/* $Header: util.c,v 88/01/28 11:06:35 root Exp $ * * $Log: util.c,v $ * Revision 88/01/28 11:06:35 root * patch8: changed fatal() to support eval operator with exiting. * * Revision 1.0 87/12/18 13:06:30 root * Initial revision * */ #include #include "handy.h" #include "EXTERN.h" #include "search.h" #include "perl.h" #include "INTERN.h" #include "util.h" #define FLUSH #define MEM_SIZE unsigned int static char nomem[] = "Out of memory!\n"; /* paranoid version of malloc */ static int an = 0; char * safemalloc(size) MEM_SIZE size; { char *ptr; char *malloc(); ptr = malloc(size?size:1); /* malloc(0) is NASTY on our system */ #ifdef DEBUGGING if (debug & 128) fprintf(stderr,"0x%x: (%05d) malloc %d bytes\n",ptr,an++,size); #endif if (ptr != Nullch) return ptr; else { fputs(nomem,stdout) FLUSH; exit(1); } /*NOTREACHED*/ } /* paranoid version of realloc */ char * saferealloc(where,size) char *where; MEM_SIZE size; { char *ptr; char *realloc(); ptr = realloc(where,size?size:1); /* realloc(0) is NASTY on our system */ #ifdef DEBUGGING if (debug & 128) { fprintf(stderr,"0x%x: (%05d) rfree\n",where,an++); fprintf(stderr,"0x%x: (%05d) realloc %d bytes\n",ptr,an++,size); } #endif if (ptr != Nullch) return ptr; else { fputs(nomem,stdout) FLUSH; exit(1); } /*NOTREACHED*/ } /* safe version of free */ safefree(where) char *where; { #ifdef DEBUGGING if (debug & 128) fprintf(stderr,"0x%x: (%05d) free\n",where,an++); #endif free(where); } /* safe version of string copy */ char * safecpy(to,from,len) char *to; register char *from; register int len; { register char *dest = to; if (from != Nullch) for (len--; len && (*dest++ = *from++); len--) ; *dest = '\0'; return to; } #ifdef undef /* safe version of string concatenate, with \n deletion and space padding */ char * safecat(to,from,len) char *to; register char *from; register int len; { register char *dest = to; len--; /* leave room for null */ if (*dest) { while (len && *dest++) len--; if (len) { len--; *(dest-1) = ' '; } } if (from != Nullch) while (len && (*dest++ = *from++)) len--; if (len) dest--; if (*(dest-1) == '\n') dest--; *dest = '\0'; return to; } #endif /* copy a string up to some (non-backslashed) delimiter, if any */ char * cpytill(to,from,delim) register char *to, *from; register int delim; { for (; *from; from++,to++) { if (*from == '\\' && from[1] == delim) from++; else if (*from == delim) break; *to = *from; } *to = '\0'; return from; } /* return ptr to little string in big string, NULL if not found */ char * instr(big, little) char *big, *little; { register char *t, *s, *x; for (t = big; *t; t++) { for (x=t,s=little; *s; x++,s++) { if (!*x) return Nullch; if (*s != *x) break; } if (!*s) return t; } return Nullch; } /* copy a string to a safe spot */ char * savestr(str) char *str; { register char *newaddr = safemalloc((MEM_SIZE)(strlen(str)+1)); (void)strcpy(newaddr,str); return newaddr; } /* grow a static string to at least a certain length */ void growstr(strptr,curlen,newlen) char **strptr; int *curlen; int newlen; { if (newlen > *curlen) { /* need more room? */ if (*curlen) *strptr = saferealloc(*strptr,(MEM_SIZE)newlen); else *strptr = safemalloc((MEM_SIZE)newlen); *curlen = newlen; } } /*VARARGS1*/ fatal(pat,a1,a2,a3,a4) char *pat; { extern FILE *e_fp; extern char *e_tmpname; if (in_eval) { sprintf(tokenbuf,pat,a1,a2,a3,a4); str_set(stabent("@",TRUE)->stab_val,tokenbuf); longjmp(eval_env,1); } fprintf(stderr,pat,a1,a2,a3,a4); if (e_fp) UNLINK(e_tmpname); exit(1); } static bool firstsetenv = TRUE; extern char **environ; void PL_setenv(nam,val) char *nam, *val; { register int i=envix(nam); /* where does it go? */ if (!environ[i]) { /* does not exist yet */ if (firstsetenv) { /* need we copy environment? */ int j; #ifndef lint char **tmpenv = (char**) /* point our wand at memory */ safemalloc((i+2) * sizeof(char*)); #else char **tmpenv = Null(char **); #endif /* lint */ firstsetenv = FALSE; for (j=0; j