static char Sccsid[] = "aplcvt.c @(#)aplcvt.c 1.2 10/1/82 Berkeley "; # /* * aplcvt - convert APL workspace to/from VAX format */ #include #define PDPMAGIC 0100554 /* PDP-11 magic number */ #define VAXMAGIC 0100556 /* VAX magic number */ #define DA 1 /* data type */ #define NF 8 /* niladic function type */ #define MF 9 /* monadic function type */ #define DF 10 /* dyadic function type */ #define MRANK 8 /* maximum rank */ /* * The following define the internal data structures for APL * on both the PDP-11 and the VAX. Two short integers are * used instead of a long integer for the VAX definitions so * that the program can be compiled and run on either machine * without changes. (Otherwise, the reversal of long integers * between the two machines would cause problems.) */ struct pdp_thread { double pt_fuzz; short pt_iorg; short pt_rl; short pt_digits; short pt_width; } pthread; #define PTSIZE 14 /* its real size, not the sizeof */ struct vax_thread { double vt_fuzz; short vt_iorg[2]; short vt_rl[2]; short vt_digits[2]; short vt_width[2]; } vthread; struct pdp_item { char pi_rank; char pi_type; short pi_size; short pi_index; short pi_datap; /* really a 16-bit pointer */ short pi_dim[MRANK]; } pitem; struct vax_item { char vi_rank; char vi_type; char vi_pad[2]; short vi_size[2]; short vi_index[2]; short vi_datap[2]; /* really a 32-bit pointer */ short vi_dim[MRANK][2]; /* array of 32-bit integers */ } vitem; union uci { char cv[4]; unsigned short s; }; #define eperror(x,y) {eprintf(x); perror(y);} char *base(), *strcpy(), *strcmp(); #ifdef vax int makevax = 1; /* by default, convert to VAX format */ #else int makevax = 0; /* by default, convert to PDP format */ #endif char *pname; /* holds argv[0] */ char *ifname; /* points to input file name */ char ofname[128]; /* contains output file name */ main(argc, argv) char **argv; { register FILE *ifp, *ofp; register char **ap; /* Parse the arguments */ pname = *argv; ap = argv+1; if (argc > 1 && *argv[1] == '-'){ switch(argv[1][1]){ case 'v': case 'p': makevax = (argv[1][1] == 'v'); break; default: eprintf("unknown flag \"%s\"\n", argv[1]); exit(1); } ap++; } /* If there are no filename arguments, convert standard * input to standard output. However, if one of these is * a tty, just exit with a syntax error message (it is highly * unlikely that the user wanted input or output from/to his * tty. * * If there are filenames, convert each one. */ if (!*ap){ if(isatty(0) || isatty(1)){ fprintf(stderr, "Syntax: \"%s [-v|-p] filename ...\"\n", pname); exit(1); } ifname = ""; strcpy(ofname, ""); if (makevax ? tovax(stdin,stdout) : topdp(stdin,stdout)){ eprintf("don't trust the output file!\n"); exit(1); } } else for(; *ap; ap++){ ifname = *ap; if ((ifp=fopen(ifname, "r")) == NULL){ eperror("can't open ", ifname); continue; } strcat(strcpy(ofname,base(ifname)), makevax ? ".vax" : ".pdp"); if ((ofp=fopen(ofname, "w")) == NULL){ eperror("can't create ", ofname); fclose(ifp); continue; } if (makevax ? tovax(ifp,ofp) : topdp(ifp,ofp)) if (unlink(ofname) < 0) eperror("unlink ", ofname); fclose(ifp); fclose(ofp); } exit(0); } char * base(s) register char *s; { static char basename[128]; register char *p; /* Strip off a trailing ".pdp" or ".vax" (depending upon the * direction of conversion. */ for(p=basename; *p = *s; p++,s++) if (*s == '.' && !strcmp(s+1, makevax ? "pdp" : "vax")){ *p = '\0'; break; } return(basename); } topdp(ifp, ofp) FILE *ifp, *ofp; { unsigned short magic; short nsz; union uci iz; char name[128]; register c; register j; /* Look for proper magic number */ if (fread(&magic, sizeof magic, 1, ifp) != 1){ eperror("read error on ", ifname); return(-1); } if ((magic|1) != (VAXMAGIC|1)){ eprintf("%s is not a VAX APL workspace\n", ifname); return(-1); } if (fread(&magic, sizeof magic, 1, ifp) != 1){ eperror("read error on ", ifname); return(-1); } if (magic){ eprintf("warning: %s may be corrupted\n", ifname); eprintf("attempting to continue\n"); } magic = (magic&1) | PDPMAGIC; if (fwrite(&magic, sizeof magic, 1, ofp) != 1){ eperror("write error on ", ofname); return(-1); } /* Convert the "thread" structure */ if (fread(&vthread, sizeof vthread, 1, ifp) != 1){ eperror("read error on ", ifname); return(-1); } pthread.pt_fuzz = vthread.vt_fuzz; pthread.pt_iorg = vthread.vt_iorg[0]; pthread.pt_rl = vthread.vt_rl[0]; pthread.pt_digits = vthread.vt_digits[0]; pthread.pt_width = vthread.vt_width[0]; if (fwrite(&pthread, PTSIZE, 1, ofp) != 1){ eperror("write error on ", ofname); return(-1); } /* Convert each data item or function */ loop: if ((j=fread(&iz, sizeof(long), 1, ifp)) != 1) if (j <= 0) return(0); else { eperror("read error on ", ifname); return(-1); } if (fwrite(&iz, sizeof(short), 1, ofp) != 1){ eperror("write error on ", ofname); return(-1); } if (fread(name, sizeof(char), (unsigned)[1], ifp) !=[1]){ eperror("read error on ", ifname); return(-1); } if (fwrite(name, sizeof(char), (unsigned)[1], ofp) !=[1]){ eperror("write error on ", ofname); return(-1); } switch([0]){ default: eprintf("unknown item, type = %d\n",[0]); eprintf("conversion aborted\n"); return(-1); case NF: case MF: case DF: do { if ((c=getc(ifp)) == EOF){ eperror("getc error on ", ifname); return(-1); } putc(c, ofp); } while (c); break; case DA: if (fread(&iz, sizeof(long), 1, ifp) != 1){ eperror("read error on ", ifname); return(-1); } if ([2] |[3]){ eprintf("item %s too large -- aborting\n", name); return(-1); } if (fread(&vitem, sizeof vitem - MRANK*sizeof(long), 1, ifp) != 1){ eperror("read error on ", ifname); return(-1); } if (fread(vitem.vi_dim, sizeof(long), vitem.vi_rank, ifp) != vitem.vi_rank){ eperror("read error on ", ifname); return(-1); } pitem.pi_rank = vitem.vi_rank; pitem.pi_type = vitem.vi_type; pitem.pi_size = vitem.vi_size[0]; for(j=0; j