) (), (*osigquit) (); /* hold signal status */ #if defined(SIGTSTP) static int (*osigtstp) (); /* control-z job stop */ #endif defined(SIGTSTP) catchint () { intflag = 1; signal (SIGINT, catchint); /* fix em up again */ #ifndef DEBUG signal (SIGQUIT, catchint); #endif DEBUG } #if defined(SIGTSTP) catchz () /* handle ^Z gracefully */ { int wasset; /* tty mode flag */ if (ignoresigs) /* if in critical section */ { signal (SIGTSTP, catchz); /* re-catch */ return; /* and ignore */ } if ((wasset = modeset) != 0) /* want assignment */ { at (0, 1); /* go to bottom corner */ fflush (stdout); ttystop (); /* fix tty modes */ } signal (SIGTSTP, SIG_DFL); /* make sure it nabs us */ #if defined(BSD42) /* * since 4.2 Bsd blocks signals while we are handling them, we * have to explicitly tell the kernel that we want the signals * to come through. * It would probably be more correct to only let some signals * through instead of all. */ (void) sigsetmask(0L); /* pass signals */ #endif BSD42 kill (0, SIGTSTP); /* halt myself */ signal (SIGTSTP, catchz); /* ready to catch again */ if (wasset) ttystrt (); /* fix his tty */ } #endif defined(SIGTSTP) catchem () { osigint = signal (SIGINT, catchint); /* interrupts */ #ifndef DEBUG osigquit = signal (SIGQUIT, catchint); /* quits */ #endif DEBUG #if defined(SIGTSTP) osigtstp = signal (SIGTSTP, catchz); /* control Z */ #endif } uncatchem () /* restore signal status */ { signal (SIGINT, osigint); #ifndef DEBUG signal (SIGQUIT, osigquit); #endif DEBUG #if defined(SIGTSTP) signal (SIGTSTP, osigtstp); #endif } gchar () /* * Return next character from tty. * this is all done in cbreak mode of course */ { char c; register int retcode; fflush (stdout); /* get rid of what's there */ while ((retcode = read (0, &c, 1)) <= 0) /* try reading */ if (retcode == 0 || errno != EINTR) /* if bizarre */ { fprintf (stderr, "%s: Bad tty read\n", Invokedas); exit (1); } intflag = 0; /* remove any pending */ return (c & 0177); } /* * getnum (c) * grab a number from the terminal. "c" is the first digit o * the number. * * Originally coded: Rob Kolstad Fall 1980 * Modified: Ray Essick (with help from Malcolm Slaney) * July 1982 * to handle user defined erase and kill * characters. */ getnum (c) /* c is the initial character! */ char c; { int num, numin; int i, j; num = c - '0'; numin = 1; putc (c, stdout); while (1) { c = gchar (); /* get next digit */ if (c == ttyerase) /* want to erase? */ { if (numin > 0) /* if have some */ { switch (c) /* zap the char */ { case '\b': /* physical backspace */ printf (echoctl ? "\b\b \b\b" : " \b"); break; default: for (i = 0, j = widthch (c); i < j; i++) printf ("\b \b"); break; } printf ("\b \b"); /* and the digit */ numin--; num /= 10; /* correct num */ } else { /* nothing to zap */ switch (c) /* cover the erase */ { case '\b': printf (echoctl ? "\b\b \b\b" : " "); break; default: for (i = 0, j = widthch (c); i < j; i++) printf ("\b \b"); /* erase it */ break; } } } else if (c == ttykill) { num = 0; /* blast it away */ for (i = 0, j = widthch (c); i < j; i++) printf ("\b \b"); while (numin > 0) /* erase the screen */ { numin--; printf ("\b \b"); } numin = 0; /* in case */ } else switch (c) { case '\n': case '\r': return num; /* done */ default: if (c < '0' || c > '9') { printf ("\10 \10\07"); continue; } numin++; num = 10 * num + (c - '0'); break; } } } /* * gline( p, i) - suck a maximum of i characters from the tty. * do erase and kill processing. * The line is terminated by the user typing a or . This * character is converted to null and left on the end of the * string returned. The count of characters (including the null * terminator) is returned. * The array passed in is assumed to have i+1 elements * (enough for the characters plus the terminator) * * Original Coding: Ray Essick December 1981 * Repaired to use user's erase and kill characters * Malcolm Slaney July 1982 * */ gline (p, max) char *p; { register int numin; register char *q; /* pointer to buffer */ register char c; /* hold the input character */ register int i, j; q = p; /* get base */ numin = 0; while (1) { c = gchar (); /* & flushes stdout */ if (c == ttyerase) /* want to erase */ { if (numin > 0) { numin--; q--; /* back up in buffer */ switch (c) { case '\b': /* physical backspace */ printf (echoctl ? "\b\b\b \b\b\b" : " \b"); break; default: /* anything else */ j = widthch (c) + widthch (*q); for (i = 0; i < j; i++) printf ("\b \b"); break; } } else { switch (c) { case '\b': /* really backspaces */ printf (echoctl ? "\b\b \b\b" : " "); break; default: j = widthch (c); for (i = 0; i < j; i++) printf ("\b \b"); break; } } } else if (c == ttykill) { for (i = 0; i < widthch (c); i++) printf ("\b \b"); for (i = 0; i < numin; i++) /* for all our chars */ { --q; /* get to char */ for (j = 0; j < widthch (*q); j++) /* zap it */ printf ("\b \b"); } q = p; /* reset pointer */ numin = 0; /* in case .. */ } else switch (c) { case '\n': case '\r': if (numin >= max) /* should only ever be = */ { p[max] = '\0'; /* put a null at the end */ return max + 1; /* which is how many we return */ } *q = '\0'; numin++; return numin; case '\\': /* escape character */ printf ("\010"); /* back space to it */ c = gchar (); /* grab escaped character */ /* and fall through to default */ default: /* add character to buffer */ if (numin < max) { *q++ = c; numin++; } else { printf ("\10 \10"); /* show him I ignored char */ } break; } } } askyn (p) char *p; /* returns y or n to the question */ { char c; /* return temp */ printf ("%s", p); while (1) { c = gchar (); if (c == 'y' || c == 'n') break; printf ("\07 y or n please\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b"); } return c; } /* * return 1 if there is input from the terminal, * 0 otherwise. systems without the appropriate * call should always return 0. */ isinput () { #ifdef FIONREAD /* BSD 4.1, 4.1a, 4.2 */ long retval; if (ioctl (0, FIONREAD, &retval)) return 0; /* failed, say no input */ return (retval != 0); /* count of characters */ #endif FIONREAD return 0; /* for other systems */ } /* * mapch(c) char c; * * prints control characters as ^x style. * others as normal. */ mapch (c) char c; { if (c < 040) { putchar ('^'); putchar (c | 0100); /* make visible */ } else if (c == 0177) { putchar ('^'); putchar ('?'); } else putchar (c); } /* * widthch(c) * * returns the number of character positions this character uses * when displayed. */ int widthch (c) char c; { if (c == '\b') return (echoctl ? 2 : -1); if (c < 040 || c == 0177) /* control character */ return (2 * echoctl); /* 0 or 2 */ return (1); /* normal character */ }