/*************************************************************************** * This program is Copyright (C) 1986, 1987, 1988 by Jonathan Payne. JOVE * * is provided to you without charge, and with no warranty. You may give * * away copies of JOVE, including sources, provided that this notice is * * included in all the files. * ***************************************************************************/ /* Contains commands for C mode. Paren matching routines are in here. */ #include "jove.h" #include "re.h" #include "ctype.h" #ifdef MAC # undef private # define private #endif #ifdef LINT_ARGS private int backslashed(char *, int); private void do_expr(int, int), FindMatch(int), parse_cmt_fmt(char *), strip_c(char *, char *); #else private int backslashed(); private void do_expr(), FindMatch(), parse_cmt_fmt(), strip_c(); #endif /* LINT_ARGS */ #ifdef MAC # undef private # define private static #endif private int backslashed(lp, cpos) register char *lp; register int cpos; { register int cnt = 0; while (cpos > 0 && lp[--cpos] == '\\') cnt += 1; return (cnt % 2); } private char *p_types = "(){}[]"; private int mp_kind; #define MP_OKAY 0 #define MP_MISMATCH 1 #define MP_UNBALANCED 2 void mp_error() { switch (mp_kind) { case MP_MISMATCH: message("[Mismatched parentheses]"); break; case MP_UNBALANCED: message("[Unbalanced parenthesis]"); break; case MP_OKAY: default: return; } rbell(); } /* Search from the current position for the paren that matches p_type. Search in the direction dir. If can_mismatch is YES then it is okay to have mismatched parens. If stop_early is YES then when an open paren is found at the beginning of a line, it is assumed that there is no point in backing up further. This is so when you hit tab or LineFeed outside, in-between procedure/function definitions, it won't sit there searching all the way to the beginning of the file for a match that doesn't exist. {forward,backward}-s-expression are the only ones that insist on getting the "true" story. */ Bufpos * m_paren(p_type, dir, can_mismatch, can_stop) char p_type; register int dir; { static Bufpos ret; Bufpos savedot, *sp; char re_buf[100], *re_alts[NALTS]; int count = 0; register char *lp, c; char p_match, re_str[128], *cp, quote_c = 0; register int c_char; int in_comment = -1, stopped = NO; sprintf(re_str, "[(){}[\\]%s]", (MajorMode(CMODE)) ? "/\"'" : "\""); REcompile(re_str, 1, re_buf, re_alts); if (cp = index(p_types, p_type)) p_match = cp[dir]; else complain("[Cannot match %c's]", p_type); DOTsave(&savedot); /* To make things a little faster I avoid copying lines into linebuf by setting curline and curchar by hand. Warning: this is slightly to very risky. When I did this there were lots of problems with procedures that expect the contents of curline to be in linebuf. */ while (count >= 0) { sp = docompiled(dir, re_buf, re_alts); if (sp == 0) break; lp = lbptr(sp->p_line); if (sp->p_line != curline) /* let's assume that strings do NOT go over line bounderies (for now don't check for wrapping strings) */ quote_c = 0; curline = sp->p_line; curchar = sp->p_char; /* here's where I cheat */ c_char = curchar; if (dir == FORWARD) c_char -= 1; if (backslashed(lp, c_char)) continue; c = lp[c_char]; /* check if this is a comment (if we're not inside quotes) */ if (quote_c == 0 && c == '/') { int new_ic; if ((c_char != 0) && lp[c_char - 1] == '*') { new_ic = (dir == FORWARD) ? NO : YES; if (new_ic == NO && in_comment == -1) { count = 0; quote_c = 0; } } else if (lp[c_char + 1] == '*') { new_ic = (dir == FORWARD) ? YES : NO; if (new_ic == NO && in_comment == -1) { count = 0; quote_c = 0; } } in_comment = new_ic; } if (in_comment == YES) continue; if (c == '"' || c == '\'') { if (quote_c == c) quote_c = 0; else if (quote_c == 0) quote_c = c; } if (quote_c != 0) continue; if (isopenp(c)) { count += dir; if (c_char == 0 && can_stop == YES && count >= 0) { stopped = YES; break; } } else if (isclosep(c)) count -= dir; } ret.p_line = curline; ret.p_char = curchar; curline = savedot.p_line; curchar = savedot.p_char; /* here's where I undo it */ if (count >= 0) mp_kind = MP_UNBALANCED; else if (c != p_match) mp_kind = MP_MISMATCH; else mp_kind = MP_OKAY; /* If we stopped (which means we were allowed to stop) and there was an error, we clear the error so no error message is printed. An error should be printed ONLY when we are sure about the fact, namely we didn't stop prematurely HOPING that it was the right answer. */ if (stopped && mp_kind != MP_OKAY) { mp_kind = MP_OKAY; return 0; } if (mp_kind == MP_OKAY || (mp_kind == MP_MISMATCH && can_mismatch == YES)) return &ret; return 0; } private void do_expr(dir, skip_words) register int dir; { register char c, syntax = (dir == FORWARD) ? _Op : _Cl; if (dir == BACKWARD) b_char(1); c = linebuf[curchar]; for (;;) { if (!skip_words && ismword(c)) { WITH_TABLE(curbuf->b_major) if (dir == FORWARD) f_word(1); else b_word(1); END_TABLE(); break; } else if (has_syntax(c, syntax)) { FindMatch(dir); break; } f_char(dir); if (eobp() || bobp()) return; c = linebuf[curchar]; } } void FSexpr() { register int num = arg_value(); if (num < 0) { set_arg_value(-num); BSexpr(); } while (--num >= 0) do_expr(FORWARD, NO); } void FList() { register int num = arg_value(); if (num < 0) { set_arg_value(-num); BList(); } while (--num >= 0) do_expr(FORWARD, YES); } void BSexpr() { register int num = arg_value(); if (num < 0) { negate_arg_value(); FSexpr(); } while (--num >= 0) do_expr(BACKWARD, NO); } void BList() { register int num = arg_value(); if (num < 0) { negate_arg_value(); FList(); } while (--num >= 0) do_expr(BACKWARD, YES); } void BUpList() { Bufpos *mp; char c = (MajorMode(CMODE) ? '}' : ')'); mp = m_paren(c, BACKWARD, NO, YES); if (mp == 0) mp_error(); else SetDot(mp); } void FDownList() { Bufpos *sp; char *sstr = (MajorMode(CMODE) ? "[{([\\])}]" : "[()]"), *lp; sp = dosearch(sstr, FORWARD, YES); if (sp != 0) lp = lcontents(sp->p_line); if (sp == 0 || has_syntax(lp[sp->p_char - 1], _Cl)) complain("[No contained expression]"); SetDot(sp); } /* Move to the matching brace or paren depending on the current position in the buffer. */ private void FindMatch(dir) { register Bufpos *bp; register char c = linebuf[curchar]; if ((index(p_types, c) == 0) || (backslashed(linebuf, curchar))) complain((char *) 0); if (dir == FORWARD) f_char(1); bp = m_paren(c, dir, YES, NO); if (dir == FORWARD) b_char(1); if (bp != 0) SetDot(bp); mp_error(); /* if there is an error the user wants to know about it */ } Bufpos * c_indent(incrmt) { Bufpos *bp; int indent = 0; if (bp = m_paren('}', BACKWARD, NO, YES)) { Bufpos save; DOTsave(&save); SetDot(bp); ToIndent(); indent = calc_pos(linebuf, curchar); SetDot(&save); } if (incrmt) { if (indent == 0) incrmt = tabstop; else incrmt = (tabstop - (indent%tabstop)); } n_indent(indent + incrmt); return bp; } #ifdef CMT_FMT char CmtFmt[80] = "/*%n%! * %c%!%n */"; void Comment() { FillComment(CmtFmt); } /* Strip leading and trailing white space. Skip over any imbedded '\r's. */ private void strip_c(from, to) char *from, *to; { register char *fr_p = from, *to_p = to, c; while (c = *fr_p) { if (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r') fr_p += 1; else break; } while (c = *fr_p) { if (c != '\r') *to_p++ = c; fr_p += 1; } while (--to_p >= to) if (*to_p != ' ' && *to_p != '\t') break; *++to_p = '\0'; } private char open_c[20], /* the open comment format string */ open_pat[20], /* the search pattern for open comment */ l_header[20], /* the prefix for each comment line */ l_trailer[20], /* the suffix ... */ close_c[20], close_pat[20]; private char *comment_body[] = { open_c, l_header, l_trailer, close_c }; private int nlflags; /* Fill in the data structures above from the format string. Don't return if there's trouble. */ private void parse_cmt_fmt(str) char *str; { register char *fmtp = str; register char **c_body = comment_body, *body_p = *c_body; int c, newlines = 1; /* pick apart the comment string */ while (c = *fmtp++) { if (c != '%') { *body_p++ = c; continue; } switch(c = *fmtp++) { case 'n': if (newlines == 2 || newlines == 3) complain("%n not allowed in line header or trailer: %s", fmtp - 2); nlflags += newlines; *body_p++ = '\r'; break; case 't': *body_p++ = '\t'; break; case '%': *body_p++ = '%'; break; case '!': case 'c': newlines += 1; *body_p++ = '\0'; body_p = *++c_body; break; default: complain("[Unknown comment escape: %%%c]", c); /* VARARGS */ break; } } *body_p = '\0'; /* make search patterns */ strip_c(open_c, open_pat); strip_c(close_c, close_pat); } #define NL_IN_OPEN_C ((nlflags % 4) == 1) #define NL_IN_CLOSE_C (nlflags >= 4) void FillComment(format) char *format; { int saveRMargin, indent_pos, close_at_dot = NO, slen, header_len, trailer_len; register char *cp; static char inside_err[] = "[Must be between %s and %s to re-format]"; Bufpos open_c_pt, close_c_pt, tmp_bp, *match_o, *match_c; Mark *entry_mark, *open_c_mark, *savedot; parse_cmt_fmt(format); /* figure out if we're "inside" a comment */ if ((match_o = dosearch(open_pat, BACKWARD, 0)) == 0) /* VARARGS */ complain("No opening %s to match to.", open_pat); open_c_pt = *match_o; if ((match_c = dosearch(close_pat, BACKWARD, NO)) != 0 && inorder(open_c_pt.p_line, open_c_pt.p_char, match_c->p_line, match_c->p_char)) complain(inside_err, open_pat, close_pat); if ((match_o = dosearch(open_pat, FORWARD, NO)) != 0) { tmp_bp = *match_o; match_o = &tmp_bp; } if ((match_c = dosearch(close_pat, FORWARD, 0)) != (Bufpos *) 0) close_c_pt = *match_c; /* Here's where we figure out whether to format from dot or from the close comment. Note that we've already searched backwards to find the open comment symbol for the comment we are formatting. The open symbol mentioned below refers to the possible existence of the next comment. There are 5 cases: 1) no open or close symbol ==> dot 2) open, but no close symbol ==> dot 3) close, but no open ==> close 4) open, close are inorder ==> dot 5) open, close are not inorder ==> close */ if (match_o == (Bufpos *) 0) { if (match_c == (Bufpos *) 0) close_at_dot = YES; } else if (match_c == (Bufpos *) 0) close_at_dot = YES; else if (inorder(match_o->p_line, match_o->p_char, match_c->p_line, match_c->p_char)) close_at_dot = YES; if (close_at_dot) { close_c_pt.p_line = curline; close_c_pt.p_char = curchar; } else { SetDot(match_c); } SetDot(&open_c_pt); open_c_mark = MakeMark(curline, curchar, M_FLOATER); indent_pos = calc_pos(linebuf, curchar); /* search for a close comment; delete it if it exits */ SetDot(&close_c_pt); if (close_at_dot == 0) { slen = strlen(close_pat); while (slen--) del_char(BACKWARD, 1); } entry_mark = MakeMark(curline, curchar, M_FLOATER); ToMark(open_c_mark); /* always separate the comment body from anything preceeding it */ LineInsert(1); DelWtSpace(); Bol(); for (cp = open_c; *cp; cp++) { if (*cp == '\r') { if (!eolp()) LineInsert(1); else line_move(FORWARD, 1, NO); } else if (*cp == ' ' || *cp == '\t') { if (linebuf[curchar] != *cp) insert_c(*cp, 1); } else /* Since we matched the open comment string on this line, we don't need to worry about crossing line boundaries. */ curchar += 1; } savedot = MakeMark(curline, curchar, M_FLOATER); /* We need to strip the line header pattern of leading white space since we need to match the line after all of its leading whitespace is gone. */ for (cp = l_header; *cp && (isspace(*cp)); cp++) ; header_len = strlen(cp); trailer_len = strlen(l_trailer); /* Strip each comment line of the open and close comment strings before reformatting it. */ do { Bol(); DelWtSpace(); if (header_len && !strncmp(linebuf, cp, header_len)) del_char(FORWARD, header_len); if (trailer_len) { Eol(); if ((curchar > trailer_len) && (!strncmp(&linebuf[curchar - trailer_len], l_trailer, trailer_len))) del_char(BACKWARD, trailer_len); } if (curline->l_next != 0) line_move(FORWARD, 1, NO); else break; } while (curline != entry_mark->m_line->l_next); do_set_mark(savedot->m_line, savedot->m_char); ToMark(entry_mark); saveRMargin = RMargin; RMargin = saveRMargin - strlen(l_header) - strlen(l_trailer) - indent_pos + 2; do_rfill(NO); RMargin = saveRMargin; /* get back to the start of the comment */ PopMark(); do { if (curline == open_c_mark->m_line->l_next) { ; } else { n_indent(indent_pos); ins_str(l_header, NO); } Eol(); if (!NL_IN_CLOSE_C && (curline == entry_mark->m_line)) ; else ins_str(l_trailer, NO); if (curline->l_next != 0) line_move(FORWARD, 1, NO); else break; } while (curline != entry_mark->m_line->l_next); /* handle the close comment symbol */ if (curline == entry_mark->m_line->l_next) { line_move(BACKWARD, 1, NO); Eol(); } DelWtSpace(); /* if the addition of the close symbol would cause the line to be too long, put the close symbol on the next line. */ if (!(NL_IN_CLOSE_C) && strlen(close_c) + calc_pos(linebuf, curchar) > RMargin) { LineInsert(1); n_indent(indent_pos); } for (cp = close_c; *cp; cp++) { if (*cp == '\r') { LineInsert(1); n_indent(indent_pos); } else insert_c(*cp, 1); } ToMark(open_c_mark); Eol(); del_char(FORWARD, 1); } #endif /* CMT_FMT */