1: char *userv = "User Interface 5A(092), 23 Nov 92";
   3: /*  C K U U S R --  "User Interface" for Unix Kermit (Part 1)  */
   5: /*
   6:   Author: Frank da Cruz (fdc@columbia.edu, FDCCU@CUVMA.BITNET),
   7:   Columbia University Center for Computing Activities.
   8:   First released January 1985.
   9:   Copyright (C) 1985, 1992, Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New
  10:   York.  Permission is granted to any individual or institution to use this
  11:   software as long as it is not sold for profit.  This copyright notice must be
  12:   retained.  This software may not be included in commercial products without
  13:   written permission of Columbia University.
  14: */
  16: /*
  17:   NOTE: Because of the massive additions in functionality, and therefore
  18:   the increase in the number of commands, much code was moved from here to
  19:   the two new modules, ckuus4.c and ckuus5.c.  This module now contains only
  20:   the top-level command keyword table, the SET command keyword table, and
  21:   the top-level interactive command parser/dispatcher.  ckuus3.c contains the
  22:   rest of the SET and REMOTE command parsers; ckuus2.c contains the help
  23:   command parser and help text strings, and ckuus4.c and ckuus5.c contain
  24:   miscellaneous pieces that logically belong in the ckuusr.c file but had to
  25:   be moved because of size problems with some C compilers / linkers.
  26:   Later...  as the other modules became too large, a ckuus6.c was created.
  27:   Still later...  ckuus7.c.
  28:   Also: ckuusy.c contains the UNIX-style command-line interface;
  29:   ckuusx.c contains routines needed by both the command-line interface and
  30:   the interactive command parser.
  31: */
  33: /*
  34:  The ckuus*.c modules depend on the existence of C library features like fopen,
  35:  fgets, feof, (f)printf, argv/argc, etc.  Other functions that are likely to
  36:  vary among Unix implementations -- like setting terminal modes or interrupts
  37:  -- are invoked via calls to functions that are defined in the system-
  38:  dependent modules, ck?[ft]io.c.  The command line parser processes any
  39:  arguments found on the command line, as passed to main() via argv/argc.  The
  40:  interactive parser uses the facilities of the cmd package (developed for this
  41:  program, but usable by any program).  Any command parser may be substituted
  42:  for this one.  The only requirements for the Kermit command parser are these:
  44: 1. Set parameters via global variables like duplex, speed, ttname, etc.  See
  45:    ckmain.c for the declarations and descriptions of these variables.
  47: 2. If a command can be executed without the use of Kermit protocol, then
  48:    execute the command directly and set the variable sstate to 0. Examples
  49:    include 'set' commands, local directory listings, the 'connect' command.
  51: 3. If a command requires the Kermit protocol, set the following variables:
  53:     sstate                             string data
  54:       'x' (enter server mode)            (none)
  55:       'r' (send a 'get' command)         cmarg, cmarg2
  56:       'v' (enter receive mode)           cmarg2
  57:       'g' (send a generic command)       cmarg
  58:       's' (send files)                   nfils, cmarg & cmarg2 OR cmlist
  59:       'c' (send a remote host command)   cmarg
  61:     cmlist is an array of pointers to strings.
  62:     cmarg, cmarg2 are pointers to strings.
  63:     nfils is an integer.
  65:     cmarg can be a filename string (possibly wild), or
  66:        a pointer to a prefabricated generic command string, or
  67:        a pointer to a host command string.
  68:     cmarg2 is the name to send a single file under, or
  69:        the name under which to store an incoming file; must not be wild.
  70:        If it's the name for receiving, a null value means to store the
  71:        file under the name it arrives with.
  72:     cmlist is a list of nonwild filenames, such as passed via argv.
  73:     nfils is an integer, interpreted as follows:
  74:       -1: filespec (possibly wild) in cmarg, must be expanded internally.
  75:        0: send from stdin (standard input).
  76:       >0: number of files to send, from cmlist.
  78:  The screen() function is used to update the screen during file transfer.
  79:  The tlog() function writes to a transaction log.
  80:  The debug() function writes to a debugging log.
  81:  The intmsg() and chkint() functions provide the user i/o for interrupting
  82:    file transfers.
  83: */
  85: #ifndef NOICP
  86: /* Includes */
  88: #include "ckcdeb.h"
  89: #include "ckcasc.h"
  90: #include "ckcker.h"
  91: #include "ckuusr.h"
  92: #include "ckcxla.h"
  93: #include "ckcnet.h"         /* Network symbols */
  95: #ifdef datageneral
  96: #include <packets:common.h>
  97: #define fgets(stringbuf,max,fd) dg_fgets(stringbuf,max,fd)
  98: #endif /* datageneral */
 100: /* External Kermit Variables, see ckmain.c for description. */
 102: extern int size, local, sndsrc, xitsta, server, displa, binary, msgflg,
 103:   escape, duplex, nfils, quiet, tlevel, pflag, zincnt, atcapr, atdiso, verwho;
 105: extern long vernum;
 106: extern char *versio;
 107: extern char *ckxsys, *cmarg, *cmarg2, **cmlist;
 108: #ifndef NOHELP
 109: extern char *introtxt[];
 110: #endif /* NOHELP */
 111: extern char *PWDCMD, *WHOCMD, *TYPCMD;
 112: extern char ttname[];
 113: #ifndef NOFRILLS
 114: extern int rmailf;          /* MAIL command items */
 115: extern char optbuf[];
 116: #endif /* NOFRILLS */
 117: extern CHAR sstate;
 119: #ifdef NETCONN
 120: extern int network;         /* Have active network connection */
 121: #endif /* NETCONN */
 123: #ifndef NOMSEND             /* Multiple SEND */
 124: extern char *msfiles[];
 125: #endif /* NOMSEND */
 126: extern char fspec[];            /* Most recent filespec */
 128: #ifndef NOCSETS
 129: extern int nfilc;
 130: extern struct keytab fcstab[];
 131: #endif /* NOCSETS */
 133: int rcflag = 0;             /* Pointer to home directory string */
 134: int repars,             /* Reparse needed */
 135:     techo = 0,              /* Take echo */
 136:     terror = 0;             /* Take error action, 1 = quit */
 137: #ifndef NOSCRIPT
 138: int secho = 1;
 139: #endif /* NOSCRIPT */
 141: #ifndef NOXMIT
 142: /* Variables for TRANSMIT command */
 144: int xmitx = 1;          /* Whether to echo during TRANSMIT */
 145: int xmitf = 0;          /* Character to fill empty lines */
 146: int xmitl = 0;          /* 0 = Don't send linefeed too */
 147: int xmitp = LF;         /* Host line prompt */
 148: int xmits = 0;          /* Use shift-in/shift-out, 0 = no */
 149: int xmitw = 0;          /* Milliseconds to pause during TRANSMIT */
 150: #endif /* NOXMIT */
 152: /* Declarations from ck?fio.c module */
 154: extern char *SPACMD, *SPACM2;       /* SPACE commands */
 156: /* Command-oriented items */
 158: #ifdef DCMDBUF
 159: extern char *cmdbuf;            /* Command buffers */
 160: extern char *atmbuf;
 161: extern char *line;          /* Character buffer for anything */
 162: extern int *ifcmd;
 163: #else
 164: extern char cmdbuf[];           /* Command buffers */
 165: extern char atmbuf[];
 166: extern char line[];         /* Character buffer for anything */
 167: extern int ifcmd[];
 168: #endif /* DCMDBUF */
 170: char *lp;               /* Pointer to line buffer */
 172: #ifndef NOSPL
 173: extern char inpbuf[];           /* Buffer for INPUT and REINPUT */
 174: char *inpbp = inpbuf;           /* And pointer to same */
 175: extern char lblbuf[];           /* Buffer for labels */
 176: #endif /* NOSPL */
 178: char psave[80] = { NUL };       /* For saving & restoring prompt */
 180: extern char tmpbuf[];           /* Temporary buffer */
 182: extern int success;         /* Command success/failure flag */
 184: #ifndef NOSPL
 185: int                 /* SET INPUT parameters. */
 186:   indef = 5,                /* 5 seconds default timeout */
 187:   intime = 0,               /* 0 = proceed */
 188:   incase = 0,               /* 0 = ignore */
 189:   inecho = 1,               /* 1 = echo on */
 190:   insilence = 0;            /* 0 = no silence constraint */
 192: int maclvl = -1;            /* Macro nesting level */
 193: int mecho = 0;              /* Macro echo, 0 = don't */
 194: int merror = 0;             /* Macro error action */
 195: char varnam[6];             /* For variable names */
 196: extern int macargc[];           /* ARGC from macro invocation */
 198: extern char *m_arg[MACLEVEL][NARGS];    /* Stack of macro arguments */
 200: extern char **a_ptr[];          /* Array pointers */
 201: extern int a_dim[];         /* Array dimensions */
 203: #ifdef DCMDBUF
 204: extern struct cmdptr *cmdstk;       /* The command stack itself */
 205: #else
 206: extern struct cmdptr cmdstk[];      /* The command stack itself */
 207: #endif /* DCMDBUF */
 208: extern int cmdlvl;          /* Current position in command stack */
 209: #endif /* NOSPL */
 211: static int x, y, z = 0;         /* Local workers */
 212: static char *s;
 214: #define xsystem(s) zsyscmd(s)
 216: /* Top-Level Interactive Command Keyword Table */
 218: struct keytab cmdtab[] = {
 219: #ifndef NOPUSH
 220:     "!",       XXSHE, CM_INV,   /* shell escape */
 221: #endif /* NOPUSH */
 222:     "#",           XXCOM, CM_INV,   /* comment */
 223: #ifndef NOSPL
 224:     ":",           XXLBL, CM_INV,   /* label */
 225: #endif /* NOSPL */
 226: #ifndef NOPUSH
 227:     "@",           XXSHE, CM_INV,   /* DCL escape */
 228: #endif /* NOPUSH */
 229: #ifndef NOSPL
 230:     "asg",         XXASS, CM_INV,       /* invisible synonym for assign */
 231:     "ask",         XXASK, 0,        /* ask */
 232:     "askq",        XXASKQ,0,            /* ask quietly */
 233:     "assign",      XXASS, 0,            /* assign */
 234: #endif /* NOSPL */
 235: #ifndef NOFRILLS
 236:     "bug",         XXBUG, 0,        /* bug report instructions */
 237: #endif /* NOFRILLS */
 238:     "bye",         XXBYE, 0,        /* bye to remote server */
 239:     "c",           XXCON, CM_INV|CM_ABR, /* invisible synonym for connect */
 240: #ifndef NOFRILLS
 241:     "cat",         XXTYP, CM_INV,   /* display a local file */
 242: #endif /* NOFRILLS */
 243:     "cd",          XXCWD, 0,        /* change directory */
 244:     "check",       XXCHK, 0,        /* check for a feature */
 245: #ifndef NOFRILLS
 246:     "clear",       XXCLE, 0,        /* clear input buffer */
 247: #endif /* NOFRILLS */
 248:     "close",       XXCLO, 0,        /* close a log file */
 249: #ifdef NOFRILLS
 250:     "comment",     XXCOM, CM_INV,   /* comment */
 251: #else
 252:     "comment",     XXCOM, 0,        /* comment */
 253: #endif /* NOFRILLS */
 254:     "connect",     XXCON, 0,        /* connect to remote system */
 255:     "cwd",     XXCWD, CM_INV,   /* invisisble synonym for cd */
 256: #ifndef NOSPL
 257:     "dcl",         XXDCL, CM_INV,   /* declare an array */
 258:     "declare",     XXDCL, 0,        /* declare an array */
 259:     "decrement",   XXDEC, 0,        /* decrement a numeric variable */
 260:     "define",      XXDEF, 0,        /* define a macro */
 261: #endif /* NOSPL */
 262: #ifndef NOFRILLS
 263:     "delete",      XXDEL, 0,        /* delete a file */
 264: #endif /* NOFRILLS */
 265: #ifndef NODIAL
 266:     "dial",    XXDIAL,0,        /* dial a phone number */
 267: #endif /* NODIAL */
 268: #ifndef MAC
 269:     "directory",   XXDIR, 0,        /* directory of files */
 270: #endif /* MAC */
 271: #ifndef NOFRILLS
 272:     "disable",     XXDIS, 0,        /* disable server function */
 273: #endif /* NOFRILLS */
 274: #ifndef NOSPL
 275:     "do",          XXDO,  0,        /* execute a macro */
 276: #endif /* NOSPL */
 277: #ifndef NOFRILLS
 278:     "e-packet",    XXERR, CM_INV,   /* Send an Error packet */
 279: #endif /* NOFRILLS */
 280:     "echo",        XXECH, 0,        /* echo argument */
 281: #ifndef NOSPL
 282:     "else",        XXELS, CM_INV,   /* ELSE part of IF statement */
 283: #endif /* NOSPL */
 284: #ifndef NOFRILLS
 285:     "enable",      XXENA, 0,        /* ENABLE a server function */
 286: #endif /* NOFRILLS */
 287: #ifndef NOSPL
 288:     "end",         XXEND, 0,        /* END command file or macro */
 289: #endif /* NOSPL */
 290:     "ex",          XXEXI, CM_INV|CM_ABR, /* Let "ex" still be EXIT */
 291:     "exit",    XXEXI, 0,        /* exit the program */
 292:     "extproc",     XXCOM, CM_INV,       /* dummy command */
 293:     "finish",      XXFIN, 0,        /* FINISH */
 294: #ifndef NOSPL
 295:     "for",         XXFOR, 0,        /* FOR loop */
 296: #endif /* NOSPL */
 297: #ifndef NOFRILLS
 298: #ifndef MAC
 299:     "fot",     XXDIR, CM_INV,   /* "fot" = "dir" (for Chris) */
 300: #endif /* MAC */
 301: #endif /* NOFRILLS */
 302:     "g",           XXGET, CM_INV|CM_ABR, /* Invisible abbreviation for GET */
 303: #ifndef NOSPL
 304:     "ge",          XXGET, CM_INV|CM_ABR, /* Ditto */
 305: #endif /* NOSPL */
 306:     "get",         XXGET, 0,        /* GET */
 307: #ifndef NOSPL
 308: #ifndef NOFRILLS
 309:     "getok",       XXGOK, 0,        /* GETOK (ask for Yes/No) */
 310: #endif /* NOFRILLS */
 311: #endif /* NOSPL */
 312: #ifndef NOSPL
 313:     "goto",        XXGOTO,0,        /* goto label in take file or macro */
 314: #endif /* NOSPL */
 315:     "hangup",      XXHAN, 0,        /* hangup dialed phone connection */
 316:     "help",    XXHLP, 0,        /* display help text */
 317: #ifndef NOSPL
 318:     "i",           XXINP, CM_INV|CM_ABR, /* invisible synonym for INPUT */
 319:     "if",          XXIF,  0,        /* if (condition) command */
 320:     "in",          XXINP, CM_INV|CM_ABR, /* invisible synonym for INPUT */
 321:     "increment",   XXINC, 0,        /* increment a numeric variable */
 322:     "input",       XXINP, 0,        /* input string from comm line */
 323: #endif /* NOSPL */
 324: #ifndef NOHELP
 325:      "introduction", XXINT, 0,      /* Print introductory text */
 326: #endif /* NOHELP */
 327: #ifndef NOFRILLS
 328:     "l",           XXLOG, CM_INV|CM_ABR,/* invisible synonym for log */
 329: #endif /* NOFRILLS */
 330:     "log",         XXLOG, 0,        /* open a log file */
 331: #ifndef NOFRILLS
 332: #ifndef MAC
 333:     "ls",          XXDIR, CM_INV,   /* invisible synonym for directory */
 334: #endif /* MAC */
 335:     "mail",        XXMAI, 0,        /* mail file to user */
 336:     "man",         XXHLP, CM_INV,       /* Synonym for help */
 337: #endif /* NOFRILLS */
 338: #ifndef NOMSEND
 339:     "mget",        XXGET, CM_INV,   /* MGET = GET */
 340: #endif /* NOMSEND */
 341: #ifndef NOSPL
 342:     "mpause",      XXMSL, CM_INV,   /* Millisecond sleep */
 343: #endif /* NOSPL */
 344: #ifndef NOMSEND
 345:     "ms",          XXMSE, CM_INV|CM_ABR,
 346:     "msend",       XXMSE, 0,        /* Multiple SEND */
 347: #endif /* NOMSEND */
 348: #ifndef NOSPL
 349:     "msleep",      XXMSL, 0,        /* Millisecond sleep */
 350: #endif /* NOSPL */
 351: #ifndef NOMSEND
 352:     "mput",        XXMSE, CM_INV,   /* MPUT = MSEND */
 353: #endif /* NOMSEND */
 354: #ifndef NOFRILLS
 355:     "mv",          XXREN, CM_INV,   /* rename a local file */
 356: #endif /* NOFRILLS */
 357: #ifndef NOSPL
 358:     "o",           XXOUT, CM_INV|CM_ABR,/* invisible synonym for OUTPUT */
 359:     "open",        XXOPE, 0,        /* open file for reading or writing */
 360:     "output",      XXOUT, 0,        /* output string to comm line */
 361: #endif /* NOSPL */
 362: #ifdef SUNX25
 363:     "pad",         XXPAD, 0,            /* PAD commands */
 364: #endif /* SUNX25 */
 365: #ifndef NOSPL
 366:     "pause",       XXPAU, 0,        /* sleep for specified interval */
 367: #ifdef TCPSOCKET
 368:     "ping",        XXPNG, 0,        /* PING (for TCP/IP) */
 369: #endif /* TCPSOCKET */
 370:     "pop",         XXEND, CM_INV,   /* allow POP as synonym for END */
 371: #endif /* NOSPL */
 372: #ifndef NOFRILLS
 373:     "print",       XXPRI, 0,        /* PRINT */
 374: #ifndef NOPUSH
 375:     "pu",          XXSHE, CM_INV,   /* PU = PUSH */
 376:     "push",        XXSHE, 0,        /* PUSH command (like RUN, !) */
 377: #endif /* NOPUSH */
 378:     "put",     XXSEN, CM_INV,   /* PUT = SEND */
 379: #ifndef MAC
 380:     "pwd",         XXPWD, 0,            /* print working directory */
 381: #endif /* MAC */
 382: #endif /* NOFRILLS */
 383:     "quit",    XXQUI, 0,        /* quit from program = exit */
 384:     "r",           XXREC, CM_INV,   /* invisible synonym for receive */
 385: #ifndef NOSPL
 386:     "read",        XXREA, 0,            /* read */
 387: #endif /* NOSPL */
 388:     "receive",     XXREC, 0,        /* receive files */
 389: #ifndef NODIAL
 390:     "redial",      XXRED, 0,        /* redial */
 391: #endif /* NODIAL */
 392: #ifndef NOSPL
 393:     "reinput",     XXREI, 0,            /* reinput */
 394: #endif /* NOSPL */
 395:     "remote",      XXREM, 0,        /* send generic command to server */
 396: #ifndef NOFRILLS
 397:     "rename",      XXREN, 0,        /* rename a local file */
 398:     "replay",      XXTYP, CM_INV,   /* replay (for now, just type) */
 399: #endif /* NOFRILLS */
 400: #ifndef NOSPL
 401:     "return",      XXRET, 0,        /* return from function */
 402: #endif /* NOSPL */
 403: #ifndef NOFRILLS
 404:     "rm",          XXDEL, CM_INV,   /* invisible synonym for delete */
 405: #endif /* NOFRILLS */
 406: #ifndef NOPUSH
 407:     "run",         XXSHE, 0,        /* run a program or command */
 408: #endif /* NOPUSH */
 409:     "s",           XXSEN, CM_INV|CM_ABR, /* invisible synonym for send */
 410: #ifndef NOSCRIPT
 411:     "script",      XXLOGI,0,        /* execute a uucp-style script */
 412: #endif /* NOSCRIPT */
 413:     "send",    XXSEN, 0,        /* send files */
 414: #ifndef NOSERVER
 415:     "server",      XXSER, 0,        /* be a server */
 416: #endif /* NOSERVER */
 417:     "set",     XXSET, 0,        /* set parameters */
 418: #ifndef NOSHOW
 419:     "show",        XXSHO, 0,        /* show parameters */
 420: #endif /* NOSHOW */
 421: #ifndef NOSPL
 422: #ifndef NOFRILLS
 423:     "sleep",       XXPAU, CM_INV,   /* sleep for specified interval */
 424: #endif /* NOFRILLS */
 425: #endif /* NOSPL */
 426: #ifndef MAC
 427: #ifndef NOFRILLS
 428:     "sp",          XXSPA, CM_INV|CM_ABR,
 429:     "spa",         XXSPA, CM_INV|CM_ABR,
 430: #endif /* NOFRILLS */
 431:     "space",       XXSPA, 0,        /* show available disk space */
 432: #endif /* MAC */
 433: #ifndef NOFRILLS
 434: #ifndef NOPUSH
 435:     "spawn",       XXSHE, CM_INV,   /* synonym for PUSH, RUN */
 436: #endif /* NOPUSH */
 437: #endif /* NOFRILLS */
 438:     "statistics",  XXSTA, 0,        /* display file transfer stats */
 439: #ifndef NOSPL
 440:     "stop",        XXSTO, 0,        /* stop all take files */
 441: #endif /* NOSPL */
 442: #ifndef NOJC
 443:     "suspend",     XXSUS, 0,        /* Suspend */
 444: #endif /* NOJC */
 445:     "take",    XXTAK, 0,        /* take commands from file */
 446: #ifndef NOFRILLS
 447: #ifdef NETCONN
 448:     "telnet",      XXTEL, 0,        /* telnet */
 449: #endif /* NETCONN */
 450:     "test",        XXTES, CM_INV,   /* (for testing) */
 451: #endif /* NOFRILLS */
 452: #ifndef NOCSETS
 453:     "translate",   XXXLA, 0,        /* translate local file char sets */
 454: #endif
 455: #ifndef NOXMIT
 456:     "transmit",    XXTRA, 0,        /* raw upload file */
 457: #endif /* NOXMIT */
 458: #ifndef NOFRILLS
 459:     "type",        XXTYP, 0,        /* display a local file */
 460: #endif /* NOFRILLS */
 461:     "version",     XXVER, 0     /* version number display */
 462: #ifndef NOSPL
 463: ,   "wait",        XXWAI, 0     /* wait (like pause) */
 464: ,   "while",       XXWHI, 0     /* while */
 465: #endif /* NOSPL */
 466: #ifndef MAC
 467: #ifndef NOFRILLS
 468: ,   "who",         XXWHO, 0     /* who */
 469: #endif /* NOFRILLS */
 470: #endif /* MAC */
 471: #ifndef NOSPL
 472: ,   "write",       XXWRI, 0     /* write */
 473: ,   "xif",         XXIFX, 0     /* Extended IF */
 474: #endif /* NOSPL */
 475: #ifndef NOCSETS
 476: ,   "xlate",       XXXLA, CM_INV    /* translate local file char sets */
 477: #endif
 478: #ifndef NOXMIT
 479: ,   "xmit",        XXTRA, CM_INV    /* raw upload file */
 480: #endif /* NOXMIT */
 481: ,   "z",           XXSUS, CM_INV    /* Suspend */
 482: #ifndef NOSPL
 483: ,   "_assign",     XXASX, CM_INV    /* used internally by FOR, etc */
 484: ,   "_define",     XXDFX, CM_INV    /* used internally by FOR, etc */
 485: ,   "_getargs",    XXGTA, CM_INV        /* used internally by FOR, etc */
 486: ,   "_putargs",    XXPTA, CM_INV        /* used internally by FOR, etc */
 487: #endif /* NOSPL */
 488: };
 489: int ncmd = (sizeof(cmdtab) / sizeof(struct keytab));
 491: char toktab[] = {
 492: #ifndef NOPUSH
 493:     '!',                /* Shell escape */
 494: #endif /* NOPUSH */
 495:     '#',                /* Comment */
 496:     ';',                /* Comment */
 497: #ifndef NOSPL
 498:     ':',                /* Label */
 499: #endif /* NOSPL */
 500: #ifndef NOPUSH
 501:     '@',                /* DCL escape */
 502: #endif /* NOPUSH */
 503:     '\0'                /* End of this string */
 504: };
 506: #ifndef NOSPL
 507: #ifndef NOFRILLS
 508: struct keytab yesno[] = {
 509:     "no",    0, 0,
 510:     "ok",    1, 0,
 511:     "yes",   1, 0
 512: };
 513: int nyesno = (sizeof(yesno) / sizeof(struct keytab));
 514: #endif /* NOFRILLS */
 515: #endif /* NOSPL */
 517: /* Parameter keyword table */
 519: struct keytab prmtab[] = {
 520:     "attributes",       XYATTR,  0,
 521:     "b",        XYBACK,  CM_INV|CM_ABR,
 522:     "ba",       XYBACK,  CM_INV|CM_ABR,
 523:     "background",       XYBACK,  0,
 524:     "baud",         XYSPEE,  CM_INV,
 525:     "block-check",      XYCHKT,  0,
 526: #ifdef DYNAMIC
 527:     "buffers",          XYBUF,   0,
 528: #endif /* DYNAMIC */
 529: #ifndef MAC
 530:     "carrier",          XYCARR,  0,
 531: #endif /* MAC */
 532: #ifndef NOSPL
 533:     "case",             XYCASE,  0,
 534: #endif /* NOSPL */
 535:     "command",          XYCMD,   0,
 536: #ifndef NOSPL
 537:     "count",            XYCOUN,  0,
 538: #endif /* NOSPL */
 539:     "d",        XYDELA,  CM_INV|CM_ABR,
 540:     "de",       XYDELA,  CM_INV|CM_ABR,
 541:     "debug",            XYDEBU,  CM_INV,
 542: #ifdef VMS
 543:     "default",          XYDFLT,  0,
 544: #else
 545: #ifndef MAC
 546:     "default",          XYDFLT,  CM_INV,
 547: #endif /* MAC */
 548: #endif /* VMS */
 549:     "delay",            XYDELA,  0,
 550: #ifndef NODIAL
 551:     "dial",             XYDIAL,  0,
 552: #endif /* NODIAL */
 553:     "duplex",           XYDUPL,  0,
 554:     "escape-character", XYESC,   0,
 555:     "file",         XYFILE,  0,
 556:     "flow-control",     XYFLOW,  0,
 557:     "handshake",        XYHAND,  0,
 558: #ifdef NETCONN
 559:     "host",             XYHOST,  0,
 560: #endif /* NETCONN */
 561:     "incomplete",       XYIFD,   CM_INV,
 562: #ifndef NOSPL
 563:     "i",        XYINPU,  CM_INV|CM_ABR,
 564:     "in",       XYINPU,  CM_INV|CM_ABR,
 565:     "input",            XYINPU,  0,
 566: #ifndef MAC
 567: #ifndef NOSETKEY
 568:     "key",      XYKEY,   0,
 569: #endif /* NOSETKEY */
 570: #endif /* MAC */
 571: #endif /* NOSPL */
 572:     "l",                XYLINE,  CM_INV|CM_ABR,
 573: #ifndef NOCSETS
 574:     "language",         XYLANG,  0,
 575: #endif /* NOCSETS */
 576:     "line",             XYLINE,  0,
 577:     "local-echo",   XYLCLE,  CM_INV,
 578: #ifndef NOSPL
 579:     "macro",            XYMACR,  0,
 580: #endif /* NOSPL */
 581: #ifdef COMMENT
 582: #ifdef VMS
 583:     "messages",         XYMSGS,  0,
 584: #endif /* VMS */
 585: #endif /* COMMENT */
 586: #ifndef NODIAL
 587:     "modem-dialer", XYMODM,  0,
 588: #endif
 589: #ifdef NETCONN
 590:     "network",          XYNET,   0,
 591: #endif /* NETCONN */
 592: #ifdef SUNX25
 593:     "pad",              XYPAD,   0,
 594: #endif /* SUNX25 */
 595:     "parity",           XYPARI,  0,
 596:     "port",             XYLINE,  CM_INV,
 597: #ifndef NOFRILLS
 598:     "prompt",           XYPROM,  0,
 599: #endif /* NOFRILLS */
 600:     "quiet",        XYQUIE,  0,
 601:     "receive",          XYRECV,  0,
 602:     "retry-limit",      XYRETR,  0,
 603: #ifndef NOSCRIPT
 604:     "script",       XYSCRI,  0,
 605: #endif /* NOSCRIPT */
 606:     "send",             XYSEND,  0,
 607: #ifndef NOSERVER
 608:     "server",           XYSERV,  0,
 609: #endif /* NOSERVER */
 610: #ifdef UNIX
 611:     "session-log",      XYSESS,  0,
 612: #endif /* UNIX */
 613:     "speed",            XYSPEE,  0,
 614: #ifndef NOJC
 615:     "suspend",          XYSUSP,  0,
 616: #endif /* NOJC */
 617:     "take",             XYTAKE,  0,
 618: #ifdef TNCODE
 619:     "telnet",           XYTEL,   0,
 620: #endif /* TNCODE */
 621:     "terminal",         XYTERM,  0,
 622:     "transfer",         XYXFER,  0,
 623: #ifndef NOXMIT
 624:     "transmit",         XYXMIT,  0,
 625: #endif /* NOXMIT */
 626: #ifndef NOCSETS
 627:     "unknown-char-set", XYUNCS,  0,
 628: #endif /* NOCSETS */
 629:     "window-size",      XYWIND,  0
 630: #ifdef UNIX
 631: ,   "wildcard-expansion", XYWILD, 0
 632: #endif /* UNIX */
 633: #ifdef SUNX25
 634: ,   "x.25",             XYX25,   0,
 635:     "x25",              XYX25,   CM_INV
 636: #endif /* SUNX25 */
 637: #ifndef NOCSETS
 638: ,   "xfer",             XYXFER,  CM_INV
 639: #endif /* NOCSETS */
 640: #ifndef NOXMIT
 641: ,   "xmit",             XYXMIT,  CM_INV
 642: #endif /* NOXMIT */
 643: };
 644: int nprm = (sizeof(prmtab) / sizeof(struct keytab)); /* How many parameters */
 646: /* Table of networks */
 647: #ifdef NETCONN
 648: struct keytab netcmd[] = {
 649: #ifdef DECNET
 650:     "decnet",        NET_DEC,  0,
 651: #endif /* DECNET */
 652: #ifdef NPIPE
 653:     "named-pipe",    NET_PIPE, 0,
 654: #endif /* NPIPE */
 655: #ifdef TCPSOCKET
 656:     "tcp/ip",        NET_TCPB, 0
 657: #endif /* TCPSOCKET */
 658: #ifdef SUNX25
 659: ,   "x",            NET_SX25, CM_INV|CM_ABR,
 660:     "x.25",         NET_SX25, 0,
 661:     "x25",          NET_SX25, CM_INV
 662: #endif /* SUNX25 */
 663: };
 664: int nnets = (sizeof(netcmd) / sizeof(struct keytab)); /* How many networks */
 665: #endif /* NETCONN */
 667: /* Remote Command Table */
 669: struct keytab remcmd[] = {
 670:     "cd",        XZCWD, 0,
 671:     "cwd",       XZCWD, CM_INV,
 672:     "delete",    XZDEL, 0,
 673:     "directory", XZDIR, 0,
 674:     "help",      XZHLP, 0,
 675: #ifndef NOPUSH
 676:     "host",      XZHOS, 0,
 677: #endif /* NOPUSH */
 678: #ifndef NOFRILLS
 679:     "kermit",    XZKER, 0,
 680:     "login",     XZLGI, 0,
 681:     "logout",    XZLGO, 0,
 682:     "print",     XZPRI, 0,
 683: #endif /* NOFRILLS */
 684:     "set",       XZSET, 0,
 685:     "space",     XZSPA, 0
 686: #ifndef NOFRILLS
 687: ,   "type",      XZTYP, 0,
 688:     "who",       XZWHO, 0
 689: #endif /* NOFRILLS */
 690: };
 691: int nrmt = (sizeof(remcmd) / sizeof(struct keytab));
 693: struct keytab logtab[] = {
 694: #ifdef DEBUG
 695:     "debugging",    LOGD, 0,
 696: #endif /* DEBUG */
 697:     "packets",      LOGP, 0,
 698:     "session",      LOGS, 0
 699: #ifdef TLOG
 700: ,   "transactions", LOGT, 0
 701: #endif /* TLOG */
 702: };
 703: int nlog = (sizeof(logtab) / sizeof(struct keytab));
 705: struct keytab writab[] = {
 706: #ifndef NOSPL
 707:     "append-file",     LOGW, CM_INV,
 708: #endif /* NOSPL */
 709:     "debug-log",       LOGD, 0,
 710:     "error",           LOGE, 0,
 711: #ifndef NOSPL
 712:     "file",            LOGW, 0,
 713: #endif /* NOSPL */
 714:     "packet-log",      LOGP, 0,
 715:     "screen",          LOGX, 0,
 716:     "session-log",     LOGS, 0,
 717:     "sys$output",      LOGX, CM_INV,
 718:     "transaction-log", LOGT, 0
 719: };
 720: int nwri = (sizeof(writab) / sizeof(struct keytab));
 722: #define CLR_DEV  1
 723: #define CLR_INP  2
 725: static struct keytab clrtab[] = {   /* Keywords for CLEAR command */
 726: #ifndef NOSPL
 727:     "both",          CLR_DEV|CLR_INP, 0,
 728: #endif /* NOSPL */
 729:     "device-buffer", CLR_DEV,         0,
 730: #ifndef NOSPL
 731:     "input-buffer",  CLR_INP,         0
 732: #endif /* NOSPL */
 733: };
 734: int nclear = (sizeof(clrtab) / sizeof(struct keytab));
 736: struct keytab clstab[] = {      /* Keywords for CLOSE command */
 737: #ifndef NOSPL
 738:     "append-file",     LOGW, CM_INV,
 739: #endif /* NOSPL */
 740: #ifdef DEBUG
 741:     "debug-log",       LOGD, 0,
 742: #endif /* DEBUG */
 743:     "packet-log",      LOGP, 0,
 744: #ifndef NOSPL
 745:     "read-file",       LOGR, 0,
 746: #endif /* NOSPL */
 747:     "session-log",     LOGS, 0
 748: #ifdef TLOG
 749: ,   "transaction-log", LOGT, 0
 750: #endif /* TLOG */
 751: #ifndef NOSPL
 752: ,   "write-file",      LOGW, 0
 753: #endif /* NOSPL */
 754: };
 755: int ncls = (sizeof(clstab) / sizeof(struct keytab));
 757: /* SHOW command arguments */
 759: struct keytab shotab[] = {
 760: #ifndef NOSPL
 761:     "arguments", SHARG, 0,
 762:     "arrays", SHARR, 0,
 763: #endif /* NOSPL */
 764:     "attributes", SHATT, 0,
 765:     "character-sets", SHCSE, 0,
 766:     "communications", SHCOM, 0,
 767: #ifndef NOSPL
 768:     "count", SHCOU, 0,
 769: #endif /* NOSPL */
 770: #ifdef VMS
 771:     "default", SHDFLT, 0,
 772: #else
 773:     "default", SHDFLT, CM_INV,
 774: #endif /* VMS */
 775: #ifndef NODIAL
 776:     "dial", SHDIA, 0,
 777: #endif /* NODIAL */
 778:     "escape", SHESC, 0,
 779:     "features", SHFEA, 0,
 780:     "file", SHFIL, 0,
 781: #ifndef NOSPL
 782:     "functions", SHFUN, 0,
 783:     "globals", SHVAR, 0,
 784: #endif /* NOSPL */
 785: #ifndef NOSETKEY
 786:     "key", SHKEY, 0,
 787: #endif /* NOSETKEY */
 788: #ifdef VMS
 789:     "labeled-file-info", SHLBL, 0,
 790: #endif /* VMS */
 791: #ifndef NOCSETS
 792:     "languages", SHLNG, 0,
 793: #endif /* NOCSETS */
 794: #ifndef NOSPL
 795:     "macros", SHMAC, 0,
 796: #endif /* NOSPL */
 797:     "modem-signals", SHMOD, 0,
 798:     "network", SHNET, 0,
 799: #ifdef SUNX25
 800:     "pad", SHPAD, 0,
 801: #endif /* SUNX25 */
 802:     "parameters", SHPAR, CM_INV,
 803:     "protocol", SHPRO, 0,
 804: #ifndef NOSPL
 805:     "scripts", SHSCR, 0,
 806: #endif /* NOSPL */
 807: #ifndef NOSERVER
 808:     "server", SHSER, 0,
 809: #endif /* NOSERVER */
 810:     "status", SHSTA, 0,
 811: #ifdef MAC
 812:     "stack", SHSTK, 0,          /* debugging */
 813: #endif /* MAC */
 814:     "terminal", SHTER, 0
 815: #ifndef NOXMIT
 816: ,   "transmit", SHXMI, 0
 817: #endif /* NOXMIT */
 818: #ifndef NOSPL
 819: ,   "variables", SHBUI, 0
 820: #endif /* NOSPL */
 821: #ifndef NOFRILLS
 822: ,   "versions", SHVER, 0
 823: #endif /* NOFRILLS */
 824: #ifndef NOXMIT
 825: ,   "xmit", SHXMI, CM_INV
 826: #endif /* NOXMIT */
 827: };
 828: int nsho = (sizeof(shotab) / sizeof(struct keytab));
 830: #ifdef SUNX25
 831: struct keytab padtab[] = {              /* PAD commands */
 832:     "clear",      XYPADL, 0,
 833:     "interrupt",  XYPADI, 0,
 834:     "reset",      XYPADR, 0,
 835:     "status",     XYPADS, 0
 836: };
 837: int npadc = (sizeof(padtab) / sizeof(struct keytab));
 838: #endif /* SUNX25 */
 840: struct keytab enatab[] = {      /* ENABLE commands */
 841:     "all",        EN_ALL,  0,
 842: #ifndef datageneral
 843:     "bye",        EN_BYE,  0,
 844: #endif /* datageneral */
 845:     "cd",         EN_CWD,  0,
 846:     "cwd",        EN_CWD,  CM_INV,
 847:     "delete",     EN_DEL,  0,
 848:     "directory",  EN_DIR,  0,
 849:     "finish",     EN_FIN,  0,
 850:     "get",        EN_GET,  0,
 851:     "host",       EN_HOS,  0,
 852:     "send",       EN_SEN,  0,
 853:     "set",        EN_SET,  0,
 854:     "space",      EN_SPA,  0,
 855:     "type",       EN_TYP,  0,
 856:     "who",        EN_WHO,  0
 857: };
 858: int nena = (sizeof(enatab) / sizeof(struct keytab));
 860: #ifndef NOSPL
 861: #ifdef COMMENT
 862: struct mtab mactab[MAC_MAX] = {     /* Preinitialized macro table */
 863:     NULL, NULL, 0
 864: };
 865: #else
 866: struct mtab *mactab;            /* Dynamically allocated macro table */
 867: #endif /* COMMENT */
 868: int nmac = 0;
 870: struct keytab mackey[MAC_MAX];      /* Macro names as command keywords */
 871: #endif /* NOSPL */
 873: /* Forward declarations of functions */
 875: _PROTOTYP (int doask,   ( int  ) );
 876: _PROTOTYP (int dodef,   ( int  ) );
 877: _PROTOTYP (int dodel,   ( void ) );
 878: _PROTOTYP (int dodial,  ( int  ) );
 879: _PROTOTYP (int dodir,   ( void ) );
 880: _PROTOTYP (int doelse,  ( void ) );
 881: _PROTOTYP (int dofor,   ( void ) );
 882: _PROTOTYP (int dogta,   ( int  ) );
 883: _PROTOTYP (int doincr,  ( int  ) );
 884: _PROTOTYP (int dopaus,  ( int  ) );
 885: _PROTOTYP (int doping,  ( void ) );
 886: _PROTOTYP (int dorenam, ( void ) );
 888: #ifdef TCPSOCKET
 889: int
 890: doping() {
 891:     char *p;
 892:     int x;
 894:     if (network)            /* If we have a current connection */
 895:       strcpy(line,ttname);      /* get the host name */
 896:     else *line = '\0';          /* as default host to be pinged. */
 897:     for (p = line; *p; p++)     /* Remove ":service" from end. */
 898:       if (*p == ':') { *p = '\0'; break; }
 899:     if ((x = cmtxt("IP host name or number", line, &s, xxstring)) < 0)
 900:       return(x);
 901: /* Construct PING command */
 902: #ifdef VMS
 903: #ifdef MULTINET             /* TGV MultiNet */
 904:     sprintf(line,"multinet ping %s /num=1",s);
 905: #else
 906:     sprintf(line,"ping %s 56 1",s); /* Other VMS TCP/IP's */
 907: #endif /* MULTINET */
 908: #else                   /* Not VMS */
 909:     sprintf(line,"ping %s",s);
 910: #endif /* VMS */
 911:     conres();               /* Make console normal  */
 912: #ifdef DEC_TCPIP
 913:     printf("\n");           /* Prevent prompt-stomping */
 914: #endif /* DEC_TCPIP */
 915:     x = zshcmd(line);
 916:     concb((char)escape);
 917:     return(success = 1);        /* We don't know the status */
 918: }
 919: #endif /* TCPSOCKET */
 921: /*  D O C M D  --  Do a command  */
 923: /*
 924:  Returns:
 925:    -2: user typed an illegal command
 926:    -1: reparse needed
 927:     0: parse was successful (even tho command may have failed).
 928: */
 929: int
 930: docmd(cx) int cx; {
 932:     debug(F101,"docmd entry, cx","",cx);
 934: /*
 935:   Massive switch() broken up into many smaller ones, for the benefit of
 936:   compilers that run out of space when trying to handle large switch
 937:   statements.
 938: */
 939:     switch (cx) {
 940:       case -4:          /* EOF */
 941: #ifdef OSK
 942:     if (msgflg)  printf("\n");
 943: #else
 944:     if (msgflg)  printf("\r\n");
 945: #endif /* OSK */
 946:       doexit(GOOD_EXIT,xitsta);
 947:       case -3:              /* Null command */
 948:     return(0);
 949:       case -9:              /* Like -2, but errmsg already done */
 950:       case -1:              /* Reparse needed */
 951:     return(cx);
 952:       case -6:              /* Special */
 953:       case -2:              /* Error, maybe */
 954: #ifndef NOSPL
 955: /*
 956:   Maybe they typed a macro name.  Let's look it up and see.
 957: */
 958:     if (cx == -6)           /* If they typed CR */
 959:       strcat(cmdbuf,"\015");    /*  add it back to command buffer. */
 960:     if (ifcmd[cmdlvl] == 2)     /* Watch out for IF commands. */
 961:       ifcmd[cmdlvl]--;
 962:     repars = 1;         /* Force reparse */
 963:     cmres();
 964:     cx = XXDO;          /* Try DO command */
 965: #else
 966:     return(cx);
 967: #endif /* NOSPL */
 968:       default:
 969:     break;
 970:     }
 972: #ifndef NOSPL
 973: /* Copy macro args from/to two levels up, used internally by _floop et al. */
 974:     if (cx == XXGTA || cx == XXPTA) {   /* _GETARGS, _PUTARGS */
 975:     int x;
 976:     debug(F101,"docmd XXGTA","",XXGTA);
 977:     debug(F101,"docmd cx","",cx);
 978:     debug(F101,"docmd XXGTA maclvl","",maclvl);
 979:     x = dogta(cx);
 980:     debug(F101,"docmd dogta returns","",x);
 981:     debug(F101,"docmd dogta maclvl","",maclvl);
 982:     return(x);
 983:     }
 984: #endif /* NOSPL */
 986: #ifndef NOSPL
 987: /* ASK, ASKQ, READ */
 988:     if (cx == XXASK || cx == XXASKQ || cx == XXREA) {
 989:     return(doask(cx));
 990:     }
 991: #endif /* NOSPL */
 993: #ifndef NOFRILLS
 994:     if (cx == XXBUG) {          /* BUG */
 995:     if ((x = cmcfm()) < 0) return(x);
 996:     return(dobug());
 997:     }
 998: #endif /* NOFRILLS */
1000:     if (cx == XXBYE) {          /* BYE */
1001:     if ((x = cmcfm()) < 0) return(x);
1002:     sstate = setgen('L',"","","");
1003:     if (local) ttflui();        /* If local, flush tty input buffer */
1004:     return(0);
1005:     }
1007: #ifndef NOFRILLS
1008:     if (cx == XXCLE) {          /* CLEAR */
1009:     if ((x = cmkey(clrtab,nclear,"buffer(s) to clear",
1010: #ifdef NOSPL
1011:           "device-buffer"
1012: #else
1013:           "both"
1014: #endif /* NOSPL */
1015:           ,xxstring)) < 0) return(x);
1016:     if ((y = cmcfm()) < 0) return(y);
1018:     /* Clear device input buffer if requested */
1019:     y = (x & CLR_DEV) ? ttflui() : 0;
1020: #ifndef NOSPL
1021:     /* Clear INPUT command buffer if requested */
1022:     if (x & CLR_INP) {
1023:         for (x = 0; x < INPBUFSIZ; x++)
1024:           inpbuf[x] = 0;
1025:         inpbp = inpbuf;
1026:     }
1027: #endif /* NOSPL */
1028:     return(success = (y == 0));
1029:     }
1030: #endif /* NOFRILLS */
1032:     if (cx == XXCOM) {          /* COMMENT */
1033:     if ((x = cmtxt("Text of comment line","",&s,NULL)) < 0)
1034:       return(x);
1035:     /* Don't change SUCCESS flag for this one */
1036:     return(0);
1037:     }
1039:     if (cx == XXCON) {          /* CONNECT */
1040:     if ((x = cmcfm()) < 0)
1041:       return(x);
1042:     return(success = doconect());
1043:     }
1045:     if (cx == XXCWD)            /* CWD */
1046:       return(success = docd());
1048:     if (cx == XXCHK)            /* CHECK */
1049:       return(success = dochk());
1051:     if (cx == XXCLO) {          /* CLOSE */
1052:     x = cmkey(clstab,ncls,"Which log or file to close","",xxstring);
1053:     if (x == -3) {
1054:         printf("?You must say which file or log\n");
1055:         return(-9);
1056:     }
1057:     if (x < 0) return(x);
1058:     if ((y = cmcfm()) < 0) return(y);
1059:     y = doclslog(x);
1060:     success = (y == 1);
1061:     return(success);
1062:     }
1064: #ifndef NOSPL
1065:     if (cx == XXDEC || cx == XXINC) /* DECREMENT, INCREMENT */
1066:       return(doincr(cx));
1067: #endif /* NOSPL */
1069: #ifndef NOSPL
1070:     if (cx == XXDEF || cx == XXASS || cx == XXASX || cx == XXDFX)
1071:       return(dodef(cx));        /* DEFINE, ASSIGN */
1072: #endif /* NOSPL */
1074: #ifndef NOSPL
1075:     if (cx == XXDCL) {          /* DECLARE an array */
1076:     if ((y = cmfld("Array name","",&s,NULL)) < 0) {
1077:         if (y == -3) {
1078:         printf("?Array name required\n");
1079:         return(-9);
1080:         } else return(y);
1081:     }
1082:     if ((y = arraynam(s,&x,&z)) < 0) return(y);
1083:     if ((y = cmcfm()) < 0) return(y);
1084:     if (dclarray((char)x,z) < 0) {
1085:         printf("?Declare failed\n");
1086:         return(success = 0);
1087:     }
1088:     return(success = 1);
1089:     }
1090: #endif /* NOSPL */
1093: #ifndef NODIAL
1094:     if (cx == XXRED || cx == XXDIAL)    /* DIAL or REDIAL */
1095:       return(dodial(cx));
1096: #endif /* NODIAL */
1098: #ifndef NOFRILLS
1099:     if (cx == XXDEL)            /* DELETE */
1100:       return(dodel());
1101: #endif /* NOFRILLS */
1103: #ifndef MAC
1104:     if (cx == XXDIR)            /* DIRECTORY */
1105:       return(dodir());
1106: #endif /* MAC */
1108: #ifndef NOSPL
1109:     if (cx == XXELS)            /* ELSE */
1110:       return(doelse());
1111: #endif /* NOSPL */
1113: #ifndef NOFRILLS
1114:     if (cx == XXENA || cx == XXDIS) {   /* ENABLE, DISABLE */
1115:     s = (cx == XXENA) ?
1116:       "Server function to enable" :
1117:         "Server function to disable";
1119:     if ((x = cmkey(enatab,nena,s,"",xxstring)) < 0) {
1120:         if (x == -3) {
1121:         printf("?Name of server function required\n");
1122:         return(-9);
1123:         } else return(x);
1124:     }
1125:     if ((y = cmcfm()) < 0) return(y);
1126:     return(doenable(cx,x));
1127:     }
1128: #endif /* NOFRILLS */
1130: #ifndef NOSPL
1131:     if (cx == XXRET) {          /* RETURN */
1132:     if (cmdlvl == 0) {      /* At top level, nothing happens... */
1133:         if ((x = cmcfm()) < 0)
1134:           return(x);
1135:         return(success = 1);
1136:     } else if (cmdstk[cmdlvl].src == CMD_TF) { /* In TAKE file, like POP */
1137:         if ((x = cmtxt("optional return value","",&s,NULL)) < 0)
1138:           return(x);        /* Allow trailing text, but ignore. */
1139:         if ((x = cmcfm()) < 0)
1140:           return(x);
1141:         popclvl();          /* pop command level */
1142:         return(success = 1);    /* always succeeds */
1143:     } else if (cmdstk[cmdlvl].src == CMD_MD) { /* Within macro */
1144:         if ((x = cmtxt("optional return value","",&s,NULL)) < 0)
1145:           return(x);
1146:         return(doreturn(s));    /* Trailing text is return value. */
1147:     } else return(-2);
1148:     }
1149: #endif /* NOSPL */
1151: #ifndef NOSPL
1152:     if (cx == XXDO) {           /* DO (a macro) */
1153:     if (nmac == 0) {
1154:         printf("\n?No macros defined\n");
1155:         return(-2);
1156:     }
1157:     for (y = 0; y < nmac; y++) {    /* copy the macro table */
1158:         mackey[y].kwd = mactab[y].kwd; /* into a regular keyword table */
1159:         mackey[y].kwval = y;    /* with value = pointer to macro tbl */
1160:         mackey[y].flgs = mactab[y].flgs;
1161:     }
1162:     /* parse name as keyword */
1163:     if ((x = cmkey(mackey,nmac,"macro","",xxstring)) < 0) {
1164:         if (x == -3) {
1165:         printf("?Macro name required\n");
1166:         return(-9);
1167:         } else return(x);
1168:     }
1169:     if ((y = cmtxt("optional arguments","",&s,xxstring)) < 0)
1170:       return(y);            /* get args */
1171:     return(dodo(x,s) < 1 ? (success = 0) : 1);
1172:     }
1173: #endif /* NOSPL */
1175:     if (cx == XXECH) {          /* ECHO */
1176:     if ((x = cmtxt("Material to be echoed","",&s,xxstring)) < 0)
1177:       return(x);
1178:     if (*s == '{') {        /* Strip enclosing braces */
1179:         x = (int)strlen(s);
1180:         if (s[x-1] == '}') {
1181:         s[x-1] = NUL;
1182:         s++;
1183:         }
1184:     }
1185:     printf("%s\n",s);
1186:     return(1);          /* Always succeeds */
1187:     }
1189: #ifndef NOSPL
1190:     if (cx == XXOPE)            /* OPEN */
1191:       return(doopen());
1192: #endif /* NOSPL */
1194: #ifndef NOSPL
1195:     if (cx == XXOUT) {          /* OUTPUT */
1196:     if ((x = cmtxt("Text to be output","",&s,NULL)) < 0)
1197:       return(x);
1198:     debug(F110,"OUTPUT 1",s,0);
1199:     if (*s == '{') {        /* Strip enclosing braces, */
1200:         x = (int)strlen(s);     /* if any. */
1201:         if (s[x-1] == '}') {
1202:         s[x-1] = NUL;
1203:         s++;
1204:         }
1205:     }
1206:     debug(F110,"OUTPUT 2",s,0);
1207:     for (x = 0, y = 0; s[x]; x++, y++) { /* Convert \B, \L to \\B, \\L */
1208:         if (x > 0 &&
1209:         (s[x] == 'B' || s[x] == 'b' || s[x] == 'L' || s[x] == 'l'))
1210:           if ((x == 1 && s[x-1] == CMDQ) ||
1211:           (x > 1 && s[x-1] == CMDQ && s[x-2] != CMDQ))
1212:         line[y++] = CMDQ;
1213:         line[y] = s[x];
1214:     }
1215:     line[y++] = '\0';       /* Now expand variables, etc. */
1216:     debug(F110,"OUTPUT 3",line,0);
1217:     s = line+y+1;
1218:     x = LINBUFSIZ - strlen(line) - 1;
1219:     debug(F101,"OUTPUT size","",x);
1220:     if (xxstring(line,&s,&x) < 0)
1221:       return(success = 0);
1222:     s = line+y+1;
1223:     debug(F110,"OUTPUT 4",s,0);
1224:     return(success = dooutput(s));
1225:     }
1226: #endif /* NOSPL */
1228: #ifdef SUNX25
1229:     if (cx == XXPAD) {          /* PAD commands */
1230:     x = cmkey(padtab,npadc,"PAD command","",xxstring);
1231:     if (x == -3) {
1232:         printf("?You must specify a PAD command to execute\n");
1233:         return(-2);
1234:     }
1235:     if (x < 0) return(x);
1237:     switch (x) {
1238:       case XYPADL:
1239:         if (x25stat() < 0)
1240:           printf("Sorry, you must 'set network' & 'set host' first\r\n");
1241:         else {
1242:         x25clear();
1243:         initpad();
1244:         }
1245:         break;
1246:       case XYPADS:
1247:         if (x25stat() < 0)
1248:           printf("Not connected\r\n");
1249:         else {
1250:         extern int linkid, lcn;
1251:         conol("Connected thru ");
1252:         conol(ttname);
1253:         printf(", Link id %d, Logical channel number %d\r\n",
1254:                linkid,lcn);
1255:         }
1256:         break;
1257:       case XYPADR:
1258:         if (x25stat() < 0)
1259:           printf("Sorry, you must 'set network' & 'set host' first\r\n");
1260:         else
1261:           x25reset(0,0);
1262:         break;
1263:       case XYPADI:
1264:         if (x25stat() < 0)
1265:           printf("Sorry, you must 'set network' & 'set host' first\r\n");
1266:         else
1267:           x25intr(0);
1268:     }
1269:     return(0);
1270: }
1271: #endif /* SUNX25 */
1273: #ifndef NOSPL
1274:     if (cx == XXPAU || cx == XXWAI || cx == XXMSL) /* PAUSE, WAIT, etc */
1275:       return(dopaus(cx));
1276: #endif /* NOSPL */
1278: #ifndef NOFRILLS
1279:     if (cx == XXPRI) {
1280:     if ((x = cmifi("File to print","",&s,&y,xxstring)) < 0) {
1281:         if (x == -3) {
1282:         printf("?A file specification is required\n");
1283:         return(-9);
1284:         } else return(x);
1285:     }
1286:     if (y != 0) {
1287:         printf("?Wildcards not allowed\n");
1288:         return(-9);
1289:     }
1290:     strcpy(line,s);
1291:     if ((x = cmtxt("Local print command options, or carriage return","",&s,
1292:                xxstring)) < 0) return(x);
1293:     return(success = (zprint(s,line) == 0) ? 1 : 0);
1294:     }
1296: #ifdef TCPSOCKET
1297:     if (cx == XXPNG)            /* PING an IP host */
1298:       return(doping());
1299: #endif /* TCPSOCKET */
1301: #ifndef MAC
1302:     if (cx == XXPWD) {          /* PWD */
1303:     if ((x = cmcfm()) < 0) return(x);
1304:     xsystem(PWDCMD);
1305:     return(success = 1);        /* blind faith */
1306:     }
1307: #endif /* MAC */
1308: #endif /* NOFRILLS */
1310:     if (cx == XXQUI || cx == XXEXI) {   /* EXIT, QUIT */
1311:     if ((y = cmnum("exit status code","",10,&x,xxstring)) < 0) {
1312:         if (y == -3)
1313:           x = xitsta;
1314:         else return(y);
1315:     }
1316:     if ((y = cmcfm()) < 0) return(y);
1317: #ifdef VMS
1318:     doexit(GOOD_EXIT,x);
1319: #else
1320: #ifdef OSK
1321: /* Returning any codes here makes the OS-9 shell print an error message. */
1322:     doexit(GOOD_EXIT,-1);
1323: #else
1324: #ifdef datageneral
1325:         doexit(GOOD_EXIT,x);
1326: #else
1327:     doexit(x,-1);
1328: #endif /* datageneral */
1329: #endif /* OSK */
1330: #endif /* VMS */
1331:     }
1333: #ifndef NOFRILLS
1334:     if (cx == XXERR) {          /* ERROR */
1335:     if ((x = cmcfm()) < 0) return(x);
1336:     ttflui();
1337:     sstate = 'a';
1338:     return(0);
1339:     }
1340: #endif /* NOFRILLS */
1342:     if (cx == XXFIN) {          /* FINISH */
1343:     if ((x = cmcfm()) < 0) return(x);
1344:     sstate = setgen('F',"","","");
1345:     if (local) ttflui();        /* If local, flush tty input buffer */
1346:     return(0);
1347:     }
1349: #ifndef NOSPL
1350:     if (cx == XXFOR)            /* FOR loop */
1351:       return(dofor());
1352: #endif /* NOSPL */
1354:     if (cx == XXGET) {          /* GET */
1355:     x = cmtxt("Name of remote file(s), or carriage return","",&cmarg,
1356:           xxstring);
1357: #ifndef NOFRILLS
1358:     if ((x == -2) || (x == -1)) return(x);
1359: #else
1360:     if (x < 0) return(x);
1361: #endif /* NOFRILLS */
1362:     if (*cmarg == '{') {        /* Strip any enclosing braces */
1363:         x = (int)strlen(cmarg); /* This allows preservation of */
1364:         if (cmarg[x-1] == '}') {    /* leading and/or trailing */
1365:         cmarg[x-1] = NUL;   /* spaces. */
1366:         cmarg++;
1367:         }
1368:     }
1369:     x = doget();
1370: #ifdef MAC
1371:     if (sstate == 'r')
1372:         scrcreate();
1373: #endif /* MAC */
1374:     return(x);
1375:     }
1377: #ifndef NOSPL
1378: #ifndef NOFRILLS
1379:     if (cx == XXGOK) {          /* GETOK */
1380:     return(success = doask(cx));
1381:     }
1382: #endif /* NOFRILLS */
1383: #endif /* NOSPL */
1385:     if (cx == XXHLP) {          /* HELP */
1386: #ifdef NOHELP
1387:     return(dohlp(XXHLP));
1388: #else
1389:     x = cmkey2(cmdtab,ncmd,"C-Kermit command","help",toktab,xxstring);
1390:     debug(F101,"HELP command x","",x);
1391:     if (x == -5) {
1392:         y = chktok(toktab);
1393:         debug(F101,"top-level cmkey token","",y);
1394:         ungword();
1395:         switch (y) {
1396: #ifndef NOPUSH
1397:           case '!': x = XXSHE; break;
1398: #endif /* NOPUSH */
1399:           case '#': x = XXCOM; break;
1400:           case ';': x = XXCOM; break;
1401: #ifndef NOSPL
1402:           case ':': x = XXLBL; break;
1403: #endif /* NOSPL */
1404:           case '&': x = XXECH; break;
1405:           default:
1406:         printf("\n?Invalid - %s\n",cmdbuf);
1407:         x = -2;
1408:         }
1409:     }
1410:     return(dohlp(x));
1411: #endif /* NOHELP */
1412:     }
1414: #ifndef NOHELP
1415:     if (cx == XXINT)            /* INTRO */
1416:       return(hmsga(introtxt));
1417: #endif /* NOHELP */
1419:     if (cx == XXHAN) {          /* HANGUP */
1420:     if ((x = cmcfm()) < 0) return(x);
1421: #ifndef NODIAL
1422:     if ((x = mdmhup()) < 1)
1423: #endif /* NODIAL */
1424:       x = (tthang() > -1);
1425:     return(success = x);
1426:     }
1428: #ifndef NOSPL
1429:     if (cx == XXGOTO) {         /* GOTO */
1430: /* Note, here we don't set SUCCESS/FAILURE flag */
1431:     if ((y = cmfld("label","",&s,xxstring)) < 0) {
1432:         if (y == -3) {
1433:         printf("?Label name required\n");
1434:         return(-9);
1435:         } else return(y);
1436:     }
1437:     strcpy(lblbuf,s);
1438:     if ((x = cmcfm()) < 0) return(x);
1439:     s = lblbuf;
1440:     return(dogoto(s));
1441:     }
1442: #endif /* NOSPL */
1444: #ifndef NOSPL
1445: /* IF, Extended IF, WHILE */
1446:     if (cx == XXIF || cx == XXIFX || cx == XXWHI) {
1447:     return(doif(cx));
1448:     }
1449: #endif /* NOSPL */
1451: #ifndef NOSPL
1452:     if (cx == XXINP || cx == XXREI) {   /* INPUT and REINPUT */
1453:     y = cmnum("seconds to wait for input","1",10,&x,xxstring);
1454:     if (y < 0) {
1455:         return(y);
1456:     }
1457:     if (x <= 0) x = 1;
1458:     if ((y = cmtxt("Material to be input","",&s,xxstring)) < 0)
1459:       return(y);
1460: #ifdef COMMENT
1461: /*
1462:   Now it's ok -- null argument means wait for any character.
1463: */
1464:     if (*s == '\0') {
1465:         printf("?Text required\n");
1466:         return(-9);
1467:     }
1468: #endif /* COMMENT */
1469:     if (*s == '{') {
1470:         y = (int)strlen(s);
1471:         if (s[y-1] == '}') {
1472:         s[y-1] = NUL;
1473:         s++;
1474:         }
1475:     }
1476:     if (cx == XXINP) {      /* INPUT */
1477:         debug(F110,"calling doinput",s,0);
1478:         success = doinput(x,s); /* Go try to input the search string */
1479:     } else {            /* REINPUT */
1480:         debug(F110,"xxrei line",s,0);
1481:         success = doreinp(x,s);
1482:     }
1483:     if (intime && !success) {   /* TIMEOUT-ACTION = QUIT? */
1484:         popclvl();          /* If so, pop command level. */
1485:         if (pflag && cmdlvl == 0) {
1486:         if (cx == XXINP) printf("?Input timed out\n");
1487:         if (cx == XXREI) printf("?Reinput failed\n");
1488:         }
1489:     }
1490:     return(success);        /* Return do(re)input's return code */
1491:     }
1492: #endif /* NOSPL */
1494: #ifndef NOSPL
1495:     if (cx == XXLBL) {          /* LABEL */
1496:     if ((x = cmfld("label","",&s,xxstring)) < 0) {
1497:         if (x == -3) {
1498:         printf("?Label name required\n");
1499:         return(-9);
1500:         } else return(x);
1501:     }
1502:     if ((x = cmcfm()) < 0) return(x);
1503:     return(0);
1504:     }
1505: #endif /* NOSPL */
1507:     if (cx == XXLOG) {          /* LOG */
1508:     x = cmkey(logtab,nlog,"What to log","",xxstring);
1509:     if (x == -3) {
1510:         printf("?Type of log required\n");
1511:         return(-9);
1512:     }
1513:     if (x < 0) return(x);
1514:     x = dolog(x);
1515:     if (x < 0)
1516:       return(x);
1517:     else
1518:       return(success = x);
1519:     }
1521: #ifndef NOSCRIPT
1522:     if (cx == XXLOGI) {         /* UUCP-style script */
1523:     if ((x = cmtxt("expect-send expect-send ...","",&s,xxstring)) < 0)
1524:       return(x);
1525: #ifdef VMS
1526:     conres();           /* For Ctrl-C to work... */
1527: #endif /* VMS */
1528:     return(success = dologin(s));   /* Return 1=completed, 0=failed */
1529:     }
1530: #endif /* NOSCRIPT */
1532:     if (cx == XXREC) {          /* RECEIVE */
1533:     cmarg2 = "";
1534:     x = cmofi("Name under which to store the file, or CR","",&s,
1535:           xxstring);
1536:     if ((x == -1) || (x == -2)) return(x);
1537:     if ((x = cmcfm()) < 0) return(x);
1538:     strcpy(line,s);
1539:     cmarg2 = line;
1540:     debug(F111,"cmofi cmarg2",cmarg2,x);
1541:     sstate = 'v';
1542: #ifdef MAC
1543:     scrcreate();
1544: #endif /* MAC */
1545:     if (local) displa = 1;
1546:     return(0);
1547:     }
1549:     if (cx == XXREM) {          /* REMOTE */
1550:     x = cmkey(remcmd,nrmt,"Remote Kermit server command","",xxstring);
1551:     if (x == -3) {
1552:         printf("?You must specify a command for the remote server\n");
1553:         return(-9);
1554:     }
1555:     return(dormt(x));
1556:     }
1558: #ifndef NOFRILLS
1559:     if (cx == XXREN)            /* RENAME */
1560:       return(dorenam());
1561: #endif /* NOFRILLS */
1563:     if (cx == XXSEN || cx == XXMAI) {   /* SEND, MAIL */
1564:     cmarg = cmarg2 = "";
1565:     if ((x = cmifi("File(s) to send","",&s,&y,xxstring)) < 0) {
1566:         if (x == -3) {
1567:         printf("?A file specification is required\n");
1568:         return(-9);
1569:         } else return(x);
1570:     }
1571:     nfils = -1;         /* Files come from internal list. */
1572:     strcpy(line,s);         /* Save copy of string just parsed. */
1573:     strncpy(fspec,s,FSPECL);    /* and here for \v(filespec) */
1574:     if (cx == XXSEN) {      /* SEND command */
1575:         debug(F101,"Send: wild","",y);
1576:         if (y == 0) {
1577:         if ((x = cmtxt("Name to send it with","",&cmarg2,
1578:                    xxstring)) < 0)
1579:           return(x);
1580:         } else {
1581:         if ((x = cmcfm()) < 0) return(x);
1582:         }
1583:         cmarg = line;       /* File to send */
1584:         debug(F110,"Sending:",cmarg,0);
1585:         if (*cmarg2 != '\0') debug(F110," as:",cmarg2,0);
1586:     } else {            /* MAIL */
1587: #ifndef NOFRILLS
1588:         if (!atdiso || !atcapr) {   /* Disposition attribute off? */
1589:         printf("?Disposition Attribute is Off\n");
1590:         return(-2);
1591:         }
1592:         debug(F101,"Mail: wild","",y);
1593:         *optbuf = NUL;      /* Wipe out any old options */
1594:         if ((x = cmtxt("Address to mail to","",&s,xxstring)) < 0)
1595:           return(x);
1596:         if ((int)strlen(s) == 0) {
1597:         printf("?Address required\n");
1598:         return(-9);
1599:         }
1600:         strcpy(optbuf,s);
1601:         if ((int)strlen(optbuf) > 94) { /* Ensure legal size */
1602:         printf("?Option string too long\n");
1603:         return(-2);
1604:         }
1605:         cmarg = line;       /* File to send */
1606:         debug(F110,"Mailing:",cmarg,0);
1607:         debug(F110,"To:",optbuf,0);
1608:         rmailf = 1;         /* MAIL modifier flag for SEND */
1609: #else
1610:         printf("?Sorry, MAIL feature not configured.\n");
1611:         return(-2);
1612: #endif /* NOFRILLS */
1613:     }
1614:     sstate = 's';           /* Set start state to SEND */
1615: #ifdef MAC
1616:     scrcreate();
1617: #endif /* MAC */
1618:     if (local) {            /* If in local mode, */
1619:         displa = 1;         /* turn on file transfer display */
1620: #ifdef COMMENT
1621: /* Redundant -- this is done later in sipkt() */
1622:         ttflui();           /* and flush tty input buffer. */
1623: #endif /* COMMENT */
1624:     }
1625:     return(0);
1626:     }
1628: #ifndef NOMSEND
1629:     if (cx == XXMSE) {          /* MSEND command */
1630:     nfils = 0;          /* Like getting a list of */
1631:     lp = line;          /* files on the command line */
1632:     while (1) {
1633:         char *p;
1634:         if ((x = cmifi("Names of files to send, separated by spaces","",
1635:                &s,&y,xxstring)) < 0) {
1636:         if (x == -3) {
1637:             if (nfils <= 0) {
1638:             printf("?A file specification is required\n");
1639:             return(-9);
1640:             } else break;
1641:         }
1642:         return(x);
1643:         }
1644:         msfiles[nfils++] = lp;  /* Got one, count it, point to it, */
1645:         p = lp;         /* remember pointer, */
1646:         while (*lp++ = *s++) ;  /* and copy it into buffer */
1647:         debug(F111,"msfiles",msfiles[nfils-1],nfils-1);
1648:         if (nfils == 1) *fspec = NUL; /* Take care of \v(filespec) */
1649:         if (((int)strlen(fspec) + (int)strlen(p) + 1) < FSPECL) {
1650:         strcat(fspec,p);
1651:         strcat(fspec," ");
1652:         }
1653:     }
1654:     cmlist = msfiles;       /* Point cmlist to pointer array */
1655:     cmarg2 = "";            /* No internal expansion list (yet) */
1656:     sndsrc = nfils;         /* Filenames come from cmlist */
1657:     sstate = 's';           /* Set start state to SEND */
1658: #ifdef MAC
1659:     scrcreate();
1660: #endif /* MAC */
1661:     if (local) {            /* If in local mode, */
1662:         displa = 1;         /* turn on file transfer display */
1663:         ttflui();           /* and flush tty input buffer. */
1664:     }
1665:     return(0);
1666:     }
1667: #endif /* NOMSEND */
1669: #ifndef NOSERVER
1670:     if (cx == XXSER) {          /* SERVER */
1671:     if ((x = cmcfm()) < 0) return(x);
1672:     sstate = 'x';
1673: #ifdef MAC
1674:     scrcreate();
1675: #endif /* MAC */
1676:     if (local) displa = 1;
1677: #ifdef AMIGA
1678:     reqoff();           /* No DOS requestors while server */
1679: #endif /* AMIGA */
1680:     return(0);
1681:     }
1682: #endif /* NOSERVER */
1684:     if (cx == XXSET) {          /* SET command */
1685:     x = cmkey(prmtab,nprm,"Parameter","",xxstring);
1686:     if (x == -3) {
1687:         printf("?You must specify a parameter to set\n");
1688:         return(-9);
1689:     }
1690:     if (x < 0) return(x);
1691:     /* have to set success separately for each item in doprm()... */
1692:     /* actually not really, could have just had doprm return 0 or 1 */
1693:     /* and set success here... */
1694:     y = doprm(x,0);
1695:     if (y == -3) {
1696:         printf("?More fields required\n");
1697:         return(-9);
1698:     } else return(y);
1699:     }
1701: #ifndef NOPUSH
1702:     if (cx == XXSHE) {          /* SHELL (system) command */
1703:     if (cmtxt("System command to execute","",&s,xxstring) < 0)
1704:       return(-1);
1705:     conres();           /* Make console normal  */
1706:     x = zshcmd(s);
1707:     concb((char)escape);
1708:     return(success = x);
1709:     }
1710: #endif /* NOPUSH */
1712: #ifndef NOSHOW
1713:     if (cx == XXSHO) {          /* SHOW */
1714:     x = cmkey(shotab,nsho,"","parameters",xxstring);
1715:     if (x < 0) return(x);
1716:     return(doshow(x));
1717:     }
1718: #endif /* NOSHOW */
1720: #ifndef MAC
1721:     if (cx == XXSPA) {          /* SPACE */
1722: #ifdef datageneral
1723:     /* AOS/VS can take an argument after its "space" command. */
1724:     if ((x = cmtxt("Confirm, or local directory name","",&s,xxstring)) < 0)
1725:       return(x);
1726:     if (*s == NUL) xsystem(SPACMD);
1727:     else {
1728:         sprintf(line,"space %s",s);
1729:         xsystem(line);
1730:     }
1731: #else
1732: #ifdef OS2
1733:     if ((x = cmtxt("Press Enter for current disk,\n\
1734:  or specify a disk letter like A:","",&s,xxstring)) < 0)
1735:       return(x);
1736:     if (*s == NUL) {        /* Current disk */
1737:         printf(" Free space: %ldK\n", zdskspace(0)/1024L);
1738:     } else {
1739:         int drive = toupper(*s);
1740:         printf(" Drive %c: %ldK free\n", drive,
1741:            zdskspace(drive - 'A' + 1) / 1024L);
1742:     }
1743: #else
1744: #ifdef UNIX
1745: #ifdef COMMENT
1746:     if ((x = cmtxt("Confirm for current disk,\n\
1747:  or specify a disk device or directory","",&s,xxstring)) < 0)
1748:       return(x);
1749: #else
1750:     x = cmdir("Confirm for current disk,\n\
1751:  or specify a disk device or directory","",&s,xxstring);
1752:     if (x == -3)
1753:       s = "";
1754:     else if (x < 0)
1755:       return(x);
1756:     if ((x = cmcfm()) < 0) return(x);
1757: #endif /* COMMENT */
1758:     if (*s == NUL) {        /* Current disk */
1759:         xsystem(SPACMD);
1760:     } else {            /* Specified disk */
1761:         sprintf(line,"%s %s",SPACM2,s);
1762:         xsystem(line);
1763:     }
1764: #else
1765:     if ((x = cmcfm()) < 0) return(x);
1766:     xsystem(SPACMD);
1767: #endif /* UNIX */
1768: #endif /* OS2 */
1769: #endif /* datageneral */
1770:     return(success = 1);        /* Pretend it worked */
1771:     }
1772: #endif /* MAC */
1774:     if (cx == XXSTA) {          /* STATISTICS */
1775:     if ((x = cmcfm()) < 0) return(x);
1776:     return(success = dostat());
1777:     }
1779:     if (cx == XXSTO || cx == XXEND) {   /* STOP, END, or POP */
1780:     if ((y = cmnum("exit status code","0",10,&x,xxstring)) < 0)
1781:       return(y);
1782:     if ((y = cmtxt("Message to print","",&s,xxstring)) < 0)
1783:       return(y);
1784:     if (*s == '{') {        /* Strip any enclosing braces */
1785:         x = (int)strlen(s);
1786:         if (s[x-1] == '}') {
1787:         s[x-1] = NUL;
1788:         s++;
1789:         }
1790:     }
1791:     if (*s) printf("%s\n",s);
1792:     if (cx == XXSTO) dostop(); else popclvl();
1793:     return(success = (x == 0));
1794:     }
1796:     if (cx == XXSUS) {          /* SUSPEND */
1797:     if ((y = cmcfm()) < 0) return(y);
1798: #ifdef NOJC
1799:     printf("Sorry, this version of Kermit cannot be suspended\n");
1800: #else
1801:     stptrap(0);
1802: #endif /* NOJC */
1803:     return(0);
1804:     }
1806:     if (cx == XXTAK) {          /* TAKE */
1807:     if (tlevel > MAXTAKE-1) {
1808:         printf("?Take files nested too deeply\n");
1809:         return(-2);
1810:     }
1811:     if ((y = cmifi("C-Kermit command file","",&s,&x,xxstring)) < 0) {
1812:         if (y == -3) {
1813:         printf("?A file name is required\n");
1814:         return(-9);
1815:         } else return(y);
1816:     }
1817:     if (x != 0) {
1818:         printf("?Wildcards not allowed in command file name\n");
1819:         return(-9);
1820:     }
1821:     strcpy(line,s);
1822:     if ((y = cmcfm()) < 0) return(y);
1823:     return(success = dotake(line));
1824:     }
1826: #ifdef NETCONN
1827:     if (cx == XXTEL) {          /* TELNET */
1828:     if ((y = setlin(XYHOST,0)) < 0) return(y);
1829:     return (success = (y == 0) ? 0 : doconect());
1830:     }
1831: #endif /* NETCONN */
1833: #ifndef NOXMIT
1834:     if (cx == XXTRA) {          /* TRANSMIT */
1835:     if ((x = cmifi("File to transmit","",&s,&y,xxstring)) < 0) {
1836:         if (x == -3) {
1837:         printf("?Name of an existing file\n");
1838:         return(-9);
1839:         } else return(x);
1840:     }
1841:     if (y != 0) {
1842:         printf("?Only a single file may be transmitted\n");
1843:         return(-2);
1844:     }
1845:     strcpy(line,s);         /* Save copy of string just parsed. */
1846:     if ((y = cmcfm()) < 0) return(y); /* Confirm the command */
1847:     debug(F111,"calling transmit",line,xmitp);
1848:     return(success = transmit(line,(char)xmitp)); /* Do the command */
1849:     }
1850: #endif /* NOXMIT */
1852: #ifndef NOFRILLS
1853:     if (cx == XXTYP) {          /* TYPE */
1854: #ifndef MAC
1855:     char *tc;
1856: #endif /* MAC */
1857:     if ((x = cmifi("File to type","",&s,&y,xxstring)) < 0) {
1858:         if (x == -3) {
1859:         printf("?Name of an existing file\n");
1860:         return(-9);
1861:         } else return(x);
1862:     }
1863:     if (y != 0) {
1864:         printf("?A single file please\n");
1865:         return(-2);
1866:     }
1867: #ifndef MAC
1868:     if (!(tc = getenv("CK_TYPE"))) tc = TYPCMD;
1869:     sprintf(line,"%s %s",tc,s);
1870:     if ((y = cmcfm()) < 0) return(y); /* Confirm the command */
1871:     xsystem(line);
1872:     return(success = 1);
1873: #else
1874:     strcpy(line,s);
1875:     if ((y = cmcfm()) < 0) return(y); /* Confirm the command */
1876:     return(success = dotype(line));
1877: #endif /* MAC */
1878:     }
1879: #endif /* NOFRILLS */
1881: #ifndef NOFRILLS
1882:     if (cx == XXTES) {          /* TEST */
1883:     /* Fill this in with whatever is being tested... */
1884:     if ((y = cmcfm()) < 0) return(y); /* Confirm the command */
1886: #ifndef NOSPL
1887: #ifdef COMMENT
1888:     { int d, i, j;          /* Dump all arrays */
1889:       char c, **p;
1890:       for (i = 0; i < 27; i++) {
1891:           p = a_ptr[i];
1892:           d = a_dim[i];
1893:           c = (i == 0) ? 64 : i + 96;
1894:           if (d && p) {
1895:           fprintf(stderr,"&%c[%d]\n",c,d);
1896:           for (j = 0; j <= d; j++) {
1897:               if (p[j]) {
1898:               fprintf(stderr,"  &%c[%2d] = [%s]\n",c,j,p[j]);
1899:               }
1900:           }
1901:           }
1902:       }
1903:       }
1904: #else /* Not COMMENT */
1905:     printf("cmdlvl = %d, tlevel = %d, maclvl = %d\n",cmdlvl,tlevel,maclvl);
1906:     if (maclvl < 0) {
1907:         printf("%s\n",
1908:          "Call me from inside a macro and I'll dump the argument stack");
1909:         return(0);
1910:     }
1911:     printf("Macro level: %d, ARGC = %d\n     ",maclvl,macargc[maclvl]);
1912:     for (y = 0; y < 10; y++) printf("%7d",y);
1913:     for (x = 0; x <= maclvl; x++) {
1914:         printf("\n%2d:  ",x);
1915:         for (y = 0; y < 10; y++) {
1916:         s = m_arg[x][y];
1917:         printf("%7s",s ? s : "(none)");
1918:         }
1919:     }
1920:     printf("\n");
1921: #endif /* COMMENT */
1922: #endif /* NOSPL */
1923:     return(0);
1924:     }
1925: #endif /* NOFRILLS */
1927: #ifndef NOCSETS
1928:     if (cx == XXXLA) {     /* TRANSLATE <ifn> from-cs to-cs <ofn> */
1929:     int incs, outcs;
1930:     if ((x = cmifi("File to translate","",&s,&y,xxstring)) < 0) {
1931:         if (x == -3) {
1932:         printf("?Name of an existing file\n");
1933:         return(-9);
1934:         } else return(x);
1935:     }
1936:     if (y != 0) {
1937:         printf("?A single file please\n");
1938:         return(-2);
1939:     }
1940:     strcpy(line,s);         /* Save copy of string just parsed. */
1942:     if ((incs = cmkey(fcstab,nfilc,"from character-set","",xxstring)) < 0)
1943:       return(incs);
1944:     if ((outcs = cmkey(fcstab,nfilc,"to character-set","",xxstring)) < 0)
1945:       return(outcs);
1946:     if ((x = cmofi("output file",CTTNAM,&s,xxstring)) < 0) return(x);
1947:     strncpy(tmpbuf,s,50);
1948:     if ((y = cmcfm()) < 0) return(y); /* Confirm the command */
1949:     return(success = xlate(line,tmpbuf,incs,outcs)); /* Execute it */
1950:     }
1951: #endif /* NOCSETS */
1953:     if (cx == XXVER) {          /* VERSION */
1954:     if ((y = cmcfm()) < 0) return(y);
1955:     printf("%s,%s\n Numeric: %ld",versio,ckxsys,vernum);
1956:     if (verwho) printf("-%d\n",verwho); else printf("\n");
1957:     return(success = 1);
1958:     }
1960: #ifndef MAC
1961: #ifndef NOFRILLS
1962:     if (cx == XXWHO) {          /* WHO */
1963:     char *wc;
1964: #ifdef datageneral
1965:         xsystem(WHOCMD);
1966: #else
1967:     if ((y = cmtxt("user name","",&s,xxstring)) < 0) return(y);
1968:     if (!(wc = getenv("CK_WHO"))) wc = WHOCMD;
1969:     sprintf(line,"%s %s",wc,s);
1970:     xsystem(line);
1971: #endif /* datageneral */
1972:     return(success = 1);
1973:     }
1974: #endif /* NOFRILLS */
1975: #endif /* MAC */
1977: #ifndef NOFRILLS
1978:     if (cx == XXWRI) {          /* WRITE */
1979:     if ((x = cmkey(writab,nwri,"to file or log","",xxstring)) < 0) {
1980:         if (x == -3) printf("?Write to what?\n");
1981:         return(x);
1982:     }
1983:     if ((y = cmtxt("text","",&s,xxstring)) < 0) return(y);
1984:     if (*s == '{') {        /* Strip enclosing braces */
1985:         y = (int)strlen(s);
1986:         if (s[y-1] == '}') {
1987:         s[y-1] = NUL;
1988:         s++;
1989:         }
1990:     }
1991:     switch (x) {
1992:       case LOGD: y = ZDFILE; break;
1993:       case LOGP: y = ZPFILE; break;
1994:       case LOGS: y = ZSFILE; break;
1995:       case LOGT: y = ZTFILE; break;
1996: #ifndef NOSPL
1997:       case LOGW: y = ZWFILE; break;
1998: #endif /* NOSPL */
1999:       case LOGX:
2000:       case LOGE:
2002: #ifndef MAC
2003:         if (x == LOGE) fprintf(stderr,"%s",s);
2004:         else
2005: #endif /* MAC */
2006:           printf("%s",s);
2007:         if (
2008: #ifndef NOSPL
2009:         cmdlvl == 0
2010: #else
2011:         tlevel == -1
2012: #endif /* NOSPL */
2013:         )
2014: #ifndef MAC
2015:           if (x == LOGE) fprintf(stderr,"\n");
2016:           else
2017: #endif /* MAC */
2018:         printf("\n");
2019:         return(success = 1);
2020:       default: return(-2);
2021:     }
2022:     if ((x = zsout(y,s)) < 0)
2023:       printf("?File or log not open\n");
2024:     return(success = (x == 0) ? 1 : 0);
2025:     }
2026: #endif /* NOFRILLS */
2028:     debug(F101,"docmd unk arg","",cx);
2029:     return(-2);             /* None of the above. */
2030: } /* end of docmnd() */
2032: #endif /* NOICP */

Defined functions

docmd defined in line 929; used 1 times
doping defined in line 889; used 2 times

Defined variables

clrtab defined in line 725; used 2 times
clstab defined in line 736; used 2 times
cmdtab defined in line 218; used 3 times
enatab defined in line 840; used 2 times
indef defined in line 186; used 1 times
inpbp defined in line 174; used 8 times
logtab defined in line 693; used 2 times
lp defined in line 170; used 146 times
mackey defined in line 870; used 4 times
mactab defined in line 866; used 63 times
nclear defined in line 734; used 1 times
ncls defined in line 755; used 1 times
ncmd defined in line 489; used 2 times
nena defined in line 858; used 1 times
netcmd defined in line 648; used 2 times
nlog defined in line 703; used 1 times
nnets defined in line 664; used 1 times
npadc defined in line 837; used 1 times
nprm defined in line 644; used 2 times
nrmt defined in line 691; used 2 times
nsho defined in line 828; used 1 times
nwri defined in line 720; used 1 times
nyesno defined in line 513; used 1 times
padtab defined in line 831; used 2 times
prmtab defined in line 519; used 3 times
psave defined in line 178; used 13 times
rcflag defined in line 133; used 4 times
remcmd defined in line 669; used 3 times
repars defined in line 134; used 7 times
s defined in line 212; used 123 times
shotab defined in line 759; used 2 times
toktab defined in line 491; used 4 times
userv defined in line 1; used 1 times
varnam defined in line 195; used 10 times
writab defined in line 705; used 2 times
x defined in line 211; used 226 times
xmitp defined in line 147; used 5 times
y defined in line 211; used 117 times
yesno defined in line 508; used 2 times
z defined in line 211; used 2 times

Defined macros

CLR_DEV defined in line 722; used 3 times
CLR_INP defined in line 723; used 3 times
fgets defined in line 97; never used
xsystem defined in line 214; used 9 times
Last modified: 1992-11-24
Generated: 2016-12-26
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