/*************************************************************************** * This program is Copyright (C) 1986, 1987, 1988 by Jonathan Payne. JOVE * * is provided to you without charge, and with no warranty. You may give * * away copies of JOVE, including sources, provided that this notice is * * included in all the files. * ***************************************************************************/ /* search package */ #include "jove.h" #include "ctype.h" #ifdef MAC # undef private # define private #endif #ifdef LINT_ARGS private char * insert(char *, char *, int); private void REreset(void), search(int, int, int); private int backref(int, char *), do_comp(int), member(char *, int, int), REgetc(void), REmatch(char *, char *); #else private char * insert(); private void REreset(), search(); private int backref(), do_comp(), member(), REgetc(), REmatch(); #endif /* LINT_ARGS */ #ifdef MAC # undef private # define private static #endif #define NALTS 16 /* number of alternate search strings */ char searchstr[128], compbuf[256], /* global default compbuf */ rep_search[128], /* replace search string */ rep_str[128], /* contains replacement string */ *cur_compb, /* usually points at compbuf */ REbuf[LBSIZE], /* points at line we're scanning */ *alternates[NALTS]; int REdirection; int CaseIgnore = 0, WrapScan = 0, UseRE = 0; #define cind_cmp(a, b) (CaseEquiv[a] == CaseEquiv[b]) private int REpeekc; private char *REptr; private int REgetc() { int c; if ((c = REpeekc) != -1) REpeekc = -1; else if (*REptr) c = *REptr++; else c = 0; return c; } #define STAR 01 /* Match any number of last RE. */ #define AT_BOL 2 /* ^ */ #define AT_EOL 4 /* $ */ #define AT_BOW 6 /* \< */ #define AT_EOW 8 /* \> */ #define OPENP 10 /* \( */ #define CLOSEP 12 /* \) */ #define CURLYB 14 /* \{ */ #define NOSTR 14 /* Codes <= NOSTR can't be *'d. */ #define ANYC NOSTR+2 /* . */ #define NORMC ANYC+2 /* normal character */ #define CINDC NORMC+2 /* case independent character */ #define ONE_OF CINDC+2 /* [xxx] */ #define NONE_OF ONE_OF+2 /* [^xxx] */ #define BACKREF NONE_OF+2 /* \# */ #define EOP BACKREF+2 /* end of pattern */ #define NPAR 10 /* [0-9] - 0th is the entire matched string, i.e. & */ private int nparens; private char *comp_p, *start_p, **alt_p, **alt_endp; void REcompile(pattern, re, into_buf, alt_bufp) char *pattern, *into_buf, **alt_bufp; { REptr = pattern; REpeekc = -1; comp_p = cur_compb = start_p = into_buf; alt_p = alt_bufp; alt_endp = alt_p + NALTS; *alt_p++ = comp_p; nparens = 0; (void) do_comp(re ? OKAY_RE : NORM); *alt_p = 0; } /* compile the pattern into an internal code */ private int do_comp(kind) { char *last_p, *chr_cnt = 0; int parens[NPAR], *parenp, c, ret_code; parenp = parens; last_p = 0; ret_code = 1; if (kind == OKAY_RE) { *comp_p++ = OPENP; *comp_p++ = nparens; *parenp++ = nparens++; start_p = comp_p; } while (c = REgetc()) { if (comp_p > &cur_compb[(sizeof compbuf) - 6]) toolong: complain("Search string too long/complex."); if (c != '*') last_p = comp_p; if (kind == NORM && index(".[*", c) != 0) goto defchar; switch (c) { case '\\': switch (c = REgetc()) { case 0: complain("Premature end of pattern."); case '{': { char *wcntp; /* word count */ *comp_p++ = CURLYB; wcntp = comp_p; *comp_p++ = 0; for (;;) { int comp_val; char *comp_len; comp_len = comp_p++; comp_val = do_comp(IN_CB); *comp_len = comp_p - comp_len; (*wcntp) += 1; if (comp_val == 0) break; } break; } case '}': if (kind != IN_CB) complain("Unexpected \\}."); ret_code = 0; goto outahere; case '(': if (nparens >= NPAR) complain("Too many ('s; max is %d.", NPAR); *comp_p++ = OPENP; *comp_p++ = nparens; *parenp++ = nparens++; break; case ')': if (parenp == parens) complain("Too many )'s."); *comp_p++ = CLOSEP; *comp_p++ = *--parenp; break; case '|': if (alt_p >= alt_endp) complain("Too many alternates; max %d.", NALTS); *comp_p++ = CLOSEP; *comp_p++ = *--parenp; *comp_p++ = EOP; *alt_p++ = comp_p; nparens = 0; *comp_p++ = OPENP; *comp_p++ = nparens; *parenp++ = nparens++; start_p = comp_p; break; case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': *comp_p++ = BACKREF; *comp_p++ = c - '0'; break; case '<': *comp_p++ = AT_BOW; break; case '>': *comp_p++ = AT_EOW; break; default: goto defchar; } break; case ',': if (kind != IN_CB) goto defchar; goto outahere; case '.': *comp_p++ = ANYC; break; case '^': if (comp_p == start_p) { *comp_p++ = AT_BOL; break; } goto defchar; case '$': if ((REpeekc = REgetc()) != 0 && REpeekc != '\\') goto defchar; *comp_p++ = AT_EOL; break; case '[': { int chrcnt; *comp_p++ = ONE_OF; if (comp_p + 16 >= &cur_compb[(sizeof compbuf)]) goto toolong; bzero(comp_p, 16); if ((REpeekc = REgetc()) == '^') { *last_p = NONE_OF; /* Get it for real this time. */ (void) REgetc(); } chrcnt = 1; while ((c = REgetc()) != ']' && c != 0) { if (c == '\\') c = REgetc(); else if ((REpeekc = REgetc()) == '-') { int c2; (void) REgetc(); /* reread '-' */ c2 = REgetc(); while (c < c2) { comp_p[c/8] |= (1 << (c%8)); c += 1; } } comp_p[c/8] |= (1 << (c%8)); chrcnt += 1; } if (c == 0) complain("Missing ]."); if (chrcnt == 1) complain("Empty []."); comp_p += 16; break; } case '*': if (last_p == 0 || *last_p <= NOSTR) goto defchar; /* The * operator applies only to the previous character. If we were building a chr_cnt at the time we got the *, we have to remove the last character from the chr_cnt (by decrementing *chr_cnt) and replacing it with a new STAR entry. If we are decrementing the count to 0, we just delete the chr_cnt entry altogether, replacing it with the STAR entry. */ if (chr_cnt) { char lastc = chr_cnt[*chr_cnt]; /* The * operator applies only to the previous character. If we were building a chr_cnt at the time we got the *, we have to remove the last character from the chr_cnt (by decrementing *chr_cnt) and replacing it with a new STAR entry. If we are decrementing the count to 0, we just delete the chr_cnt entry altogether, replacing it with the STAR entry. */ if (*chr_cnt == 1) { comp_p = chr_cnt; comp_p[-1] |= STAR; *comp_p++ = lastc; } else { comp_p = chr_cnt + *chr_cnt; (*chr_cnt) -= 1; *comp_p++ = chr_cnt[-1] | STAR; *comp_p++ = lastc; } } else *last_p |= STAR; break; default: defchar: if (chr_cnt) (*chr_cnt) += 1; else { *comp_p++ = (CaseIgnore) ? CINDC : NORMC; chr_cnt = comp_p++; *chr_cnt = 1; /* last_p[1] = 1; */ } *comp_p++ = c; continue; } chr_cnt = FALSE; } outahere: /* End of pattern, let's do some error checking. */ if (kind == OKAY_RE) { *comp_p++ = CLOSEP; *comp_p++ = *--parenp; } if (parenp != parens) complain("Unmatched ()'s."); if (kind == IN_CB && c == 0) /* End of pattern with \}. */ complain("Missing \\}."); *comp_p++ = EOP; return ret_code; } private char *pstrtlst[NPAR], /* index into REbuf */ *pendlst[NPAR], *REbolp, *locs, *loc1, *loc2; int REbom, REeom, /* beginning and end of match */ REalt_num; /* if alternatives, which one matched? */ private int backref(n, linep) register char *linep; { register char *backsp, *backep; backsp = pstrtlst[n]; backep = pendlst[n]; while (*backsp++ == *linep++) if (backsp >= backep) return 1; return 0; } private int member(comp_p, c, af) register char *comp_p; register int c, af; { if (c == 0) return 0; /* try to match EOL always fails */ if (comp_p[c/8] & (1 << (c%8))) return af; return !af; } private int REmatch(linep, comp_p) register char *linep, *comp_p; { char *first_p = linep; register int n; for (;;) switch (*comp_p++) { case NORMC: n = *comp_p++; while (--n >= 0) if (*linep++ != *comp_p++) return 0; continue; case CINDC: /* case independent comparison */ n = *comp_p++; while (--n >= 0) if (!cind_cmp(*linep++, *comp_p++)) return 0; continue; case EOP: loc2 = linep; REeom = (loc2 - REbolp); return 1; /* Success! */ case AT_BOL: if (linep == REbolp) continue; return 0; case AT_EOL: if (*linep == 0) continue; return 0; case ANYC: if (*linep++ != 0) continue; return 0; case AT_BOW: if (ismword(*linep) && (linep == REbolp || !ismword(linep[-1]))) continue; return 0; case AT_EOW: if ((*linep == 0 || !ismword(*linep)) && (linep != REbolp && ismword(linep[-1]))) continue; return 0; case ONE_OF: case NONE_OF: if (member(comp_p, *linep++, comp_p[-1] == ONE_OF)) { comp_p += 16; continue; } return 0; case OPENP: pstrtlst[*comp_p++] = linep; continue; case CLOSEP: pendlst[*comp_p++] = linep; continue; case BACKREF: if (pstrtlst[n = *comp_p++] == 0) { s_mess("\\%d was not specified.", n + 1); return 0; } if (backref(n, linep)) { linep += pendlst[n] - pstrtlst[n]; continue; } return 0; case CURLYB: { int wcnt, any; wcnt = *comp_p++; any = 0; while (--wcnt >= 0) { if (any == 0) any = REmatch(linep, comp_p + 1); comp_p += *comp_p; } if (any == 0) return 0; linep = loc2; continue; } case ANYC | STAR: first_p = linep; while (*linep++) ; goto star; case NORMC | STAR: first_p = linep; while (*comp_p == *linep++) ; comp_p += 1; goto star; case CINDC | STAR: first_p = linep; while (cind_cmp(*comp_p, *linep++)) ; comp_p += 1; goto star; case ONE_OF | STAR: case NONE_OF | STAR: first_p = linep; while (member(comp_p, *linep++, comp_p[-1] == (ONE_OF | STAR))) ; comp_p += 16; goto star; case BACKREF | STAR: first_p = linep; n = *comp_p++; while (backref(n, linep)) linep += pendlst[n] - pstrtlst[n]; while (linep >= first_p) { if (REmatch(linep, comp_p)) return 1; linep -= pendlst[n] - pstrtlst[n]; } continue; star: do { linep -= 1; if (linep < locs) break; if (REmatch(linep, comp_p)) return 1; } while (linep > first_p); return 0; default: complain("RE error match (%d).", comp_p[-1]); } /* NOTREACHED. */ } private void REreset() { register int i; for (i = 0; i < NPAR; i++) pstrtlst[i] = pendlst[i] = 0; } /* Index LINE at OFFSET, the compiled EXPR, with alternates ALTS. If lbuf_okay is nonzero it's okay to use linebuf if LINE is the current line. This should save lots of time in things like paren matching in LISP mode. Saves all that copying from linebuf to REbuf. substitute() is the guy who calls re_lindex with lbuf_okay as 0, since the substitution gets placed in linebuf ... doesn't work too well when the source and destination strings are the same. I hate all these arguments! This code is cumbersome, repetetive for reasons of efficiency. Fast search is a must as far as I am concerned. */ int re_lindex(line, offset, expr, alts, lbuf_okay) Line *line; char *expr, **alts; { int isquick; register int firstc, c; register char *resp; REreset(); if (lbuf_okay) { REbolp = lbptr(line); if (offset == -1) offset = strlen(REbolp); /* arg! */ } else { REbolp = ltobuf(line, REbuf); if (offset == -1) { /* Reverse search, find end of line. */ extern int Jr_Len; offset = Jr_Len; /* Just Read Len. */ } } resp = REbolp; isquick = ((expr[0] == NORMC || expr[0] == CINDC) && (alternates[1] == 0)); if (isquick) { firstc = expr[2]; if (expr[0] == CINDC) firstc = CaseEquiv[firstc]; } locs = REbolp + offset; if (REdirection == FORWARD) { do { char **altp = alts; if (isquick) { if (expr[0] == NORMC) while ((c = *locs++) != 0 && c != firstc) ; else while (((c = *locs++) != 0) && (CaseEquiv[c] != firstc)) ; if (*--locs == 0) break; } REalt_num = 1; while (*altp) { if (REmatch(locs, *altp++)) { loc1 = locs; REbom = loc1 - REbolp; return 1; } REalt_num += 1; } } while (*locs++); } else { do { char **altp = alts; if (isquick) { if (expr[0] == NORMC) { while (locs >= REbolp && *locs-- != firstc) ; if (*++locs != firstc) break; } else { while (locs >= REbolp && CaseEquiv[*locs--] != firstc) ; if (CaseEquiv[*++locs] != firstc) break; } } REalt_num = 1; while (*altp) { if (REmatch(locs, *altp++)) { loc1 = locs; REbom = loc1 - REbolp; return 1; } REalt_num += 1; } } while (--locs >= resp); } return 0; } int okay_wrap = 0; /* Do a wrap search ... not when we're parsing errors ... */ Bufpos * dosearch(pattern, dir, re) char *pattern; { Bufpos *pos; if (bobp() && eobp()) /* Can't match! There's no buffer. */ return 0; REcompile(pattern, re, compbuf, alternates); pos = docompiled(dir, compbuf, alternates); return pos; } Bufpos * docompiled(dir, expr, alts) char *expr, **alts; { static Bufpos ret; register Line *lp; register int offset; int we_wrapped = NO; lsave(); /* Search now lsave()'s so it doesn't make any assumptions on whether the the contents of curline/curchar are in linebuf. Nowhere does search write all over linebuf. However, we have to be careful about what calls we make here, because many of them assume (and rightly so) that curline is in linebuf. */ REdirection = dir; lp = curline; offset = curchar; if (dir == BACKWARD) { if (bobp()) { if (okay_wrap && WrapScan) goto doit; return 0; } /* here we simulate BackChar() */ if (bolp()) { lp = lp->l_prev; offset = strlen(lbptr(lp)); } else offset -= 1; } else if ((dir == FORWARD) && (lbptr(lp)[offset] == '\0') && !lastp(lp)) { lp = lp->l_next; offset = 0; } do { if (re_lindex(lp, offset, expr, alts, YES)) break; doit: lp = (dir == FORWARD) ? lp->l_next : lp->l_prev; if (lp == 0) { if (okay_wrap && WrapScan) { lp = (dir == FORWARD) ? curbuf->b_first : curbuf->b_last; we_wrapped = YES; } else break; } if (dir == FORWARD) offset = 0; else offset = -1; /* signals re_lindex ... */ } while (lp != curline); if (lp == curline && we_wrapped) lp = 0; if (lp == 0) return 0; ret.p_line = lp; ret.p_char = (dir == FORWARD) ? REeom : REbom; return &ret; } private char * insert(off, endp, which) char *off, *endp; { register char *pp; register int n; n = pendlst[which] - pstrtlst[which]; pp = pstrtlst[which]; while (--n >= 0) { *off++ = *pp++; if (off >= endp) len_error(ERROR); } return off; } /* Perform the substitution. If DELP is nonzero the matched string is deleted, i.e., the substitution string is not inserted. */ void re_dosub(tobuf, delp) char *tobuf; { register char *tp, *rp, *repp; int c; char *endp; tp = tobuf; endp = tp + LBSIZE; rp = REbuf; repp = rep_str; while (rp < loc1) *tp++ = *rp++; if (!delp) while (c = *repp++) { if (c == '\\') { c = *repp++; if (c == '\0') { *tp++ = '\\'; goto endchk; } else if (c >= '1' && c <= nparens + '1') { tp = insert(tp, endp, c - '0'); continue; } } else if (c == '&') { tp = insert(tp, endp, 0); continue; } *tp++ = c; endchk: if (tp >= endp) len_error(ERROR); } rp = loc2; loc2 = REbuf + max(1, tp - tobuf); REeom = loc2 - REbuf; /* At least one character past the match, to prevent an infinite number of replacements in the same position, e.g., replace "^" with "". */ while (*tp++ = *rp++) if (tp >= endp) len_error(ERROR); } void putmatch(which, buf, size) char *buf; { *(insert(buf, buf + size, which)) = 0; } void setsearch(str) char *str; { strcpy(searchstr, str); } char * getsearch() { return searchstr; } void RErecur() { char sbuf[sizeof searchstr], cbuf[sizeof compbuf], repbuf[sizeof rep_str], *altbuf[NALTS]; int npars; Mark *m = MakeMark(curline, REbom, M_FLOATER); message("Type C-X C-C to continue with query replace."); npars = nparens; byte_copy(compbuf, cbuf, sizeof compbuf); byte_copy(searchstr, sbuf, sizeof searchstr); byte_copy(rep_str, repbuf, sizeof rep_str); byte_copy((char *) alternates, (char *) altbuf, sizeof alternates); Recur(); nparens = npars; byte_copy(cbuf, compbuf, sizeof compbuf); byte_copy(sbuf, searchstr, sizeof searchstr); byte_copy(repbuf, rep_str, sizeof rep_str); byte_copy((char *) altbuf, (char *) alternates, sizeof alternates); if (!is_an_arg()) ToMark(m); DelMark(m); } void ForSearch() { search(FORWARD, UseRE, YES); } void RevSearch() { search(BACKWARD, UseRE, YES); } void FSrchND() { search(FORWARD, UseRE, NO); } void RSrchND() { search(BACKWARD, UseRE, NO); } private void search(dir, re, setdefault) { Bufpos *newdot; char *s; s = ask(searchstr, ProcFmt); if (setdefault) setsearch(s); okay_wrap = YES; newdot = dosearch(s, dir, re); okay_wrap = NO; if (newdot == 0) { if (WrapScan) complain("No \"%s\" in buffer.", s); else complain("No \"%s\" found to %s.", s, (dir == FORWARD) ? "bottom" : "top"); } PushPntp(newdot->p_line); SetDot(newdot); } /* Do we match PATTERN at OFFSET in BUF? */ int LookingAt(pattern, buf, offset) char *pattern, *buf; { register char **alt = alternates; REcompile(pattern, 1, compbuf, alternates); REreset(); locs = buf + offset; REbolp = buf; while (*alt) if (REmatch(locs, *alt++)) return 1; return 0; } int look_at(expr) char *expr; { REcompile(expr, 0, compbuf, alternates); REreset(); locs = linebuf + curchar; REbolp = linebuf; if (REmatch(locs, alternates[0])) return 1; return 0; }