/* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1984. */ static char rcsid[] = "$Header: supr.c,v 2.3 84/07/23 13:03:15 guido Exp $"; /* * B editor -- Superroutines. */ #include "b.h" #include "feat.h" #include "bobj.h" #include "node.h" #include "supr.h" #include "gram.h" /* * Compute the length of the ep->s1'th item of node tree(ep->focus). */ Visible int lenitem(ep) register environ *ep; { register node n = tree(ep->focus); register node nn; if (ep->s1&1) /* Fixed text */ return fwidth(noderepr(n)[ep->s1/2]); /* Else, variable text or a whole node */ nn = child(n, ep->s1/2); return width(nn); } /* * Find the largest possible representation of the focus. * E.g., a WHOLE can also be represented as a SUBSET of its parent, * provided it has a parent. * Also, a SUBSET may be extended with some empty left and right * items and then look like a WHOLE, etc. * This process is repeated until no more improvements can be made. */ Visible Procedure grow(ep) environ *ep; { subgrow(ep, Yes); } Visible Procedure subgrow(ep, ignorespaces) register environ *ep; bool ignorespaces; { register node n; register int sym; register int i; register int len; register string repr; switch (ep->mode) { case ATBEGIN: case ATEND: case VHOLE: case FHOLE: ritevhole(ep); if (ep->mode != FHOLE && ep->mode != VHOLE || lenitem(ep) == 0) leftvhole(ep); } for (;;) { n = tree(ep->focus); sym = symbol(n); switch (ep->mode) { case VHOLE: case FHOLE: if ((sym == Optional || sym == Hole) && ep->s2 == 0) { ep->mode = WHOLE; continue; } if (lenitem(ep) <= 0) { ep->mode = SUBSET; ep->s2 = ep->s1; continue; } return; case ATBEGIN: case ATEND: if (sym == Optional || sym == Hole) { ep->mode = WHOLE; continue; } return; case SUBRANGE: if (ep->s1&1) { repr = noderepr(n)[ep->s1/2]; len = fwidth(repr); if (!ignorespaces) { while (ep->s2 > 0 && repr[ep->s2-1] == ' ') --ep->s2; while (ep->s3 < len && repr[ep->s3+1] == ' ') ++ep->s3; } } else len = Length((value) firstchild(n)); if (ep->s2 == 0 && ep->s3 >= len - 1) { ep->mode = SUBSET; ep->s2 = ep->s1; continue; } return; case SUBSET: subgrsubset(ep, ignorespaces); if (ep->s1 == 1) { if (ep->s2 == 2*nchildren(n) + 1) { ep->mode = WHOLE; continue; } if (ep->s2 == 2*nchildren(n) - 1 && issublist(sym)) { ep->mode = SUBLIST; ep->s3 = 1; return; } } return; case SUBLIST: for (i = ep->s3; i > 0; --i) n = lastchild(n); sym = symbol(n); if (sym == Optional) { ep->mode = WHOLE; continue; } return; case WHOLE: ep->s1 = 2*ichild(ep->focus); if (up(&ep->focus)) { ep->mode = SUBSET; ep->s2 = ep->s1; higher(ep); continue; } return; /* Leave as WHOLE if there is no parent */ default: Abort(); /* NOTREACHED */ } } /* Not reached */ } /* * Ditto to find smallest possible representation. */ Visible Procedure shrink(ep) register environ *ep; { register node n; register int sym; for (;;) { n = tree(ep->focus); sym = symbol(n); switch (ep->mode) { case WHOLE: if (sym == Hole || sym == Optional) return; ep->mode = SUBSET; ep->s1 = 1; ep->s2 = 2*nchildren(n) + 1; continue; case SUBLIST: if (sym == Hole || sym == Optional) { ep->mode = WHOLE; return; } if (ep->s3 == 1) { ep->mode = SUBSET; ep->s1 = 1; ep->s2 = 2*nchildren(n) - 1; continue; } return; case SUBSET: if (sym == Hole || sym == Optional) { ep->mode = WHOLE; return; } shrsubset(ep); if (ep->s1 == ep->s2) { if (isunititem(ep)) { ep->mode = SUBRANGE; ep->s2 = 0; ep->s3 = lenitem(ep) - 1; return; } else { s_downi(ep, ep->s1/2); ep->mode = WHOLE; continue; } } return; case SUBRANGE: if (sym == Optional || sym == Hole) ep->mode = WHOLE; return; case ATBEGIN: ritevhole(ep); if (ep->mode == ATBEGIN) { if (sym == Optional || sym == Hole) ep->mode = WHOLE; return; } continue; case FHOLE: case VHOLE: ritevhole(ep); if (ep->mode != VHOLE && ep->mode != FHOLE) continue; sym = symbol(tree(ep->focus)); if (sym == Optional || sym == Hole && ep->s2 == 0) ep->mode = WHOLE; return; case ATEND: return; default: Abort(); /* NOTREACHED */ } } /* Not reached */ } /* * Subroutine to find the largest way to describe a SUBSET focus * (modulo surrounding blanks and newlines). */ Visible Procedure growsubset(ep) environ *ep; { subgrsubset(ep, Yes); } Visible Procedure subgrsubset(ep, ignorespaces) register environ *ep; bool ignorespaces; { register node n = tree(ep->focus); register string *rp = noderepr(n); register nch21 = nchildren(n)*2 + 1; register int i; Assert(ep->mode == SUBSET); for (i = ep->s1; i > 1 && subisnull(n, rp, i-1, ignorespaces); --i) ; ep->s1 = i; for (i = ep->s2; i < nch21 && subisnull(n, rp, i+1, ignorespaces); ++i) ; ep->s2 = i; } /* * Ditto for the smallest way. */ Visible Procedure /* Ought to be Hidden */ shrsubset(ep) register environ *ep; { register node n = tree(ep->focus); register string *rp = noderepr(n); register int s1 = ep->s1; register int s2 = ep->s2; for (; s1 < s2 && isnull(n, rp, s1); ++s1) ; ep->s1 = s1; for (; s2 > s1 && isnull(n, rp, s2); --s2) ; ep->s2 = s2; } /* * Subroutine for grow/shrink to see whether item i is (almost) invisible. */ Visible bool isnull(n, rp, i) node n; string *rp; int i; { return subisnull(n, rp, i, Yes); } Hidden Procedure subisnull(n, rp, i, ignorespaces) register node n; register string *rp; register int i; bool ignorespaces; { register string repr; register node nn; if (i&1) { /* Fixed text */ repr = rp[i/2]; return !Fw_positive(repr) || ignorespaces && allspaces(repr); } nn = child(n, i/2); return width(nn) == 0; } /* * Find the rightmost VHOLE which would look the same as the current one. */ Visible Procedure ritevhole(ep) register environ *ep; { register node n; register int ich; register int len; register int s1save; for (;;) { n = tree(ep->focus); switch (ep->mode) { case WHOLE: ep->mode = ATEND; break; case VHOLE: case FHOLE: len = lenitem(ep); Assert(len >= 0); if (ep->s2 < len) return; /* Hole in middle of string */ s1save = ep->s1; if (nextitem(ep)) { if (isunititem(ep)) { ep->mode = (ep->s1&1) ? FHOLE : VHOLE; ep->s2 = 0; } else if (fwidth(noderepr(child(n, ep->s1/2))[0]) < 0) { /* Next item begins with newline -- avoid */ ep->s1 = s1save; return; } else { s_downi(ep, ep->s1/2); ep->mode = ATBEGIN; } break; } ep->mode = ATEND; /* Fall through */ case ATEND: if (!parent(ep->focus) || width(n) < 0) return; ich = ichild(ep->focus); ep->s1 = 2*ich; s_up(ep); if (nextitem(ep)) { /* Note -- negative width cannot occur (see test above) */ if (isunititem(ep)) { ep->mode = (ep->s1&1) ? FHOLE : VHOLE; ep->s2 = 0; } else { ep->mode = ATBEGIN; s_downi(ep, ep->s1/2); } break; } continue; case ATBEGIN: if (fwidth(noderepr(n)[0]) < 0) return; /* Already at dangerous position */ ep->mode = FHOLE; ep->s1 = 1; ep->s2 = 0; continue; default: Abort(); /* NOTREACHED */ } } } /* * Ditto to the left. */ Visible Procedure leftvhole(ep) register environ *ep; { register int ich; for (;;) { switch (ep->mode) { case WHOLE: ep->mode = ATBEGIN; break; case VHOLE: case FHOLE: if (ep->s2 > 0) return; if (previtem(ep)) { if (isunititem(ep)) { ep->mode = (ep->s1&1) ? FHOLE : VHOLE; ep->s2 = lenitem(ep); } else { s_downi(ep, ep->s1/2); ep->mode = ATEND; } } else if (fwidth(noderepr(tree(ep->focus))[0]) < 0) return; else ep->mode = ATBEGIN; continue; case ATBEGIN: ich = ichild(ep->focus); if (!up(&ep->focus)) return; higher(ep); ep->s1 = 2*ich; if (prevnnitem(ep)) { if (isunititem(ep)) { ep->mode = (ep->s1&1) ? FHOLE : VHOLE; ep->s2 = lenitem(ep); } else { s_downi(ep, ep->s1/2); ep->mode = ATEND; } } else if (fwidth(noderepr(tree(ep->focus))[0]) < 0) { s_downi(ep, ich); /* Undo up */ return; } else ep->mode = ATBEGIN; continue; case ATEND: lastnnitem(ep); if (isunititem(ep)) { ep->s2 = lenitem(ep); ep->mode = (ep->s1&1) ? FHOLE : VHOLE; } else s_downi(ep, ep->s1/2); continue; default: Abort(); } } } /* * Safe up, downi, left and rite routines: * 1) Rather die than fail; * 2) Update ep->highest properly. */ Visible Procedure s_up(ep) register environ *ep; { if (!up(&ep->focus)) syserr("s_up failed"); higher(ep); } Visible Procedure s_downi(ep, i) register environ *ep; register int i; { if (!downi(&ep->focus, i)) syserr("s_downi failed"); } Visible Procedure s_down(ep) register environ *ep; { if (!down(&ep->focus)) syserr("s_down failed"); } Visible Procedure s_downrite(ep) register environ *ep; { if (!downrite(&ep->focus)) syserr("s_downrite failed"); } Visible Procedure s_left(ep) register environ *ep; { register int ich = ichild(ep->focus); s_up(ep); s_downi(ep, ich-1); } Visible Procedure s_rite(ep) register environ *ep; { register int ich = ichild(ep->focus); s_up(ep); s_downi(ep, ich+1); } /* * Find next item in a subset, using ep->s1 as index. * (This used to be less trivial, so it's still a subroutine rather than * coded in-line or as a macro.) */ Visible bool nextitem(ep) register environ *ep; { if (ep->s1 >= 2*nchildren(tree(ep->focus)) + 1) return No; /* Already at last item */ ++ep->s1; return Yes; } /* * Ditto for previous. */ Visible bool previtem(ep) register environ *ep; { if (ep->s1 <= 1 || ep->s1 == 2 && fwidth(noderepr(tree(ep->focus))[0]) < 0) return No; /* Already at first item */ --ep->s1; return Yes; } /* * Test whether item ep->s1 is "small", i.e., fixed or varying text * but not a whole subtree. */ Visible bool isunititem(ep) register environ *ep; { return (ep->s1&1) || Type(child(tree(ep->focus), ep->s1/2)) == Tex; } /* * Check for consistent mode information. */ Visible bool checkep(ep) register environ *ep; { switch (ep->mode) { case FHOLE: if (!(ep->s1&1)) break; if (ep->s2 < 0 || ep->s2 > lenitem(ep)) break; return Yes; case VHOLE: if (!(ep->s1&1)) { if (Type(child(tree(ep->focus), ep->s1/2)) != Tex) break; } if (ep->s2 < 0 || ep->s2 > lenitem(ep)) break; return Yes; case SUBSET: if (ep->s2 == ep->s1 && isunititem(ep) && lenitem(ep) <= 0) break; return Yes; default: return Yes; } dbmess(ep); return No; } /* * Like {next,prev,first,last}item, but with empty items skipped * (i.e., those with length <= 0). */ Visible bool nextnnitem(ep) register environ *ep; { register int s1save = ep->s1; while (nextitem(ep)) { if (lenitem(ep) != 0) return Yes; } ep->s1 = s1save; return No; } Visible bool prevnnitem(ep) register environ *ep; { register int s1save = ep->s1; register int len; while (previtem(ep)) { len = lenitem(ep); if (len > 0 || len < 0 && ep->s1 > 1) return Yes; } ep->s1 = s1save; return No; } Visible Procedure firstnnitem(ep) register environ *ep; { ep->s1 = fwidth(noderepr(tree(ep->focus))[0]) < 0 ? 2 : 1; while (lenitem(ep) == 0) { if (!nextitem(ep)) break; } return; } Visible Procedure lastnnitem(ep) register environ *ep; { ep->s1 = 2*nchildren(tree(ep->focus)) + 1; while (lenitem(ep) == 0) { if (!previtem(ep)) break; } return; } /* * Prepare the focus for insertion. * If the focus isn't a hole, make a hole just before it which becomes the * new focus. * Also repair strange statuses left by moves, so we may have more chance * to insert a character. */ Visible Procedure fixit(ep) register environ *ep; { /* First, make a hole if it's not already a hole. */ switch (ep->mode) { case FHOLE: break; case VHOLE: if (ep->s1&1) ep->mode = FHOLE; break; case SUBRANGE: if (ep->s1&1) ep->mode = FHOLE; else ep->mode = VHOLE; break; case SUBSET: if (ep->s1&1) { if (ep->s1 == 1) ep->mode = ATBEGIN; else { ep->mode = FHOLE; ep->s2 = 0; } } else if (Type(child(tree(ep->focus), ep->s1/2)) == Tex) { ep->mode = VHOLE; ep->s2 = 0; } else { s_downi(ep, ep->s1/2); ep->mode = ATBEGIN; } break; case ATBEGIN: case SUBLIST: case WHOLE: ep->mode = ATBEGIN; break; case ATEND: break; default: Abort(); } leftvhole(ep); if (ep->mode == ATEND && symbol(tree(ep->focus)) == Hole) ep->mode = WHOLE; /***** Experiment! *****/ } /* * Small utility to see if a string contains only spaces * (this is true for the empty string ""). * The string pointer must not be null! */ Visible bool allspaces(str) register string str; { Assert(str); for (; *str; ++str) { if (*str != ' ') return No; } return Yes; } /* * Function to compute the actual width of the focus. */ Visible int focwidth(ep) register environ *ep; { node nn; register node n = tree(ep->focus); register string *rp = noderepr(n); register int i; register int w; int len = 0; switch (ep->mode) { case VHOLE: case FHOLE: case ATEND: case ATBEGIN: return 0; case WHOLE: return width(n); case SUBRANGE: return ep->s3 - ep->s2 + 1; case SUBSET: for (i = ep->s1; i <= ep->s2; ++i) { if (i&1) w = fwidth(rp[i/2]); else { nn = child(n, i/2); w = width(nn); } if (w < 0 && len >= 0) len = w; else if (w >= 0 && len < 0) ; else len += w; } return len; case SUBLIST: len = width(n); for (i = ep->s3; i > 0; --i) n = lastchild(n); w = width(n); if (w < 0 && len >= 0) return w; if (w >= 0 && len < 0) return len; return len - w; default: Abort(); /* NOTREACHED */ } } /* * Compute the offset of the focus from the beginning of the current node. * This may be input again to fixfocus to allow restoration of this position. */ Visible int focoffset(ep) register environ *ep; { node nn; register node n; register string *rp; register int w; register int len; register int i; switch (ep->mode) { case WHOLE: case SUBLIST: return 0; case ATBEGIN: return ep->spflag; case ATEND: w = width(tree(ep->focus)); if (w < 0) return w; return w + ep->spflag; case SUBSET: case FHOLE: case VHOLE: case SUBRANGE: n = tree(ep->focus); rp = noderepr(n); len = 0; for (i = 1; i < ep->s1; ++i) { if (i&1) w = Fwidth(rp[i/2]); else { nn = child(n, i/2); w = width(nn); } if (w < 0) { if (len >= 0) len = w; else len += w; } else if (len >= 0) len += w; } if (ep->mode == SUBSET || len < 0) return len; return len + ep->s2 + ep->spflag; default: Abort(); /* NOTREACHED */ } } /* * Return the first character of the focus (maybe '\n'; 0 if zero-width). */ Visible int focchar(ep) environ *ep; { node n = tree(ep->focus); string str; string *rp; int i; int c; switch (ep->mode) { case VHOLE: case FHOLE: case ATBEGIN: case ATEND: return 0; case WHOLE: case SUBLIST: return nodechar(n); case SUBSET: rp = noderepr(n); for (i = ep->s1; i <= ep->s2; ++i) { if (i&1) { if (!Fw_zero(rp[i/2])) return rp[i/2][0]; } else { c = nodechar(child(n, i/2)); if (c) return c; } } return 0; case SUBRANGE: if (ep->s1&1) str = noderepr(n)[ep->s1/2]; else { Assert(Type(child(n, ep->s1/2)) == Tex); str = Str((value)child(n, ep->s1/2)); } return str[ep->s2]; default: Abort(); /* NOTREACHED */ } } /* * Subroutine to return first character of node. */ Visible int nodechar(n) node n; { string *rp; int nch; int i; int c; if (Type(n) == Tex) return Str((value)n)[0]; rp = noderepr(n); if (!Fw_zero(rp[0])) return rp[0][0]; nch = nchildren(n); for (i = 1; i <= nch; ++i) { c = nodechar(child(n, i)); if (c) return c; if (!Fw_zero(rp[i])) return rp[i][0]; } return 0; } /* * Function to compute the actual indentation level at the focus. */ Visible int focindent(ep) environ *ep; { int y = Ycoord(ep->focus); int x = Xcoord(ep->focus); int level = Level(ep->focus); node n = tree(ep->focus); switch (ep->mode) { case WHOLE: case ATBEGIN: case SUBLIST: break; case ATEND: evalcoord(n, 1 + nchildren(n), &y, &x, &level); break; case SUBSET: case FHOLE: case VHOLE: evalcoord(n, ep->s1/2, &y, &x, &level); break; default: Abort(); } return level; } /* * Routines to move 'environ' structures. */ emove(s, d) environ *s; environ *d; { #ifdef STRUCTASS *d = *s; #else !STRUCTASS d->focus = s->focus; d->mode = s->mode; d->copyflag = s->copyflag; d->spflag = s->spflag; d->changed = s->changed; d->s1 = s->s1; d->s2 = s->s2; d->s3 = s->s3; d->highest = s->highest; d->copybuffer = s->copybuffer; #ifdef RECORDING d->oldmacro = s->oldmacro; d->newmacro = s->newmacro; #endif RECORDING d->generation = s->generation; #endif !STRUCTASS } ecopy(s, d) environ *s; environ *d; { emove(s, d); pathcopy(d->focus); copy(d->copybuffer); #ifdef RECORDING copy(d->oldmacro); copy(d->newmacro); #endif RECORDING } erelease(e) environ *e; { pathrelease(e->focus); release(e->copybuffer); #ifdef RECORDING release(e->oldmacro); release(e->newmacro); #endif RECORDING }