This directory contains lotsa good stuff common to both the news server, support, and client programs. The short of it is: conf.h Configuration information for NNTP server, support, and client programs. Described in detail in README in this directory. nntp.h These are the #define's of the numeric response codes (and other stuff) in NNTP as defined by RFC 977. clientlib.c This file is a collection of routines which clients can use to talk to the NNTP server. The code is well documented, but briefly, the functions are getserverbyfile Opens a named file and returns the contents, presumed to be a host name server_init Open connection to server getsocket Get a stream socket get_server Get line from server put_server Send line to server close_server Close connection It is worth noting that these routines use buffered I/O, and leave the external variables "ser_rd_fp" and "ser_wr_fp" (server read/write file pointers, respectively) floating around for use by programs which need them. If you use the clientlib package to build an NNTP client of your own, you either need to define NNTPSRC on the "cc" command line when compiling clientlib.c, or add compile-type -D lines to the "cc" command line for each option. Defining NNTPSRC will try to include "../common/conf.h", which should be used if it exists.