1: #if defined(RCSIDENT) && defined (MAINLINE)
   2: static char zzdumpid[] = "$Header: dump.h,v 1.7 85/01/18 15:47:35 notes Rel $";
   3: #endif	defined(RCSIDENT) && defined(MAINLINE)
   5: struct dump_f                       /* variable relations */
   6: {
   7:     char   *du_name;
   8:     int     du_number;
   9: };
  11: /*
  12:  *	Variable numbers for the assorted fields of the
  13:  *	notesfile descriptor.
  14:  */
  16: #define NF_TITLE            1
  17: #define NF_DIRECTOR_MESSAGE     2
  18: #define NF_LAST_MODIFIED        3
  19: #define NF_STATUS           4
  20: #define NF_ID_SEQUENCE          5
  21: #define NF_NUMBER           6
  22: #define NF_LAST_TRANSMIT        7
  23: #define NF_CREATED          8
  24: #define NF_LAST_USED            9
  25: #define NF_DAYS_USED            10
  26: #define NF_NOTES_WRITTEN        11
  27: #define NF_NOTES_READ           12
  28: #define NF_NOTES_TRANSMITTED        13
  29: #define NF_NOTES_RECEIVED       14
  30: #define NF_NOTES_DROPPED        15
  31: #define NF_RESPONSES_WRITTEN        16
  32: #define NF_RESPONSES_READ       17
  33: #define NF_RESPONSES_TRANSMITTED    18
  34: #define NF_RESPONSES_RECEIVED       19
  35: #define NF_RESPONSES_DROPPED        20
  36: #define NF_ENTRIES          21
  37: #define NF_WALLTIME         22
  38: #define NF_ORPHANS_RECEIVED     23
  39: #define NF_ORPHANS_ADOPTED      24
  40: #define NF_TRANSMITS            25
  41: #define NF_RECEIVES         26
  42: #define NF_EXPIRATION_AGE       27
  43: #define NF_EXPIRATION_ACTION        28
  44: #define NF_EXPIRATION_STATUS        29
  45: #define NF_WORKING_SET_SIZE     30
  46: #define NF_LONGEST_TEXT         31
  47: #define NF_POLICY_EXISTS        32
  48: #define NF_DESCRIPTOR           33
  50: /*
  51:  *	Variable numbers for the assorted fields of the
  52:  *	Access list
  53:  *
  54:  *	Currently unused, but what the hell.
  55:  */
  57: #define ACCESS_RIGHT        1
  58: #define ACCESS_FINISHED     2
  60: /*
  61:  *	RFC-style lines for a note
  62:  */
  64: #define NOTE_TITLE      1
  65: #define NOTE_AUTHOR     2
  66: #define NOTE_AUTHOR_UID     3
  67: #define NOTE_ID         4
  68: #define NOTE_WRITTEN        5
  69: #define NOTE_RECEIVED       6
  70: #define NOTE_MODIFIED       7
  71: #define NOTE_FROMSYS        8
  72: #define NOTE_STATUS     9
  73: #define NOTE_LENGTH     10
  75: /*
  76:  *	RFC-style lines for a response
  77:  */
  79: #define RESP_TITLE      1
  80: #define RESP_PARENT     2
  81: #define RESP_AUTHOR     3
  82: #define RESP_AUTHOR_UID     4
  83: #define RESP_ID         5
  84: #define RESP_WRITTEN        6
  85: #define RESP_RECEIVED       7
  86: #define RESP_FROMSYS        8
  87: #define RESP_STATUS     9
  88: #define RESP_LENGTH     10
  90: /*
  91:  *	Declarations for assorted tables of variables.
  92:  */
  94: extern struct dump_f    descrnames[];           /* descriptor */
  95: extern struct dump_f    accessnames[];          /* access rights */
  96: extern struct dump_f    notenames[];            /* a note */
  97: extern struct dump_f    respnames[];            /* a response */

Defined variables

zzdumpid defined in line 2; never used

Defined struct's

dump_f defined in line 5; used 18 times

Defined macros

ACCESS_FINISHED defined in line 58; used 1 times
NF_CREATED defined in line 23; used 1 times
NF_DAYS_USED defined in line 25; used 1 times
NF_DIRECTOR_MESSAGE defined in line 17; used 1 times
NF_ENTRIES defined in line 36; used 1 times
NF_EXPIRATION_ACTION defined in line 43; used 1 times
NF_EXPIRATION_AGE defined in line 42; used 1 times
NF_EXPIRATION_STATUS defined in line 44; used 1 times
NF_ID_SEQUENCE defined in line 20; used 1 times
NF_LAST_MODIFIED defined in line 18; used 1 times
NF_LAST_TRANSMIT defined in line 22; used 1 times
NF_LAST_USED defined in line 24; used 1 times
NF_LONGEST_TEXT defined in line 46; used 1 times
NF_NOTES_DROPPED defined in line 30; used 1 times
NF_NOTES_READ defined in line 27; used 1 times
NF_NOTES_RECEIVED defined in line 29; used 1 times
NF_NOTES_TRANSMITTED defined in line 28; used 1 times
NF_NOTES_WRITTEN defined in line 26; used 1 times
NF_NUMBER defined in line 21; used 1 times
NF_ORPHANS_ADOPTED defined in line 39; used 1 times
NF_ORPHANS_RECEIVED defined in line 38; used 1 times
NF_POLICY_EXISTS defined in line 47; used 1 times
NF_RECEIVES defined in line 41; used 1 times
NF_RESPONSES_DROPPED defined in line 35; used 1 times
NF_RESPONSES_READ defined in line 32; used 1 times
NF_RESPONSES_RECEIVED defined in line 34; used 1 times
NF_RESPONSES_TRANSMITTED defined in line 33; used 1 times
NF_RESPONSES_WRITTEN defined in line 31; used 1 times
NF_STATUS defined in line 19; used 1 times
NF_TITLE defined in line 16; used 1 times
NF_TRANSMITS defined in line 40; used 1 times
NF_WALLTIME defined in line 37; used 1 times
NF_WORKING_SET_SIZE defined in line 45; used 1 times
NOTE_AUTHOR defined in line 65; used 1 times
NOTE_AUTHOR_UID defined in line 66; used 1 times
NOTE_FROMSYS defined in line 71; used 1 times
NOTE_ID defined in line 67; used 3 times
NOTE_LENGTH defined in line 73; used 1 times
NOTE_MODIFIED defined in line 70; used 1 times
NOTE_RECEIVED defined in line 69; used 1 times
NOTE_STATUS defined in line 72; used 1 times
NOTE_TITLE defined in line 64; used 2 times
NOTE_WRITTEN defined in line 68; used 3 times
RESP_AUTHOR defined in line 81; used 1 times
RESP_AUTHOR_UID defined in line 82; used 1 times
RESP_FROMSYS defined in line 86; used 1 times
RESP_ID defined in line 83; used 3 times
RESP_LENGTH defined in line 88; used 1 times
RESP_PARENT defined in line 80; used 1 times
RESP_RECEIVED defined in line 85; used 1 times
RESP_STATUS defined in line 87; used 1 times
RESP_TITLE defined in line 79; used 2 times
RESP_WRITTEN defined in line 84; used 3 times

Usage of this include

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